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Misting/Twinborn everyday value


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So this is a post that's been made a million times, but storm it we ball. What kind of misting/ferring/twinborn would you like to be, and what do you think actually fits you best. Twinborn can be compounders but dodn't have to be. This would be in modern day, either in a world where the mettalic arts just are a thing but it's otherwise identical to our own.your metal and or bracers/vials are just something you can go out and buy at walmart in this example, so nothing is too hard to obtain. No god metals.

I'll go first:
Powers I'd want: Coinshot/Firesoul/Bronze compounder. Coinshot is super useful for not having to pay for gas or car parts or any of that rust, plus it's cool as storm. Firesoul is just something I've wished for all the time when it's too cold or too hot out. And bronze compounder just gives you an extra third of your life you can do whatever you want with.

Power's I feel actually fit me: Smoker/Sparker/no idea.   Smoker because I usually try to fly under the radar, and sparker because I get that ADHD last second procastonor boost where I'm 10x more productive, but only after doing nothing 90% of the time. 

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9 hours ago, SteelBagel said:

So this is a post that's been made a million times, but storm it we ball. What kind of misting/ferring/twinborn would you like to be, and what do you think actually fits you best. Twinborn can be compounders but dodn't have to be. This would be in modern day, either in a world where the mettalic arts just are a thing but it's otherwise identical to our own.your metal and or bracers/vials are just something you can go out and buy at walmart in this example, so nothing is too hard to obtain. No god metals.

I'll go first:
Powers I'd want: Coinshot/Firesoul/Bronze compounder. Coinshot is super useful for not having to pay for gas or car parts or any of that rust, plus it's cool as storm. Firesoul is just something I've wished for all the time when it's too cold or too hot out. And bronze compounder just gives you an extra third of your life you can do whatever you want with.

Power's I feel actually fit me: Smoker/Sparker/no idea.   Smoker because I usually try to fly under the radar, and sparker because I get that ADHD last second procastonor boost where I'm 10x more productive, but only after doing nothing 90% of the time. 

For me nr 1 is zinc compounder. Steel or pewter compounders are also very desirable, A-pewter/F-zinc is good too. There are just too many useful combinations and it really depends on what part of your daily life you want to improve.

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11 hours ago, SteelBagel said:

So this is a post that's been made a million times, but storm it we ball. What kind of misting/ferring/twinborn would you like to be, and what do you think actually fits you best. Twinborn can be compounders but dodn't have to be. This would be in modern day, either in a world where the mettalic arts just are a thing but it's otherwise identical to our own.your metal and or bracers/vials are just something you can go out and buy at walmart in this example, so nothing is too hard to obtain. No god metals.

I'll go first:
Powers I'd want: Coinshot/Firesoul/Bronze compounder. Coinshot is super useful for not having to pay for gas or car parts or any of that rust, plus it's cool as storm. Firesoul is just something I've wished for all the time when it's too cold or too hot out. And bronze compounder just gives you an extra third of your life you can do whatever you want with.

Power's I feel actually fit me: Smoker/Sparker/no idea.   Smoker because I usually try to fly under the radar, and sparker because I get that ADHD last second procastonor boost where I'm 10x more productive, but only after doing nothing 90% of the time. 

This is a fun one.

For the first one, I'd have to select Thug as a Misting. Pewter's just so useful in everyday life, just to do whatever. Coinshot would be second place there. With enough Pewter, I can actually have the energy to be able to do things, and I could just dead sprint everywhere I need to go- forget a car at all. Not to mention construction jobs would become easier, and will be a type of easy work if I need a job.

For the second one, I'd have to go Steelrunner as a Ferring. I spend most of my time lounging around anyways, and if I can use Steel to just speedily do things so I can go back to lounging around... easy life.

For the third one, I'd have to go Thug/Steelrunner as a regular Twinborn, but probably Coinshot/Steelrunner as a Twinborn Compounder. Both are incredibly useful combinations.

For the ones that fit me, it's probably Rioter/Soother as a Misting (either work) and a Sparker as a Ferring. Regular Twinborn is Soother/Sparker and Compounder is Rioter/Sparker. I'm particularly good at analyzing and responding to wild emotions, but I also have similar ADHD issues allowing for a Sparker. I didn't even notice that Rioter/Sparker was a Compounder combination for a moment, but that sure made it easy.

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5 hours ago, alder24 said:

For me nr 1 is zinc compounder. Steel or pewter compounders are also very desirable, A-pewter/F-zinc is good too. There are just too many useful combinations and it really depends on what part of your daily life you want to improve.

Agreed, for me the top is Zinc Compounder followed shortly by just Zinc Ferring and something else.  Various Tin sensory augments tend to be the next on my list, but I'd take the Super-intelligence and Intuition first.  

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Compounding is a tempting way to get a free, infinite cycling store of an attribute, making dual gold or zinc the obvious choice... But tbh I suspect running an overclocked mind constantly would rapidly get boring.

It'd be like being Leonardo da Vinci from Futurama, where it is revealed that he was actually from another planet full of genius polymaths ("Vinci") where he was the stupidest person alive, and had left to come to Earth in the 15th-16th Centuries as a respite. Asked why he'd gone back to Vinci after a few decades, he replied: "I went to Earth because I could no longer stand the ridicule, but being surrounded by even stupider people was equally infuriating!"

So, I'll take A-pewter and F-zinc. I can get by with just ordinary banking of mental speed while watching YouTube or Netflix, LOL. Hopefully A-pewter is enough healthwise that I won't regret not opting for F-gold in my lifetime (until the day I get hit by a bus, right?).

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