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Could Feruchemical pewter store strength from stormlight


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So stormlight doesn’t contribute an absurd amount of additional strength, but it does strengthen the body a little bit. So could pewter Feruchemically store that bit of extra strength the same way it could store magical strength from Allomantic pewter? I feel that it could but maybe someone has information that I am not privy to which says otherwise.

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I don't think that strength comes from Stormlight, I think it's just because it heals tiredness, which gives the impression of added strength. From coppermind: 


Stormlight gives the user a sensation of increased energy, restlessness and desire to move, with several people comparing it to a storm raging inside them. While held, it will automatically heal wounds, exhaustion and even conditions such as poisoning or drunkenness. [...] Stormlight doesn't give the Surgebinder much additional raw strength.

But if there is some strength given by Stormlight, like A-pewter, you would be able to store it in pewtermind.

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39 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I don't think that strength comes from Stormlight, I think it's just because it heals tiredness, which gives the impression of added strength. From coppermind: 

But if there is some strength given by Stormlight, like A-pewter, you would be able to store it in pewtermind.

Stormlight does give strength, such as when Shallan was able to pull Kaladin into the cleft she carved in the cliff, or when Kaladin couldn't lift Hobber without stormlight, but could with it(WoR 384)

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1 minute ago, Frustration said:

Stormlight does give strength, such as when Shallan was able to pull Kaladin into the cleft she carved in the cliff, or when Kaladin couldn't lift Hobber without stormlight, but could with it(WoR 384)

In the case of Hobber, Kaladin was extremely tired after the fight and was walking without the light, so when he did inhale light, it healed his exhaustion. 

In case of Shallan, it was from Kaladin PoV, but Shallan was exhausted after cutting steps in a wall, while trying to hide her Surgebinding abilities. From her PoV of cutting the steps, it looks like she did it without Stormlight, and had to climb down multiple times to give rest to her hands. So while holding Kal's hand she most likely inhale Stormlight, which cure her exhaustion and "strengthens" her grip.

In both cases they were extremely tired, and without Stormlight, so after inhalation of Stormlight, they got rid of exhaustion, which gives only the impression of getting more strength. Being tired can seriously reduce your strength. I don't remember from books any clear indication of Stormlight adding real strength. 

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Even if Stormlight doesn’t directly increase strength it would at least allow for the Feruchemist to store more strength more easily since the stormlight would keep them invigorated while they stored larger amounts of strength. And I think stormlight adds a small amount of strength simply by virtue of the fact that the muscles can take more strain from more force exerted, so you are technically stronger.

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I'm half convinced that Stormlight just lets you ignore the body's normal self-imposed limits on strength exertion (which normally exist for a very good reason) and then just heals away the damage removing those limits would cause. But the other half of me is convinced that we still don't fully understand what it is stormlight does. I mean Kaladin shows substantially heightened reflexes in the WoR duel that immediately goes away when he runs out of stormlight, but I don't know if any non-windrunners have shown the same benefit. I could see where stormlight provides a substantial boost to strength, or where it does not, or even where it does for some orders but not others. If there is a definitive answer on this, I personally cannot say, and many others seem confused about it as well, based on how many times this conversation has occurred in the fandom.

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16 hours ago, HSuperLee said:

I'm half convinced that Stormlight just lets you ignore the body's normal self-imposed limits on strength exertion (which normally exist for a very good reason) and then just heals away the damage removing those limits would cause. But the other half of me is convinced that we still don't fully understand what it is stormlight does. I mean Kaladin shows substantially heightened reflexes in the WoR duel that immediately goes away when he runs out of stormlight, but I don't know if any non-windrunners have shown the same benefit. I could see where stormlight provides a substantial boost to strength, or where it does not, or even where it does for some orders but not others. If there is a definitive answer on this, I personally cannot say, and many others seem confused about it as well, based on how many times this conversation has occurred in the fandom.

I figure the coppermind is pretty clear on it.  

I see stormlight more like smelling salts for massive lifts.  It gets everything running on all cylinders.  Your bodies maximum load doesn't change but your ability to push past everything that is written in biology and physiology to stop you from achieving that is greatly increased.  

You don't suffer muscle tears or strains.  There is no stroking out or bursting bloodvessels in your face as you pull up that weight.  

Unlike pewter where it literally doubles + strength, stormlight perfects your body allowing you to push to the absolute limit that your physiological development will allow.  

If Eddie Hall deadlifts 500kg and all the vessels in his face are exploding and he strokes out then stormlight could have kept him conscious and he might have been able to push past that.  I won't say how much but it isn't like pewter where he could deadlift 1000kg or even 1500kg flaring it.  With stormlight healing every muscle fiber as it tears and keeping him feeling like he just took a nice deep breath of smelling salts the entire lift he might pull off 20% more.  That isn't magically gifted strength though.  That is stormlight telling your body to disregard any safety net built to limit it via healing.  Now that's a trained athlete who pushes himself to the furthest he can and using smelling salts. 

Someone untrained may find they can lift more than 10-20% of their old max because they have never pushed themselves in that way before.  

I am not shocked that shallan seems to get stronger with it.  She isn't accustomed to the rigors of physical exertion.  I imagine she would see and feel like her strength increased more than what Kaladin or other soldiers may feel they gain from it.  

Stormlight still doesn't make you stronger than what your physical body will allow.  That is pewters playground.  

Edit:  In answer to the OPs question... I don't think stormlight is going to allow you to store more than you already do except for the fact that while holding stormlight you could store some strength and not feel those effects because you would be healing past it all.  

I think tapping F pewter while on stormlight would give you more functional strength than tapping the same amount of F pewter without stormlight.  If you use only 80% of what you have then every time you tap X you are actually able to use the maximum of what you tap.  I think this is more a matter of the fact that every time you tap pewter there is wasted strength your biology stops you from using as part of that safety net.  Stormlight would still allow you to overcome that and push to physical limits whatever their new set points are.  

Taking Eddie hall as an example again.  Say he was able to use 85% of his maximum potential when he set his record... 500kg lifted nods to his total potential being 575kg.  That isn't necessarily added strength from stormlight but it appears he is doing more.  Now if he tapped enough to strength to duplicate what pewter does at 1000kg on stormlight he could probably push past those biological hurdles to 1150kg.  Flared pewter levels at 3x his strength would land him without stormlight at 1500kg and with stormlight closer to 1725kg.  

It looks like stormlight is increasing strength but it is only allowing you to maximize your potential.  

Shallan examples would be more dramatic as she isn't a trained lifter.   If she only has access to 60% of her strength she would gain more from stormlight.  Not because it magically funnels you strength but because it magically allows you to bite your thumb at all of the injuries that come from using all of your potential strength.  

Edited by Tamriel Wolfsbaine
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On 1/27/2023 at 4:38 PM, alder24 said:

In case of Shallan, it was from Kaladin PoV, but Shallan was exhausted after cutting steps in a wall, while trying to hide her Surgebinding abilities. From her PoV of cutting the steps, it looks like she did it without Stormlight, and had to climb down multiple times to give rest to her hands. So while holding Kal's hand she most likely inhale Stormlight, which cure her exhaustion and "strengthens" her grip.

Additionally, Kaladin pushed himself up during this scene. Shallan only acted as a slight addition making it easier for Kaladin. Not really any different than any other circumstance where someone helps another pull themselves up from a ledge.

Considering that Stormlight more allows the body to exert itself to its maximum without the negatives, it's not really possible to store strength from Stormlight. It would likely mitigate the downsides of storing strength though

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