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Brandon won't be needing to finish ASOIAF for GRRM.

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The topic says it all. George R. R. Martin had let loose a secret that should assuage the fears of those concerned he will die before finishing the series. 



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The letter. I really really hope it's a joke. Because that's ridiculously creepy. It sounds like some messed-up short story brainstormed by Writing Excuses on a particularly crazy day.



I think this falls less under the creepy scale than thousands of people posting about how you're going to die soon, and they only regret it because of the books they want to read. 

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I think this falls less under the creepy scale than thousands of people posting about how you're going to die soon, and they only regret it because of the books they want to read. 

Well yes, you have a good point there. Is GRRM really sick or something though? Why's everyone so concerned he's going to die?


See the thing is, that I can see both ways being true. I'm just going to go with the letter being a joke, because it's less disturbing.

I think I'm gonna follow you on that one.


Edi: EMTrevor, is your profile pic Pikachu Kaladin? I just noticed.

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His health isn't great, but the real problem is his super over eating. Or at least that's how I understand it. I guess the Wafflesworn went a little far with this one.

He eats enough to kill himself?  :wacko: Or is it like a general obesity health-issue fear? Or you don't know?


......I think the Wafflesworn have more integrity than that*  :P. We are yet to see a diet waffle though. :)


*Than to make someone terminally ill with their food.

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See that picture above the letter? The one that says "A HappyPlace Original"? It means the site - HappyPlace - created this. Martin didn't write it.



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See that picture above the letter? The one that says "A HappyPlace Original"? It means the site - HappyPlace - created this. Martin didn't write it.



What is the Link supposd to be for? The Picture it leads to, Why? It's as weird as this Link.

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...you know, given how many people think GRRM is a nihilist who hate humanity because of how evil the people in his books are, I can kind of see him as Ra's al Ghul.

Comic version anyway. Environmental terrorism for the win!

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