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Cosmere 5e: My 450-page Stormlight Archive D&D-inspired TTRPG


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Hello 17th Shard!

About two years ago, my three friends and I, all huge fans of Brandon Sanderson and The Stormlight Archive, wanted to try our hands at D&D 5e for the first time. I decided, for some insane reason, that I was going to not only DM my first game with them but also that I wanted to DM a game of D&D based on the world of The Stormlight Archive. Our campaign started soon after with some basic reskinning and rules, and now we are still going strong and I have compiled everything I reskinned/created into two documents: the Radiant's Handbook and The Invested Arts of the Cosmere (I'm also working on another document that will include the other cosmere books translated into D&D, called Hoid's Guide to the Cosmere). The two documents equal about 450 pages, all available for players to start a complete game of Cosmere 5e, if they have a willing GM.

I wanted to post it here to see if anyone would be interested in playing. I will be the first to admit that D&D 5e is not the best system for the magic and characteristics of The Stormlight Archive, but I am most familiar with 5e's system and that is how it started. If you do check out the Radiant's Handbook (the equivalent of D&D 5e's Player's Handbook), let me know what you think! There are nine completely unique classes, one for each Knights Radiant Order (except for Bondsmith) and 14 different Identities (the equivalent of D&D's races) like Alethi, Siah Aimian, Herdazian, and more. I have made a huge list of feats, backgrounds, and designed items based on the world of Roshar. I have also made up mechanics for using Investiture and Stormlight, and resources for a GM to use if they want to run their own game. Note that everything in these documents is meant to be played on its own, rather than implement it into your own D&D 5e game. The Knights Radiant slowly but surely became more powerful that D&D classes due to the nature of Investiture and fun.

My documents also have hundreds of Invested Arts (spells), fabrials and weapons, rules for Shardweapons, rules for spren (with Ideal swearing and how they operate as familiars), and much more.

Like I said, I have been playing this for about a year and a half now. My three players (a Makabaki Skybreaker, a Thaylen Edgedancer, and a Reshi Lightweaver) are traveling Roshar and trying to stop a mysterious group from harnessing an Unmade. Most of the information in the Handbook has not really been tested, so I would love that as well. If anyone does have any feedback, suggestions, critiques, or anything else, I would love to know. You can message me here or on reddit (my username there is /u/mikiari).

Again, here is the link to the Radiant's Handbook: here.

And again, here is the link to the Invested Art's of the Cosmere (essentially a giant document of all the details of the Invested Arts -- spells -- you can cast): here.

And here is a link to a Google Sheets-powered Character Sheet you could use (use File > Make a copy to add a copy of your own to your Google Drive): here.

Edited by miscc
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9 hours ago, miscc said:

Hello 17th Shard!

About two years ago, my three friends and I, all huge fans of Brandon Sanderson and The Stormlight Archive, wanted to try our hands at D&D 5e for the first time. I decided, for some insane reason, that I was going to not only DM my first game with them but also that I wanted to DM a game of D&D based on the world of The Stormlight Archive. Our campaign started soon after with some basic reskinning and rules, and now we are still going strong and I have compiled everything I reskinned/created into two documents: the Radiant's Handbook and The Invested Arts of the Cosmere (I'm also working on another document that will include the other cosmere books translated into D&D, called Hoid's Guide to the Cosmere). The two documents equal about 450 pages, all available for players to start a complete game of Cosmere 5e, if they have a willing GM.

I wanted to post it here to see if anyone would be interested in playing. I will be the first to admit that D&D 5e is not the best system for the magic and characteristics of The Stormlight Archive, but I am most familiar with 5e's system and that is how it started. If you do check out the Radiant's Handbook (the equivalent of D&D 5e's Player's Handbook), let me know what you think! There are nine completely unique classes, one for each Knights Radiant Order (except for Bondsmith) and 14 different Identities (the equivalent of D&D's races) like Alethi, Siah Aimian, Herdazian, and more. I have made a huge list of feats, backgrounds, and designed items based on the world of Roshar. I have also made up mechanics for using Investiture and Stormlight, and resources for a GM to use if they want to run their own game. Note that everything in these documents is meant to be played on its own, rather than implement it into your own D&D 5e game. The Knights Radiant slowly but surely became more powerful that D&D classes due to the nature of Investiture and fun.

My documents also have hundreds of Invested Arts (spells), fabrials and weapons, rules for Shardweapons, rules for spren (with Ideal swearing and how they operate as familiars), and much more.

Like I said, I have been playing this for about a year and a half now. My three players (a Makabaki Skybreaker, a Thaylen Edgedancer, and a Reshi Lightweaver) are traveling Roshar and trying to stop a mysterious group from harnessing an Unmade. Most of the information in the Handbook has not really been tested, so I would love that as well. If anyone does have any feedback, suggestions, critiques, or anything else, I would love to know. You can message me here or on reddit (my username there is /u/mikiari).


I guess I am too new to post links! Which makes sense. If anyone is willing to check it out (I have three documents: the Handbook, the document of Invested Arts, and a Google Sheets character sheet), let me know! If there is a better place to post this, mods, please let me know.


Would love to but too busy right now any way I could buy a copy of the hand book and other resources you created? 

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Unfortunately, as I just created this account, it still won't let me post links. However (and mods, sorry and tell me if this is against the rules), I have posted it on the /r/Stormlight_Archive and /r/Cosmere subreddits, where it is still on the front page. My username there is /u/mikiari, so you can check it out from there! I have three publicly-shared documents, including a Google Sheets character sheet to track your stuff! I would love for anyone here to check it out.

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15 hours ago, Experience said:

That's literally so awesome. Can't wait to see it once you can post the links.


15 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

I tried to work on stuff like that, didn't get far, excited to see the links


9 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

Would love to but too busy right now any way I could buy a copy of the hand book and other resources you created? 

I am finally here long enough to post links! The original post has been updated with them. All free and available as public Google Docs. Check em out!

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9 hours ago, miscc said:

Unfortunately, as I just created this account, it still won't let me post links. However (and mods, sorry and tell me if this is against the rules), I have posted it on the /r/Stormlight_Archive and /r/Cosmere subreddits, where it is still on the front page. My username there is /u/mikiari, so you can check it out from there! I have three publicly-shared documents, including a Google Sheets character sheet to track your stuff! I would love for anyone here to check it out.

As long as you aren't selling it, I don't think it is against the rules. (Not a Mod, so my word isn't law)

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Welcome to the Forums.

On 9/3/2023 at 11:09 AM, miscc said:

Unfortunately, as I just created this account, it still won't let me post links. <snip> I would love for anyone here to check it out.

On 9/3/2023 at 12:15 PM, miscc said:

I am finally here long enough to post links! The original post has been updated with them. All free and available as public Google Docs. Check em out!

Please do not double-post. Here are some tips and tricks you may not have found yet that will help you address multiple topics or update posts:


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  • Use the Edit link to make changes to a completed post or add information to your post if it is the most recent (to avoid double posting)
    • Quote buttons will still send a quote to "Reply" if you have a post open for edit, but it is easy to cut/paste the quote to the Edit box
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Hope that helps.


Edited by Treamayne
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On 03/09/2023 at 6:50 AM, miscc said:

Hello 17th Shard!

About two years ago, my three friends and I, all huge fans of Brandon Sanderson and The Stormlight Archive, wanted to try our hands at D&D 5e for the first time. I decided, for some insane reason, that I was going to not only DM my first game with them but also that I wanted to DM a game of D&D based on the world of The Stormlight Archive. Our campaign started soon after with some basic reskinning and rules, and now we are still going strong and I have compiled everything I reskinned/created into two documents: the Radiant's Handbook and The Invested Arts of the Cosmere (I'm also working on another document that will include the other cosmere books translated into D&D, called Hoid's Guide to the Cosmere). The two documents equal about 450 pages, all available for players to start a complete game of Cosmere 5e, if they have a willing GM.

I wanted to post it here to see if anyone would be interested in playing. I will be the first to admit that D&D 5e is not the best system for the magic and characteristics of The Stormlight Archive, but I am most familiar with 5e's system and that is how it started. If you do check out the Radiant's Handbook (the equivalent of D&D 5e's Player's Handbook), let me know what you think! There are nine completely unique classes, one for each Knights Radiant Order (except for Bondsmith) and 14 different Identities (the equivalent of D&D's races) like Alethi, Siah Aimian, Herdazian, and more. I have made a huge list of feats, backgrounds, and designed items based on the world of Roshar. I have also made up mechanics for using Investiture and Stormlight, and resources for a GM to use if they want to run their own game. Note that everything in these documents is meant to be played on its own, rather than implement it into your own D&D 5e game. The Knights Radiant slowly but surely became more powerful that D&D classes due to the nature of Investiture and fun.

My documents also have hundreds of Invested Arts (spells), fabrials and weapons, rules for Shardweapons, rules for spren (with Ideal swearing and how they operate as familiars), and much more.

Like I said, I have been playing this for about a year and a half now. My three players (a Makabaki Skybreaker, a Thaylen Edgedancer, and a Reshi Lightweaver) are traveling Roshar and trying to stop a mysterious group from harnessing an Unmade. Most of the information in the Handbook has not really been tested, so I would love that as well. If anyone does have any feedback, suggestions, critiques, or anything else, I would love to know. You can message me here or on reddit (my username there is /u/mikiari).

Again, here is the link to the Radiant's Handbook: here.

And again, here is the link to the Invested Art's of the Cosmere (essentially a giant document of all the details of the Invested Arts -- spells -- you can cast): here.

And here is a link to a Google Sheets-powered Character Sheet you could use (use File > Make a copy to add a copy of your own to your Google Drive): here.

Can't wait to try it out. Sounds like fun. 

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  • 7 months later...
On 02/09/2023 at 17:50, miscc said:

Olá, 17º fragmento!

Cerca de dois anos atrás, meus três amigos e eu, todos grandes fãs de Brandon Sanderson e  The Stormlight Archive , queríamos experimentar D&D 5e pela primeira vez. Eu decidi, por algum motivo insano, que não apenas iria DM meu primeiro jogo com eles, mas também que queria DM um jogo de D&D baseado no mundo de  The Stormlight Archive . Nossa campanha começou logo depois com algumas regras e reformulações básicas, e agora continuamos fortes e compilei tudo que reformulei/criei em dois documentos: o Manual do Radiante as Artes Investidas do Cosmere  (também estou trabalhando em outro documento que incluirá os demais livros de Cosmere traduzidos para D&D, chamado Hoid's Guide to the Cosmere ). Os dois documentos equivalem a cerca de 450 páginas, todos disponíveis para os jogadores iniciarem um jogo completo de Cosmere 5e, caso tenham um GM disposto.

Queria postar aqui para ver se alguém teria interesse em jogar. Serei o primeiro a admitir que o D&D 5e não é o melhor sistema para a magia e as características do  Stormlight Archive , mas estou mais familiarizado com o sistema do 5e e foi assim que tudo começou. Se você conferir o  Radiant's Handbook  (o equivalente ao D&D 5e's  Player's Handbook ), deixe-me saber o que você pensa! Existem nove classes completamente únicas, uma para cada Ordem dos Cavaleiros Radiantes (exceto Bondsmith) e 14 identidades diferentes (o equivalente às raças de D&D) como Alethi, Siah Aimian, Herdazian e muito mais. Fiz uma lista enorme de talentos, antecedentes e itens projetados com base no mundo de Roshar. Também criei mecânicas para usar Investiture e Stormlight, e recursos para um GM usar se quiser rodar seu próprio jogo. Observe que tudo nestes documentos deve ser jogado por si só, em vez de ser implementado em seu próprio jogo D&D 5e. Os Cavaleiros Radiantes lenta mas seguramente se tornaram mais poderosos que as classes de D&D devido à natureza da Investidura e da diversão.

Meus documentos também contêm centenas de Artes Investidas (feitiços), fabrials e armas, regras para Shardweapons, regras para spren (com palavrões do Ideal e como eles funcionam como familiares) e muito mais.

Como eu disse, jogo isso há cerca de um ano e meio. Meus três jogadores (um Makabaki Skybreaker, um Thaylen Edgedancer e um Reshi Lightweaver) estão viajando por Roshar e tentando impedir que um grupo misterioso controle um Unmade. A maior parte das informações contidas no  Manual  não foi realmente testada, então eu adoraria isso também. Se alguém tiver algum feedback, sugestão, crítica ou qualquer outra coisa, eu adoraria saber. Você pode me enviar uma mensagem aqui ou no reddit (meu nome de usuário é /u/mikiari).

Novamente, aqui está o link para o Manual do Radiant: aqui .

E novamente, aqui está o link para as Artes Investidas do Cosmere (essencialmente um documento gigante de todos os detalhes das Artes Investidas – feitiços – que você pode lançar): aqui .

E aqui está um link para uma ficha de personagem do Planilhas Google que você pode usar (use Arquivo > Fazer uma cópia para adicionar uma cópia sua ao seu Google Drive): aqui .

I have to say, i love you

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On 9/2/2023 at 2:50 PM, miscc said:

Hello 17th Shard!

About two years ago, my three friends and I, all huge fans of Brandon Sanderson and The Stormlight Archive, wanted to try our hands at D&D 5e for the first time. I decided, for some insane reason, that I was going to not only DM my first game with them but also that I wanted to DM a game of D&D based on the world of The Stormlight Archive. Our campaign started soon after with some basic reskinning and rules, and now we are still going strong and I have compiled everything I reskinned/created into two documents: the Radiant's Handbook and The Invested Arts of the Cosmere (I'm also working on another document that will include the other cosmere books translated into D&D, called Hoid's Guide to the Cosmere). The two documents equal about 450 pages, all available for players to start a complete game of Cosmere 5e, if they have a willing GM.

I wanted to post it here to see if anyone would be interested in playing. I will be the first to admit that D&D 5e is not the best system for the magic and characteristics of The Stormlight Archive, but I am most familiar with 5e's system and that is how it started. If you do check out the Radiant's Handbook (the equivalent of D&D 5e's Player's Handbook), let me know what you think! There are nine completely unique classes, one for each Knights Radiant Order (except for Bondsmith) and 14 different Identities (the equivalent of D&D's races) like Alethi, Siah Aimian, Herdazian, and more. I have made a huge list of feats, backgrounds, and designed items based on the world of Roshar. I have also made up mechanics for using Investiture and Stormlight, and resources for a GM to use if they want to run their own game. Note that everything in these documents is meant to be played on its own, rather than implement it into your own D&D 5e game. The Knights Radiant slowly but surely became more powerful that D&D classes due to the nature of Investiture and fun.

My documents also have hundreds of Invested Arts (spells), fabrials and weapons, rules for Shardweapons, rules for spren (with Ideal swearing and how they operate as familiars), and much more.

Like I said, I have been playing this for about a year and a half now. My three players (a Makabaki Skybreaker, a Thaylen Edgedancer, and a Reshi Lightweaver) are traveling Roshar and trying to stop a mysterious group from harnessing an Unmade. Most of the information in the Handbook has not really been tested, so I would love that as well. If anyone does have any feedback, suggestions, critiques, or anything else, I would love to know. You can message me here or on reddit (my username there is /u/mikiari).

Again, here is the link to the Radiant's Handbook: here.

And again, here is the link to the Invested Art's of the Cosmere (essentially a giant document of all the details of the Invested Arts -- spells -- you can cast): here.

And here is a link to a Google Sheets-powered Character Sheet you could use (use File > Make a copy to add a copy of your own to your Google Drive): here.

This is so neat! I'm trying to make a Cosmere based D&D adaptation myself, and it's so cool to see I'm not the only one trying.

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