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What scares you most?


What scares you most  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What scares you most

    • Nightblood
    • Koloss
    • Fulborn
    • Hoid
    • Ishar's Honorblade
    • Shards
    • Dawnshards
    • Chasmfiend
    • Shades
    • Unmade
    • Steel Inquisitors

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I could see a lot of Sanderson's creatures scaring people for different reasons. Since the jury is still out on whether or not someone killed by Nightblood could still pass on to the "Beyond", that could be scary to those that believe in an afterlife. It could also be scary to those that ascribe to the view that investiture recycles and is a form of reincarnation. Certainly it can be scary to face something greatly more powerful than one's self (shard, fullborn, etc). Or creatures just bent on killing and eating you could be scary (white spines, nigthtmaws, and etc). But for me, if I am going into horror movie territory, I would say shades. You have all the fun of zombies (getting "bit" turns you, your loved ones attacking you) but also have to contend with there is no true way to keep yourself fortified and safe. Silver runs out over time and has to be mined, and over a long enough time line, anyone can slip up or make a mistake. Further its not like you can put on body armor to at least help. A single touch from something that depending on the lighting is invisible, frequently spells your doom. I think that would be high up there in any horror movie. 

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5 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

I could see a lot of Sanderson's creatures scaring people for different reasons. Since the jury is still out on whether or not someone killed by Nightblood could still pass on to the "Beyond", that could be scary to those that believe in an afterlife. It could also be scary to those that ascribe to the view that investiture recycles and is a form of reincarnation. Certainly it can be scary to face something greatly more powerful than one's self (shard, fullborn, etc). Or creatures just bent on killing and eating you could be scary (white spines, nigthtmaws, and etc). But for me, if I am going into horror movie territory, I would say shades. You have all the fun of zombies (getting "bit" turns you, your loved ones attacking you) but also have to contend with there is no true way to keep yourself fortified and safe. Silver runs out over time and has to be mined, and over a long enough time line, anyone can slip up or make a mistake. Further its not like you can put on body armor to at least help. A single touch from something that depending on the lighting is invisible, frequently spells your doom. I think that would be high up there in any horror movie. 

I can see shades being terrifying, especially if you don't know how to deal with them, but personally, I think that Ishar's honorblade would be way more terrifying. Loved ones might actually not attack you after being shaded, Silence's grandma didn't. Silver body armor would work, (If you're filthy rich) and even without that as long as you're careful to keep the simple rules it wouldn't be too bad, especially if you live in one of the forts, which keep shades out well enough that fort dwellers don't worry too much about keeping the simple rules.

Ishar's Honorblade, however, has the power to destroy planets. And it is currently wielded by a madman, and can be wielded by literally anyone who gets it. That is absolutely terrifying, although it's not the horror movie level of the shades.

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15 minutes ago, Nameless said:

I can see shades being terrifying, especially if you don't know how to deal with them, but personally, I think that Ishar's honorblade would be way more terrifying. Loved ones might actually not attack you after being shaded, Silence's grandma didn't. Silver body armor would work, (If you're filthy rich) and even without that as long as you're careful to keep the simple rules it wouldn't be too bad, especially if you live in one of the forts, which keep shades out well enough that fort dwellers don't worry too much about keeping the simple rules.

Ishar's Honorblade, however, has the power to destroy planets. And it is currently wielded by a madman, and can be wielded by literally anyone who gets it. That is absolutely terrifying, although it's not the horror movie level of the shades.

Wasn't intending to try and convince anyone one way or the other. People find things scary for different reasons (for example the ones I gave regarding Nightblood for those who fear non-existence, or a highly powerful force such as a shard, etc for those that fear feeling powerless). I was just going for the horror movie idea. Like Romero said, if people kept their heads, and were calm, the zombies wouldn't be a threat. But everyone makes a mistake eventually. Also as I said, silver runs out, (that's why the silver circles had to be rotated, and then replaced anytime a shade collided with it) so that lovely armor after a few attacks ends up a death trap making you slow and cumbersome. Personally I think if done well, Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell would make a pretty good horror movie. 

side note: Watch Dr. Strangelove (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) and you would get the experience of Ishar's honorblade lol.

Edited by Pathfinder
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Dakhor Monks can be scary AF. Seing human being, with masivly deformed bones, superstrengh, being also fanatic... Also Bloodsealer can be very scary.

Ishar's Honorblade plus Ishar is insanly scary combo - in hands of literally anyone else his Honorblade is not as dangerous, because 1. Need large amounts of Stormlight to be activated and 2.Othes dont have Ishars k owledge how to use it. I would count both Nightblood and Ishar's blade equaly scary, but for different reasons.

Chasmfiend is very scary, but it is still animal. Treat it properly and it can be dealt with.

Very wierd noone vote for Fullborn Yet.

But I agree, scariest things in Cosmere are Shades. Purely instinctive, morderous bloodthirsty ghosts injuring just with touch are terrifing. And the scariest thing, if the are angry that you simply cannot run from them.

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1 hour ago, Pathfinder said:

side note: Watch Dr. Strangelove (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) and you would get the experience of Ishar's honorblade lol.

I don't know how well that would translate to mind control, but most of it yeah:P

9 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

Ishar's Honorblade plus Ishar is insanly scary combo - in hands of literally anyone else his Honorblade is not as dangerous, because 1. Need large amounts of Stormlight to be activated

Heralds no longer have access to unlimited Stormlight

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2 minutes ago, Frustration said:

No, they get stormlight the same way Radiants do now.

Still doesnt matter. If you are not Ishar, you dont have the same experience and understanding of Blade and Surges. Cant even recharge himself without proper knowledge.

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49 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

Still doesnt matter. If you are not Ishar, you dont have the same experience and understanding of Blade and Surges. Cant even recharge himself without proper knowledge.

Not having an understanding of the power likely makes you more dangerous, not less. Especially if a group like the Ghostbloods managed to get their hands on it. People like Ishar used to be when he destroyed Ashyn. Just enough knowledge to be dangerous, but not enough to know how dangerous. Also, I don't think Bondmsiths require massive amounts of stormlight. 

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I think some of these things are inherently terrifying, others require a scenario to make them truly "scary." For instance, Hoid is incredibly powerful but not necessarily scary -- if you passed him on the street the odds of anything truly bad happening would be low (though higher than average, given his propensity to follow danger). On the other hand, establishing a scenario like "Hoid has decided you must be disposed of for the good of humanity," would indeed be terrifying -- while he cannot directly inflict harm, he is quite effective when orchestrating the demise of others.

Scenarios could also help in establishing a "scariness" index. Something like "you see Ishar brandishing his Honorblade in your kitchen" would be far scarier than "you find Ishar's Honorblade lying in a ditch." Similarly, "you have to share a tent with a Koloss for a night" would be scarier than "you see a Koloss eating a deer in the distance."

In any case, here are some of the inherently scary Cosmere things I think you've missed (though I don't think you'll be able to add them all):

Steel Inquisitors (under Ruin's control) -- Lawful Evil halfborn (approaching fullborn) with a Chaotic Evil master that can take control at any moment

Sleepless (especially if you're headed to Aimia pre-Rysn)

The Unmade (some are scarier than others, so you could list them separately)

Elantrians (especially in their city, at the height of their power)

Dakhor Monks (not as scary as Elantrians, but decidedly more sinister)

Dragons (probably scary, though we know very little about them in canon)

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What scares me most about the Cosmere: Brandon being unable to finish it.

6 minutes ago, Olmund said:

Steel Inquisitors (under Ruin's control) -- Lawful Evil halfborn (approaching fullborn) with a Chaotic Evil master

Do you really see Rashek as Chaotic?  The Final Empire was suspiciously stable and well-ordered... in fact, I'm not sure about Evil either.  He was the GOOD guy in his own story.

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2 hours ago, AquaRegia said:

Do you really see Rashek as Chaotic?  The Final Empire was suspiciously stable and well-ordered... in fact, I'm not sure about Evil either.  He was the GOOD guy in his own story.

I think he or she was referring to how Ruin could take over and control anyone with enough spikes. So Ruin was the one he or she was indicating as chaotic evil master. 

Edited by Pathfinder
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50 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

I think he or she was referring to how Ruin could take over and control anyone with enough spikes. So Ruin was the one he or she was indicating as chaotic evil master. 

Of course you are correct and now I'm just embarrassed.  ;-)

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Unmade scare me most. Mindless power over motivations and actions is peak fear for me.

Nightblood is second. Like a thinking, confused doomsday device with mind control ability. Easily shielded, but also easily portable. I don't think his future interpretations of "destroy evil" are going to always lead to good things. His mind control ability does ensure that the "wrong person" getting a hold of him and using him is virtually impossible. However, what he determines to be "wrong" will change over time and might not agree with the "good guys". The sheer amount of power and instability of mind controlling it is pretty high on the scary list. I guess Shards are worse, but there's something different about Nightblood.

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Hmm, since mind control came up, and this is a thread about what scares you most. I wonder which form of mind control scares people more (not to make a poll within a poll, just curious)

1. Command style mind control. As in "Punch that guy in the face". You walk over and punch the person in the face. You are still "yourself" but you no longer have physical control over your actions. You are a puppet on strings, and powerless.

2. Influence style mind control. (had trouble coming up with a name for it). As in, the controller takes over the person, making them want to help, or follow the orders. So for instance Loki and Hawkeye in Avengers. After Hawkeye was mind controlled, he voluntarily used his knowledge and skills to benefit Loki. So arguably you have lost your sense of self, and mental autonomy.  

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Mercy. You think Mercy would be a good thing, a good shard right? But supposedly, Mercy helped Odium kill Ambition. Makes me think of killing people so they can't feel any more pain. Makes me very afraid of it.

Makes me think, that Mercy might end up being one of the big threats in the cosmere, not Odium.

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