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5 minutes ago, Voidwatcher said:

Good work, @Ravenclawjedi42! Quoting your post is not working so I have to do this to get the message directed. I'd imagine they'd work closely alongside Truthwatchers, to point out what's truth from all these notes. Makes sense. Do you think the spren would lean towards women to pick their Radiant to match the Alethi standard, or do you think that gender roles just came out the way they were because humanity is humanity and the spren were completely neutral?

I would guess that among Vorin Notetakers there would be more women then men, due to gender bias effecting their interests and the traits that spren look for in bonding people, but I doubt that the spren themselves would care. The same thing would not happen in non-Vorin nations.

That wasn’t worded very well, I hope it’s understandable.

Edited by Ravenclawjedi42
Correcting grammar
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Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I would guess that among Vorin Notetakers there would be more women then men, due to gender bias effecting their interests and the traits that spren look for in bonding people, but I doubt that the spren themselves would care. The same thing would not happen in non-Vorin nations.

That wasn’t worded very good, I hope it’s understandable.

Yup, understood just fine. I like thinking of backstories for things, so I'd wonder if the spren would pick women more often because of the already existing standards, don't care at all, or pick women for no apparent reason which could have started the gender roles. Thanks for elaboration!

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Knight Radiant Order: Peacespeaker
Surges: Adhesion + Abrasion

Adhesion surge can be used spiritually to forge a spiritual connection with other person to temporarily speak the other person's native tongue and to create an extremely powerful temporary bond between two objects

Abrasion allows them to reduce the friction of themselfs making they body frictionless.

Surge Combo: Combining adhesion and abrasion can greatly increase the friction of the floor or the air to make them stop objects like carriages or projectiles for moving.
True Spren: Wordspren
Plate Spren: Persuasionspren
Resonance: They can forge connection of confidance more easily, as they slip though they doubts, making people trust them quickly.
Ideal Theme: Make peace between people and enable diplomatic relationships.

First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: I will bring peace beetwen people who fight, through words no though violence

Third Ideal: I will listen to both parts of the conflict, even if one of them is my allies

Fourth Ideal: I will accept that some people can't be reasoned with and they life only brings war to the world

Fifth Ideal: I will become peace


Lore: As there is only 3 Bondsmiths as a time, Peacemakers where normally sent as ambassadors when the Radiants were trying to stop conflict before beggining. In times of war, Peacemakers acted as guards that used its surges to disarm and hold in place its foes rather than killing them

Edited by icefenix7198
A better choice for platespren
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12 minutes ago, Elite01 said:

Hey does anyone know if the spreadsheet is up to date? I want to do an order but want to try and do a combo that hasn't been discussed yet.

It's probably up-to-date minus the most recent 3 or 4 Orders. You should be okay to pick any that haven't been made yet and go for it

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On 8/23/2023 at 2:19 PM, icefenix7198 said:

Knight Radiant Order: Peacespeaker

Nice job! Well rounded, I like the lore bits at the end, they make sense. Good work on the Resonance and Surge Combo. Great work.

On 8/23/2023 at 5:45 PM, Elite01 said:

Hey does anyone know if the spreadsheet is up to date? I want to do an order but want to try and do a combo that hasn't been discussed yet.

I can't access the spreadsheet right now, nor do I (think) I have editing permission. Argenti will have to update it himself.

On 8/23/2023 at 5:58 PM, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

It's probably up-to-date minus the most recent 3 or 4 Orders. You should be okay to pick any that haven't been made yet and go for it

I'd wager the same, just look for Argenti's most recent post on this thread and he should have everything covered before that. Lifelighters, Notetakers, and Peacespeakers will probably be the only ones not included.

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The Order of Dreamshapers is about helping people accept the difficulties of life.

Dreamshapers acted as both terapist and interrogators during the times prior to the Recreance. They had a strange relationship with the Order of Ligthweavers as they were the people in more need of their help, yet they were asked to step aside and let the Randiant Knighs progress by themselfs in they Oaths/Truths.

Surges : Adhesion + Ilumination

The Surge of Adhesion allows Dreamshapers to create a cognitive connection. Doing so allows the radiant to see the connections to other people and see and share memories with the connected person.

Dreamshapers' use of the Surge of Ilumination is more limited due to the nature of their Oaths. They can create visual and sonorous ilusions as normal, but they must be representations of real experiences (may be their own experiences or recreating an experience they have seen through the cognitive connection of the Adhesion Surge) and not inventions of the mind of the Knight.

By combining their Surges, they can make ilusions attached to one person Identity and memories, making a Ligthweaving ilusion representing an expierience that follows the affected creature and even is felt through the others senses like touch or smell . The ilusion is still incapable of causing any direct harm but could only be percived by the affected creature and the Dreamshaper.

Resonance: Dreamshapers had a superior empathy, being able to sense the mood of the people around them. As they progressed in their oaths, this empathy increased, feeling more the emotions of the people around them.  

True Spren: Truthspreens

Platespren: Anticipationspren


First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD

Second Ideal: I will show truth to the people.

Third Ideal: I will show all the truths, even the ones that hurt.

Fourth Ideal: I will be patient with the people that have difficulties accepting the truth.

Fifth Ideal: I will help people find their thruths, not show them.


I'm not very sure with the ideals, but the idea is that thr Order is like a reverse Ligthweavers, instead of speaking their truth, they help other people accept theirs.

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On 8/26/2023 at 6:27 PM, icefenix7198 said:


Good work! I like the base concept.
My only minor issues with it are with the more truth-based Ideals, as that could potentially overlap with Truthwatchers, but since we don't have those yet, it's all good (but might seem strange later on, once we have Truthwatcher Ideals). I like the Lightweaver-inspired part, though.
Overall, great work, I'd like to see more from you.

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Windgraspers (Tension/Gravitation)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will watch over.

The Windgraspers are an Order of guards, centinels or frontiers protectors, but also teachers, shepherds and other people who watch over others and took care of them.

Historically they had an alliance and friendly rivaly with windrunners, as both of them were the air forces of the Radiant Knigths, although Windgraspers used their surges to work as an artilery force more than hand to hand combatants.

Surges: Tension and Gravitation

Gravitation is used to create basic lashings as normal.

Tension is used to alter the stifness of a solid object as normal but they can also use it to affect air , allowing them to walk over them and hold it it as if was some kind of string, fabric or surface.

Resonance: Windgrasper have an enhaced sigth to see over long distances.

True Spren: Destinyspreen

Platespren: "Luckspreens" or Mantras

Ideals: The themes of Windgraspers Ideals are vigilance and digilence.


Second: I will keep watch against my enemies

Third: I won't let trust or hate stop my watch, I will watch over anyone while is my duty

Fourth: I will accept that there will be things that escape my sigth  

Fifth: I will become ever vigilant, my duty never ends.

Other Notes: It is unkown if the Shardbows used in the modern era were inspired by the tales of Windgraspers or they were a rediscovery. Either way, during the days prior to the recreance the Windgraspers specialited in the use of powerful bows and crossbows made of steel, making the string more elastic and resilient with Tension and using Gravitation to aid in the pulling of the arrow and then increase the versatility of their shots by accelereting the arrow  giving it a lashing in the shot direction, making it fly longer distances by giving it a half lashing upward or making it take paraboles with a lateral lashing or half lashing.

It was also rummored that once they reach the 4th ideal they were able to create ammunition using their platespren but this haven't been confirmed yet.

Edited by icefenix7198
Completing info (Oaths of the order)
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1 hour ago, icefenix7198 said:

Windgraspers (Tension/Gravitation)

Nice! I feel like the mention of friendly rivalry with the Windrunners should have a mention of Skybreakers as well (and other self-made Gravitation orders).

I'd like to see the Ideals once you get good ideas to make them, maybe relating to 'seeing all' or 'resisting blindness' in a metaphorical sense? Good work!

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19 hours ago, Voidwatcher said:

Nice! I feel like the mention of friendly rivalry with the Windrunners should have a mention of Skybreakers as well (and other self-made Gravitation orders).

I though of it at first, but from the books and coppermind I only remember the Windrunners being called as the air force of the Radiant Knights, in conjuction with the Stonewards as the Land forces. Although they probably would also have a rivalry with the Skycasters

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1 hour ago, icefenix7198 said:

I though of it at first, but from the books and coppermind I only remember the Windrunners being called as the air force of the Radiant Knights, in conjuction with the Stonewards as the Land forces. Although they probably would also have a rivalry with the Skycasters

True, Windrunners were used as the main military air force and the Skybreakers were mainly used for quick travel to maintain law in various areas and maintain it with a very firm grip. Doesn't matter that much, I just like fleshing ideas out to their maximum potential.

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I know that this surge combo was alredy done by Landswimers of Spearguy and Mindswayers of cometaryorbit but I wanted to do my take on this combination. 


Grounddivers (Abrasion/Cohesion)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will take responsibility.

The Grounddivers are an Order that is almost entirely formed of street Urchins, Gamblers, small gangs members and other """undesirable members of the society""". They normally have a cycle of being rescued of the streets by a former person that was in their position and has become a Radiant Knigth, becomes squieres just for their own benefit an end changing their world view and swering the ideals and helping other people.

Surges: Abrasion and Cohesion

Abrasion is used to reduce the friction of an object.

Cohesion is used to alter the shape of solid materials like rock. Groundivers usually use this ability for mobility, making the ground just behind themselves go up to impulse them like surfing a wave.

Combining Abrasion and Cohesion they can phase through solid materials as if they were water (similar to Makay-im fused but slower) allowing them to also skim in it, altough they cannot breath. This ability is highly resisted by Investiture, and even a small amount of Stormlight in an object would prevent it from working.

Resonance: Grounddivers have an increased equilibrium and reaction ability to avoid being knocked prone.

True Spren: Flowspren - Flowspren represents the growing from nothing and the hidden potential of everyone. In the physical realm they look like snake like creatures of flowing mud or cream with a human looking stone mask that acts as they face with a pair of eyes made of precious stones. In Shadesmar they look like humanoid creatures made of dripping cream with a ligth emmanating where the heart would be. They also have an stone mask that make out their faces with small gem eyes and stone hand and feet with nails made of shining gems.

Flowspren are rejected by a lot of True Sprens by their disgusting looks, specially honorsprens and highsprens, although they have good relationships with liesprens and ashsprens.

Platespren: Cremspren 

Ideals: The themes of Grounddivers Ideals are about taking responsibilities and growing up.


Second: I will be responsible with my acts

Third: I will accept the consequences of the acts I commited when I was worse and mend them.

Fourth: I will accept that some wrongs of my past cannot be mended, but I will strive to make a better future.  

Fifth: I will help others take responsibilities and grow.

Other Notes: They had for a long time a rivalry with Stonewards as they were both primary land forces, but after a pact done by both Orders they relationship improved, as they started working on teamwork, giving the Grounddivers the role of more a cavalry , surrounfing the enemy forces with they speed and shaping walls to block their retreat and allowing the Stonewards to figth in a more adventadgous way.

They also disliked the Fortwrigth order as they cannot phase though walls created by them, but due to that most members of the order lived in the streets they respected their work.

Edited by icefenix7198
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Name: Lightbrigers

Surges illumination and gravitationa.


2.i will bring salvation to those in need.

3. I will save others even if it is from themselves.  

4. I will accept that some can not be saved. 

5. I will save others even if it means I can not be saved. 


Plate spren 

Star Spren


Blocks pain of those here by.


High Spren: Relief spren

Do you like this one or would you prefer 


Flame purgers 

Surges illumination devision 


2. I will destroy evil 

3. I will punish the Guilty 

4. I will not harm the innocent 

5. I will not become the evil I destroy 


Plate spen: death Spren 

High Spren: Smoak Spren 

Resonance: dark vision 

Edited by bmcclure7
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3 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

Flame purgers 

Surges illumination devision 


2. I will destroy evil 

3. I will punish the Guilty 

4. I will not harm the innocent 

5. I will not become the evil I destroy 


Plate spen: death Spren 

High Spren: Smoak Spren 

Resonance: dark vision 

I like more your flame Purgers (altough they are very very similar to the Suncrasher so I would give them a different resonance to differentiate them, maybe something about sensing if a person have killed a lot of people due to their platespren being Deathspren?), they feel very inquisitor like.

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36 minutes ago, icefenix7198 said:

I like more your flame Purgers (altough they are very very similar to the Suncrasher so I would give them a different resonance to differentiate them, maybe something about sensing if a person have killed a lot of people due to their platespren being Deathspren?), they feel very inquisitor like.

O I like that   Maybe to get this creepy feeling if the entire place where someone has recently died.   Like a 6 sense for death.   


That makes sense I was going for somewhat of an opposite to the wind runners. Who's center on protection. So instead I thought it would be interesting to have an order that cent it on destruction. 


 By the way I really like your idea Of the Stone surfer,  I don't know how I'll do it but I kind of hope that he can somehow incoperate this particular combination of surges in  Future books. 


 Let me try to come up with  Another one. 


The rustbringers


Transformation,  division 

High Spren rust Spren

Spren plate rote Spren 

Resonance:  Increased pain resistance

Theme : Like light weavers this order confesses truths  But instead of personal truths they are truths about the natural world that are hard or difficult to accept.  Their order centers around learning to accept these truths and setting your life up accordingly

2.  Truth of Pain

3. True of loss

4. Truth of  Failure

5.  Truth of death.






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Order : cloudweavers.

Surges : gravitation and cohesion.

ideals : finding danger and doing all they can to study it.


Highspren : cloudspren

plate spren : logic spren

Resonance : often know the weather, even inside.

theme : they want to seek out danger and study it, often being scholars and scouts for armies.

Edited by The stormfather
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19 hours ago, The stormfather said:

Order : Cloudweavers.

Surges : Gravitation and Cohesion.

ideals : finding danger and doing all they can to study it.


Resonance : often know the weather, even inside.

theme : they want to seek out danger and study it, often being scholars and scouts for armies.

I like the theme of wanting to seek the danger out there, is interesting, although it could feel same-y with Truthwatchers if they lean more to the aspect of learning and studing


Also, do they have some sort of surge combo alas Reverse Lashing of the Windrunners?

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Moonshidders (Illumination/Gravitation)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will protect the secrets.

The Moonhiders are an Order that focused in hidding the secrets that were too dangerous to see the ligth. They acted as spies and assasins, having a network of contacts in all levels of the society. They never occulted having secrets and dangerous information to other orders but never revealed what the information was, with some exceptions in cases of a huge threath to Roshar or the Radiant Knigths

Surges: Illumination and Gravitation

Illumination is used to ligthweave creating visual and sound ilusions.

Gravitation is used to create basic lashing changing the direction and intensity of the gravity on an object or creature.


Combining Gravitation and Ilumination they can create two new kind of lashings, sound lashing and ligth lashing.

Sound lashing attract the vibration that causes sound stoping it from propagating making something silent outwards but attraction sound making it easier to hear things from affar.

Ligth lashing atracts the ligth (not the investiture, only the brigthness) making an object or area dark as the ligth doesn't bounce back.

Resonance: Moonhiders have a keen sense of hearing when it comes to subtle sounds like whispers or steps.

True Spren: Moonsprens - Moonsprens are the representation of secrets. On the Physichal Realm they appear as one of the three moons of Roshar in a moon phase, different for each person and changing each time they look at the spreen, they allways show this face even if a person look around them, or if two persons look at it from opposed directions. On the Cognitive Realm they look like a person made of lunar stone with a expresionless mask by face, all people sees they in the front even if they look from oposite direction, the only way to see their backs is using a mirror, doing so shows a face made of shadows that show their emotions and expresions.

Platespren: Shockspren 

Ideals: The themes of the Moonhidders are about hidding the dangerous secrets from other.


Second: I will hide the secrets that are too dangerous to see the ligth.

Third: I will hunt down those whose knowladge is too dangerous to see the ligth.

Fourth: Sometimes a secret that I guard must be exposed for a grater good.  

Fifth: I will trust myself to decide what should be known and what should be kept secret. (I'm not very sure about this Ideal)

Other Notes: Moonhidders were a order that had a lot of problems with other orders during history , specially the Truthwatchers and Sunbreakers. Whoever, they work helped to stop dangerous secret organizations and when the time of need came the leaders of the orden shared the knowledge with the other Orders to figth back. 

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8 hours ago, icefenix7198 said:

I like the theme of wanting to seek the danger out there, is interesting, although it could feel same-y with Truthwatchers if they lean more to the aspect of learning and studing


Also, do they have some sort of surge combo alas Reverse Lashing of the Windrunners?

I thought they would sort of lash/cohesionify clouds and channel a whole cloud into a small area and blast someone with it.

also could sort of sand-master kinda.

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On 9/5/2023 at 9:03 AM, icefenix7198 said:

Moonshidders (Illumination/Gravitation)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will protect the secrets.

The Moonhiders are an Order that focused in hidding the secrets that were too dangerous to see the ligth. They acted as spies and assasins, having a network of contacts in all levels of the society. They never occulted having secrets and dangerous information to other orders but never revealed what the information was, with some exceptions in cases of a huge threath to Roshar or the Radiant Knigths

Surges: Illumination and Gravitation

Illumination is used to ligthweave creating visual and sound ilusions.

Gravitation is used to create basic lashing changing the direction and intensity of the gravity on an object or creature.


Combining Gravitation and Ilumination they can create two new kind of lashings, sound lashing and ligth lashing.

Sound lashing attract the vibration that causes sound stoping it from propagating making something silent outwards but attraction sound making it easier to hear things from affar.

Ligth lashing atracts the ligth (not the investiture, only the brigthness) making an object or area dark as the ligth doesn't bounce back.

Resonance: Moonhiders have a keen sense of hearing when it comes to subtle sounds like whispers or steps.

True Spren: Moonsprens - Moonsprens are the representation of secrets. On the Physichal Realm they appear as one of the three moons of Roshar in a moon phase, different for each person and changing each time they look at the spreen, they allways show this face even if a person look around them, or if two persons look at it from opposed directions. On the Cognitive Realm they look like a person made of lunar stone with a expresionless mask by face, all people sees they in the front even if they look from oposite direction, the only way to see their backs is using a mirror, doing so shows a face made of shadows that show their emotions and expresions.

Platespren: Shockspren 

Ideals: The themes of the Moonhidders are about hidding the dangerous secrets from other.


Second: I will hide the secrets that are too dangerous to see the ligth.

Third: I will hunt down those whose knowladge is too dangerous to see the ligth.

Fourth: Sometimes a secret that I guard must be exposed for a grater good.  

Fifth: I will trust myself to decide what should be known and what should be kept secret. (I'm not very sure about this Ideal)

Other Notes: Moonhidders were a order that had a lot of problems with other orders during history , specially the Truthwatchers and Sunbreakers. Whoever, they work helped to stop dangerous secret organizations and when the time of need came the leaders of the orden shared the knowledge with the other Orders to figth back. 

I like my lightbringers better but this is alright.  

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Sorry, I was gone for awhile. Great work to all of you!

On 9/2/2023 at 6:51 AM, icefenix7198 said:

Grounddivers (Abrasion/Cohesion)

Done well. I like the elaboration of who is most likely to become that Radiant, and the rivalries are always fun. Nice job!

On 9/3/2023 at 5:00 AM, bmcclure7 said:

Name: Lightbrigers

Flame purgers 

Ooh, a double. I like the Lightbringers, those seem fun. My only worry with Flamepurgers is that Dustbringers are already centered around self-mastery, so they may be too similar- but that's an issue for another day. Nice job! 

On 9/3/2023 at 9:03 AM, bmcclure7 said:

O I like that   Maybe to get this creepy feeling if the entire place where someone has recently died.   Like a 6 sense for death.   

The rustbringers

I like that adjustment too! Originality is always a plus.

Rustbringers are also very original, I like the new take on Truths- societal, personal, and now natural truths.

On 9/4/2023 at 11:02 AM, The stormfather said:

Order : cloudweavers.

I like this. I'd like a bit more elaboration, but it's a strong start. As long as it doesn't become too Truthwatcher-ish.

On 9/5/2023 at 9:03 AM, icefenix7198 said:

Moonshidders (Illumination/Gravitation)

Lots of elaboration here, nice! Not many explain their True Spren so closely, good work with the roles during history and conflict with other Orders.

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14 hours ago, Voidwatcher said:

Sorry, I was gone for awhile. Great work to all of you!

Done well. I like the elaboration of who is most likely to become that Radiant, and the rivalries are always fun. Nice job!

Ooh, a double. I like the Lightbringers, those seem fun. My only worry with Flamepurgers is that Dustbringers are already centered around self-mastery, so they may be too similar- but that's an issue for another day. Nice job! 

I like that adjustment too! Originality is always a plus.

Rustbringers are also very original, I like the new take on Truths- societal, personal, and now natural truths.

I like this. I'd like a bit more elaboration, but it's a strong start. As long as it doesn't become too Truthwatcher-ish.

Lots of elaboration here, nice! Not many explain their True Spren so closely, good work with the roles during history and conflict with other Orders.



The flame purgers are not so much about self mastery and more about destroying evil.

This includes a self mastery but is not the focus. Instead of the dust bringers think a vigilant version of the skybreakers.

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19 hours ago, The stormfather said:

I didn't have time to do all the ideals that day. It was morning and I had to pack up and leave my cottage. 

Yeah, no pressure. You write what you want.

8 hours ago, bmcclure7 said:

The flame purgers are not so much about self mastery and more about destroying evil.

This includes a self mastery but is not the focus. Instead of the dust bringers think a vigilant version of the skybreakers.

Ah, that makes sense. Understood!

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