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Yumi and the Nightmare Painter Typo Thread

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Physical Dragonsteel premium, page xiii of the Acknowledgments: 


Gamma Readers include many of the beta readers... 

Readers is not capitalized for the betas, alphas, or for the gammas in the PDF. 

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This is in the digital version at the very end of Chapter 4, and it might not be a typo. I could just not be understanding the use of the word "saw," here.


But eventually, the last supplicant bowed and hurried away with his new spirit saw.

Brandon Sanderson . Yumi_and_the_Nightmare_Painter_by_Brandon_Sanderson_for_Kindle (Kindle Locations 503-504). Kindle Edition. 


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12 hours ago, Wit Beyond Measure said:

This is in the digital version at the very end of Chapter 4, and it might not be a typo. I could just not be understanding the use of the word "saw," here.


A saw.

You know, for cutting wood?

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