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Theory: Marsh Becomes an Avatar


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Clearly, there is a plan for Marsh down the road. I don't think Sanderson would make him immortal and keep him around for no good reason. So what's going to be his story going forward?

Marsh is currently probably one of the most (if not the most) heavily ruin-invested individuals in the cosmere, save Harmony himself, and as lost metal tells us that's not likely to change. Hemalurgy was different in the era of the final empire, and you just can't have as many spikes now as Marsh does.

Sazed, meanwhile, has a problem. He has more ruin in his system than he does preservation, and it's making things difficult for him. Perhaps one way to solve this issue is to shunt that extra ruin into an avatar, a minishard. And who better to make an avatar of Ruin than the person already most heavily aligned with him?

Ruin is the end of all things. The fall of the great civilization, the mountain ground into dust, the star that goes out. Preservation gave a part of himself up to create life. So what then, is the avatar of that opposite part of Ruin? Death.

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I could kind of see that happening. It makes a lot more sense than the first thing I read the title as: "Marsh Becomes an Aviar."
But I'm not entirely convinced it would solve everything, because I'm not convinced he could make an Avatar of Ruin without making an Avatar of Preservation at the same time due to his whole balance thing, maybe even of equal proportions, which just puts everything back at square one.

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14 hours ago, Invocation said:

I could kind of see that happening. It makes a lot more sense than the first thing I read the title as: "Marsh Becomes an Aviar."

My first glance at the title made even LESS sense:  "Moash Becomes an Aviar".  I read the first two paragraphs thinking "wait, do we know Moash is immortal now?  And how is a Rosharan invested by Ruin?" LOL

To the point... I'd like to think there is a plan for Marsh going forward, but the events of tLM give me little faith.  I like your idea, but seems like Marsh's future is more likely a fade to legend with possible occasional cameo.  I hope I'm wrong.

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On 2023-01-04 at 9:40 PM, AquaRegia said:

I like your idea, but seems like Marsh's future is more likely a fade to legend with possible occasional cameo.

I doubt this, for several reasons. One is that Brandon made a point of having him survive TLM, despite having the opportunity to kill him off. If I remember correctly, he even considered having Marsh die at the end of Era 1 originally, but changed his mind. I think that such a powerful (and popular) character as Marsh wouldn't be kept around for no purpose. If his only future is fading into legend he should probably be dead. 

The other main reason for why Marsh has a future is that he is sitting in quite an interesting position going into Era 3. He is essentially Sazeds right-hand-man at the moment, and has been serving Harmony since the merging of Ruin and Preservation. But now his maverick brother who he has... complicated history with, is hinted to be heading into a potential conflict with Sazed. If and when that happens, whose side will Marsh take? 

Furthermore, I think there is a lot left to explore with Kelsier and Marsh and their history. They did spend a couple scenes together back in TFE, but since then they basically haven't seen eachother, yet has gone through huge changes. Just dropping that relationship would be a mistake, especially since both brothers are still alive, unlike most characters from Era 1.

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47 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

They did spend a couple scenes together back in TFE, but since then they basically haven't seen eachother, yet has gone through huge changes.

They do see each other regularly



How often do Kelsier and Marsh talk? Are the conversations more friendly or more confrontational?

Brandon Sanderson

Uh, depends on the moment. But speaking should be seen as regular if not frequent.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)

I do agree, Marsh might play some role in conflict between Sazed and Kel. The relation between those three will be developed as story progress. But I do also think, Marsh will be only a background character.

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I would love nothing more than for Kelsier and Marsh to have a serious character arc together ONSCREEN in the future, especially given the way they might find themselves in opposition.  "You know how I feel about you, brother... but you are wrong and I can't let you keep going."  It's hard to imagine a scene packing a bigger emotional punch.

Perhaps my skepticism regarding whether we'll actually GET that story is really just me trying to protect myself from disappointment.  I looked forward so much to TLM, and for the most part, my high hopes were dashed.  I don't want to get burned again.

Storm it, past Brandon is ruining both my enjoyment of present Brandon and my anticipation of future Brandon!

Edited by AquaRegia
missed a word
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