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  1. I am creating a DnD campaign for some friends based on the Cosmere. It is set on an original world, but I would like to include some appearances by several worldhoppers and worldhopping groups, as the campaign revolves around the planet being a recent discovery in the Cosmere. As such, many groups and people are trying to learn what they can about the planet, both for scholarly and for self serving reasons. While finding worldhoppers isn't a problem, I would appreciate some help in deciding why these groups are here. Obviously the Ghostbloods are an easy pick, and Hoid will be making an appearance. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. I am caught up on the Mistborn Eras, Stormlight 4 (and Dawnshard), Elantris (but not emperors soul), and Warbringer. Please avoid putting spoilers for anything I haven't read yet. Thanks.
  2. The thread I made on balancing Allomantic iron and steel for a D&D Mistborn homebrew went really, really well- thank you so much @Tamriel Wolfsbaine, @Lunamor, @KelsierFortnite, @Returned, and @Duxredux! I really appreciate the ideas and commentary and would love more if you're willing! I've now got a system for these two metals that I think is quite good, and I can't wait to post it once I've gotten the rest of my second draft polished up and finished! However, there are two more powers that are really bothering me. I just can't figure out how to handle Allomantic gold and Feruchemical zinc. Gold is just plain weird; you see a hallucination that is either a vision of how you could have turned out had you made different choices or a past version of yourself. I. . . honestly am kind of stumped on how to use it effectively. Very minor tES spoilers. And F-zinc. . . that's a tough one too. Feruchemical steel has the movement speed bonus, the AC bonus, and the extra actions to be made, and I don't want zinc just to be an inferior version of it. I also don't really see zinc adding a direct attack or damage bonus (especially since F-pewter kind of does that already too), and tin is mostly used for extra perception and awareness, so that's off the table as well. Would anyone who's willing please offer suggestions for how I may form these powers for a 3.5 D&D game?
  3. I am currently working on a Dungeons and Dragons homebrew that is based on Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. It will include all the known planets in the Cosmere universe, with varying levels of emphasis on each one. I am in search of someone who can assist me with the writing. This is an online collaboration, and there won't be any in-person meetings. It's crucial to note that this is strictly for fun, and I won't be offering any payment. However, if we ever manage to publish it, I will make sure to give credit where it's due and share any earnings. I am searching for someone who has an interest in writing descriptive content. Due to time constraints, I'm more focused on the actual rules. If you have a flair for writing filler material and action-packed content, then you are who I am looking for. Additionally, a skilled artist would be highly appreciated since my current art is AI-generated and is not up to the mark. I also need someone to playtest the project, and if you're willing, we can do it over a video call. Please note that this is a fun project, and I cannot offer any guarantee of payment except for a share of the profits gained (if any).
  4. I know that there's MAG (Mistborn Adventure Game), but I just love Dungeons and Dragons, especially when I get to play with my family But I also really love Mistborn; I love the story, I love the magic, and I love the worldbuilding. So I'm currently making a homebrew overhaul of 3.5 D&d to better accommodate a Mistborn style setting, and I think I've got some good ideas, but I'd like some advice/suggestions if anyone is willing. I'm thinking about removing the class system and instead implementing a focus on Metalborn powers, where you could take Allomantic, Feruchemical, and Hemalurgic feats (in addition to general feats, of course) to build a more customizable character. For example, a Pewterarm could take a feat that allowed them to use Pewter dragging on top of the basic abilities provided by their Allomancy, increasing their repertoire. I think that I've got a good handle on most of the Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, but Allomantic iron and steel in particular have got me worried; I want them to be cool and useful, but figuring out how to handle telekinetic powers is always a struggle in RPG games. Not to mention, I know I want Hemalurgic spikes to be an option for the players. In fact, they'd almost be necessary if they really want to mix powers and get the coolest builds available (no natural Mistborn or Full Feruchemist are in the setting as I have it right now). I just don't know how I want the penalty of the spikes to work (i.e., what they actually effect negatively). And don't even get me started on Koloss-bloods; I feel like there should be a special benefit or two for playing them, but I don't know yet how to balance it out properly with non-Koloss-bloods. Should it be like a Metalborn power on its own? Should it take a Feat at first level? Should it be a racial option and the other non-Koloss-bloods should get something to help boost them to compensate? Anyway, it's still a pretty young idea right now, so it will take a while to polish up, but I sure wouldn't mind some ideas or suggestions from others in the meantime
  5. Hello 17th Shard! About two years ago, my three friends and I, all huge fans of Brandon Sanderson and The Stormlight Archive, wanted to try our hands at D&D 5e for the first time. I decided, for some insane reason, that I was going to not only DM my first game with them but also that I wanted to DM a game of D&D based on the world of The Stormlight Archive. Our campaign started soon after with some basic reskinning and rules, and now we are still going strong and I have compiled everything I reskinned/created into two documents: the Radiant's Handbook and The Invested Arts of the Cosmere (I'm also working on another document that will include the other cosmere books translated into D&D, called Hoid's Guide to the Cosmere). The two documents equal about 450 pages, all available for players to start a complete game of Cosmere 5e, if they have a willing GM. I wanted to post it here to see if anyone would be interested in playing. I will be the first to admit that D&D 5e is not the best system for the magic and characteristics of The Stormlight Archive, but I am most familiar with 5e's system and that is how it started. If you do check out the Radiant's Handbook (the equivalent of D&D 5e's Player's Handbook), let me know what you think! There are nine completely unique classes, one for each Knights Radiant Order (except for Bondsmith) and 14 different Identities (the equivalent of D&D's races) like Alethi, Siah Aimian, Herdazian, and more. I have made a huge list of feats, backgrounds, and designed items based on the world of Roshar. I have also made up mechanics for using Investiture and Stormlight, and resources for a GM to use if they want to run their own game. Note that everything in these documents is meant to be played on its own, rather than implement it into your own D&D 5e game. The Knights Radiant slowly but surely became more powerful that D&D classes due to the nature of Investiture and fun. My documents also have hundreds of Invested Arts (spells), fabrials and weapons, rules for Shardweapons, rules for spren (with Ideal swearing and how they operate as familiars), and much more. Like I said, I have been playing this for about a year and a half now. My three players (a Makabaki Skybreaker, a Thaylen Edgedancer, and a Reshi Lightweaver) are traveling Roshar and trying to stop a mysterious group from harnessing an Unmade. Most of the information in the Handbook has not really been tested, so I would love that as well. If anyone does have any feedback, suggestions, critiques, or anything else, I would love to know. You can message me here or on reddit (my username there is /u/mikiari). Again, here is the link to the Radiant's Handbook: here. And again, here is the link to the Invested Art's of the Cosmere (essentially a giant document of all the details of the Invested Arts -- spells -- you can cast): here. And here is a link to a Google Sheets-powered Character Sheet you could use (use File > Make a copy to add a copy of your own to your Google Drive): here.
  6. Channelknight Fadran


    From the album: Roleplay Art

    rogue lady (>._.)>
  7. *Stretches* *Pops Knuckles* Welcome! I recently pronounced Starry Days and Sunny Nights dead for a few reason. I am sad to see it go and I know I was very energetic about it. So here I am opening a new one almost immediately. Firstly you can PM me to join as a player, in the PM mention your character concept or sheet, then I (and possible other DMs) will arrange you into a few groups based on time zone, similarity of characters, compatible group flow, and functionality. If you want to Co-DM send me a PM. Since this is in very early stages you will get to play a major part in the plot and world building. I am going to bold this, Please use the personal messenger for your character details rather than here Players: @Argenti, @Justice_Magician, @Frustration, @TheGreatSnail, @BrokenPlayer, @Channelknight Fadran, @Just_a_Fan_YT, @poberl, @shortcake, @The Sibling DMs: @The Last Fæ To encourage competition between groups I will keep track of scores. Groups: What to know: You start at level 2 This will take place in PMs Potentially I will compile the best of this into a more polished story thing This is 5th edition D&D I will for one teach you how to play Homebrew allowed Homebrew used Things you will probably get: Your own character arc! Dungeons Dragons Pathfinding Depressing scenes in the rain Downtime Functioning as a dysfunctional guild Being screamed at by a demented god Swords Magic More swords Decent descriptions Nightblood being wielded by Rayse Given the recent ban on invested weapons this feature has been removed A Probably Non-Cosmere setting Approved features: Dragonmarks Homebrew: Don't let it scare you, it will be used to better and enhance the world Approved Instantly: An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby (16 points) Good Place to Look: DnD wiki
  8. Here be a Gauging Interest thread for a big-ol' D&D homebrew setting I've been working on. The world, lore, and such aren't completed yet, but once they are I'd like to gather several groups for a set of campaigns. For now just lemme know if you might be interested.
  9. Hey y'all! Guess what! I decided to host the campaign here, how to apply: Send me a PM. Things to know: This is 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons with homebrew You will be split into groups run in PMs, there will be a list of players and their classes here, that is it. Group size 3 - 5 each. The world/plot details are: Each player has their own arc arranged in someway Seasons Level 3 - ??? Special stats maybe Maybe an evil empire somewhere BBEGs Rivals Curses? Quaint Travel Some spare time Plot, plot, plot, murder Sneaking Backstories that will be part of plot a bit NPCs: Some people... you will meet them Sessions: At 5 PM Friday - 9 PM Saturday CST on the Shard in the group chats, otherwise that is it. Post session logs will be put up at the end of each session. Everyone will start in their own location. You can change the group you are in too, but I doubt it will happen, each group will be a bit at odds. More player slots are available. Players (Some will be secret, when joining you can request to be secret too): ... : Arcane Archer ... : Flamethrower Artificer ... : Barbarian @Channelknight Fadran: Rouge ... : Paladin @dannnnnex: Fighter @Frustration: Divination wizard, with Ludwig ... : Bard of Glamour ... : Hexblade Warlock ... : Sorcerer ... : Hunter Ranger ... : Bard of Swords ... : Soulknife @xinoehp512: ... : Rouge @NerdyAarakocra: Whisper Bard ... : Bard of Lore ... : ... : ... : @The Known Novel: Groups: 1: The First Order ? / ? / ? / ? 2: Order of Ludwig 0 / 0 / 3 / S 3: Order of the Shot: 2 / 600 / 3 / ? 4: Order of Chaos: 0 / 0 / 3 / 5: 0 / 0 / 3 / 6: Order of Music: 1 / 0 / 3 / ? 7: 0 / 0 / 3 / 8: 0 / 0 / 3 / 9: 0 / 0 / 3 / 10: 0 / 0 / 3 / 11: Order of the Dragon 0 / 300 / 3 / ? 12: 0 / 0 / 3 / 13: 0 / 0 / 3 / 14: 0 / 0 / 3 / 15: 0 / 0 / 3 / 16: 0 / 0 / 3 / Each group will have a player with a detail that will change them in some way, no one is allowed to say who. Also choose a leader once the groups are set up. When you ask to join you can mention someone else that may be in your group (I will try my best to arrange them to fit). Note about the details, they will come in handy when a TPK is going to happen, be wise about using them, the party knows someone has access to them... What goes here will be all group announcements. As things change, which day it is(never more of 2 weeks apart more synced as the end comes, in other dimensions your time might be warped...), every few sessions I may put up some group info. Also the group track will track the plot progress. Welcome to Tareth, it is a wildish realm in the medieval steampunk era. The geography and weather is similar to Alaska, the days length are similar to Nebraska (Yes, both the Sewards). The architecture is similar to that of medieval Germany. The region is surrounded by chasm lands (Tied to the underdark). The sky lands (Elemental plane of Air) is tied by the rare cloud, which many Afara (Aarakocra or Kenku) use to enter the realm. Then there are the dark forests, holes into the realm of shadow (Part Feywild, part Shadofell), which fall under Dark Evil and Light Evil. There will be passing seasons and time. Travel is done by some unsafe stage coaches that stop at inns frequently because most walks to other towns are brought down by the ‘others’. Now then again across fields it is fine. Then there are the great city rails which tie most of the Tiered Cities together. Tiered cities refer to cities built like tiered cakes, surrounded by farmland for many miles. This starts at level 3 In the year Syvra III, May 4th
  10. So this will be a 5e one shot (or campaign, who knows), as a way to test a few things, party level 7. This will start with hopefully at least 3 players by Friday. Choose a Ferring ability too. For reference this is a subset of a main campaign which has recently started, and yes one player has Ferring abilities (I don't know which yet). If this turns into the campaign this will be a... fun very very fun bad idea... (But I would request a minor bit of down leveling for a few reasons) and minor alterations. So if it is I will set the timing because there will be another group at the same time with similar goals.
  11. I am suffering from severe DM withdrawal. Now this is my first time hosting 3.5E, I would be overjoyed if I get a few players. Please send questions if you want to know anything. The campaign will be hosted at a slow pace here, by that I mean join in whenever you want but try to not cover several sessions worth of content in a few days. Level 1 characters. Preferred: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/File:Interactive_DnD_3.5_Character_Sheet_(1).pdf (You have to download the file, you can't change this one as is.) SRD: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:System_Reference_Document World map (Azgaar's Generator): Talamh.map Fadran - Samarin an elven sorcerer with a tabby cat called Ghost Random Bystander - Shale an Air Genasi rogue The Known Novel - Thyrvor a Dwarfish Barbarian The Great Snail - Iris a Halfling Rogue
  12. Hello! I am somewhat active in the D&D community. As such, I am a minor user on the homebrew site D&D wiki. On D&D wiki, there is an unfinished class for Knights Radiant. I want to finish it, but I need help. Reply if you want to help finish it! Here is the link: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Knight_Radiant_(5e_Class)
  13. I'm sure it's a rare thing to happen in original fantasy novels, but the revelation that Spensa jumping through the nowhere portal leads to not just the formless void of the delvers, but a whole other reality full of varied terrain, exotic creatures, and warring factions just seems straight out of a good DnD campaign. Is anyone else getting the same?
  14. Alright. D&D. I made a D&D world over the summer, because my sister wanted to try to do a solo campaign. It didn't happen. Now, I have this D&D map I made just lying around. And so, I am starting a D&D campaign. Anyway, here's the map: Basic Info: Character creation guidelines:
  15. Are these posts still active? Anyone wish to continue the topic? I have a few ideas for it.
  16. On a site full of fantasy fans, I figured that a fair number of us probably play Dungeons and Dragons. So here's a thread to put all the wild stories about the shenanigans your party gets up to. Here's a favorite story from my campaign: The Letter Bunny So, one of the characters is a very wholesome warlock of the Demigod of Cute Fluffy Animals. This is relevant because it meant that he had a bunny costume in his inventory. The party was at a tavern on a journey when they overheard a drunk messenger bragging about how he had a letter to the leader of a nearby city - someone that the party was already suspicious of. So naturally, the party decided to steal the letter and read it. Before they could figure out how, though, the messenger left the building and got on his horse. Not wanting to let him escape they started to chase after him, but the horse was much faster than they were, so they had trouble catching him. Then the warlock, Kjørfraexx, had an idea. Kjørfraexx first changed into his bunny costume, and then got the wizard to cast Fly on him. So garbed, he shot after the rider and quickly caught up. He used prestidigitation to scatter sparkles around, and announced that he was the "Letter Bunny" - a being that he explained as being like the tooth fairy, but for letters rather than teeth. Remember, this messenger was very drunk, and being a warlock, Kjørfraexx had very good Charisma. And then Kjørfraexx rolled a nat 20. So the befuddled messenger handed over the letter, received a silver piece in exchange, and was sent on his way. Imagining him explaining this to his superiors was one of the highlights of my week.
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DCUT3ozq7kIJdfvZtvPn64MnVy0ABoTRsOaPGp7FO_Y/edit I've actually posted this class before but it wasn't finished and the topic was in the wrong subforum. I have finished all the features of the class (with a few exceptions). All that's missing is the narrative elements. If you don't play D&D or some other tabletop RPG this won't interest you and you should go look at something else. The class is missing something, however. Bondsmiths are just really weird. Once we learn more about the sibling I'll probably turn Bondsmith into its own class with the 3 spren being the subclasses. If you want to play as a Bonsmith now just take the cohesion and tension surges and ad another Bonsmith themed feature at level 10. All feedback is welcome and encouraged. This is just a rough draft so I'm very open to changes. Thanks! (Tell me if you can't access the document)
  18. so for some time i have been working on a homebrew supplement for introducing spen in D&D (even if they are more like elementals) i have most of it hammered out and got the ok for most of the artists but i wanted a final feedback from anyone here that knows anything about Dungeons and Dragons before i upload it to the dms guild , plus sharders could be interested the link can be found here shoutout to the amazing artists (botanica xu and Pam Hage) and the shard affiliated D&D discord server for their help any criticism and suggestions are more than welcome and everyone seeing it is free to download it adn use it if you'd like
  19. If dungeons&dragons (or chickens&chasmfiends or whatever) existed in Roshar, it would be a women's thing. Because you can do it with one hand and there's lots of writing. Also, it would be considered edgy because of how the dice control what happens. That's close enough to fortune-telling to make that sort of moral guardian Think Of The Children.
  20. So just a quick question but what D&D classes and sub classes would you put Stormlight characters into? Some I feel are pretty straight forward like Adolin being an Eldritch Knight Fighter, but it could get a bit more nebulous like Renarin I could see as a Knowledge Domain Cleric. Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts and how many D&D nerds are also Sharders
  21. I was with my group getting ready to storm a castle full of orcs. Three people from my group snuck inside the castle and me and a other guy were outside with a squad a troops. So we decided to put shields and a cart hook it up to a ox and ride it in. We also put shields on the ox. I was on the ox and the other guy was in The cart like a chariot. We broke down the door and I rolled the highest so when we broke down the door I one shot stabbed a orc with my spear killing it. We one, plus the ox lived
  22. Hey all. Long time creeper, first time speaker here. Like most of us here, I think, I'm a nerd. I built Lego models when I was a kid, computers when I was in highschool, and I've been playing D&D for years now (longer than I've been reading Sanderon's works, in fact). I've always loved the freedom that comes with tabletop RPGs like Pathfinder and D&D, so I've brought it upon myself to find a way to merge these passions of mine with the works of the Cosmere into a single, fun-to-share project. Enter: The Cosmere Universe Guide. A mostly brand-new set of rules and character options for D&D 5e. I've been working on this project off-and-on for the better part of a year now, and while I've made a great deal of progress, I'm starting to hit a wall in some areas. That's why I'm here now; Who wants to make a game? While I personally have no idea how, say, a spren's decision to bond a radiant works, I'm willing to bet that there's someone on here who's made it their life's goal to figure out the most minute of details. Right now, I'm struggling to flesh out one of the new classes; the Allomancer. I'll post a link to the WIP document, so you can see what I'm talking about. As you can imagine, writting a class with 16 sub-classes, based on a magic with strict rules we don't fully understand is a little difficult. Any ideas or suggestions for new class abilities or changes to existing powers are welcome, and I'd love to hear what everyone thinks about an actual full-scale Cosmere RPG! Thanks AllomancerWIP.pdf
  23. Voidus

    5e cosmere

    So I'm aware that there have been a few attempts to do this, and also the MAG exists but I've found getting people who aren't big fans of the cosmere into that to be difficult and honestly I just prefer working with something familiar. So I'm trying to convert Mistborn and Feruchemists into 5e classes. This would be for standalone use so if they aren't perfectly balanced against existing 5e classes that's not a huge deal but I want to get it somewhere in the general ballpark at least and definitely try to get them balanced for each other. Very basic drafts of what I have so far are available at: The Mistborn: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyteFG3Rf And Feruchemist: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rkKhlEaAf I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions.
  24. Hey 17th Shard, I started myself on a bit of a lengthy project, converting the rules for Mistborn Adventure Game to the Dungeons and Dragons format, specifically, Fifth Edition, as it is the edition I am most familiar with. I've completed some rough drafts for most of the Allomantic powers, with the exception of Atium, Lerasium, Cerrobend, Cadmium, and the God-Metal alloys. I know for sure that they'll have to be revised a lot more, but to refresh my brain I decided to start thinking about some Feruchemical powers, specifically Feruchemical Gold, and I've run into a bit of a problem. In typical D&D play, as players advance from level 1 to level 20 they gain HP, and quite a lot of it. Generally at level 20 a character will have well over 15 times their level 1 HP. In typical MAG play, health doesn't change that much, with someone maybe doubling their health over the course of a long campaign. This is causing a bit of a problem with figuring out rules for Feruchemical Gold healing, especially Compounding. In MAG, restoring 6 HP via Compounding is always going to be a massive chunk of HP no matter what, because HP stays fairly consistent in MAG. I've already lined up some equivalents for damage in D&D versus MAG by comparing the weapon damages of items like daggers, clubs, and swords. +1 damage in MAG seems to be about 1d4 in terms of D&D. The easy solution, therefore, is to make the 6 HP restore of Feruchemical Gold equal to 6d4, which averages to around 15 HP restored. For a lower level character, up to level 5 or 6 (depending on class and physical scores), that's a comparable chunk of HP regeneration to how it's intended to be in MAG. As levels progress, however, it rapidly becomes a smaller and more negligible amount. Any ideas, folks? I have a couple, but since I'm diving more into homebrew and winging it here, rather than just converting distances and action economy to 5e terms, I'd like some external input. Also, I'm assuming posting my conversions here would be frowned upon because in this early rough draft stage a lot of text is directly copied from the MAG rulebooks rather than reworded or abridged. If I am mistaken, please let me know, and I'd be willing to PM users my conversions if that's allowed.
  25. Welcome to DnD Corner Here, you can talk about anything DnD/Pathfinder/Rift or anything related! Share stories! Talk about builds, Worlds, Characters, NPCs, anything!
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