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Cosmere reread order and questions after the reread

The flying spider


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5 hours ago, The flying spider said:

So I finished a bunch of things:

Words of Radiance

Au on roshar edge dancer plus au on threnody and shadows for silence 


Au on Drominad and sixth of the dusk and just started dawnshard 

Congrats. I'm guessing iit was the AU Sixth? You're in for a treat if you ever get to read the Shadows Beneath versions (if you like that kind of thing, of course - explained at the bottom of the linked post).

5 hours ago, The flying spider said:


  1. is the black smoke that rises from Amaram after he swallowed the gemstone connected to Nightblood?
  2. When Dalinar open the perpendicularity Odium says "we killed you" - who is he referring to and what is we?
  3. How big is the is the land in Shadows for Silence and how advanced are they?
  4. How many kinds of Aviar are there not including mainland birds and what are there powers?
  5. The wobs about Patji are confusing, can someone summarize?
  6. How did talenal end up in Thaylen city?

That's it for now thank you.

  1. I would guess there may be a fundamental realmatic similarity, but no. The Smoke coming from Amaram was due to the Unmade that he'd bonded - Yelig-Nar.
    • The black smoke is indicative of consumed/corrupted investiture, not just Nightblood (please see below)
  2. We don't have that answer yet (please see below)
  3. We don't know how big "Hell" is, only that it is smaller than their original continent that has been abandoned to the Evil.
  4. We don't know how many species exist natively, or may be created by raising a "mainland" bird on the isles. (please see below)
  5. Patji is an Avatar of Autonomy, though it is implied that the Shardpool on Patji's island existed before Autonomy began cultivating Patji as an Avatar and may not be a Shardpool of Autonomy.(please see below)
  6. Taln was taken to Thaylen City by Amaram, since he has been hiding the Herald since the end of WoR. 

WoBs and References:


Nightblood and Unmade:


Brandon Sanderson

Anyway, Nightblood is named for the smoke he leaks, and he originally had a different name when he was created. Vasher himself dubbed the sword Nightblood after he had used it to kill the woman he loved. The blackness that leaks out is actually corrupted and consumed Breaths, the ones that Nightblood leeches off anyone who draws him.

Warbreaker Annotations (April 25, 2011)



Is Nightblood like the Tzai Blows... from Dragonsteel, where he pulverizes a Spiritual aspect, and it has a result on the Physical? Is that what he does, popping into smoke?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, he is attacking directly at the spirit.

Oathbringer Houston signing (Nov. 18, 2017)


In Shadesmar, Yelig-nar takes the form of a swirling figure of black smoke the size of a normal person.[7] When a person has swallowed a gemstone and bonds Yelig-nar, a dark smoke swirls around them.[8] 

According to mythology, Yelig-nar supposedly consumes souls, but it is unknown what this means.[9] 



Do those consumed by Yelig-nar (like Aesudan, Amaram) appear briefly in Shadesmar after they die, but before they pass onto the beyond?

Brandon Sanderson

Yelig-nar consumes them entirely, like Nightblood.

Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021 (Nov. 22, 2021)

So, Yelig-Nar is "consuming" investiture in a way similar to Nightblood

"We killed you"



When Odium says "We killed you." Is that RAFO, or?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO... I'm just not confirming it or denying it, what it means.

Oathbringer Glasgow signing (Dec. 2, 2017)



So, there's a whole lot of things that happen in a very short period of time when Dalinar brings the worlds together. "We killed you" from Odium. Who is "we" and who is "you"?

Brandon Sanderson


Oathbringer Glasgow signing (Dec. 2, 2017)



Will we get a further definition on what Rayse meant when he said “WE KILLED YOU” as Dalinar merged the realms at the end of book 3?

Brandon Sanderson

I don't know for sure if I will give more on that or not. So for now, it's a RAFO.

General Reddit 2020 (Nov. 24, 2020)





You've talked about some of the correlation between Aviar abilities and Allomantic abilities. Are there any Aviar abilities that are not related to Allomancy, or what are some other abilities that we might see?

Brandon Sanderson

I'll RAFO that, mostly because I want to be free to pick and choose from my list as I canonize them. A lot of Aviar abilities are Cognitive type stuff, just from the way I built them so I can separate the magics. The whole Seeker/coppercloud thing, a lot of Aviar abilities are going to be riffs on that, or they're going to be riffs on glimpsing the Spiritual a little bit. And you see a lot of that in Allomancy. There are abilities that they have that you won't see in Allomancy.

The trick is Allomany is so broad. I built the main magic systems to be able to get a little bit of everything. You see the same thing in Stormlight. So seeing Aviar abilities that you haven't seen some version of it in Mistborn or Stormlight, it's going to be... Mistborn and Stormlight touch on all different parts of the magic system on purpose. But I think you will eventually see some that don't. But they're all going to work on the Cosmere magic, so you can say they're all related.


Where might we see them?

Brandon Sanderson

Aviar are known in the Cosmere but are very, very rare. But as you move forward in the future, perhaps you'll see them more often.

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)



The Aviar that we see in Sixth of the Dusk were all fruit eaters, they all have to eat the fruit that the grubs live in. However, Mraize's Aviar seems a lot more like a predator than a herbivore.

Brandon Sanderson

It is!


Did his species become extinct or is it a unique Aviar like Sak?

Brandon Sanderson

Neither. But yes, it is a carnivoristic Aviar. I will confirm that, which it's not confirming much, you guys already knew that. But that is indeed what is going on there.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 2 (June 3, 2021)



Is it just those two colors? Are there different shades of green?

Brandon Sanderson

There are aviar that are like this *gestures to JoyBlu's costume*, full parrot. Totally legit. But There are a lot of breeds of aviar.

Skyward release party (Nov. 6, 2018)

Reading between the lines, Brandon does not like to pin down numbers and types for these things, because he needs it left open for possible future works. if you look at the diversity of neotropical parrot species, you may get an idea of possible scope. 



Shards can also create avatars, personas that can act independently of them.[109] Avatars can be of any gender, race, and species, regardless of the original Vessel creating them, and can be formed at a considerable distance from the main body of the Shard, with many different avatars able to exist on a single planet.[110][58] Though a Shard can create them directly, avatars can also form without a conscious decision on the Shard's part, though the Shard is still aware of what is happening.[109] When created directly, however, they can be instilled with specific traits.[59] Some avatars are self-aware, while others are not, although the parent Shard will always be aware. Though some would call these avatars Splinters, it is not clear whether they truly fit the definition.[111][112]

Avatars are, in a way, considered to be Shards in their own right.[113] Known ones include Patji and the Sand Lord, both of Autonomy.[114][115]





Okay now I have one about Shard avatars, like Autonomy's. Is it possible for one to form without the Shard's Vessel directly making it, so independent...

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, it is. They would be aware of it, however. They couldn't not be aware of it, but it could arise without their direct and conscious decision to do so.


And the one on First of the Sun, is it by Autonomy's direct...

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, that is directly created.

Prague Signing (Oct. 26, 2019)



Hope that helps.

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6 hours ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

I'm about to reread the cosmere once my white sand omnibus arrives from Amazon and I want to know the best reading order that give you the best connection so please share your opinions.

Please see my post here.

However there are some neat things you can do on a reread that you can't (well. . . should not) do on the first read through. For example, this Secret History trick. I actually made my Trilogy eBook into what I have named the "Complete Era I" so the single file has Eleventh Metal, TFE, WoA, HoA with SH integrated throughout (example here). Anyway, since a reread isn't about spoilers and you specifically mentioned connections here are some modular ideas (separate works "chunks" | * = Arcanum Unbounded) that you can re-arrange as it suits you:


Starter. Still best to begin at the beginning:

  • Elantris
  • Hope of Elantris*

    • The Eleventh Metal*

      Mistborn: The Final Empire 1

      The Well of Ascension 1

      The Hero of Ages 1

      Mistborn: Secret History* (Integrated)

  • Warbreaker (reversals Connection based on this WoB) 1,2

Trell Connections

  • AU Essay: Taldain*
  • White Sand (Omnibus)
    • White Sand (Prose - optional but this is what I just finished GN and Prose back-to-back. I recommend it for most people but not everyone 3)
    • The Alloy of Law

      AU Essay: Scadrial*

      Allomancer Jak*

      Shadows of Self

      The Bands of Mourning

Stormlight Archive with integrated support:

  • The Emperor's Soul* (Refresh Realmatics before SA when Spren and the Cognitive become so important)
  • The Way of Kings
  • Words of Radiance
    • AU Essay: Roshar*
  • Edgedancer*
  • AU Essay: Threnody*
  • Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell* (refresh uses of Silver before it is important in Oathbringer and RoW)
  • Oathbringer
  • AU Essay: Drominad*
  • Sixth of the Dusk* (refresh Aviar before the scenes with Mraize's Chicken)
  • Tress of the Emerald Sea

Ghostbloods Connections:

  • Rhythm of War
  • AU Essay: Sel* (Refresh on the Dor before TLM's purified Dor)
  • The Lost Metal


  1. WIth annotations (unless reading SH integrated - then jumping back-and-forth with annotations is distracting
  2. The "connection" parallells btwn Kelsier/Denth and TLR/Susebron are much more obvious with Era 1 and Warbreaker back-to-back, not to mention the worldbuilding parallell.
  3. For people tracking Aethers, I would then suggest reading the Prose only here, and reading the Omnibus right before Tress, as they both explore the Luhel Bond and White Sand is possibly the "mythical bone aether"

That only leaves the remaining Secret Projects for where you feel you can best slot them (Slight Spoiler)


I usually recommend YNP after Oathbringer because of Design - but, on a Connections based read-through, I think just comes after The Lost Metal. Presumably SP4 would be post-SA5 in a reading order. . .


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23 minutes ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

Thanks I will try the mistborn and SH and see how it goes.

Should I read annotations after every book for the whole book or should I do it chapter by chapter?

For rereads, I prefer chapter-by-chapter; but that is a very personal choice. I would say: start with the chapter-by-chapter for the prologue and ch 1 (maybe 2), then decide if you think it is hampering your story enjoyment. If yes, save the rest for the end. If instead you find it helps you ID connections and trends that you are rereading to find anyway, then continue ch-by-ch. 

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On 8/29/2023 at 10:32 AM, Awakened rock stacker said:

A little update started the reread in Friday afternoon and meanwhile finished elantris,hope of elantris and emperor soul. And just finished setting up integrated mistborn.

(I read really quickly and have had a lot of spare time)

Has your Omnibus delivered yet? Had you already read the prose or original graphic novels? The fixes and new content is great (well, only new-to-you if you have read the others). 

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Has your Omnibus delivered yet? Had you already read the prose or original graphic novels? The fixes and new content is great (well, only new-to-you if you have read the others). 

I read the prose a few months back and ended up getting the omnibus on my kindle too. has yours arrived yet?

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11 minutes ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

I read the prose a few months back and ended up getting the omnibus on my kindle to. has yours arrived yet?

I will say, that the prose and comic have a lot of differences, so I recommend reading it anyway. It also has the benefit of actually being canon, and including an Ars Arcanum (which is actually much more extensive than any of other ones, going deep into a lot of culture and astronomy and some experiments with sand, it is great). 

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20 minutes ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

I read the prose a few months back and ended up getting the omnibus on my kindle to. has yours arrived yet?

Epub version of the omnibus was a download, it worked fine on my computer (Calibre) but had required "fixing" to work on my device (Kobo Forma).

Trade Omnibus shipped a few months back - Hardcover still has not yet shipped. 

7 minutes ago, Firesong said:

I will say, that the prose and comic have a lot of differences, so I recommend reading it anyway. It also has the benefit of actually being canon, and including an Ars Arcanum (which is actually much more extensive than any of other ones, going deep into a lot of culture and astronomy and some experiments with sand, it is great). 

I second this. I think the Omnibus really fixed 90+% of the problems from the original graphic novels and I do recommend it. I think you can get away with reading the Omnibus without having to read the prose, but for people who have only read the prose - I still recommend the Omnibus. For those that dislike the graphic novel format, I am updating the Coppermind Summary** to have enough detail to at least cover all the canon changes (and then some) - so they have that option now in addition to the numerous threads in the White Sand section that already compare changes from the previous GN release.  


*Note: I'm still fixing some wording, spelling, and grammar (SPAG) as well as verifying all links but the draft is posted.

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I will say, that the prose and comic have a lot of differences, so I recommend reading it anyway. It also has the benefit of actually being canon, and including an Ars Arcanum (which is actually much more extensive than any of other ones, going deep into a lot of culture and astronomy and some experiments with sand, it is great). 

can you try to explain what you are pointing out? I said I read both are you saying that in the reread I should read both?

Also is the only way to read a house of ashes without getting the whole rpg.(like his website maybe?)

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11 minutes ago, Awakened rock stacker said:
42 minutes ago, Firesong said:

I will say, that the prose and comic have a lot of differences, so I recommend reading it anyway. It also has the benefit of actually being canon, and including an Ars Arcanum (which is actually much more extensive than any of other ones, going deep into a lot of culture and astronomy and some experiments with sand, it is great). 

can you try to explain what you are pointing out? I said I read both are you saying that in the reread I should read both?

Also is the only way to read a house of ashes without getting the whole rpg.(like his website maybe?)

I beleive Firesong was referencing White Sand as well (responding to you mentioning that you read White Sand Prose) and re-affirming that reading the omnibus was a good idea even if you had read the Prose version. 

House of Ashes is a Mistborn Story from the RPG. Here's the WoB on that:


Nov. 21, 2011

Deus Ex Biotica

Does anyone know anything about [A House of Ashes, a set of companion stories for the Mistborn Adventure Game]? Was it vetted by Brandon Sanderson, and thus capable of giving us some new canonical data, or is it going to be pure (albeit probably very well-written and exciting) fanfiction?

Crafty Games

We have indeed been working with Brandon to build the game - as much as his very busy schedule allows, at any rate - and he and his team have read and signed off on all of it, including this novella. That said, it's labeled very clearly as a "Companion to the Mistborn Adventure Game" for a reason. It has the seal of approval, but it's understood that the world and full canon are his and his alone. We hope he incorporates some of this into his work, but at the end of the day it's his choice what is and isn't actually true. 


I plan to treat it as second-order canon: Can be overruled by direct quote from Peter or Brandon or textual evidence from Brandon's books, but otherwise assumed to be true.

Crafty Games

This is absolutely how you should view it.

Hope that helps!

Note the date. There isn't much relevant there and I'm not sure if there is any other venue to find it other than purchase. I bought mine in the MAG bundle on Drive Thru RPG. 

I do not generally recommend House of Ashes. 

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58 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

I beleive Firesong was referencing White Sand as well (responding to you mentioning that you read White Sand Prose) and re-affirming that reading the omnibus was a good idea even if you had read the Prose version. 

House of Ashes is a Mistborn Story from the RPG. Here's the WoB on that:

Note the date. There isn't much relevant there and I'm not sure if there is any other venue to find it other than purchase. I bought mine in the MAG bundle on Drive Thru RPG. 

I do not generally recommend House of Ashes. 

Yeah, I meant that the Omnibus is still worth reading even if you read the prose. 

And also, yeah, House of Ashes is completely non-canon. The MAG-only information is all non-canon, outside of the Eleventh Metal and Allomancer Jak, but those were confirmed canon by being directly written by Brandon, and were later published outside of MAG.  

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So I read the eleventh metal earlier this weak and started the final empire but then slowed down a bit with school starting.

But today I had a lot of free time so I read 450 pages and finished it with some secret history at the end (my reading record in a day is 800 pages of WoR or OB surprisingly in my second reading) so next is well of ascension which is not very good in my opinion but still excited to read it again.

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So another update: finished well of Ascension which was great I enjoyed it a lot more than last time I read it. I know there are a bunch of people who want another mistborn era between 3 and 4 but after rereading mistborn I really want to see classical scadrial. I really liked secret history filling in the 2 weeks between the last chapter and the epilouge with dox and clubs funeral and more.

I have 3 questions:

I was trying to figure out for a long time and concluded the it is a lerasium bead?

When Vin takes control of the kollos doesn't she have to swallow an insane amount of brass because the kollos are scattered all around the city?

Can a rioter take control of a kandra?

And know I will start the most depressing book with lot's of kelseir :)

PS should and can I ask to move this to a different fourm?


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1 hour ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

I was trying to figure out for a long time and concluded the it is a lerasium bead?


1 hour ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

When Vin takes control of the kollos doesn't she have to swallow an insane amount of brass because the kollos are scattered all around the city?

No, Vin ordered people to search for Koloss and then she went there and soothe/riot  them with duralumin - only a group she went to, not every Koloss in the city at once. But she still needed a lot of brass/zinc but not at the same time. She could just go back to Venture Keep and get more vials after taking control over a few groups.

1 hour ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

Can a rioter take control of a kandra?

Both soothing and rioting work for taking control over Koloss and Kandra. Vin took control over TenSoon at the end, so yes, but there is a but - a rioter, misting, can't burn duralumin. So Misting alone can't take control over Koloss or Kandra. HoA spoilers:


But a group of soothers or rioters can do it together without duralumin. Single rioter can't but a group can.

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Thanks for answering when I said rioter I simply meant to riot instead of soothing.


But a group of soothers or rioters can do it together without duralumin. Single rioter can't but a group can

Won't it be hard for two people to control it at once?

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1 hour ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

Won't it be hard for two people to control it at once?

Two people wouldn't be in control at the same time - the pressure from multiple mistings will weaken the target(s) will, and whoever makes the push that breaks that wall would be the one in control when it was done. 

3 hours ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

PS should and can I ask to move this to a different fourm?

You can try, but I'm not sure Q&A threads can move in that way. I might be better to just start a new thread in Cosmere Discussion or Mistborn Forums (depending on if you plan for the thread to follow re-reads across the whole of the Cosmere). You can move quotes from this thread to the first post in a new thread (just click on the "+" sign on the top-left of the quote in the reply section, use CTRL+X to "cut" the quote, then use CTRL+V to paste it into the new thread. YOu can also link back to this thread and mention you are moving the conversation. 

Please see this thread for an example. 

Also note, that when you use the built-in quote system (as opposed to just clicking the "quote" button in the editor and pasting some text) the top-right will have an arrow that links back to the full post from which the quote was made. Compare my quotes of your text in this post to your quote of @alder24 in the post right above this one. You can easily see the difference if the quote header says something like "<time>. Awakened Rock Stacker said:" or simply "Quote."


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11 hours ago, Treamayne said:


You can try, but I'm not sure Q&A threads can move in that way. I might be better to just start a new thread in Cosmere Discussion or Mistborn Forums (depending on if you plan for the thread to follow re-reads across the whole of the Cosmere). You can move quotes from this thread to the first post in a new thread (just click on the "+" sign on the top-left of the quote in the reply section, use CTRL+X to "cut" the quote, then use CTRL+V to paste it into the new thread. YOu can also link back to this thread and mention you are moving the conversation. 

Please see this thread for an example. 


I think I will just  stay on this thread and ask a few questions per book so that it can qualify as a Q&A.

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I'm in the middle of the hero of Ages and I realized that keepers are being used to make inquisitores but the ministry claims that they died out 5 centuries ago you could say that lord ruler knew there is some left and purposly kept it a secret. but my actual question is if tindwyl and other occasional keepers where put there intentionally so that he could make inquisitors in the future? What do you think?

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13 minutes ago, The flying spider said:

I'm in the middle of the hero of Ages and I realized that keepers are being used to make inquisitores but the ministry claims that they died out 5 centuries ago you could say that lord ruler knew there is some left and purposly kept it a secret. but my actual question is if tindwyl and other occasional keepers where put there intentionally so that he could make inquisitors in the future? What do you think?

I don't think that TLR intentionally allowed keepers to keep breeding - he was excessively worried about anybody (including Inquisitors) gaining access to Compounding and was very careful which Feruchemical spikes he granted. However, you may or may-not have noticed, the fact that Inquisitors were harvesting Ferchemy spikes was implied in Well of Ascension. After TLR died, the Keepers came out into the open thinking they were safe. The Synod openly took the government of Terris, and Keepers (like Sazed) started teaching across the former empire. Then Elend and Spook encounter the Terris refuggees, who relate that the Inquisitors came to Tathingdwen and "slaughtered" the Synod. That was the hint - the regular Terris did not know that Inquisitors use Hemalurgy, but the reader may recognize that the Inquisitors were giving to themselves the powers that TLR had kept from them all this time. Once Ruin was free, it continued as he controlled select Inquisitors in hunting down the Keepers that had been outside of the Terris Dominance the previous year. 

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36 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

 you may or may-not have noticed, the fact that Inquisitors were harvesting Ferchemy spikes was implied in Well of Ascension. After TLR died, the Keepers came out into the open thinking they were safe. The Synod openly took the government of Terris, and Keepers (like Sazed) started teaching across the former empire. Then Elend and Spook encounter the Terris refuggees, who relate that the Inquisitors came to Tathingdwen and "slaughtered" the Synod. That was the hint - the regular Terris did not know that Inquisitors use Hemalurgy, but the reader may recognize that the Inquisitors were giving to themselves the powers that TLR had kept from them all this time. Once Ruin was free, it continued as he controlled select Inquisitors in hunting down the Keepers that had been outside of the Terris Dominance the previous year. 

Sazed says in the words of founding that the Inquisitors were spiked with health which is why they need to rest so much and healed very quickly so I think this proves that the lord ruler knew that there are keepers and used them to make inquisitores. I'm pretty sure it refers to when the lord ruler was still alive.


Feruchemist—gave the Inquisitor the ability to store up healing power. (Though they couldn't do so as quickly as a real Feruchemist, as per the law of Hemalurgic decay.) This, obviously, is where the Inquisitors got their infamous ability to recover from wounds quickly, and was also why they needed to rest so much.


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13 minutes ago, The flying spider said:

Sazed says in the words of founding that the Inquisitors were spiked with health which is why they need to rest so much and healed very quickly so I think this proves that the lord ruler knew that there are keepers and used them to make inquisitores. I'm pretty sure it refers to when the lord ruler was still alive.


Feruchemist—gave the Inquisitor the ability to store up healing power. (Though they couldn't do so as quickly as a real Feruchemist, as per the law of Hemalurgic decay.) This, obviously, is where the Inquisitors got their infamous ability to recover from wounds quickly, and was also why they needed to rest so much.


Have you read Mistborn: Secret History? I thought you were re-reading it all together. . . Spoiler tags just in case:


A body, Kelsier realized. Headless.

Was this the one he’d killed? Yes, it must be. Another Inquisitor was reverently carrying the dead one’s spikes, a whole pile of them, all placed together inside a large jar of liquid. Kelsier squinted at it, taking a single step out of his prison, trying to determine what he was seeing.

“Blood,” Fuzz said, suddenly standing nearby. “They store the spikes in blood until they can be used again. In that way, they can prevent the spikes from losing their effectiveness.”

“Huh,” Kelsier said, stepping to the side as the Inquisitors tossed the body into the Well, then dropped in the head. Both evaporated. “Do they do this often?”

“Each time one of their number dies,” Fuzz said. 

They retained and reused Spikes. When TLR did find a new Keeper, they would take the F-Gold for the healing spikes. Rashek very much did not want any of his Inquisitors to have Allomantic and Feruchemy spikes that matched and allowed Compounding. 

I would agree that Rashek probably new that new Keepers were still being born periodically - since that was how they came back after the Ascension, when he thought he had turned all Keepers into Mistwraiths. So he watched for new ones, but tried to breed-out the ability for new ones to be born (or at least slow the rate of those births). 

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3 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Have you read Mistborn: Secret History? I thought you were re-reading it all together. . . Spoiler tags just in case:

  Hide contents

They retained and reused Spikes. When TLR did find a new Keeper, they would take the F-Gold for the healing spikes. Rashek very much did not want any of his Inquisitors to have Allomantic and Feruchemy spikes that matched and allowed Compounding. 


Good point I guess that makes a lot of sense

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1 hour ago, The flying spider said:

I'm in the middle of the hero of Ages and I realized that keepers are being used to make inquisitores but the ministry claims that they died out 5 centuries ago you could say that lord ruler knew there is some left and purposly kept it a secret. but my actual question is if tindwyl and other occasional keepers where put there intentionally so that he could make inquisitors in the future? What do you think?

No, Rashek wouldn't risk something like that. They posed a direct threat to him. But regarding claims of the ministry, Steel Ministry knew Keepers kept getting born - they were hunting them and taking Feruchemical gold from them, to give Inquisitors healing powers - and that was before Rashek's death. So while the "official" story was that Keepers were dead, both Rashek and Inquisitors knew that's not true.

Edit: already answered but somehow new posts didn't show up.

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