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Ask Cinnamon anything!


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Heyyyy , I am fairly new and I thought that in honour of my fiftieth post I would make an AMA so…. I did. 

You may ask me, well, anything, the title explains itself I suppose, I will do my best to answer but before you start asking me questions I have one for you:

 Do you use the Oxford comma?

(boring question I know, but I am inquisitive and would like to know the answer)^_^

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I honestly had to look up what an Oxford comma is,

surprisingly, I had been using it this whole time! I had no idea you could choose to use it or not ^_^

okay question time: what's your favorite magic system? (whether cosmere or non-cosmere)

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13 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

What's your favourite Brandon book? Non-Brandon book? 

Do you have any siblings?

The hero of ages (once you get to the Sanderlanche … wow) 

Thats hard, I read so many books, I can’t choose! Hmmm if I had to say though I would probably pick Rangers Apprentice because it was the first fantasy book/series I ever read and it is nostalgic for me.

Yup! One younger brother.

5 hours ago, justice_magician said:

okay question time: what's your favorite magic system? (whether cosmere or non-cosmere)

Oooooh, I haven’t finished the cosmere yet but so far, Feruchemy, I just like the fairness of it. ( Sanderson’s magic systems are superior )

5 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Some times, kinda depends on the circumstances at the moment 

Do you have a favorite video game?

Favorite board game?

Same! I didn’t even know there was an option until recently!

I don’t really play video games often, I don’t have any consoles and my laptop is actually the schools so we can’t get games on them:mellow:, but I really like Breath of the wild, I played it a couple of times with my friends and liked how it had a story and world, it wasn’t just killing bosses ( I didn’t know video games could do that!)

I don’t know about ‘favourite’ but I’ve recently gotten into playing these mystery games. The whole premise is that you are given a cold case and you have to solve it with the evidence give to you, they give you newspaper articles from the event, suspect files with everything from their names, to the type of car they own, pictures, of crime scene and characters, maps of the area, witness statements, witnesses of witness statements, an autopsy report, and lots of other things, you get given one objective at a time and once you solve it you open an envelope with the next one and so on. 
I really love mysteries and trying to figure things out. That’s another thing I love about Brandon, when I am reading books I usually figure out the twists, or have a fair approximation of how everything is going to work out, and it is boring, but with BrandErson books … oof. There are so many twists and turns, I can never get them all! Also even if I get one on the money and I’m like celebrating focusing on that ‘twist’ an even bigger one comes out of nowhere!



Like, halfway-ish through of WoA I had a theory that Sazed was the HoA but … Brandon set up Vin so well, with the whole “feeling the well” and “gender neutral pronouns” that I dismissed it as delusional! How wrong was I !!!! 


Edited by Cinnamon
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5 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Do you like Jazz?

What do you like to think about?

Favorite thread?

Hmm weeeellll, I am ashamed but I don’t really listen to much music . I mostly listen to show tunes and musical soundtracks. But… I do like to listen to Jazz and Classical in the background when I am doing homework (Beethoven symphony no. 9 is ma jam when I am writing essays I don’t know why).

lots of things. Usually things that ‘don’t matter’, random thoughts that I pursue with a scholarly reverence, then promptly forget about. Oh, and my gf, Jasper :wub:.

It is hard to say because I am my pretty new and some that seem really cool like TLT or ICMBAAOM, I haven’t even had a chance to check out yet. 
However I do really like Sketches on the bus, because Syn gets bored easily.

5 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

If by Oxford comma you mean this— ; — then yea, frequently. If you don’t… then no idea. 
What battery percentage is your device at right now?

I thought it was a semi colon too until a couple months ago. But nope. 
You use it when you are writing a list.When you're writing a list, you always have commas in between each item, but an Oxford comma is when you also put a comma before the “and [Final Item]”.


I ate a car, three pineapples (skin on), fourteen cakes, eight sandwiches, one orangeand seventeen marshmallows.

rare event! 96%!!

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58 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Hmm weeeellll, I am ashamed but I don’t really listen to much music . I mostly listen to show tunes and musical soundtracks. But… I do like to listen to Jazz and Classical in the background when I am doing homework (Beethoven symphony no. 9 is ma jam when I am writing essays I don’t know why).

lots of things. Usually things that ‘don’t matter’, random thoughts that I pursue with a scholarly reverence, then promptly forget about. Oh, and my gf, Jasper :wub:.

It is hard to say because I am my pretty new and some that seem really cool like TLT or ICFTMBAAOM ( sorry that is incredibly wrong) I haven’t even had a chance to check out yet. 
However I do really like Sketches on the bus, because Syn gets bored easily.

I thought it was a semi colon too until a couple months ago. But nope. 
You use it when you are writing a list.When you're writing a list, you always have commas in between each item, but an Oxford comma is when you also put a comma before the “and [Final Item]”.


I ate a car, three pineapples (skin on), fourteen cakes, eight sandwiches, one orangeand seventeen marshmallows.

rare event! 96%!!

Ah. Then yes I use it.

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8 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

How're things?

What's your advice?

Three words to describe yourself?

Things are eh. thanks for asking how are thing going for you.

don't tie your own shoelaces together (I have personal experience. ask if you must but it might be best not to know, it is not as interesting a story as it sounds)

Pollyanna(verb), exurberant, bibliophile

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1 minute ago, Cinnamon said:

Things are eh. thanks for asking how are thing going for you.

don't tie your own shoelaces together (I have personal experience. ask if you must but it might be best not to know, it is not as interesting a story as it sounds)

Pollyanna(verb), exurberant, bibliophile

But this is your AMA! :P

I'd love to hear it.

Very interesting!

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52 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Do you have a pretend sibling you really wish you could have?

What sort of stuff do you want to learn to do?

What’s your favorite thing to do outside, just randomly do cuz you feel like it?

Hmmm... not really. I have a little brother. sometimes i wish he was less annoying, but I love him.

ROLLER SKATE! I bought some, I saved up for ages, but I am absolutely terrible! I cant even go forward. Its okay though I'm practicing!:P eventyally I want to be good enough to skate to school, currently I ride my bike/ walk. Also I wanna be able to draw well , and calligraphy. LOTS OF THINGS

bodyboarding.in the ocean. I love it so much.

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

I'd love to hear it.


when I was small, I used to watch this show called Sooty, and in one of the episodes they tied some guys shoelaces together. Tiny me saw this and was like HaHa so funny! I wanna do that! so on the first day of year one (first grade for all you yanks) We were sitting on the mat, the teacher was talking and it was deathly boring, my mind started to wander... I thought about that episode of Sooty and was like 'that would hilarious!" but... the thing is I didn't want to be mean and make anyone trip so I firmly decided that I would most definitely NOT tie someone's shoelaces together, I would do my own! Tiny me set to work, precociously weaving the knots as tightly as I could, It was art I tell you, ART!. so the end of the day came along and we all got up to leave ... except I couldn't. Woe!!!! I was such a master at shoe lace tying, I had doomed myself!!! I tried as I might to get it undone! Alas my efforts were futile!!! my teacher, Ms. Barry stalked over terrifyingly. Would she yell at me? By now the other kids had started leaving the classrom. she walked over crouching, and looking at me  endearingly. "Let me help". But try as she might my shoe laces were stuck 

bla bla bla a bunch of stuff happened chocolate milk was involved, I eventualy got them undone and have never tied my shoelaces together again as long as I have live

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/11/2022 at 0:02 AM, Cinnamon said:

Do you use the Oxford comma?


If you were given an egg, what might you expect to hatch from it? 

Are you sure you're Cinnamon? What if you're Nutmeg? 

*makes explosion noises in the shape of a question*? 

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On 10/11/2022 at 2:02 PM, Cinnamon said:

Do you use the Oxford comma?

Yep, was taught to use the Oxford comma. It's a habit by now. I just think it looks better and avoids confusion.

Favourite forum game?

I see you like Dan dos Santos, are there any other artists whose work you like?

What are the best songs to listen to at 2 AM?

Favourite type of cloud?

Do Australians call it football or soccer? This is something I've always been confused about.

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24 minutes ago, AonEne said:


If you were given an egg, what might you expect to hatch from it? 

Are you sure you're Cinnamon? What if you're Nutmeg? 

*makes explosion noises in the shape of a question*? 

Um, well if I was given an egg that looked strange my first thought would probably be “a dragon egg!” Then I would take it to my AgHort teacher and beg him to incubate it.

thanks a lot I snorted out my water from laughing :mellow:. Yup, I’m sure, my actual name means Cinnamon and is an ingredient in the anointment oil which is why my username is what it is. Also cinnamon is definitely my favourite spice (no bias :P)

woah, neat explosion!

21 minutes ago, Robin Sedai said:

Yep, was taught to use the Oxford comma. It's a habit by now. I just think it looks better and avoids confusion.

Favourite forum game?

I see you like Dan dos Santos, are there any other artists whose work you like?

What are the best songs to listen to at 2 AM?

Favourite type of cloud?

Do Australians call it football or soccer? This is something I've always been confused about.

I don’t know if it counts as a game but “add a goat ruin a quote” is hilarious. I also like “incorrect corrections” it is fairly new but so fun.

all of them!!! I love art and I appreciate every piece I see in one way or another. I feel like I’m cheating out saying everyone but it’s true!

I don’t really listen music at 2am, usually I’m reading, asleep or stressing about life, but I feel like the flight of the bumblebee would be a mood at 2am.

 Hmmm I’m not sure, cirrus clouds look awesome with sunrise or sunset though.

Well, Australia is one of the most diverse countries in the world with people from all over calling things by different names. Generally we call it soccer as football or “footy” is AFL but, if you are playing soccer and someone refers to it as football everyone will know what you mean. Soccer is our go to though.

Edited by Cinnamon
I forgot a question! Sorry Robin
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25 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Favorite broadway musical? 

Are you really, truly, 100% human?

Favorite symphony?

Favorite fictional (or real I guesssssss) animal?

sorry if these have been asked already, I didn’t read the whole thing.

Uhhhhhhhhhh, I can’t pick!!! But if I had to I’d probably pick Matilda since it was the first musical I ever saw and is what made me love theatre.

 … is that a wig, or is that your real hair?*

No. 9 (ode to joy) so cliche, I know. The song everyone who does piano lessons learns at some point, but I find it really good for writing essays to. (Oh my gosh, even my justification was boring, gee, I am a boring person :P)

Chulls. They are fun to say, to draw and have practical use.

No need to apologise! You had good questions.


* See this thread if you are confuzzled


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