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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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"This might sting a little." The healer said through a telepathic connection.

"Why would it sting? I'm not even in my body- OW ow ow ow!" Pain racked Ranryu's mind like a freezer burn. She mentally whimpered.

The Aos Si healer addressed the Rightful One. "Well, the craftsmanship is amateur. Well made, but amateur. It looks like the inner soul wasn't sealed up tight enough, so exposure to all those souls damaged it."

Is there a way to fix it?

"I'll need to run some more tests before I can be sure, but the damage seems irreversible. The host soul is missing some of its keystone elements. If the damage gets any worse, it could affect you, and therefore our mission. I recommend finding another host."

Ranryu mentally stiffened at this. "What do you mean my soul is missing some of its keystone elements? And finding another host? I thought we had a deal!

We do. The Rightful One said austerely. I hold a certain... attachment to this body. Restoring the dragon's soul to full health is non-negotiable.

"Very well. Now, this next test might be a little bit more painful..."

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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Scratch my last one

Haly: comes back up clutching the pin “Already got it. Thanks for the medicine.”

"Okay. I really do think it's important, by the way. I can tell that you're uncomfortable with talking about Karden, but he tried to get at Calano, was an incredibly dangerous fighter, and mind-controlled you! Who is he?" Hoping it wouldn't be too jarring, he switched his zinc to a slight encouragement, and used brass to Soothe her apprehension.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Okay. I really do think it's important, by the way. I can tell that you're uncomfortable with talking about Karden, but he tried to get at Calano, was an incredibly dangerous fighter, and mind-controlled you! Who is he?" Hoping it wouldn't be too jarring, he switched his zinc to a slight encouragement, and used brass to Soothe her apprehension.

Haly: “I…” sighs “He wants revenge. I accidentally ruined a project of his, and he thinks it was Calano. But before that… he found the Belowplace. The faliure of the project trapped him there. For a while. I’d forgotten… magical forgetting, you know?”

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3 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “I…” sighs “He wants revenge. I accidentally ruined a project of his, and he thinks it was Calano. But before that… he found the Belowplace. The faliure of the project trapped him there. For a while. I’d forgotten… magical forgetting, you know?”

"Magical forgetting, huh? Well..." TAAron sighed. "Look, I don't trust that Mr. Hierarchy over there isn't going to come back and try to get to you again. So, here." He held out his last bead of Lerasium. "Take it. You need to be able to defend yourself."

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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Magical forgetting, huh? Well..." TAAron sighed. "Look, I don't trust that Mr. Hierarchy over there isn't going to come back and try to get to you again. So, here." He held out his last bead of Lerasium. "Take it. You need to be able to defend yourself."

Haly smiles gratefully “Thank you. But I don’t know how to use it, or even if I have the ability. It’ll do more good with you. If I run into trouble, I can turn into a wind chime.”


I should prolly get to bed

I will probably, if I can, be on starting at one Colorado time tomorrow

IF I can


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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly smiles gratefully “Thank you. But I don’t know how to use it, or even if I have the ability. It’ll do more good with you. If I run into trouble, I can turn into a wind chime.”

"Are you sure? According to all of my studies, anyone could ingest Lerasium and gain full Allomantic potential. And turning into a windchime didn't save you this time, anyways. I'm pretty sure my Feruchemical studies for Lerasium are fruitless anyways. I would need to be a full Feruchemist to even experiment. That means the only use I could get out of it would be to use it as a Hemalurgic spike, which would be pointless and involve killing someone, or to use it Allomantically and try to use its unknown main effect, which is also pretty pointless since I have no idea what I would do and this is my last bead." He stopped, taking a deep breath. "Wow, I'm hungry. I should probably stop tapping." His speech returning to a normal pace, he said: "Look, I'm really scared for you. He had complete control over you for a while there, and I know nothing about the magic he used. I doubt I could overrule it with emotional Allomancy, and even if I can, I won't always be there to do it. Heck, he can probably control me. I don't know where who or whatever that was that took him, or what they are doing with him, but I'm not comfortable with having you defenseless unless I know for sure he is contained. So unless you have a really good reason not to, you should take it."


Btw, if you actually don't want the bead for character reasons, I can come up with some reason why you can't take it or retcon this quote. I just wanted to keep the conversation realistic to what TAAron would say. He's very scholarly, but also quite caring. Haly is essentially the only person he knows at the clinic, and he cares about her wellbeing, so he is offering her a means for self-defense.

Oh and also, I assume you saw, but TAAron found some old cookies with Hemalurgic spikes in them and has used one of them on himself, so he can compound zinc for extremely high mental speed, which was how he was able to put up a fight against Karden (he could make split-second decisions, had insane reaction time, etc.). However, tapping mental speed does canonically make a person hungry. Just wanted to make sure you are clear on all that.


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After a few hours of research, Bookwyrm was only more confused.

I'll bother Calano and Emma later when they have time.

Bookwyrm stood up, mentally bookmarking the books he had been checking, then walked out of the Library.

I'm just going to start mentally complaining that there isn't much for me to do...


Bookwyrm stopped and closed his eyes, and reached out with his mind.

But instead of searching for other minds, he searched for the fabric of existence itself.

As a dimensional traveler, he had mastered this skill a long time ago. First, he expanded his view to the fabric of the Clinic's pocket dimension. Once he had a firm grasp of that, so he was sure he could teleport anywhere in the pocket dimension if he needed, he expanded further.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of worlds came into his mind. Some were smaller than the clinic, others were full-fledged universes. These were the worlds that were part of the Clinic's multiverse. One of them was probably the home of Calano and Emma, and another the home of the chickens.

Bookwyrm felt that the clinic also had an unusually strong connection to a few worlds beyond the multiverse. He was able to recognize the Cosmere and the Cytoverse among those distant dimensions. But traveling between dimensions that distant was incredibly difficult; a very few people could manage it. Himself being one of them.

Bookwyrm turned his attention to the Clinic's multiverse again. He briefly examined a few worlds, curious.

One suddenly drew his attention.

A smaller world, but still larger than the Clinic. It wasn't too far from the Clinic's pocket dimension, though distance was more of a metaphor when it came to the space between universes. It was dark. Bookwyrm could barely see inside, but something evil swirled in.

Bookwyrm mentally tested the world's boundaries, and found that it was heavily guarded, but not from the inside.

This universe was a prison.

But for what, he couldn't tell.


I'm kind of adding to the lore here, so I'm going to ping you, Calano, to let me know if you're okay with this. And if you have any ideas of what's trapped in the prison. (I'm assuming it's the Scourge.)


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14 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Are you sure? According to all of my studies, anyone could ingest Lerasium and gain full Allomantic potential. And turning into a windchime didn't save you this time, anyways. I'm pretty sure my Feruchemical studies for Lerasium are fruitless anyways. I would need to be a full Feruchemist to even experiment. That means the only use I could get out of it would be to use it as a Hemalurgic spike, which would be pointless and involve killing someone, or to use it Allomantically and try to use its unknown main effect, which is also pretty pointless since I have no idea what I would do and this is my last bead." He stopped, taking a deep breath. "Wow, I'm hungry. I should probably stop tapping." His speech returning to a normal pace, he said: "Look, I'm really scared for you. He had complete control over you for a while there, and I know nothing about the magic he used. I doubt I could overrule it with emotional Allomancy, and even if I can, I won't always be there to do it. Heck, he can probably control me. I don't know where who or whatever that was that took him, or what they are doing with him, but I'm not comfortable with having you defenseless unless I know for sure he is contained. So unless you have a really good reason not to, you should take it."


Haly: stares at the bead “Wow, that’s… really nice of you.” Smiles “Thanks. A lot.” Takes it and rubs it between her fingers “What does it do again?”

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5 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: stares at the bead “Wow, that’s… really nice of you.” Smiles “Thanks. A lot.” Takes it and rubs it between her fingers “What does it do again?”

"Well, you eat it. You should immediately have access to the power it provides. When you burn it, it should make you a mistborn with full Allomantic potential."


Have you read Mistborn? How much?


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
Words and also 101 posts! Yippee
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6 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, you eat it. You should immediately have access to the power it provides. When you burn it, it should make you a mistborn with full Allomantic potential."


Haly: “Um so…. I don’t know what that means.”


I started it but then it got due and I had to return it… I just know Vin is Mistborn and generally what that means. I don’t know the metals or any of that… 

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4 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Um so…. I don’t know what that means.”


OH sorry. Hm. I don't want to spoil you too much on the metals, although I expect I have already. Nothing I've said should have too much impact on the story I think. Ok, so new idea. According to WoB, Lerasium only makes you a Mistborn as a sideeffect. Someone who knows how could manipulate it to use its unknowm primary effect, which involves some sort of Cosmere mumbo-jumbo. If you want, I think it would be reasonable to assume that your magic system has some sort of interference with Investiture, the magic of the Cosmere. We could say that it has an altogether different effect on someone with alternate magic roots, since Realmatic Theory doesn't necessarily apply to Haly in that case, which means that the whole foundation for why Lerasium works wouldn't work either. So then the question is: Should the beas do nothing, or should the Investiture have an alternate effect on Haly's own magic. I would go with B, but you can decide what that effect is.


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15 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Um so…. I don’t know what that means.”

"Well, I don't think you'll need too know, really. If you want, you can test it some other time. Here." TAAron handed Haly two vials filled with Allomantic metals. "Once you've used the bead, you should theoretically be able to burn all of these metals."


So yeah, you can go try to figure it out "some other time." I'll try not to go into too much detail here, but Lerasium pretty much unlocks potential that already exists in people, and maximizes it. If a normal mistborn used it, they would become extra powerful. Since Haly already has the ability to use your magic system, it could just give her further access and connection to whatever the basis of that system is, whether it be where she "finds" random objects, The Beneath, etc. I'm interested to see what you come up with.


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, I don't think you'll need too know, really. If you want, you can test it some other time. Here." TAAron handed Haly two vials filled with Allomantic metals. "Once you've used the bead, you should theoretically be able to burn all of these metals."



Tehehehe imma enjoy figuring this out

Haly: very touched “Thanks. A lot.” Carefully slips them into her bag “I really appreciate it.”

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Back in room D55, TAAron was sitting still on the floor in front of the six remaining Hemalurgic spikes. He still had to test them for the metal they were using, although he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to proceed.

Each of these spikes had killed someone to be made. TAAron felt an overwhelming guilt at the thought of the spike that pierced his abdomen right now. It was the only reason he had been able to fight Karden, true, and having an infinite supply of mental speed was nothing to scoff at. But the cost of it had been a life.

I'm using it for good, he told himself. And yet, would he always? He knew that an excess of certain Hemalurgic traits had serious consequences. He might be opening himself up to manipulation by disrupting his spiritweb if he encountered another Investiture user.

He could tell that one of the spikes was made of gold. That meant it provided Feruchemical gold, electrum, cadmium or bendalloy. Stolen, he reminded himself. That power was stolen from someone to be put in that spike. Hemalurgy wastes the potential of the power, and kills the person who once had it for selfish gain. To charge a Hemalurgic spoke, you need Intent. Whoever made these spikes wanted to kill that person, and take what they had.

Sighing, he put the spikes away. Maybe another day. That fight had been satisfying, but it had really shaken him.

I need to get something to eat.

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Haly had moved on from her map, having swiftly become bored. Now she pored over a book about different magical properties and determining how they might manifest themselves according to the skills that individual already had. 

It was boring. Haly found herself plucking another marshmallow out of the air, then flicked it aside with mild surprise. How many have I grabbed?

Enough to form a mountain around her, apparently. That wasn’t good. 

Haly sighed. I’ll eat them later. 
Absently, she took a handful from the mountain and shoved them in her mouth. I should burn them. That would be fun. But then it might spread… why is life so boring?

Something tickled her mind, something TAAron had asked. Where did she get the marshmallows? Was it possible to send them back? Unfind them somehow? She grabbed another handful to chuck at the bookcase.

They littered themselves over the floor. Haly sighed again. I’ll keep trying. Later.

She went back to her book, and the marshmallow mountain steadily grew.

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18 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly had moved on from her map, having swiftly become bored. Now she pored over a book about different magical properties and determining how they might manifest themselves according to the skills that individual already had. 

It was boring. Haly found herself plucking another marshmallow out of the air, then flicked it aside with mild surprise. How many have I grabbed?

Enough to form a mountain around her, apparently. That wasn’t good. 

Haly sighed. I’ll eat them later. 
Absently, she took a handful from the mountain and shoved them in her mouth. I should burn them. That would be fun. But then it might spread… why is life so boring?

Something tickled her mind, something TAAron had asked. Where did she get the marshmallows? Was it possible to send them back? Unfind them somehow? She grabbed another handful to chuck at the bookcase.

They littered themselves over the floor. Haly sighed again. I’ll keep trying. Later.

She went back to her book, and the marshmallow mountain steadily grew.


Briefly considered setting the bookshelves on fire with a character called The Aspiring Arsonist, decided against it.


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
TAAron 2: Electric(al fire) boogaloo
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Haly: pushes the book aside and focuses on the marshmallows “Okay, marshmallows. Go away. Shoo. Back to where you came from.” Kicks the marshmallows “Come on! Please?” Picks up a single marshmallow and clenches it inside her fist “Banish! Please!” Shakes her fist “JUST GO.” Opens  her fist to see the marshmallow “Oh well.” Plops down happily on the marshmallow pile and munches on them

Haly falls asleep cuz why not

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