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Apparently Anne McCaffrey died


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She wasn't my introduction to the genre but she was one of my first favorite sci-fi authors. I loved Pern as well as the Talents series. In fact, I think the first internet forum I ever joined was an Anne McCaffrey fansite. She will definitely be missed but she has left a great legacy.

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I loved the Pern books in middle school. They still have a place in my heart, though I haven't read one in ages. Maybe I should.

It's sad that she's gone, but I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. She was already pretty old when I first started reading her, and that was, like, 16 years ago.

I just realized, all of the authors I grew up loving are now dead. Dr. Seuss, Shel Siverstien, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein, Robert Jordan, Brian Jacques, Arthur C Clarke, Roald Dahl, John Bellairs, Lloyd Alexander, and now Anne McCaffrey. Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's. Orson Scott Card better watch out—he's the only one left. :(

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I loved the Pern books in middle school. They still have a place in my heart, though I haven't read one in ages. Maybe I should.

It's sad that she's gone, but I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. She was already pretty old when I first started reading her, and that was, like, 16 years ago.

I just realized, all of the authors I grew up loving are now dead. Dr. Seuss, Shel Siverstien, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein, Robert Jordan, Brian Jacques, Arthur C Clarke, Roald Dahl, John Bellairs, Lloyd Alexander, and now Anne McCaffrey. Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's. Orson Scott Card better watch out—he's the only one left. :(

yeah, she was like 80-something. Like i told my fiancee, it's sad, yes, but surprising, no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was browsing the internet after work today (as is my custom) and I stumbled onto a notice that Anne McCaffrey, most famous for her "Dragonriders of Pern" books, passed away last month. I loved her as a writer, and enjoyed nearly all of her books. In fact, "Dragonsinger" was the first book of hers that I read, and it was the book that spring-boarded me into my love of Sf/Fantasy.

I'm sorry to hear that she's gone.

Edited by Ookla the Abstracted
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Thanks for the merge, I don't know why I couldn't find this earlier. I thought it was weird that no one would've started a thread by now.

Also, I composed a short poem in her honor! (Using the statement her son made for her when she couldn't make it to dragoncon.)

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