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Lost Metal Chapters 12 and 13 reactions


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Experiments with Godmetals, I'm so happy to see that!

⚠️Cosmere spoilers⚠️


Stormlight spoilers


Those sound like Death Rattles... so Odium?


Hmm... infrared, not ultraviolet, interesting (and I never thought about this before: Trellium and Raysium don't look the same either)... so Autonomy?

Aw, we didn't get Harmonium's colours


Trying to divide Ettmetal into Atium and Lerasium?! Excellent, now that's the kind of thinking we like!

Godmetals reacting! Oh that cliffhanger!


I wonder why Harmony? wanted Wax to create a Trellium ring, does he expect him to talk to Trell?

Edited by Honorless
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I wish Wax had felt the need to mention which color Harmonium spiked off the graph for! 

7 minutes ago, Frustration said:

I'm guessing Trellium's red because it's corrupted.

It is interesting that Trellium is reacting with Harmonium, I wonder if it's forming a fusion metal, or if it's breaking one of them apart.

I'm a fan of Autonomy godmetal being able to split Harmony godmetal... Makes a lot of sense intent-wise. But if that's the case what is Wax going to do with a flake of Lerasium? Eat it??? Would he become a Mistborn in book 4?? That seems like too wild a thing to see. 

New guess is fusion metal that then is more explosive than ever-- which connects back to the explosion back of the book blurb & our thinking Set is sneaking in something in order to create a massive bomb in Elendel. 

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11 minutes ago, Requiem17 said:

I wish Wax had felt the need to mention which color Harmonium spiked off the graph for! 

I'm a fan of Autonomy godmetal being able to split Harmony godmetal... Makes a lot of sense intent-wise. But if that's the case what is Wax going to do with a flake of Lerasium? Eat it??? Would he become a Mistborn in book 4?? That seems like too wild a thing to see. 

New guess is fusion metal that then is more explosive than ever-- which connects back to the explosion back of the book blurb & our thinking Set is sneaking in something in order to create a massive bomb in Elendel. 

Who wants to bet that Wax's reinforced box is not going to survive the next couple of chapters?

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1 hour ago, Nathrangking said:

Firstly poor Wayne. No wonder he feels the need to disguise himself so. Secondly, well MeLaan confirms the status of other potential Kandra off world which is interesting.

Wax you scoundrel! Trying to make lerasium. It's a WoB come to life.

Lerasium certainly qualifies as a "lost metal", too. Despite the empty display of atium as "the lost metal" at the Originators Tomb. Heh heh.

I like how Wax waves away the idea that he's been pursuing this secretly with the aim of becoming Mistborn. "I'm not trying to isolate lerasium to become Mistborn, just trying to see if it could be done!"

"And just how would you test if it was lerasium, since the legendary godmetal has only one known property, that of making a powerful Mistborn like the Last Emperor?"

"...Well, you see, the thing about that is, it was never for me... If I were going to make a Lerasium Mistborn in this day and age, intentionally, it should be power given to someone who has no innate desire to power, no inclination to casual domination of others, and would be very calculating as to when it'd be appropriate to use it..."

*Everyone looks at Steris*

"If you must know," Steris said into the lengthening silence, "I have estimated that me becoming the most powerful Allomancer in centuries is somewhere down in the low 40s on my list of things that could result from our research here, in order of likelihood. Slightly behind our little Max becoming a full Feruchemist."


BTW, ever since MeLaan made the comment that Wayne "was wasted as a human" and would be like the perfect kandra, ... Can Harmony not eventually make Wayne a kandra? LOL.

Edited by robardin
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7 minutes ago, robardin said:

BTW, ever since MeLaan made the comment that Wayne "was wasted as a human" and would be like the perfect kandra, ... Can Harmony not eventually make Wayne a kandra? LOL.

Man I was so with this theory until this chapter. Imagine Wayne's story being the message that if you hate yourself, are suicidal, and think you're worthless-- that you should just die and live as someone/something else. Although, I totally trust Brandon to find a way for it to not come across this way, I just can't think of it myself with the facts we have about kandra and this MeLaan relationship currently. 

I think I'm on the...uh... Shield of the Sword of Harmony bandwagon now? 

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5 hours ago, Ixthos said:

Who wants to bet that Wax's reinforced box is not going to survive the next couple of chapters?

Well, it needs to mostly survive or else Wax and Co. Are in serious trouble, but it's definitely not going to be completely safe.

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21 hours ago, Honorless said:

Experiments with Godmetals, I'm so happy to see that!

⚠️Cosmere spoilers⚠️

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Those sound like Death Rattles... so Odium?


Hmm... infrared, not ultraviolet, interesting (and I never thought about this before, Trellium and Raysium don't look the same either)... so Autonomy?

Aw, we didn't get Harmonium's colours


Trying to divide Ettmetal into Atium and Lerasium?! Excellent, now that's the kind of thinking we like!

Godmetals reacting! Oh that cliffhanger!


I wonder why Harmony? wanted Wax to create a Trellium ring, does he expect him to talk to Trellium?

It might have been trell who sent the note. 

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This is just a guess but Trell seems to have been formed to take down Harmony.  Unlike Ruin and Preservation that just opposed each other Trell is actively trying to attack.  If the godmetals follow this pattern perhaps Cosmere spoiler


Its rhythm is designed to naturally interfere destructively?

If that is the case then it might be able to preform god metal transmutation.  This would be highly useful for Wax if he wants to try burning some.

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On 10/26/2022 at 1:27 PM, Karger said:

This is just a guess but Trell seems to have been formed to take down Harmony.  Unlike Ruin and Preservation that just opposed each other Trell is actively trying to attack.  If the godmetals follow this pattern perhaps Cosmere spoiler

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Its rhythm is designed to naturally interfere destructively?

If that is the case then it might be able to preform god metal transmutation.  This would be highly useful for Wax if he wants to try burning some.

 To be fair it could be that not trail specifically but  Atonemy in general mighg be the opposite of Harmony simular to how ruin was the opposite to Preservation. After what is the opposite of moving together then being apart. 

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