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Can I begin with book 12?

Jeremy Conlin

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You can't begin with book 12.

To illustrate, this is part of the character list, copied from Encylopedia WoT.

Abaldar Yulan


Abdel Omerna

Abell Cauthon

Abelle Pendar

Ackley Farren


Adan al'Caar



Adeleas Namelle


Adelorna Bastine


Adine Canford

Adine Lewin


Admer Nem


Adora Aybara






Aedelle Baryn


Aedwin Cole

Aeldene Stonebridge


Aeldra Najaf




Aemlyn Carand

Aeric Botteger




Afrim Hansard

Agardo Saranche

Agelmar Jagad




Agni Neres



Ailene Tolvina

Ailhuin Guenna

Ailil Riatin


Ailys Candwin

Aisha Raveneos

Aisling Noon



Akir Mandragoran

Akoure Vayet

Master al'Dai

Mistress al'Donel


Alaabar Harnesh

Alaine Chuliandred



Alamindra Cutren

Alanna Mosvani






Aldin Miheres

Aldred Gomaisen

Aldrin Caldevwin


Aleis Barsalla

Alene al'Vere


Alesune Chulin




Alida Aldragoran


Alin Seroku


Alise Tenjile


Alliandre Kigarin

Almen Bunt

Almurat Mor

Aloisia Nemosni

Alpert Mull




Alsbet Luhhan


Mistress Alstaing



Althyn Conly


Alviarin Freidhen




Alwin Rael

Alwyn al'Van

Alys: see Moiraine Damodred


Amaena: see Leane Sharif

Amalisa Jagad




Amellia Arene

Amenar Shumada

Amico Nagoyin

Amira Moselle

Amondrid Osiellin






Anath: see Semirhage

Andaya Forae

Andaya Murasaka

Ander Corl

Ander Tol




Andra: see Lan Mandragoran




Androl Genhald

Mistress Andscale


Mistress Anford







Annoura Larisen


Anthelle Sharplyn








Arathelle Renshar

Aravine Carnel


Ared Mosinel: see Rahvin

Areina Nermasiv

Arel Malevin


Aril Corl

Arilinde Branstrom

Arilyn Dhulaine



Arlen Nalaam




Arrela Shiego


Arymilla Marne

Asan Sandair





Asidim Faisar


Asne Zeramene



Assid Bakuun

Astelle al'Seen

Astoril Damara



Athan Chandin

Athan Dearn


Auaine Fanwar

Aubrem Pensenor


Avar Hachami

Avene Sahera

Avi Shendar




Ayako Norsoni


Azi al'Thone

Azil Mareed


That's the character list for people who's names begin with A.

The series is far too long and complex to start from anywhere but the beginning.

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If you start with book 12, expect to be utterly, hopelessly confused. You could, I suppose, read in-depth summaries of books 1-11 (I'm sure you could find them online) but even then you'd miss a great deal of the nuance. I wouldn't recommend doing anything but starting with book 1 and reading straight through. Essentially, keep in mind that Brandon is writing the concluding act of a very long, detailed ongoing story- it doesn't stand on its own, and was never meant to.

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Yet another person saying that starting with book 12 is a terrible idea. I mean, I don't think you'd run afoul of any spoilers---you wouldn't have the foggiest notion what was going on! After 11 books, the authors don't bother to reintroduce anybody in the top two tiers of significant characters. In not like some series, where each book is an individual story---it's one long story the whole way through, and was always intended as such.

No, the only plausible way to read the Wheel of Time and understand anything at all is from the beginning. If you decide not to, totally cool. It's a huge commitment.

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If you start with book 12, expect to be utterly, hopelessly confused. You could, I suppose, read in-depth summaries of books 1-11 (I'm sure you could find them online) but even then you'd miss a great deal of the nuance. I wouldn't recommend doing anything but starting with book 1 and reading straight through. Essentially, keep in mind that Brandon is writing the concluding act of a very long, detailed ongoing story- it doesn't stand on its own, and was never meant to.

this site has excellent chapter-by-chapter summaries of every book, with various cross references to things like particular item/creature definitions and stuff.

That being said, you totally need to read books 1-11. It won't make ANY sense if you don't, especially since we're now seeing the wrap up of some plot points that have been going on/growing for at least like 4 or 5 books now

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I feel like even with detailed plot summaries, the character arcs won't have nearly as much of an impact as if you'd actually read the previous books. I was in a similar boat--I'd read most of the series, years ago, but basically forgotten most of the major plot points. Then I got into Brandon's work and wanted to see what he'd done with the series, so I went back and started from book 1. I'm glad I did. Not only would I have been completely lost otherwise, even having read the books once before, they're good books (though the later ones do get a bit slow).

If the thought of that many huge books is scaring you away, I'd recommend the audiobooks. They're well done and you can do other stuff while listening to them (and you may not even have to pay for them--my library had some of them available for download).

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Wow, I guess a vote of 5-0 means I should read the entire series. I love to read, but I don't get enough time to read. The entire series will probably take me close to two years. On the other hand, I need a Sanderson fix!

Thanks for everyone's answers.

I can second the notion of audio books for these as well. I initially read all of them, most as they came out (so it broke it up pretty well) and i wanted to reread them before the final book, but balked at the idea of starting all the way over, so over the past almost year now ive been listening to them on audio book, and its been pretty smooth so far. They're pretty good quality (though i personally prefer the male reader to the female one. They swap based on the sex of the current PoV character, i think he does a much better job with emotion in the speech, and has better voices for the characters in general)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another vote for reading them all or none. There are some pretty awesome reveals in both of Sanderson's books in the series that would be ignored or fall completely flat without having 11 books building to them. If you're not a thorough reader, some of it might be lost without also looking into the web discussions about the books over the last 20 years.

Verin, mainly. Also, Olver finally winning a game of snakes and foxes would be like "oh, ok" instead of "HEY! I GOT IT!" while Mat wins the same game in real life. And Asmodean's killer?

Basically, if you skip them all to read the Sanderson books it will be a complete waste of time. Brandon would agree that he wouldn't be what he is if there were no Rigney that came first.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely start at book 1. Even in High School, I was able to knock out 10 books in 1.5-2 months. You don't notice the slower pacing in the middle books quite so much when you have several volumes all together.

I agree. I think everyone complained about the series in the later books because they had to wait so long in between when little happened.

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You can skip or skim some parts of the series, though. For example, reading summaries of almost everything in book 10 will be enough, as opposed to actually reading it. And feel free to skim the beginnings of all the books ('cept TGH and TSR), for maybe the first three chapters, if you don't mind getting an incomplete feeling.

And 1.5 months for 1-10? It took me that long just to read EotW!

Edited by Gela
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You can skip or skim some parts of the series, though. For example, reading summaries of almost everything in book 10 will be enough, as opposed to actually reading it. And feel free to skim the beginnings of all the books ('cept TGH and TSR), for maybe the first three chapters, if you don't mind getting an incomplete feeling.

And 1.5 months for 1-10? It took me that long just to read EotW!

yeah, seriously. That's probably like 9,000 pages of book. blink.gif

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Well, I've always been a fast reader when I actually have the time. And I definitely had the time. XD Like I said, it was summer break. I didn't have anything else to do, so I read all day. Every day. For over a month.

Probably one of the best breaks ever.

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Well, I've always been a fast reader when I actually have the time. And I definitely had the time. XD Like I said, it was summer break. I didn't have anything else to do, so I read all day. Every day. For over a month.

Probably one of the best breaks ever.

Aye, I pretty much read this fast. Usually finish a reread in under 3 months. Malazan took us about that, and so did Dresden Files...

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I'm reading this series for the first time, and I say read it from the beginning. The plots and characters are all way too awesome to miss out on.

Definitely start at book 1. Even in High School, I was able to knock out 10 books in 1.5-2 months. You don't notice the slower pacing in the middle books quite so much when you have several volumes all together.

That is impressive! I feel like I'm reading through it pretty fast, with just finishing book 11 in 8 months. Even with a summer break full of reading! Although, there were a couple of short series I read as well....

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you can do whatever you want, but you will not know what is going on. If these books were serials, then you could jump in. Serials are stories where you have an ongoing list of characters and the author just thinks of new stuff for them to do as he goes along. Stories are for the most part self contained. This series is not like that.

The book (The Eye of the World) is one of the most influential fantasy books ever written. George RR Martin and Brandon have both said this. It is also probably one of the 5 best epic fantasy books ever written. Brandon said himself that the first 3 books greatly influenced his writing.

you can probably skip books 8,9,10 and read the summaries.

fast skim books 6,8,11

Not much happens in them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you can do whatever you want, but you will not know what is going on. If these books were serials, then you could jump in. Serials are stories where you have an ongoing list of characters and the author just thinks of new stuff for them to do as he goes along. Stories are for the most part self contained. This series is not like that.

The book (The Eye of the World) is one of the most influential fantasy books ever written. George RR Martin and Brandon have both said this. It is also probably one of the 5 best epic fantasy books ever written. Brandon said himself that the first 3 books greatly influenced his writing.

you can probably skip books 8,9,10 and read the summaries.

fast skim books 6,8,11

Not much happens in them.

First to paragraphs are spot on. The rest is total bonk. You CANNOT skip ANY books. Some are better then others, but ALL of them include something important. Some of the later books are less important for Rereads, but they are ESSENTIAL in your first read. They seem slow in that the number of plot-lines make it impossible to be concluded in one book, so there is less of a sense of accomplishment, but the idea that they can be skipped is ridiculous. Period.

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First to paragraphs are spot on. The rest is total bonk. You CANNOT skip ANY books. Some are better then others, but ALL of them include something important. Some of the later books are less important for Rereads, but they are ESSENTIAL in your first read. They seem slow in that the number of plot-lines make it impossible to be concluded in one book, so there is less of a sense of accomplishment, but the idea that they can be skipped is ridiculous. Period.

I'm with you for most of the books. But book 10...the very impatient reader may want to skip it. Here's the executive summary:

Description of object. Description of object. Description of object.

Character 1: Boy, the world is kinda screwed up, isn't it?

Character 2: Yeah, and we're screwed too.

Description of object.

Character 1: At least there's still tea. Even if it does taste a little off.

Description of object. Description of object.

Character 2: No matter how screwed up the world gets, we'll still keep incessantly drinking tea.

Character 1: Too right. By the way--I say, do you feel that?

Character 2: How could I not? What IS that?

Character 1: Dunno.

Character 2: *sips tea*

Description of object. Description of object. Description of object. Description of object.

Scene break. Jump to a different pair of characters. Repeat until end of book.

Seriously. More happens in the prologue of book 11 than the whole of book 10.

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Book 10 has a good amount happen, however, it is almost all with a fairly disliked Wonder girl, and therefore, it feels like nothing is happening. However, we have yet to see if all of the girls are important on a global scale, if they are, then yes, you really, truly, need to read the entire series including book 10.

I will admit that I tend to skip most of 9 and 10 during re-reads, but that is because I have gotten to see what happens already.

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