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Ask Cinnamon anything!


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Have tried to compile some interesting questions to overcome the boredom :D

Who's your favourite Ranger's Apprentice character and why is it Halt?

My mate had a run in with a drop bear yesterday. How many do you reckon you've seen over the years?

Buttered toast with Vegemite, or just plain Vegemite? Or Promite perhaps? 

Has your father ever tied down a Ute and NOT said 'That's not going anywhere'? 

Which TimTam flavour is superior to all others? 

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Just now, Werewolff Studios said:

Have tried to compile some interesting questions to overcome the boredom :D

Who's your favourite Ranger's Apprentice character and why is it Halt?

My mate had a run in with a drop bear yesterday. How many do you reckon you've seen over the years?

Buttered toast with Vegemite, or just plain Vegemite? Or Promite perhaps? 

Has your father ever tied down a Ute and NOT said 'That's not going anywhere'? 

Which TimTam flavour is superior to all others? 

Why thank you very much.

Hal- what?! How did you know?? Yeah my favourite is definitely Halt, his gruff sarcasm always makes me laugh. Fun fact I spent weeks trying to learn how to do the eyebrow thing. I still can’t. I also like Evenlyn, and Will, and Horace, and Tug, and Alyss and Jenny, and Crowley, and Gillan, and … I LIKE EVERYONE OKAY. Halt is the best though.

Ahhh yes, the most fearsome Aussie animal, I still don’t understand how people can still believe they’re myths. I myself have run into them on around seven occasions. Once on a school camp one fell on a girls’ tent.:P

Buttered, definitely. 

Well no actually (shock horror) my dad is Californian so… 

I really liked the limited addition salted caramel vanilla, the ice cream ones. Original is always amazing though. Fun fact I have never had a Tim Tam slam because I don’t like Milo. My friends have ostracised me for it.

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7 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Why thank you very much.

Hal- what?! How did you know?? Yeah my favourite is definitely Halt, his gruff sarcasm always makes me laugh. Fun fact I spent weeks trying to learn how to do the eyebrow thing. I still can’t. I also like Evenlyn, and Will, and Horace, and Tug, and Alyss and Jenny, and Crowley, and Gillan, and … I LIKE EVERYONE OKAY. Halt is the best though.

Ahhh yes, the most fearsome Aussie animal, I still don’t understand how people can still believe they’re myths. I myself have run into them on around seven occasions. Once on a school camp one fell on a girls’ tent.:P

Buttered, definitely. 

Well no actually (shock horror) my dad is Californian so… 

I really liked the limited addition salted caramel vanilla, the ice cream ones. Original is always amazing though. Fun fact I have never had a Tim Tam slam because I don’t like Milo. My friends have ostracised me for it.

Halt is one of the best mentors in all of fiction, in my opinion. He's so good at his job that I reckon near enough everyone wanted to become a ranger themselves after reading those books. I have very fond memories of sneaking around my backyard, trying to be as quiet as possible. But you are correct - there's very few weak characters there. Gilan's another favourite of mine; the Ranger with a sword. How cool. 

I think people pretend they aren't real simply because of how terrifying they can be. If tourist really knew, then no one would visit! But at camp?! Would've caused a lot of excitement, no doubt!

Ah, good to know you're a woman of culture.

Shock horror indeed! :D

Oh yes, those are fantastic! I'm a white chocolate man, myself; just not too many in one setting. And yes, original are very top-tier. 

Milo's one of those funny things, hey? You either drink it by the tin or buy it once and have it sit in the cupboard for a decade. No need for ostracization though! You can have a slam with just about any warm beverage you like. The Cadbury drinking chocolate and a nice coffee are my go to's. 

What lovely answers, thank you! These AMA's are quite fun.

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13 minutes ago, Werewolff Studios said:

Halt is one of the best mentors in all of fiction, in my opinion. He's so good at his job that I reckon near enough everyone wanted to become a ranger themselves after reading those books. I have very fond memories of sneaking around my backyard, trying to be as quiet as possible. But you are correct - there's very few weak characters there. Gilan's another favourite of mine; the Ranger with a sword. How cool. 

These AMA's are quite fun.

I agree. 
You should make one!

18 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Are you in a relationship?

Ever gotten so mad you legit saw red?

How did you discover Brando Sando?

What's your favorite non-Sanderson book?

Favorite Stormlight protagonist?

Um, well, the thing is I don’t know, it’s complicated and stressful. •_•

No, have you Calano? You alright mate?

Well one day in English I was talking to my bff asking for book suggestions. They didn’t have any so knowing that my teacher had very good taste in books I asked him. He gave me a title, Mistborn, I wrote it on my hand and put it in a note but then I forgot about it. A week later I remembered. I looked up the blurb online and discovering how cool it sounded I borrowed it. The rest is history.


Thats hard, I read so many books, I can’t choose! Hmmm if I had to say though I would probably pick Rangers Apprentice because it was the first fantasy book/series I ever read and it is nostalgic for me.


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Okay! Some more questions then.

What would be your favourite movie/ movies?

Do you have a favourite animal, or type of animal?

Of the four, which season do you prefer?

Which Cosmere character do you feel you'd get along well with?

Favourite childhood toy?

Other than books, do you have any large collections?

Excluding the cosmere, what topic could you give a 30 minute presentation on with no prior preparation? 

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Who's the hottest Stormlight Archives character?


saying anyone other than Adolin is a lie

Have you seen the owl house?

Have you read Lost Metal yet?

Who's your favorite W&W character and why?

I have some oreos here, do you want any? They aren't even spiked or anything. They're just oreos. I swear.

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On 11/1/2023 at 8:08 PM, Werewolff Studios said:

Okay! Some more questions then.

What would be your favourite movie/ movies?

Do you have a favourite animal, or type of animal?

Of the four, which season do you prefer?

Which Cosmere character do you feel you'd get along well with?

Favourite childhood toy?

Other than books, do you have any large collections?

Excluding the cosmere, what topic could you give a 30 minute presentation on with no prior preparation? 

There are so many good movies but I would have to say The Return of the King, not only because it is a good movie but I have some great memories watching it with my dad and some close friends.

Well, my favourite animal specifically is my dog, in general however I like snakes.

Summer, we get Chistmas, beach, big school holidays, I usually get to see my fam in the ACT and plenty of other fun stuff.

Well, unpopular opinion, but Hrathen. I really connect with his storyline and I feel, after a bit of prodding, we could have some really meaningful discussions about religion. Also Syl, she gets along with everyone!

Well I don’t really remember any toys I had that I could call my favourite but I had this little jug and tiny cups that my brother and I used to play with a lot.

I don’t know about large but I have a pin collection that I’m rather proud of.

Well I feel I could do a presentation on nearly any topic without preparation(I’m very good at saying lots without saying anything at all) it just wouldn’t be good. Once my friends played a game with me where we need to give a speech on a boring topic without saying ’um’ or ‘uhh’ I failed, but I rambled along about forks for quite a while :P 

On 11/1/2023 at 9:03 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Who's the hottest Stormlight Archives character?

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saying anyone other than Adolin is a lie

Have you seen the owl house?

Have you read Lost Metal yet?

Who's your favorite W&W character and why?

I have some oreos here, do you want any? They aren't even spiked or anything. They're just oreos. I swear.

Actually out of the two brothers, if we’re going off looks alone I thin Renarin is more my type. Yeah Adolin is definitely hot, but if I met him I don’t think I’d be interested in him, especially because of his reputation with dating.

Ofc! Sadly, I haven’t been able to watch the finale episodes yet :( I can’t find them anywhere. I have Disney+ but they aren’t there. Do you know how I could find them? Also Lumity for life. 

:(((((( no. I was stupid and didn’t pack it when I knew we were going on a 2 1/2 month trip! I have tried buying a second copy on 4 different occasions and my parents have stopped me :(

MeLaan. Genderfluid, really hot, funny, immortal. Second Steris, then Rannette (I think you know why), then Wayne, then Marisai oh yeah and Wax.

Yeah! I love Oreos. Especially not-Hemalurgically-spiked ones. I sure hope your not tricking me!

On 12/1/2023 at 5:23 AM, The Bookwyrm said:

What is the answer to this question?

Is the answer to this question no?

Have you seen Inception, Interstellar, Tenet, Arrival, and/or Dune, and if so, what is your opinion on them?

Smiley faces!

no, of course not. I just told you! It’s smiley faces!

nope. I won’t can’t watch a movie without reading the book. I have a really cool looking version of Dune though, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to read it (this sucks because I really want to watch the new Dune movie with Timothee  Chalemet and Zendaya) as I’ve had bad experiences with sci-fi in the past (reading Out of the Silent Planet when I was ten was not fun. I found it so borrrring) should I give it a better go?


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6 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Ofc! Sadly, I haven’t been able to watch the finale episodes yet :( I can’t find them anywhere. I have Disney+ but they aren’t there. Do you know how I could find them? Also Lumity for life. 

All of season 2 should be up on Disney+, and season 3 epsiode one is out on Youtube! be ready to cri

8 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Actually out of the two brothers, if we’re going off looks alone I thin Renarin is more my type. Yeah Adolin is definitely hot, but if I met him I don’t think I’d be interested in him, especially because of his reputation with dating.

*le gesp* nuuuuuu but he's so hooottt!

but fine yeah i guess that makes sense whatever.

I do fricking love Renarin but he's def not my type lol.


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35 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

nope. I won’t can’t watch a movie without reading the book. I have a really cool looking version of Dune though, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to read it (this sucks because I really want to watch the new Dune movie with Timothee  Chalemet and Zendaya) as I’ve had bad experiences with sci-fi in the past (reading Out of the Silent Planet when I was ten was not fun. I found it so borrrring) should I give it a better go?

Dune the book is kind of hard to follow. In fact, I would actually recommend watching the movie (the new one, of course. The other ones are terrible. I haven't seen them) first, because you'll understand the book better then.

Also the movie is only half the story.

And the rest of those movies aren't based on books.

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On 1/13/2023 at 2:02 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

Dune the book is kind of hard to follow. In fact, I would actually recommend watching the movie (the new one, of course. The other ones are terrible. I haven't seen them) first, because you'll understand the book better then.

Eh, I enjoyed the book a lot. It is very slow though. To each their own, I guess. \_(o_o)_/

What is the ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and Everything? Bear in mind that it must fit the answer, 42.

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On 16/2/2023 at 7:29 PM, Telrao said:

Cin, this is a very important question. You'd better answer it well, my friend. *rubs hands*

What would you do... if someone gave you a box of adorable kittens?

Be super excited, ask if  it was a scam try to cuddle them, sneeze a bunch and just be super happy.

4 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

What's your favorite kind of dragon?

All the dragons! But Wyverns and Lindwyrms are cool, out of the two I’d probably pick a Wyvern because they can fly. :D.

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