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Migrants to and from Nalthis


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People that are born on Nalthis or on the other planet but both parents have Breaths will get Breath when born: Non-Nathians can ever Return if they are on Nalthis, yet it's unlikely. WoBs



In order to have a Breath, do you have to be native to Nalthis?

Brandon Sanderson

Not to be given Breaths, but people who are not native to Nalthis are not born with that Investiture.


So, you have to be born on that planet?

Brandon Sanderson

There are exceptions. Most of the time.


If both your parents were Nalthians, and they moved off planet, and they had a child that was born on a different planet—

Brandon Sanderson

It is possible for that child to have a Breath, but it would not continue too long. But yes, that child would probably have a Breath, depending...


If both of his parents had Breaths.

Brandon Sanderson


Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)



Shardlet (paraphrased)

If a Scadrian allomancer had a baby with a Nalthian (and the baby was born on Nalthis), could the baby have an original Breath and also be a Natural allomancer?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

It could happen, the baby would have a bit of Preservation and a bit of Endowment.

SpoCon 2013 (July 10, 2013)




Could a non-native be able to be Returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, that is possible.


So someone who was born without a Breath and came to Nalthis could possibly be Returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Possibly could be Returned. Yes. That's not very likely.


So they could get a Divine Breath, even though never...

Brandon Sanderson

They could be given a Divine Breath, yes.

Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)

But question about singers is a RAFO:



If a tribe of singers were to worldhop to Nalthis, and live there for a few generations, would their pure singer offspring begin to be born with Breath?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO. Good question, though. Excellent question!

Skype Q&A (Oct. 8, 2018)


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36 minutes ago, alder24 said:

People that are born on Nalthis or on the other planet but both parents have Breaths will get Breath when born: Non-Nathians can ever Return if they are on Nalthis, yet it's unlikely. WoBs

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In order to have a Breath, do you have to be native to Nalthis?

Brandon Sanderson

Not to be given Breaths, but people who are not native to Nalthis are not born with that Investiture.


So, you have to be born on that planet?

Brandon Sanderson

There are exceptions. Most of the time.


If both your parents were Nalthians, and they moved off planet, and they had a child that was born on a different planet—

Brandon Sanderson

It is possible for that child to have a Breath, but it would not continue too long. But yes, that child would probably have a Breath, depending...


If both of his parents had Breaths.

Brandon Sanderson


Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)


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Shardlet (paraphrased)

If a Scadrian allomancer had a baby with a Nalthian (and the baby was born on Nalthis), could the baby have an original Breath and also be a Natural allomancer?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

It could happen, the baby would have a bit of Preservation and a bit of Endowment.

SpoCon 2013 (July 10, 2013)


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Could a non-native be able to be Returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, that is possible.


So someone who was born without a Breath and came to Nalthis could possibly be Returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Possibly could be Returned. Yes. That's not very likely.


So they could get a Divine Breath, even though never...

Brandon Sanderson

They could be given a Divine Breath, yes.

Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)

But question about singers is a RAFO:

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If a tribe of singers were to worldhop to Nalthis, and live there for a few generations, would their pure singer offspring begin to be born with Breath?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO. Good question, though. Excellent question!

Skype Q&A (Oct. 8, 2018)


Cool thanks for the info. I’ve heard an interesting theory that Shallan has relatively recent Nalthian ancestry that was supposedly confirmed by Brandon off mic.

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3 hours ago, lacrossedeamon said:

Cool thanks for the info. I’ve heard an interesting theory that Shallan has relatively recent Nalthian ancestry that was supposedly confirmed by Brandon off mic.

I would very much like the to hear the context of that statement!  There's a strong theory that she's recently decended from a Cognitive Shadow that is very Similar to a Returned, but vert much not. 

But frankly I'd just love to learn more about the older, hidden cross-ties from generations of worldhopping.  

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4 hours ago, Quantus said:

I would very much like the to hear the context of that statement!  There's a strong theory that she's recently decended from a Cognitive Shadow that is very Similar to a Returned, but vert much not. 

But frankly I'd just love to learn more about the older, hidden cross-ties from generations of worldhopping.  

This was said in a thread on cremposting so it could just be a straight up lie but if not it’s definitely interesting. It could explain what attracted Shallan’s mother (I know the other theory you are talking about) to Lin Davar in the first place.

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Shallan's family was pretty connected. Perhaps the Davars had access to offworld breaths as well as the soulcaster, Skybreaker internships, and the possible seon-box?

Or, if the Shallan's mom is a herald thing pans out, perhaps maybe breaths are used to allow a cognitive shadow to have children?

Who knows, but very cool! 

Edited by teknopathetic
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