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Mental Health Awareness Month 2023


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Gosh, is it really almost May already?  Wow.

Well, I went back and looked at last year's thread, and I've got to say: I've come a long way since then.  I still have pretty significant lows, but I have a support system now, at least for what ended up being determined as anxiety.  There's still other things that I'm not sure about/am researching, but even just the research has helped a lot.  

So my two cents will be this, then: It does get better.  It can be difficult, and talking to people is scary, and there will be setbacks.  But it gets better.  

And for those of y'all who are in the spot I was in last year: If you don't have a name for what's going on, that's okay.  If it's hurting you, then that's a reason to get help.

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This is so, so important.

I’m not going to be able to say anything that people haven’t said already. I’m probably just going to sound like a malfunctioning cliché-machine. But, as someone who is currently in a pretty bad place with a lot of undiagnosed stuff and as someone who has a lot of friends in similar positions to mine, I can honestly say that no one, no one, deserves to go through any sort of mental health condition. There is no one on the planet that does not deserve the utmost happiness, joy and peace, all of the time. If you feel like this, amazing. Congratulations on building a great lifestyle. But if you don’t, that’s okay. That’s completely okay, because you will get there. I know it.

I love you, and I believe in you. 

“I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you Kaladin, you will be warm again.”

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1 hour ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Would someone be willing to try to change this to green?






Its not great but here it is.

I tried to change mine but it doesn't look very green. Ill have to re-do it. Thank you so much to @Tesh for making this thread it's a really great thing to do. raising awareness and having a safe place where people can talk about their mental health is a very worthy goal.

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3 hours ago, The Sibling said:



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Its not great but here it is.

I tried to change mine but it doesn't look very green. Ill have to re-do it. Thank you so much to @Tesh for making this thread it's a really great thing to do. raising awareness and having a safe place where people can talk about their mental health is a very worthy goal.

3 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

@The Sibling beat me to it but here's mine anyways, I think theirs is better tho

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Thank you both!

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19 hours ago, The Sibling said:

I tried to change mine but it doesn't look very green. Ill have to re-do it. Thank you so much to @Tesh for making this thread it's a really great thing to do. raising awareness and having a safe place where people can talk about their mental health is a very worthy goal.

Thoughts? (if you want to just do it yourself thats fine)



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I uh have a few poems about my experiences that I feel I should share.

Shatter Me


Shatter me

Tear me down

Shove me to the brink

Toss me over 

Send me careening into the depths of






Take my fear


Rip it

Twist it

Grow it into vines

Strangle me in the fear of





The Light



Take my bridges


Shatter them

Rip them

Set them on fire

Leave me stranded when the storms come





Send the storms


Hide me from sight in their embrace 

The smothering blackness

Let it seep inside

Choke out the light

Let the rain freeze, me

The lightning strike, me

I don't care





Take me to the eye of the storm


Show the bleakness before

The utter darkness to come

Shove me into the darkness

Show me there is no other choice

No other way

There never was any light, only darkness

That this is the only option, to end it on my terms

It’s time to say goodbye

There never was another way







Shatter Me, God




Grind my bones under pestle and mortar

Flay me past death

Send me into the Abyss

So that I can truly









Break this tainted glass


Rip out the blinders

Obliterate my perfect little world

Crumple me with pain

O how did I not see it before

Cries my soul

As I truly see for the first time

Their fear 

Their pain 

Their struggles


Send me their pain


Make me their rock

Dump it all on me

Watch it shatter me

Overwhelm me to paralysis

Bring back my demons

Start to drag me under once more

How do you help





Send me deeper


Shatter me some more

Set the world upon my shoulders

Keep a steadying hand nearby as I fall

Catch the world and put it back

Show me that I can 






Shatter me


So that I can help

Tear me down

So I can grow back stronger

Shove me to the brink

So I can see them

Toss me over 

To save them

Send me careening into the depths

To bring them back


Open your eyes


You are never alone


I am here


Give a hug

There is light





I think I know why


I think I know why

You saved me

All those months ago

During that night

When I couldn’t feel

When I couldn’t care


Back then

I only had friends

And aloof parents

The floor was so nice

Just didn’t want to move

Didn’t know how yet


But that I would

That I would end it that night


And yet

And yet on my knees

You were there

I do not remember

The exact feeling

But the tears come rushing back

As I remember

Just the pure love

Such beautiful, sweet, pure love

Undiluted by anything

Just pure love


And that night

I managed to crawl into bed

To not seek a knife

Nor a way to end my life

But instead

I slept

In your warm embrace


And now

I think I know

I think I know why I was saved

Why you brought me back

To suffer more

To suffer greater things

Than ever before


You taught me the meaning

Behind these phrases

How great the pain of searing love

It’s time to get our hands dirty

Be love, there’s a whole lot of hurting

Why sit for a miracle

When we can be one

We can be the change, be the hope

Be the arms that don’t let go

Be a light in the dark

We are where is starts

And so many more

So many more phrases than I can list


You brought me back

For them

To lift them up

Because they need someone

Who will always be there

Someone who wishes to show 

The pure love of Christ to all

Someone who’s desire has been changed

Who just wishes to help

Someone who feels their pain as their own

Who is overwhelmed by caring sometimes

Who forgets to care for himself

Who tears himself apart for them

And does not regret a single second of it

Who’d do it a thousand times over

Each time more intense and brutal than the last

For them, I would do it


I was brought back for them

I don’t know that I could live for another reason

I don’t know that I’d want to live for another reason

I was brought back to help others, not myself

I was brought back different than before

Maybe a new creature, I’m not sure

But I’ll keep changing

I’ll keep turning to you

For them

Because without them

The world has no meaning


They are my siblings now

And I will defend them

To my last breath

Even from themselves

I will always defend them

And care for them

And love them

Because they are the reason I live

For them, I was brought back

Others as well

But they are why I live

So that I can help others







Know that no matter what you are going through, we all love you. And we're here to support you if you need it. I'll love you no matter who you are, because you are incredible <3

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1 hour ago, Cash67 said:

my pfp has enough green i think... maybe?

yeah, you should be fine. You could greenify it (or get someone else to do it) if you wanted to, but I don't think you have to. I think part of it is just the symbol of changing your PFP for the month, it's just showing that you're willing to change and to accept these things, and that they are real, and love/comfort the people that experience them. On the other hand, maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about.

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