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Combinations of Invested Arts


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In the current Cosmere, there is only one known instance of a being possessing multiple Invested Arts, that being Hoid. Other than him, there are no beings that have multiple powers, despite worldhoppers being all over the Cosmere. This is likely due to the lack of large scale interaction between civilizations in the Cosmere. Though we haven’t truly seen the extent of what Hoid can do, we have seen, through Roshar and Scadrial, the crazy abilities that can be obtained through combining different powers within the same Invested Art/magic system. So imagine the abilities that could be found if you had a Windrunner who could burn bendalloy. A mistborn with a bonded spren. Powers like these, one genetic, one situational, could easily be combined, though the bonding of a Rosharan spren by an offworlder might be difficult. Things that are more unique to people of a planet, like Breath and Allomancy, would be harder to combine with each other, but still theoretically possible. My understanding of the interaction between Invested Arts and different people around the Cosmere is somewhat lacking, so I wonder if anyone can offer some insight on just how far this could go in later Cosmere eras.

Edited by TheSurvivorofDeath
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Well feruchemy and Allomancy are really different parts of one Invested Art, the metallic arts. Different magic, yes, but a different Art, no. And I had forgotten about the feruchemist with the Aviar, though we don’t really see what power his aviar granted and that’s not really a magic system that could yield some of the phenomenally powerful results as say the mixing of Surgebinding and Metallic Arts.

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12 hours ago, TheSurvivorofDeath said:

Well feruchemy and Allomancy are really different parts of one Invested Art, the metallic arts. Different magic, yes, but a different Art, no. And I had forgotten about the feruchemist with the Aviar, though we don’t really see what power his aviar granted and that’s not really a magic system that could yield some of the phenomenally powerful results as say the mixing of Surgebinding and Metallic Arts.

Art isn't a Cosmere term, and Allomancy and Feruchemy are no more related than Dakhor and AonDor.

Edited by Frustration
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I think awakening is going to become a nice benefit for anyone with things to trade.  How many breaths might a medallion or shards be worth in the future?  

It will become evermore dangerous to carry around many breaths.  Perhaps giving the 2nd or 3rd heightening to a person with a medallion would be worth the trade?  Although I theorize medallions will become an ever more popular thing where as breaths will always be far more limited.   It could be that even the first heightening or even a single breath would be worth it in trade of someone with a feruchemical power.  

As tech becomes more popular magic systems will cross for sure.   I think the limiting factors will more likely be how easily it is to trade away parts of your magic.  I think, in large part this is what Scadrial and Nalthis have going for them more than Roshar.  Roshar has shards and Fabrials they could trade but they are so much more limited and limiting compared to what other systems have to offer.  

No doubt we will see progressively more and more mixes of magic shortly.  

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16 hours ago, TheSurvivorofDeath said:

In the current Cosmere, there is only one known instance of a being possessing multiple Invested Arts, that being Hoid. Other than him, there are no beings that have multiple powers, despite worldhoppers being all over the Cosmere. This is likely due to the lack of large scale interaction between civilizations in the Cosmere. Though we haven’t truly seen the extent of what Hoid can do, we have seen, through Roshar and Scadrial, the crazy abilities that can be obtained through combining different powers within the same Invested Art/magic system. So imagine the abilities that could be found if you had a Windrunner who could burn bendalloy. A mistborn with a bonded spren. Powers like these, one genetic, one situational, could easily be combined, though the bonding of a Rosharan spren by an offworlder might be difficult. Things that are more unique to people of a planet, like Breath and Allomancy, would be harder to combine with each other, but still theoretically possible. My understanding of the interaction between Invested Arts and different people around the Cosmere is somewhat lacking, so I wonder if anyone can offer some insight on just how far this could go in later Cosmere eras.

That isn't entirely true. Harmony himself has two investitures. Allomancy is of Preservation, and Hemalurgy of Ruin, while Feruchemy relies on their interaction, so many on Scadrial use both, and anyone could use any kind of investiture through hemalurgy since that is how Autonamy gave her followers additional powers, but using her own investiture spikes. Hoid is just the most extreme example of Mixed investiture. Of course he is also virtually a Shard, or at least a part of their society, which might explain why he was aware of how to add different investitures for himself.

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Lift is an Edgedancer, changed by Cultivation, she can create Lifelight from food, touch her spren, and now she has the Aviar. I think that's quite a big combination of different invested "arts" for a "10 years old" girl.

Vasher is using stormlight to feed his Divine Breath.

Renarin is doing his enlightenment surges and voidbinding.

Bleeder and Set with their Trellium spikes. 

And then you have Lord Ruler, a Fullborn with spike. And every Inquisitor, Twinborn, Compounder and spiked one.


But this is just the beginning. It can go much further than that. Someone can get a lot of powers with just hemalurgy. A misting/twinborn can get breaths from Nalthis, go to Roshar and become a Radiant, and on top of that find a Downshard - there are very little limits to the amount of powers people can get in the Cosmere. 

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On 1/3/2023 at 6:36 PM, Collecter128 said:

A gold ferring with Radiant healing would be an incredible combo.

A bit redundnat don't you think though it would have Gold/Gold Twin characteristics. An aluminum fering with forgery would be potentially very interesting since from that they could acquire virtually any form of investiture or skill permanently through identity storage.

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On 1/9/2023 at 10:34 AM, BenduLuke said:

A bit redundnat don't you think though it would have Gold/Gold Twin characteristics. An aluminum fering with forgery would be potentially very interesting since from that they could acquire virtually any form of investiture or skill permanently through identity storage.

I’m pretty sure A-Gold would also pair well with F-Aluminum and Forgery.


How useful would gold Allomancy be for making Essence Marks?

Brandon Sanderson


Skype Q&A (Oct. 8, 2018)

The other combo of magic systems that comes to my mind is a Bendalloy compounder with Sand Mastery. In other words…

1. Speed bubbles to dodge any attack and set up sand

2. Infinite water to never get dehydrated

3. Perhaps even stronger Sand Mastery because you can work your dehydration muscles to much higher levels than a regular Sand Master

Edited by Mistchemist16
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