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So I was talking with @The Wandering Wizard, and I thought it might be fun to make a thread for the rising seniors to discuss our senior year and all the chaos that will ensue! Cause it's going to be an awesome/stressful/insane year! If you're a senior, check in here, and join the awesomeness!

Feel free to also consider this an advice thread, youngerclassmen, for you people to ask for advice from us wise and experienced Seniors. Cause everyone knows we know everything :P


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1 minute ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Fun fact: my graduating class is about 68 kids. Tiny

That is tiny, mine is closer to a normal size. As I don't know the number at my school except it is probably around ~500, give or take about 50.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Per grade as our school is over 2,000 students.

I have creative writing for first.

AP Calc diff second.

Chamber orchestra third.

Physics fourth

And then I have lunch, take a bus and take either General Animal biology or General chemistry at the local community college in the agriculture/biology pathway. Though I had planned on taking the programming pathway, but that would have been in the morning not the afternoon. And I am really enjoying the switch! As I love chemistry and animal biology is interesting, they have four animals, a ball python named Simon, A gecko named Mochi that I can't remember the breed, a dutch rabbit name Cinnabun, softest fur ever, and a guinea pig that is too fat for a wheel. And a few students are assigned for each animal, and I get to help take care of Cinnabun! :D

What classes are you taking?

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Per grade as our school is over 2,000 students.



2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I have creative writing for first.

AP Calc diff second.

Chamber orchestra third.

Physics fourth

And then I have lunch, take a bus and take either General Animal biology or General chemistry at the local community college in the agriculture/biology pathway. Though I had planned on taking the programming pathway, but that would have been in the morning not the afternoon. And I am really enjoying the switch! As I love chemistry and animal biology is interesting, they have four animals, a ball python named Simon, A gecko named Mochi that I can't remember the breed, a dutch rabbit name Cinnabun, softest fur ever, and a guinea pig that is too fat for a wheel. And a few students are assigned for each animal, and I get to help take care of Cinnabun! :D

That's so cool! Cinnabun is an adorable name! That sounds like so much fun :lol: 

How does it work with the community college? Are you taking it with other college students? What's the environment like?

5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

What classes are you taking?

Literature, Government, Physics, Calc BC, Psychology, Spanish and of course Orchestra/Jazz Band/Ensemble stuff

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Just now, Shining Silhouette said:

How does it work with the community college? Are you taking it with other college students? What's the environment like?

The community college set it up a while ago I think. The community college has a seperate wing set aside for it and only juniors and seniors can take classes there. It's a good enviroment as those that are at the school are those that choose to be there and work hard. A example would be that they never had to close their bathrooms last year when the highschools had to. It seems like college and that is part of why I enjoy it so much.

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52 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Nothing of the sort this year...yet. 

And schools do have a place for the serious students, they call it the E wing(orchestra wing). :D



Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Alas, one year left....I WILL RETURN AGAIN LATER!


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3 hours ago, Elf said:


over here seniors are tenth graders cause 11th and 12th is considered junior college

but i assume you're talking about 12th graders?

Yeah in the US seniors are 12 graders

Though if 10th grade is a senior there, you're absolutely welcome to join the Senior Society

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