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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Gammer tried stitching Sart's name into the embroidery, but with all of the red thread flowing around her fingers.... to her it just looked like more blood on her hands. The dwindling number of villagers had all gathered around the Green Potato, silently contemplating what next. Gammer figured they unconsciously started gathering there, trying to avoid association with the former Pahn Kahl owner of the Red Salmon. Aili was going through all the motions of opening for business, but Gammer didn't think the Returned's heart was in it, you could feel Aili's smoldering desire to catch and kill the remaining murderer, it was a thick tension in the air around her.

How many more innocents will be butchered in this pursuit? Gammer knew asking questions like that was pointless at this point in time. They were too dedicated, and the many, many deaths could not be in vain.

OOC: Well, huh. I didn't really think Sart was too guilty after he gave up his breath like that but I didn't think my vote would count anyways. :(

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Aili was saddened at Sart's death. She had originally suspected the man, but after he gave away his Breath to her and explained himself, she didn't think he was a murderer. It had been too late though. The town had gone after the man and killed him. She hadn't even been able to repay him after his gift. Aili cuddled with one of the many rabbits in town as she lay in bed that night. Even goddesses were scared sometimes. 

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Rabbit Elo / Shadrach knew the plan all too well.


He slipped out of Aili's room. She stirred in her sleep scratching. The distraciton for the upcoming campaign had been delivered to about half of the village.


Shadrach sat on his haunches in the dying firelight in front of the Hearth in the Red Salmon and waited for the signal from atop the hill.

Edited by el_warko
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It seems that we need to do a quick reminder on this. Nothing too serious has happened yet but there has been minor problems that have nevertheless effected the game so this needs reiterating before it does become serious.


Dead players cannot post ANYTHING that relates to the current or past state of the game. At all.

I can use orange when referring to general sanderson elimination rules =)

Any comment relating to the number of players or how a certain player or role may be feeling at this point etc can have an effect on the game and, as a result, is definitely not allowed. Any input or perspective from someone who is dead could effect someone's opinions whether they are telling the truth or lying and whether people think they are telling the truth or not. Generally the net effect would be very minimal but that wouldn't always be the case, and allowing relatively minor things like this would soon lead to unintentional larger information leaks.


So this is just a reminder to everyone to be very very careful if you make posts after dying to be absolutely certain that they don't give away anything at all.


As a final note to hopefully clear up what influence has slipped through, there were 6 PK at the beginning of the game. As everyone was previously (correctly) guessing this I decided to reveal this to set things back as close as possible to how they should be.


This is not an attack on anyone, just a reminder and word of caution to everyone.


You may now proceed with your regularly scheduled murder :)

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An additional clarification to that note Clan... I assume that includes PM's from the dead to the living being prohibited?

I haven't received any pm's from a dead player and I'm certainly not claiming that has been going on by anyone. But just in case, there is really no reason why any dead players should communicate with any living players about the game by pm.

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An additional clarification to that note Clan... I assume that includes PM's from the dead to the living being prohibited?

I haven't received any pm's from a dead player and I'm certainly not claiming that has been going on by anyone. But just in case, there is really no reason why any dead players should communicate with any living players about the game by pm.

Yes. Any pms between living and dead players should not mention the game at all. If you have something you desperately want to say then pm me, and I'll consider if it can be passed on or if it needs to wait till the game ends. I don't think there has been any problem with this so far. But just in case it is worth reiterating.


Thanks for bringing that up.

And the next post I make will likely revolve around a more fun topic, such as murder : P

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Day 8: Nae


Ben hurried back to his house. He was scared, he had a feeling something terrible was about to happen but he wasn't sure what. He should be safe shouldn't he? Why would someone want to kill him? A dozen reasons flashed through his mind and he quickly dismissed them, trying to control his unreasoning panic. He heard a sound nearby and bolted, sprinting through the streets towards his home. He should have stayed home, he shouldn't have risked coming out to buy more breath. He had easily found a seller, but what was the point in having more breath if he died!


Ben could hear them now, booted feet pounding against the cobbles as they chased him. Ben wasn't fit and he knew he couldn't outrun them for long, but he was nearly home, so close to safety. He reached his door and dashed inside slamming and bolting the door behind him and then stepped back, breathing heavily. There was quiet for a moment, then a loud crash caused Ben to jump as his attacker slammed against the door, the door groaned and the bolt twisted at the impact. Horrified Ben turned and leaped into his pillow fortress, winding his way through the narrow passages as the attacker slammed against the door again and again. Finally the hinges broke and the door fell inwards with a crack that echoed through the large chamber.


Ben curled up near the back of his fortress, They can't get me here. They'll never find their way through. The footsteps came into the room, paused, then continued inexorably toward Ben. They were accompanied by other soft thumps and tearing noises that Ben couldn't identify. After a tense couple of minutes Ben saw the pillows shift and the face of Vard came into view. The lifeless ignored the twisting paths of the pillow fortress and simply ripped the pillows out of his way, cutting them with his sword when necessary. Ben wanted to run, to escape, but he had nowhere to go. This was his sanctum and Vard was here. So instead he cowered as the lifeless stepped up to him and struck, once, twice. Then turned and left the building as the pillows gradually turned red.




Gammer started awake, her embroidery lay stretched out before her. She had spent the better part of the night finding a breath seller so she could distinguish colours well enough to fill in the detail her masterpiece had required and then had fallen asleep as she toiled on it. She had a burning need to finish it, she wasn't sure how much longer she would last and she couldn't bear the thought of leaving it unfinished. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she reached over to take her needle, her joints protesting. Then she paused, it took her sleep befuddled mind a moment to realize why, the needle was gone!


Coming fully awake Gammer looked around her and noticed a few things. Firstly that the darkness was beginning to recede, dawn was fast approaching and the candle she had been using for light was sputtering. Secondly, her needle lay next to her where it had fallen from her limp hand at some point during the night. Thirdly, she noticed the tapestry before her, it was complete! Every detail was there, layed out in neat stitches was the story of the village. She had worked through the night in a state of half sleep to finish it.


Slowly, painfully, she levered herself out of her chair, picked up her tapestry and hobbled slowly towards the door. Reaching the door she undid the latch and swung it open, then held the tapestry up to the predawn light. Even in the relative darkness of predawn Gammer could see the detail of the tapestry. Tears filled her eyes as she saw every detail, every stitch loving placed. It was perfect, beautiful. A tall figure in a monks robe stood at the centre, breath flowing into them from all around while they basked in it's beauty and power. A shadow passed across her, blocking the light and Gammer looked up to face them. They held a sword as black as the void. Gammer looked down once more on her creation, then greeted the warm embrace of death.


The figure sighed, sheathing the sword, and turned away from the now empty house. As they walked away the first rays of the new dawn illuminated the beautiful tapestry and highlighted the black stain around Gammer's name, her final addition to the tapestry.



Ben was a normal Hallandren

Gammer was a normal Hallandren


Day 8 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Wednesday.


I wish to make a public apology to a Smart Guy and to everyone else. In my rush to finish the last writeup I miscounted the most recent vote tally due in part to Ailli's (Returned) double vote and one of those who voted for Sart losing their breath due to being drab. The outcome of the vote should actually have been a tie. As he has already had access to the dead doc and knows who the last PK is he cannot rejoin the game directly again. However, provided that the PK do not win (so almost certainly) he will be able to come back as a returned and participate in the post-game negotiations. It's the best I can do. Sorry.


I didn't post the votes that cycle because I simply forgot. It wasn't till the next day when reviewing them to post them that I realized my error. Here they are as they should have been for what little it's worth.


Sart (a Smart Guy) 2: Gammer, Bartholomew, Dainard

Ben (Edgedancer) 2: Ailli

Rowan (Herowannabe) 1: Cen


Sorry about another delayed writeup.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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That sound like a good plan Claincy. It's nice to have a setting where you can bring people back to life, eh?


Alright then. There are five people who cannot be proven innocent, but only three that I have honest reason to be suspicious of.









With the lack of a kill last night, either Ver is the last PK, or someone wants us to think Ver is the last PK. I'm inclined towards the former, as neither Barty or Wilson are overly suspicious in my mind. As Ver appears truly inactive, there isn't much evidence for him being a PK. There is one big one though. Almost immediately after he went inactive, a few of the PK began voting for him or suggesting to "Strawman" him. An inactive, evil player can prove a very nice cover, as Jeo showed in the last game.


To give a bit of the reasoning behind this List, and the last few night kills, here's the original List, and how we came to those conclusions.


​First, we separated people based on Breath use, using criteria that both Nepene and I outlined earlier.

















We then removed Wyrm, Meta, Sifa, Rowan and Ver because of their roles/behaviour. From there, we just started going through the List by priority. Jeo was obviously PK from the whole Day Three fiasco, Peng was an uncooperative Awakener with the right amount of Breath to be the Swordbearer, Elo gave away Breath to Peng the third night, Asgren and Tulir had suspicious actions and voting patterns.  


This left Ben, Gammer, Cen, and Thomas. None of whom were greatly suspicious, so we added back in Meta, Barty, Wes, Wilson, Sart and Rowan. Tulir's death excluded Rowan and Cen, leaving Ben, Gammer, Barty, Wes, Wilson and Sart. Now, we're left with Barty, Wes, and Wilson. Once again, we don't find any on them really suspicious. So there are two others. Ver is inactive, and Rick Strawmanned Elo the night he attacked Alan.


The last PK will be on this List somewhere. If you see any flaws in our reasoning, feel free to point them out.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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The only error I see is that I'm on the list  :P. Guess that's kind of an inevitability when the PK has to be Hallandren and there are only so many of us left to choose from. 


As usual, I'm not a fan of bandwagons so I'm going to vote for Barty at this point. The PK didn't make a kill last night and my strawman reported that Barty took absolutely no action last night. That's about as a close of a correlation as I can draw from my limited information I currently have. If you can provide a good reason for your inaction last night Barty other than to avoid drawing suspicions, I'm all ears. 

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I'm going to laugh so hard if the person holding the sword for us is the PK. He has Aodan's complete trust (since he killed a PK with it) and can just let us chop each other down. Aodan, have you had a spy check the sword holder? This could be a brilliant ploy by him/her.

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I'm going to vote for Rick.

Uh, why?

Anyways, I rather agree with Awesomeness here. I've been suspicious of Bartbug since the beginning, with how aggressively he's attacked people who disagree with his plan, which had considerable potential for Ruining us all. So, Barty .

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I'm pretty sure that it reasonably cannot be me, or else the Spiked would have had an unholy amount of Breath. That's "the statistic" argument I enjoy reasoning out. 





Oh, and I have 3 Breath.


Boom! I've been doing the Breath lottery every night for a while, and only failed once, two nights ago. Not last night. Innocent, and then proven innocent. If you want me to give up my Breath to you, Aonar, to prove it, then I'll do it.

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It's okay. Performing in concerts can be exhausting (I play flute) so I can see where you're coming from. Now I just need to make a good RP...



It was his last chance to make something beautiful. Sart scrambled about his room furiously carving on the floor. Colors, he needed the fourth heightening; that would make this so much easier. He scrambled through his belongings, looking for some additional breath. He noticed a gift from his drinking buddy, Chekov Laincy. He didn't know how the toy had gotten into his belongings for the trip. However, he noticed it had a breath invested in it. While that was useful, he still didn't have color recognition. He furiously scribbled on the floor, enlarging the glyph. As he moved away stray bits of paper, he found his straw-man lying inactive. He took the breaths from it, and set about completing his masterpiece. Just as he finished writing justice, Bart barged into his room. Sart tried to flee, but it was to no avail. The scholar stabbed him right in the chest, and Sart passed out.



Sart groaned miserably. He expected heaven to smell better. He opened his eyes, and realized that he was in an alleyway with some other dead bodies.  He groaned; the pain in his chest was nearly unbearable. Hang on, he was still alive somehow. He felt like jumping for joy, but he was hurt too badly for that. He must have gotten to the fifth heightening by mistake, and in doing so he saved his own life. Those idiots didn't even check for a pulse! Still, he was going to die if he didn't do something soon. He set about making a tourniquet for his wound using some discarded cloth. He hoped someone would find him, and soon. He had figured out who the killer was, but could do nothing about it. He sighed and drifted off into unconsciousness once more.


One more PK to go, I hope you guys find them soon, so I can start role-playing again.

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Gammer awoke to a soft embrace, with a voice booming in her head.


She floated in a colourless void, as black as the midnight sky. She felt no pain, and movement didn't require any motion, for she was a just her soul, floating bodyless in some dark, unseen world. She heard Cuddles asking her if she felt comfortable, and she felt herself smile.
Yes, dear, she thought to the sword. I am perfectly fine.

"Well I just want to make sure. I am supposed to Cuddle people, afterall. Here, there's some company in here so you don't get lonely!"

Gammer turned around and saw a swarm of colours heading her away, an amorphous swirl of hues.

"Hello Tril, old friend." Gammer said.

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Well, you and Aonar can agree to that plan, Aili, but I'm not changing my vote from Barty just because he gives his breath away. As we have established, there is no way the PK can win at this point so all they can do is buy themselves some time and see how many of our own we kill off before they are rooted out. A few breaths aren't going to save a PK from that fate so why wouldn't one agree to give away their breaths if it gets them declared innocent for at least one more day?

Barty has shown from early on that he was willing to reveal his breaths and offer them up as proof of innocence, so I see no reason why him doing it again at this point exonerates him. I am by no means saying I really have any stronger suspicions of him than I do Ver, Wil'son or Rick (because I really don't). I'm Just saying that I think having him give his breaths to prove his innocence is an empty gesture at this point. If it looks like the votes are going against him, yeah, give Aili your breaths right before the end to help the group. But giving up his breath isn't going to convince me he's innocent (that goes for anyone at this point).

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I would like to announce that the writeup secret has now been discovered by 2 players and breath rewards have been claimed. Congratulations to you both :)


I won't reveal their names till the game is over though they can share if they want.

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I'm voting for Ver due to his complete lack of presence in the game., whereas I've found both Bart and Rick to be relatively convincing in their attempts to persuade others of their innocence. At least they participated, even at the risk of seeming more suspicious.

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