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What metals are these?


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I dont think we know yet. They arent in the Coppermind listing yet at least.

The one on the left is fundamentally different than all the rest with the extra-spiky bits, which makes me think it's entirely foreign and thus is Trellium.   Though the same can be said about the one on the right since it's the only example with multiple dots, so who knows.  



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1 hour ago, Yuliya said:

I think at this point in the Cosmere, it could be any of the godmetals. For example, in the secret history, Kelsier gets a glimpse of Sel and Ire technology. I would not be surprised if those symbols referred to Dominion and Devotion metals for that reason

I knew it looked familiar!  The one on the right looks almsot identical to Aon Ire:

Aon Ire.svg



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The second one is definitely a version of Aon Ire stylized after the Steel Alphabet, and considering the group Kelsier meets is called the Ire and the part of the story is titled "Ire", I'm guessing they just did this for aesthetic purposes.

The first one is the symbol for Kredik Shaw, I'm pretty sure.

These are just symbols in the Steel Alphabet, and don't represent any new metals. I don't think that Brandon Sanderson is going to break the rule of sixteen by adding any more, except for God Metals and their alloys, which are a special case.

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44 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The second one is definitely a version of Aon Ire stylized after the Steel Alphabet, and considering the group Kelsier meets is called the Ire and the part of the story is titled "Ire", I'm guessing they just did this for aesthetic purposes.

The first one is the symbol for Kredik Shaw, I'm pretty sure.

These are just symbols in the Steel Alphabet, and don't represent any new metals. I don't think that Brandon Sanderson is going to break the rule of sixteen by adding any more, except for God Metals and their alloys, which are a special case.

It doesnt have to be actual new mundane metals, the steel alphabet has always had more symbols than just the actual metals, including at least 5 whose meanings are unrevealed (and 4 of which Im guessing correspond to the Dawnshards, but that's probably off-topic).  

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