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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

He continued watching Nameless, but he eventually began to untense and his breath grew slower and more regulated. He looked like he wanted to tell Klave something, but his mouth did not open to speak.

Klave studied him. “You don’t like speaking, do you? Or maybe you can’t? You have some other way of communicating? Writing, perhaps?”

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2 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave studied him. “You don’t like speaking, do you? Or maybe you can’t? You have some other way of communicating? Writing, perhaps?”

The boy continued staring, motionless. After what looked like a brief moment of thought, he leaped to his feet, excited.

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4 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath turns toward Gallard. "I do. He's an old friend."


"Great. Do you know where he is? Me and my dragon friend out there -" he pointed with his thumb to the window, from which Lightning was still clearly visible, "-would like a room where we could be together, if possible. He doesn't like much being out of the conversation, so he feels a bit... Left out, out there."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy continued staring, motionless. After what looked like a brief moment of thought, he leaped to his feet, excited.

Klave stood up, curious. “What is it? You figured something out?”

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy ran straight to his room, then took a pencil and paper and sat on the floor, beginning to write, or perhaps draw.

Klave looked at the paper, trying to decipher whatever the boy was drawing on it.

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Just now, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave looked at the paper, trying to decipher whatever the boy was drawing on it.


The boy would draw some sort of unique symbol or image that Klave would recognize, but that few people would know about. He'd also draw it with extreme accuracy. You can decide what it is.

The boy's hand moved across the paper, quickly but precisely.

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21 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The mosquito lifted off, dodging the attack and flitting over to the girl that had just walked over, landing on her back and beginning to drink.

@Aes Sedai

Rayvyn brushes the mosquito away irritably. Who’d have thought there were mosquitoes here?

19 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

His eyes snapped to her, changing from an emerald green to a purple similar to hers. They were curious and piercing, but he said nothing.

She follows them into the room, eyeing his paper.

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3 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

"Great. Do you know where he is? Me and my dragon friend out there -" he pointed with his thumb to the window, from which Lightning was still clearly visible, "-would like a room where we could be together, if possible. He doesn't like much being out of the conversation, so he feels a bit... Left out, out there."

"I just arrived myself. I have not seen him yet. He is around here somewhere though. I cannot check you in now. However, I have no doubt that when Fadran shows himself you and your friend will be able to share a room. Mindscapes tend to be malleable in the hands of those who know how to manipulate them." The air ripples and a glass of a most expensive vintage of wine appears in his hand. 

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10 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

"I just arrived myself. I have not seen him yet. He is around here somewhere though. I cannot check you in now. However, I have no doubt that when Fadran shows himself you and your friend will be able to share a room. Mindscapes tend to be malleable in the hands of those who know how to manipulate them." The air ripples and a glass of a most expensive vintage of wine appears in his hand. 

Galard stared at it. "... Right. Mindscape. Got it." He shook his head. "It doesn't work like Ether channeling, I suppose."


This is my onesversary! That time when I have 1111 posts! Aaand I roleplayed with it. Typical.


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4 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

Galard stared at it. "... Right. Mindscape. Got it." He shook his head. "It doesn't work like Ether channeling, I suppose."

"The principles are most unlike anything else. You could say that various magic systems owe mindscapes manipulation a great debt." He holds the glass out to Galard and creates a second in his other hand.

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18 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy's hand moved across the paper, quickly but precisely.

Klave stared in shock at the white-gold dragon scale that the boy drew. He looked back up at the boy’s face. “You can read minds?”

8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The mosquito flitted over to Klave and began to drink.

Klave was too busy being shocked to notice. His blood tasted odd, not entirely human.

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2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm continued on his way, looking for whoever was in charge. He neared the front of the room, where there stood a man, a younger girl with a spider monkey, a mysterious small boy, and a figure that exuded a sense of ancientness.

@Shadowed @Ookla the Inverted @Nathrangking @Trutharchivist 

Azra spun round, Iyin nearly flying off her shoulder as she did so. “Hey, this is going to be sooo much fun! I haven’t had this many people to be friends with since -“

She blinked, then resumed her air of bubbly enthusiasm. Addressing the smart-looking man, she asked, “So what brings you here?”

@The Bookwyrm

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Just now, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave stared in shock at the white-gold dragon scale that the boy drew. He looked back up at the boy’s face. “You can read minds?”

Klave was too busy being shocked to notice. His blood tasted odd, not entirely human.

The boy took another paper and began sketching, this time a map of the area they were in, perfectly to scale. He looked over at Klave like he was trying to make a point.

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy took another paper and began sketching, this time a map of the area they were in, perfectly to scale. He looked over at Klave like he was trying to make a point.

“You don’t read minds. Or that’s not all you can do, at least.” Klave nodded. “Interesting. That story of yours must be quite a strange one.”

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy took another paper and began sketching, this time a map of the area they were in, perfectly to scale. He looked over at Klave like he was trying to make a point.

The girl walks over to them. "That's a really good map."

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4 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

“You don’t read minds. Or that’s not all you can do, at least.” Klave nodded. “Interesting. That story of yours must be quite a strange one.”

The boy sat back, staring at his work.

1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

The girl walks over to them. "That's a really good map."

He looked over to her, his strange color-shifting eyes locking on hers. His gaze lingered there for a moment, and then he went back to his paper, sketching a map of her home area.


Unless she lives here, in which case he doesn't do that and just goes back to sitting silently


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Name: Sealed Arbiter/Dave

Backstory: No

Magic: Chains and such

Appearance: Stark blond hair that comes down to his shoulders. Skintight, mist gray cloth covers all of his body but his head. He wears a (struggles to describe mental image) sealed off cloak that terminates halfway down to his shoulders. It is ragged and dirty grey. Oh, and he also has chains wrapped around his entire body, Christmas Carol Marley style.


Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. I'm probably not going to read through four pages, so if anyone wants to take me into their storyline feel free.

Arbiter tripped into a universal wormhole. No other context necessary. 

He tumbled out the end of the wormhole but still managed to land lithely land on his feet. Arbiter straightened and addressed (Whomever chooses to acknowledge me). "Why hello. Umm, what universe would this be?"

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16 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy took another paper and began sketching, this time a map of the area they were in, perfectly to scale. He looked over at Klave like he was trying to make a point.

Rayvyn squats to study the drawing closer. "We're in this inn?" She asks, tapping with her dagger. "Do you know how to write?"

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy gave no response except for a frustrated tap of his pencil.

Rayvyn purses her lips. "Is there something we need to understand? About the dragon scale? There's a dragon outside, and people who seemed friendly with it, should we get one of them?"

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Just now, Aes Sedai said:

Rayvyn purses her lips. "Is there something we need to understand? About the dragon scale? There's a dragon outside, and people who seemed friendly with it, should we get one of them?"

He crumpled up the drawing of the scale and tossed it to Klave.


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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy sat back, staring at his work.

He looked over to her, his strange color-shifting eyes locking on hers. His gaze lingered there for a moment, and then he went back to his paper, sketching a map of her home area.


Shock spread across the girl's face. She only knew where her home was because of the journal. She looked at the boy.


2 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The boy gave no response except for a frustrated tap of his pencil.

"Ooh... you can't talk can you? And you can only communicate somewhat with us through these?" She pointed to the drawings. "I've been watching and you haven't said a word."

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