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2 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

 OK, this is a super weird one, but the concept just seemed fitting...

Lifewright (Adhesion/Progression) 

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will enliven. 

The Lifewright was an unique type of Surgebinder or Radiant - now extinct, and not properly a Radiant Order strictly speaking as none existed by the time the Orders were properly established. The unique Lifewright spren, Re-Shephir, was transformed into an Unmade by Odium one Desolation after Nohadon's time.

The principle of the Lifewright is liveliness, excitement, wonder, and inspiration. They could be teachers, political leaders, artists, poets, or many other things - but the core of their approach to life and the world is inspiring others to see the world as a wondrous place.

Surges: Adhesion and Progression  Lifewrights can use Adhesion to make the Full Lashing, and Progression for both Growth (speeding the growth of plants) and Regrowth (healing).

 This powerful set of Surges includes the Truest Surges of both Honor and Cultivation. The combined Surges allow manipulation of Intent and Identity, as a Bondsmith manipulates Connection. 

Light Transfer: The Lifewright transfers Light via manipulating Identity keying, either passing their own Light to another Surgebinder (by touch or breath, up to a few paces away) or pulling Light from another. This ability also allows ending lingering effects of other Surgebindings, such as absorbing another's Lashing or Lightweaving. The Lifewright can then use the Stormlight themselves. Lifewright can draw Voidlight from a Regal or Fused -- or even sap Investiture from other worlds' Invested Arts -- but cannot use it themselves.

This was the only available combined effect, in a time when Surgebinding was limited by Honor.  A hypothetical current, Unchained Lifewright could use these abilities to far greater effect - terrifying and wondrous powers trespassing on the territory of other magic systems and even the Shards themselves.

Enlivening: The basic effect of this is a Warbreaker spoiler.

  Reveal hidden contents

By infusing light into an object alongside a Command, they can grant it a semblance of life. This is the same effect as Awakening on Nalthis (to create ordinary Awakened objects, not Lifeless) but due to the evanescent nature of Light, it is temporary.

They can theoretically create equivalents of half-Shard shields, or even temporary Shardblades, but the amount of Light needed would be impractical.

Beyond even that, such an individual could "cultivate" spren, increasing their Investiture -- even creating newborn truespren from nonsapient spren, or raising a truespren to something like an Oathgate spren (though the amunt of Light this would consume would be truly incredible, straining the limits of even an Unchained Bondsmith's Perpendicularity). Potentially, they could create new spren from sufficient free Investiture.

Spren: Re-Shephir (before she was Unmade) 

Platespren: Awespren (in theory); none (historically - in that era, proto-Radiants did not yet have Shardplate).

Ideals: The Lifewrights existed in an era before the current formalized structure of Oaths. Their Ideals focused, however, on inspiring others, appreciating wonder, and making the world a better and more wondrous place.

I like it, but I was under the impression that Re-Shephir was a midnight Prime Aether given her connection to the midnight essance.

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8 hours ago, Spearguy said:

I like it, but I was under the impression that Re-Shephir was a midnight Prime Aether given her connection to the midnight essance.

Wasn't she confirmed to be a Creationspren once? But I don't think Odium is strong enough to Unmake an entire Prime Aether if all their talk about rivaling Adonalsium is true, so I feel like Re-Shephir is using different a different method from the Aether to get similar results.

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10 minutes ago, Spearguy said:

well I'm guessing that a prime aether is simple an aether that has some amount of sapience, the original 12 may be strong enough to rival Adonalsium but there descendants would not.

Yes, but Re-Shephir is believed to be a Creationspren and not a Prime Aether. Shallan could be wrong, but I feel like the Prime Aethers' descendants are too much effort for even Odium. Especially since I feel the Prime Aethers and their descendants would be a lot more intelligent than Re-Shephir is, but that might've been impacted by the corruption. Also, Re-Shephir is much more leaning towards the Creationspren theory in her actions and motives, as she seeks to understand humans, creates depictions of them with her Midnight Essence, and as far as I can tell she never has any attachment or association with water.

Overall, no matter which is actually true, this is all for fun anyways- let's just assume that the Re-Shephir was not an Aether, for this Order.

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13 hours ago, Voidwatcher said:

Nice way of skipping out on the Ideals too ;)


 I'd like to see a more in depth version with the Ideals included, but those aren't necessary, and are needlessly complex for these, to be honest. Good job!

I'm actually finding the Ideals the hardest part of this, since my theory on how Radiant Ideals work (excepting the Lightweavers because they are just weird) is hard to apply outside the established table.

What I'm calling the "Theme/Core Ideal" is the short form of the 2nd Ideal given on the Ten Orders page (https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-ten-orders-of-knights-radiant/) - "I will protect" for Windrunners, "I will remember" for Edgedancers, "I will unite" for Bondsmiths.

I think they're based on the Divine Attributes as follows:

1st Ideal is same for everyone

2nd Ideal is based on the first Divine Attribute and is an expanded form of the Core Ideal

3rd Ideal is based on the first Divine Attribute, embracing it fully and moving past personal limitations holding you back from it

4th Ideal is about shifting from the first to the second Divine Attribute, qualifying the first Attribute in light of the second (Skybreakers move towards Confidence by their crusade, having to operate outside their structure; Windrunners acknowledge they can't Protect everyone in preparation for taking up larger scale Leading roles).

5th Ideal is about expressing the first through the second, or completely combining the two -- Skybreakers "become the law", having Confidence to enact Justice

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10 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

I'm actually finding the Ideals the hardest part of this, since my theory on how Radiant Ideals work (excepting the Lightweavers because they are just weird) is hard to apply outside the established table.


Ideals are such a nightmare. All I know is Illumination has something to do with truth, Gravation with order, Transformation with change

11 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

I think they're based on the Divine Attributes as follows:

1st Ideal is same for everyone

2nd Ideal is based on the first Divine Attribute and is an expanded form of the Core Ideal

3rd Ideal is based on the first Divine Attribute, embracing it fully and moving past personal limitations holding you back from it

4th Ideal is about shifting from the first to the second Divine Attribute, qualifying the first Attribute in light of the second (Skybreakers move towards Confidence by their crusade, having to operate outside their structure; Windrunners acknowledge they can't Protect everyone in preparation for taking up larger scale Leading roles).

5th Ideal is about expressing the first through the second, or completely combining the two -- Skybreakers "become the law", having Confidence to enact Justice

This is genius, but I doesn't work for anything outside of the ten. 
@Voidwatcher Oh Ado, should we add Divine Attributes to the formula

Edited by Argenti
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2 hours ago, Argenti said:

This is genius, but I doesn't work for anything outside of the ten. 
@Voidwatcher Oh Ado, should we add Divine Attributes to the formula

No. The Ideals are already over the top, finding unique Divine Attributes should be added if they feel like it, but don't force it to be part of the formula. Ideals are already difficult enough. Maybe you could swap them out for the Ideals instead, and we could use @cometaryorbit's formula? Either one or the other, but not both.

2 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

I'm actually finding the Ideals the hardest part of this, since my theory on how Radiant Ideals work (excepting the Lightweavers because they are just weird) is hard to apply outside the established table.

What I'm calling the "Theme/Core Ideal" is the short form of the 2nd Ideal given on the Ten Orders page (https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-ten-orders-of-knights-radiant/) - "I will protect" for Windrunners, "I will remember" for Edgedancers, "I will unite" for Bondsmiths.

Makes sense to me! I don't care about the Ideals, I just found it fun. Ideals are indeed very difficult, you don't have to stick to the full formula if you don't want to. Having fun is the core 'ideal' of this thread, after all :D

Also, I added my Savant-based effect to Selfshapers. What do you think?

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Hearthfounders (Adhesion/Transportation)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will establish

The Hearthfounders are an Order of community builders - not necessarily major leaders, though some could be; more often those who build up everyday life, strengthen everyday communities on the small scale. In societies with a formalized educational system, they are most often teacher. Pioneers, founders of business ventures, lawyers and legal scholars/theorists, and philosophers focusing on social and poliical life are also found among this Order.

Historically they were rivals to the Willshapers in many ways. While both have a focus on building civilization, the Willshaper focus is more on individual freedom, while the Hearthfounder focus is on structure and community.

Surges: Adhesion and Transportation

Adhesion is used to bind objects (or living things!) together with the Full Lashing.

Transportation is used to look into the Cognitive Realm or fully transfer between Realms.

The combined effect of their Surges is the so-called "Hearth Lashing", which binds Transportation to an object, creating a kind of beacon in Shadesmar. Spren and travelers in the Cognitive Realm can see this "Hearth" from miles away, and by touching its bead, transit to the Physical Realm is vastly easier.

Resonance: Hearthfounders can see spren invisible to most. Historically, they rarely spoke of this, not wishing to be seen as claiming the Elsecallers' special role of intermediaries with spren.

True Spren: Volitionspren

Volitionspren are paradoxical spren born from two Surges in contrast. They represent, therefore, the strength of will and identity against an ever-shifting world. Their motto might be "You cannot step twice into the same river - but regardless, I remain myself, and my purpose is unaltered".

A volitionspren in the Physical Realm can be mistaken for a concentrationspren, especially when the Nahel bond is weak and new, much like honorspren and windspren. In Shadesmar they appear as near-transparent humanoid figures made of rippling glass. Most have a singer-like body shape, with hints of carapace; these spren have changed less with the millennia of human influence than most other truespren.

Platespren: Concentrationspren

Ideals: The themes of Hearthfounder Ideals are stability/establishment and flexibility.

First: standard

Second: "I will establish. I will build, rather than tear down." ["I will establish" is the base form of this Ideal, the rest may vary - e.g. "I will build up that which is failing"] 

Third: "Wherever I go, I will remain myself, and bring stability with me" [again, the second part may vary - could also be "Wherever I go, I will remain myself, and confirm those who are wavering"]

Fourth: "Whatever I establish, I will recognize that others must wander." [precise wording varies - basically recognizing that too strict a structure can be harmful]

Fifth: [This one is more personalized than the others, but the core concept is being a guidepost for others who wander. Example:] "I will be a lighthouse by which all may set their path".

Other Notes: Hearthfounders of the 4th Ideal and higher can call their Shardplate spren to serve as sentinels against corrupted spren over an area, such as a small farm or large castle.

Edited by cometaryorbit
extra platespren effect
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8 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

Hearthfounders (Adhesion/Transportation)

Already a good job! You're great at these. Good job on the Ideals as well, done nicely. I like how you personified them with their rivalry and also how they hide their Resonance. Very cool and realistic, I could never make something this good :)

Again, don't feel forced to do Ideals if you don't want to. They're far too difficult to be sensible, and we might swap them out for divine attributes. Fun idea: Instead of making a full Radiant, what if we make a full Herald instead? That way the Divine Attribute fits, and we don't have to worry about Spren as much, and no Ideals to deal with. Allows more creativity with less difficulty, but you have to do a character design instead- so it's a difficult trade-off!

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19 hours ago, Voidwatcher said:

Maybe, I'll think of something.

Nice, I figured as much but wondered if there was any unique effects if you had enough Stormlight to do so.

I didn't mean creation of Perpendicularities, I meant if there was any effect you could apply to existing Perpendicularities. With such a 'lock' onto the Physical Realm, could you force large amounts of the Cognitive Realm/Spiritual Realm through the Perpendicularitiy simply by Binding through it? Transfer a ton of Stormlight or Spren? That'd probably immediately shut down the Perpendicularity, but I wanted to know if there was any interesting interactions planned with them. Could they maybe be unable to travel to the Cognitive Realm due to their own 'Adhesion' to the Physical Realm? What would happen if they tried Binding in the Cognitive Realm? Such an interesting power, that I just want to know all the details!!!!! :P

After thinking about it, I have come up with some, just for you. Connections are extremely powerful. Stormlight's Connection to Rohar single-handedly keeps it from being moved off-world in any way shape or form, So, a Fifth Ideal Soulbinder can, once and only once, inflict the Curse of Binding (not the Minecraft one) on someone, wherein a Permanent Connection is delivered upon someone, forever trapping them at a single location. They can still move around, sure, but they can't move more than about a hundred feet in any direction from the point to which they are bound.

Similarly, I have now made it so that once a Soulbinder swears the Fifth Ideal, they must choose a location to keep under their watch, and from that day onward they are bound to that location and cannot leave. In the past, this meant that important cities or kingdoms had a Soulbinder or two permanently in residence, but since the 5th Ideal was rarely achieved (or most just chose not to), there weren't too many Soulbound Soulbinders. This whole system with the curse and the Ideal echoes how Shards can't travel after they Invest themselves in a world, and how Honor Trapped Odium on Braize.

You can also (this requires Intent and a TON of Stormlight (doing this would likely collapse an entire Perpendicularity on its own)) Connect not to a person's body, but to their Spiritweb, which you can then tear out of their body, instantly killing them the way Shardblades do (Turning the entire body grey and making the eyes burn). How is this useful, you may ask, when you can just use a Shardblade and achieve the same effect much easier? Well, The Connection is still there, and tied to the other end is the Cognitive Shadow of the person you just killed, in the physical realm. The Shadow will be like a Lightweaving, incorporeal and dissolving into Stormlight when touched. The Shadow can then be pulled around by the Soulbinder, put into a body (Like how the Fused shove a Singer's Soul out of their body and then take control of the body), or otherwise just allowed to exist in the Physical Realm. The CS may also be put into an object, whereupon they'll act like a Breath being used to Awaken an object.

Moving onto Perpendicularities, a Soulbinder could Connect to something in the Cognitive Realm by using a Perpendicularity as a gateway, then pull the thing out and into the PR. This could apply to the Cognitive Aspects of objects (The Beads in Shadesmar), which could be pulled out. Imagine having a marble that you can turn into a raging fire that won't burn you, or carrying a wall in your pocket, or any number of ludicrous items otherwise too unwieldy to use on the go. You could also Connect to a Spren through a Perpendicularity, then pull them out into the Physical Realm, bringing their entire being out into the Physical Realm. This wouldn't work like what Ishar is doing, because you're not creating a body for the Spren, just pulling them through as they are. Through this, you could bring a Spren into the Physical Realm without needing them to bond with a Radiant or becoming a Sharblade.

If you have any more ideas for this Radiant, I'm happy to hear them!

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4 hours ago, Underwater_Worldhopper said:

You can also (this requires Intent and a TON of Stormlight (doing this would likely collapse an entire Perpendicularity on its own)) Connect not to a person's body, but to their Spiritweb, which you can then tear out of their body, instantly killing them the way Shardblades do (Turning the entire body grey and making the eyes burn). How is this useful, you may ask, when you can just use a Shardblade and achieve the same effect much easier? Well, The Connection is still there, and tied to the other end is the Cognitive Shadow of the person you just killed, in the physical realm. The Shadow will be like a Lightweaving, incorporeal and dissolving into Stormlight when touched. The Shadow can then be pulled around by the Soulbinder, put into a body (Like how the Fused shove a Singer's Soul out of their body and then take control of the body), or otherwise just allowed to exist in the Physical Realm. The CS may also be put into an object, whereupon they'll act like a Breath being used to Awaken an object.


Rips out your soul and puts it in a chair, so now it walks

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Knight Radiant Order: Worldhealers 

Surges: Progression and Transportation 

Resonance: They can heal while partially in the Cognitive Realm.

True Spren: Mercyspren

Plate Spren: Helpspren

Ideal Theme: I will be there when needed; I will help.



First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD


Second Ideal: I will heal those who need help. I will be there for them.


Third Ideal: I swear that I will never refuse to help somebody.


Fourth Ideal: I accept that I will not always get there in time. I accept that sometimes I will be incapable of helping.



Fifth Ideal: I will become help. I will bring a light of mercy and kindness upon the land.


Role: Historically, Worldhealers function as emergency medics and first responders. They can heal somebody from the Cognitive Realm, making them optimal healers. They had a historical rivalry with Edgedancers because they made Edgedancers obsolete for nearly a century. It was only the signing of a treaty giving Edgedancers primary healing on battlefields was the feud ended. The mission of any Worldhealers is to be there in time to help others.

Edited by The Stick
Added Lore.
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Meltforgers (Division/Cohesion)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will reshape

The Meltforgers are an Order of craftspeople primarily. They can also be inventors, social and political reformers, etc. Their approach to the world historically gave them a semi-friendly rivalry with the Dustbringers.

Surges: Division and Cohesion

Division is used to cause things to burn or decay.

Cohesion is used to soften and shape solid matter.

These Surges can be used in combination to forge metal with inhuman perfection (heating the metal with Division and shaping it with Cohesion).

More destructively, they can be combined to create miniature volcanoes (shaping stone with Cohesion and adding great heat with Division).

True Spren: Lavaspren

Lavaspren are born from the dream of the world's molten heart. They represent artificial forging of metal and the natural reshaping of rocks (metamorphism), both in a literal and symbolic sense - the reshaping of a thing through heat and pressure.

A lavaspren in the Physical Realm looks like a fist-sized, dripping ball of orange-red light. In Shadesmar they appear as humans made of lava.

Platespren: Heatspren

Ideals: The themes of Meltshaper Ideals are the reshaping of things, in contrast with the need for survival and continuity. The wording given is only an example.

First: standard

Second: I will reshape things to better them.

Third: Through all my trials, I will reforge myself.

Fourth: I will remember that not everything and everyone can survive the heat of the forge.

Fifth: I reforge the world through remaking myself.

Other Notes: When Meltforger Shardblades coalesce, they feel warm instead of cold.

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Another 'just for fun' one that doesn't really fit...

Rockburners (Double Division)

 Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will destroy

 Another group of Surgebinders who were never organized into a proper Radiant Order, in this case it was because Ishar and the early Skybreakers suppressed them fiercely. Once they began to develop Honor strengthened the bindings upon the Surge of Division, which is why Skybreakers and Dustbringers cannot access it until 3rd ideal. However, in the current era they can now reappear, defying Honor's limits. 

Surge: Division (x2)

The Surge of Division is used to cause objects to burn or decay.

The Rockburners can use Division with an incredible precision, naturalness, and ease unmatched by Skybreakers or Dustbringers. They are capable even of selectively destroying individual axi within a mixture, solution, or compound, such as purifying sea water by destroying the salt ions, or turning water into oxygen gas by destroying the hydrogen atoms.

Rockburners can also center Division on themselves, exempting their own body, clothes, and equipment. This effect makes them unmatched in battle. An entropy field extending from them makes arrows break apart, swords soften and bend or break, etc; if they grapple with an opponent, their enemy's armor straps may break, their boots unfasten, etc.

Unlike the direct use of Division, this ambient entropy field does not affect living beings. It also cannot affect Invested objects like Shardblades or fabrials.

Resonance: Rockburners have increased Fortune, which manifests primarily as keen instincts in battle.

True Spren: Destructionspren

These weird truespren appear as wisps of black smoke in the Physical Realm, or vaguely humanoid clouds of smoke with blazing flames for eyes and mouth in the Cognitive. They may not be true natives of Shadesmar.

Platespren: Decayspren

Ideals: Historic Rockburners did not use the current Ideal system, but the theme of their bond was destruction.

Current Rockburners, who are more integrated into the Radiant system proper, focus on destruction of only what is harmful or obsolete. None have yet reached the Fourth Ideal.

First Ideal: standard

Second Ideal: I will destroy what holds us back

Third Ideal: No other bond will prevent me from ending that which must end

Mistborn Spoilers:


yeah, I know there are no Splinters of Ruin, but having that connection to a destructionspren - manifesting as black smoke - just seemed too good to pass up.

And the Resonance is meant as a connection to atium, though it's far weaker.

Other Notes: Rockburner Shardblades have a trace of black mist/smoke when coalescing into Physical form.

Mistborn Spoilers:


Unlike most Radiant spren, destructionspren are not deterred by Hemalurgy.


Edited by cometaryorbit
Shardblade coalescing note
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Knight Radiant Order: Planetformers

Surges: Double Transformation 

Surge Combo: They have extreme accuracy with Transformation, capable of transforming single axi. A secret method of creating an explosion equal to nuclear fission was discovered by this order. The one man who knew it was killed and the order was exiled.

True Spren: Alterationspren

Plate Spren: Volatilityspren

Resonance: These unusual radiants are extraordinarily dangerous, being able to Soulcast things from the Spiritual realm into the physical realm if something nearby is weakening the barriers.

Ideal Theme: I will alter



First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD


Second Ideal: I will alter the world, for good or bad is meaningless.


Third Ideal: I will change people themselves.


Fourth Ideal: I will alter myself.



Fifth Ideal: I will alter myself to Cultivate the world.

Lore: This order is by far the closest to Cultivation, favored by her with many blessings. This blatant favoritism by a Shard led to a temporary war with the Honor-favored Windrunners which resulted in the exile of the Planetformers. They operated in small sects, often being important politicians to change the land. They ultimately transmuted a volcano from air next to a Windrunners stronghold and pushed it to explode. This killed nearly half of the order, and two-thirds of the squires. The Planetformers care not for good or evil, merely change. They assumed power for a long while until they dissolved into civil war. They actually voted to go down the path of civil war to encourage change and stop themselves from breaking their ideals. This pattern of civil war and unity remains mostly constant to the present time. Often, Planetformers and spren break their bond and swap bonds with friends quite often. If they did not engage in this strange practice, they would violate their oaths and kill their spren.

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On 5/18/2023 at 7:51 AM, Spearguy said:

Order: Realmbinders 

Surges: Adhesion + Transportation

Radiant spren: Journeyspren

Platespren: Starpren

Resonance: allows for the creation of stable perpendicularites, but they function better as gateways rather than infinite stormlight (but they still produce stormlight)  


The way I am thinking this would work is that the surge of transportation works by creating a tiny perpendicularity, and with adhesion it would be possible to stabilize to create a perpendicularity that can last a bit longer. Again I don't think it would create much stormlight, and it would be a ability that is only unlocked latter.

This is a really good concept for the effect of combining two Surges that are kind of conceptually opposed.

On 5/20/2023 at 6:11 PM, The Stick said:

Knight Radiant Order: Worldhealers 

Surges: Progression and Transportation 

Resonance: They can heal while partially in the Cognitive Realm.

That's a pretty cool power.

On 5/22/2023 at 5:56 PM, The Stick said:

Knight Radiant Order: Planetformers

Surges: Double Transformation 

Surge Combo: They have extreme accuracy with Transformation, capable of transforming single axi. A secret method of creating an explosion equal to nuclear fission was discovered by this order. The one man who knew it was killed and the order was exiled.

True Spren: Alterationspren

Plate Spren: Volatilityspren

Resonance: These unusual radiants are extraordinarily dangerous, being able to Soulcast things from the Spiritual realm into the physical realm if something nearby is weakening the barriers.

Ideal Theme: I will alter



First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD


Second Ideal: I will alter the world, for good or bad is meaningless.


Third Ideal: I will change people themselves.


Fourth Ideal: I will alter myself.



Fifth Ideal: I will alter myself to Cultivate the world.

Lore: This order is by far the closest to Cultivation, favored by her with many blessings. This blatant favoritism by a Shard led to a temporary war with the Honor-favored Windrunners which resulted in the exile of the Planetformers. They operated in small sects, often being important politicians to change the land. They ultimately transmuted a volcano from air next to a Windrunners stronghold and pushed it to explode. This killed nearly half of the order, and two-thirds of the squires. The Planetformers care not for good or evil, merely change. They assumed power for a long while until they dissolved into civil war. They actually voted to go down the path of civil war to encourage change and stop themselves from breaking their ideals. This pattern of civil war and unity remains mostly constant to the present time. Often, Planetformers and spren break their bond and swap bonds with friends quite often. If they did not engage in this strange practice, they would violate their oaths and kill their spren.

This is really interesting and original. I especially like the bond-swapping weirdness.

Canonically I don't think Cultivation is quite this capricious- Cultivation is controlled growth, not random change; this feels more like Whimsy - but canon doesn't really matter for this thread.

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Psychopomps (Division/Transportation) 

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will watch 

Surges: Division and Transportation

Division is used to cause objects to burn, decay, or dissolve.

Transportation is used to look into the Cognitive Realm or fully transfer between Realms. 

The combined use of these Surges allows the Psychopomp to create a fire that burns things in the Cognitive Realm.

The combination of their Surges also makes it easier for Psychopomps to use Division at longer ranges.

Resonance: The Psychopomp has an inherent, very precise sense of elapsed time.

While not a true Resonance, this Order has been known to serve as agents of Cultivation or Honor to meet the dying in the Cognitive Realm. Honor gave this role to the Stormfather instead on his death, but he performs it only very rarely.

True Spren: Shadowspren. The shadowspren are very rare, second only to Bondsmith Spren - only seven exist (or ever did; none died in the Recreance).

These spren represent the necessity of decay and the transitory existence of all Physical and Cognitive things.

Platespren: Deathspren

Ideals: The theme of Psychopomp Ideals is watchfulness and wariness.

First: standard

Second: I will watch when others forget

Third: I will not forget that catastrophe may come again

Fourth: I will accept that others do not share my vigilance

The Fifth Ideal is always highly personal.

History: After the Last Desolation, this Order never was convinced that the Voidbringer threat was over. They were considered crazy by all other Radiants.

Since they still watched for another Desolation, they were unwilling to participate in the Recreance. All were killed by the Skybreakers in a sudden assault by overwhelming force; eighteen Skybreakers, including three of the Fourth Ideal, died before the last Psychopomp fell.

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Fortwrights (Transformation/Tension)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will strengthen

The Fortwrights were builders of stormshelters, city and town walls and fortifications, bunkers, and storehouses during the Desolations. After Aharietiam, they focused on building cities and towns well-protected against the highstorms. Beyond physical building, they strengthen societies, reinforce customs, and preserve traditions.

Surges: Transformation and Tension

Transformation allows the Radiant to Soulcast, transforming an object from one material to another.

Tension allows a Fortwright to strengthen materials, increasing internal axial bonds. They use this Surge quite differently from Bondsmiths, and can precisely alter material properties, increasing hardness, toughness, stiffness, compressive strength, and tensile strength separately or together.

Due to the interaction of their Surges, Fortwrights are more efficient (consume less Light) in Soulcasting to strong solid materials - those covered by the Essences of Lucentia/crystal, Foil/metal, and Talus/stone.

By combining the Surges, Fortwrights can create superstrong walls or bunkers, Soulcasting stone from air into a form with perfectly axially aligned crystals.

Resonance: Fortwrights have an exceptional resistance to cold.

True Spren: Glacierspren. The glacierspren represents the combination of strength and change, like massive ice that flows.

Platespren: Snowspren

Ideals: Fortwright Ideals focus on strengthening and reinforcing.

Other Notes: Fortwright Shardblades are semi-transparent, like ice (credit to @Argenti for the idea). Their Shardplate is much less obviously distinct, but it does glisten slightly.

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Oh golly gosh I've been away from the shard for a week and you've all gone crazy, Ill put out a massive post tomorrow responding to your wonderful Orders. Plus I'll add them to the chart.

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On 5/20/2023 at 11:41 PM, cometaryorbit said:

Meltforgers (Division/Cohesion)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will reshape

The Meltforgers are an Order of craftspeople primarily. They can also be inventors, social and political reformers, etc. Their approach to the world historically gave them a semi-friendly rivalry with the Dustbringers.

Surges: Division and Cohesion

Division is used to cause things to burn or decay.

Cohesion is used to soften and shape solid matter.

These Surges can be used in combination to forge metal with inhuman perfection (heating the metal with Division and shaping it with Cohesion).

More destructively, they can be combined to create miniature volcanoes (shaping stone with Cohesion and adding great heat with Division).

True Spren: Lavaspren

Lavaspren are born from the dream of the world's molten heart. They represent artificial forging of metal and the natural reshaping of rocks (metamorphism), both in a literal and symbolic sense - the reshaping of a thing through heat and pressure.

A lavaspren in the Physical Realm looks like a fist-sized, dripping ball of orange-red light. In Shadesmar they appear as humans made of lava.

Platespren: Heatspren

Ideals: The themes of Meltshaper Ideals are the reshaping of things, in contrast with the need for survival and continuity. The wording given is only an example.

First: standard

Second: I will reshape things to better them.

Third: Through all my trials, I will reforge myself.

Fourth: I will remember that not everything and everyone can survive the heat of the forge.

Fifth: I reforge the world through remaking myself.

I like it, you took that re-forging theme and ran with it! If anything your ideals are a bit boring but thats fine. 


On 5/20/2023 at 7:11 PM, The Stick said:

Knight Radiant Order: Worldhealers 

Surges: Progression and Transportation 

Resonance: They can heal while partially in the Cognitive Realm.

True Spren: Mercyspren

Plate Spren: Helpspren

Ideal Theme: I will be there when needed; I will help.



First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD


Second Ideal: I will heal those who need help. I will be there for them.


Third Ideal: I swear that I will never refuse to help somebody.


Fourth Ideal: I accept that I will not always get there in time. I accept that sometimes I will be incapable of helping.



Fifth Ideal: I will become help. I will bring a light of mercy and kindness upon the land.


Role: Historically, Worldhealers function as emergency medics and first responders. They can heal somebody from the Cognitive Realm, making them optimal healers. They had a historical rivalry with Edgedancers because they made Edgedancers obsolete for nearly a century. It was only the signing of a treaty giving Edgedancers primary healing on battlefields was the feud ended. The mission of any Worldhealers is to be there in time to help others.

You have an interesting idea, but I personally don't love your ideals as they seem pretty much just based on Progression rather than Progression and Transportation. perhaps make them focus on healing mental or spiritual wounds instead. 


On 5/22/2023 at 4:18 PM, cometaryorbit said:

Another 'just for fun' one that doesn't really fit...

Rockburners (Double Division)

 Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will destroy

 Another group of Surgebinders who were never organized into a proper Radiant Order, in this case it was because Ishar and the early Skybreakers suppressed them fiercely. Once they began to develop Honor strengthened the bindings upon the Surge of Division, which is why Skybreakers and Dustbringers cannot access it until 3rd ideal. However, in the current era they can now reappear, defying Honor's limits. 

Surge: Division (x2)

The Surge of Division is used to cause objects to burn or decay.

The Rockburners can use Division with an incredible precision, naturalness, and ease unmatched by Skybreakers or Dustbringers. They are capable even of selectively destroying individual axi within a mixture, solution, or compound, such as purifying sea water by destroying the salt ions, or turning water into oxygen gas by destroying the hydrogen atoms.

Rockburners can also center Division on themselves, exempting their own body, clothes, and equipment. This effect makes them unmatched in battle. An entropy field extending from them makes arrows break apart, swords soften and bend or break, etc; if they grapple with an opponent, their enemy's armor straps may break, their boots unfasten, etc.

Unlike the direct use of Division, this ambient entropy field does not affect living beings. It also cannot affect Invested objects like Shardblades or fabrials.

Resonance: Rockburners have increased Fortune, which manifests primarily as keen instincts in battle.

True Spren: Destructionspren

These weird truespren appear as wisps of black smoke in the Physical Realm, or vaguely humanoid clouds of smoke with blazing flames for eyes and mouth in the Cognitive. They may not be true natives of Shadesmar.

Platespren: Decayspren

Ideals: Historic Rockburners did not use the current Ideal system, but the theme of their bond was destruction.

Current Rockburners, who are more integrated into the Radiant system proper, focus on destruction of only what is harmful or obsolete. None have yet reached the Fourth Ideal.

First Ideal: standard

Second Ideal: I will destroy what holds us back

Third Ideal: No other bond will prevent me from ending that which must end

Mistborn Spoilers:

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yeah, I know there are no Splinters of Ruin, but having that connection to a destructionspren - manifesting as black smoke - just seemed too good to pass up.

And the Resonance is meant as a connection to atium, though it's far weaker.


How does your order feel about a certain black smoke emitting sword?


On 5/23/2023 at 10:19 PM, cometaryorbit said:

Psychopomps (Division/Transportation) 

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will watch 

Surges: Division and Transportation

Division is used to cause objects to burn, decay, or dissolve.

Transportation is used to look into the Cognitive Realm or fully transfer between Realms. 

The combined use of these Surges allows the Psychopomp to create a fire that burns things in the Cognitive Realm.

The combination of their Surges also makes it easier for Psychopomps to use Division at longer ranges.

Resonance: The Psychopomp has an inherent, very precise sense of elapsed time.

While not a true Resonance, this Order has been known to serve as agents of Cultivation or Honor to meet the dying in the Cognitive Realm. Honor gave this role to the Stormfather instead on his death, but he performs it only very rarely.

True Spren: Shadowspren. The shadowspren are very rare, second only to Bondsmith Spren - only seven exist (or ever did; none died in the Recreance).

These spren represent the necessity of decay and the transitory existence of all Physical and Cognitive things.

Platespren: Deathspren

Ideals: The theme of Psychopomp Ideals is watchfulness and wariness.

First: standard

Second: I will watch when others forget

Third: I will not forget that catastrophe may come again

Fourth: I will accept that others do not share my vigilance

The Fifth Ideal is always highly personal.

History: After the Last Desolation, this Order never was convinced that the Voidbringer threat was over. They were considered crazy by all other Radiants.

Since they still watched for another Desolation, they were unwilling to participate in the Recreance. All were killed by the Skybreakers in a sudden assault by overwhelming force; eighteen Skybreakers, including three of the Fourth Ideal, died before the last Psychopomp fell.

I like it, I realy like how you've been adding history. Psychopomp, does mean a person who guides the dead to the afterlife, which doesn't really have anything to do with your order's ideals.


On 5/25/2023 at 9:17 PM, cometaryorbit said:

Fortwrights (Transformation/Tension)

Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will strengthen

The Fortwrights were builders of stormshelters, city and town walls and fortifications, bunkers, and storehouses during the Desolations. After Aharietiam, they focused on building cities and towns well-protected against the highstorms. Beyond physical building, they strengthen societies, reinforce customs, and preserve traditions.

Surges: Transformation and Tension

Transformation allows the Radiant to Soulcast, transforming an object from one material to another.

Tension allows a Fortwright to strengthen materials, increasing internal axial bonds. They use this Surge quite differently from Bondsmiths, and can precisely alter material properties, increasing hardness, toughness, stiffness, compressive strength, and tensile strength separately or together.

Due to the interaction of their Surges, Fortwrights are more efficient (consume less Light) in Soulcasting to strong solid materials - those covered by the Essences of Lucentia/crystal, Foil/metal, and Talus/stone.

By combining the Surges, Fortwrights can create superstrong walls or bunkers, Soulcasting stone from air into a form with perfectly axially aligned crystals.

Resonance: Fortwrights have an exceptional resistance to cold.

True Spren: Glacierspren. The glacierspren represents the combination of strength and change, like massive ice that flows.

Platespren: Snowspren

Ideals: Fortwright Ideals focus on strengthening and reinforcing.

Ohhhhhhhh I like it. Do they have semi transparent swords? (like Ice?)

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18 hours ago, Argenti said:

How does your order feel about a certain black smoke emitting sword?


I like it, I realy like how you've been adding history. Psychopomp, does mean a person who guides the dead to the afterlife, which doesn't really have anything to do with your order's ideals.


Ohhhhhhhh I like it. Do they have semi transparent swords? (like Ice?)

Oh, the Rockburners would love him! He'd be the perfect Rockburner Shardblade.

Yeah I do know what Psychopomp means, thus the comment about them appearing to dead people in the Cognitive. The idea was Division / Death and decay + Transportation / Realmatic Transition = Psychopomp. I agree I didn't do a great job with the Ideals though. I might revise that Order and move some of the concepts that don't fit well to a different one (maybe the one whose Platespren are Anticipationspren).

Glacier-ice looking Blades for Fortwrights is an awesome idea! Maybe their Plate too...

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17 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

Glacier-ice looking Blades for Fortwrights is an awesome idea! Maybe their Plate too...

ohhhh I'm going to go add some stuff like that to my orders.


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Knight Radiant Order: Lifemelters

Surges: Division and Transportation 

Surge Combo: They have extreme control in dividing and Soulcasting at the same time. They are specialized at using these talents to melt people.

True Spren: Fervourspren and later Unmade

Plate Spren: Deathspren

Resonance: They are granted the ability to divide beads inside of Shadesmar.

Ideal Theme: I shall purify



First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD


Second Ideal: I shall purify those without Honor.


Third Ideal: I shall destroy to better he whom I swear myself to.


Fourth Ideal: I will not allow Mercy to cloud lawful destruction.



Fifth Ideal: I will destroy all those who are heretics.


Lore: This order was by far the most corrupt and dangerous of the Radiants. They were one of the last orders founded. Honor approached them giving them the duty of administrating and purifying Vorinism. They took this much too literally which essentially made them Inquisitor. Shunned by every order except the Dustbringers, they were despised by the common citizens of Roshar. They acted as effectively an inquisition, and they started the Hierocracy to give the church ultimate power. They believe it is their duty to crusade against all who do not properly follow Vorin law. They commonly arrested darkeyed families for not following Vorin customs like separating food. They then took the property of the arrested and sold it to fund their corruption. At the end of the Hierocracy, a massive horde of Vorin peasants contracted Azish mercenaries and burned the Lifemelter stronghold to the ground. None survived for the next few centuries. It was only when Odium began to take an active role in Rosharan affairs did they resurface. This time they were bonded to Unmade and served Odium totally. They became a terrifying threat to Roshar.

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