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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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I actually just looked back through the game during my lunch break and noticed that I had missed a detail that makes Rick less suspicious. He originally voted for Jeo before changing to Dyrii after that pm craziness. Wil'son also voted for Jeo at that point as well. While it doesn't completely exonerate them, I seriously doubt PK would have been voting for each other at that point just to avoid suspicions later on. Its too much of a risk. You make a good point as well @Sphinx about Jeo voting for Ver so now I'm rethinking all my current suspicions.


With those three crossed off the list, the only Hallendrens left that I'm really unsure of are Gammer, Sart, Ben, and Dainard (though I feel like I previously had a reason Dainard wasn't PK and can't remember what it was... maybe I should join the list crowd and keep track of these things somewhere other than my head).

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For my defense, I voted for Jeo on the third day, the vote doesn´t show in the write up but it is there if you read back and no it can´t be because I was I Drab, which at the time I wasn´t, as we can see on Elo´s death vote they show up but aren´t count. (assuming no one wasted several ropes on that vote.) I also originally intented to vote for Tril on day 4 (as in I put down the vote in read.) but in the end agreed to the "Breath for Aodan" plan, which now may come back to bite me. But hey, two attempted votes for PKs isn´t bad is it?  <- At first I wanted to write this in white

So from my suspect list Rick, Dainard and Gammer (who I excluded because of false reasoning on day six.) are left. The argument that they each voted for two innocent before still stands. (Also could someone please point me back to the passage Bartholomew refers to when he said that "using logic, we have basically proved [him] innocent. Aonar can vouch for [him]." I´m pulling a blank.)

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The reason Wil'son and Rick are still suspicious to me after voting for Jeo is that the former did so after he'd gotten a few votes, which from mafia games I've played in person is when mafia try to sneak into the middle of a bandwagon on other mafia. Similar things can be said about Rick. Wil'son also seems to be around a lot more than posting, especially in comparison to previous games. Given that I'm a major lurker though, it'd be hypocritical to pursue that too far.


I think I recall Dainard getting pushed by several Pahn Kahl at one point, which makes him less suspicious to me. I don't remember the details and should probably reverify that.


Gammer and Ben have struck me as fairly consistent and pro villager. *goes to review lists*

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The reason Wil'son and Rick are still suspicious to me after voting for Jeo is that the former did so after he'd gotten a few votes, which from mafia games I've played in person is when mafia try to sneak into the middle of a bandwagon on other mafia. Similar things can be said about Rick. Wil'son also seems to be around a lot more than posting, especially in comparison to previous games. Given that I'm a major lurker though, it'd be hypocritical to pursue that too far.

I think I recall Dainard getting pushed by several Pahn Kahl at one point, which makes him less suspicious to me. I don't remember the details and should probably reverify that.

Wilson was only the third to vote for Jeo. Hardly a bandwagon at that point. Besides, Chide and Jeo were tied before he voted. As for me, it wasn't really a bandwagon either. Jeo was only one vote ahead of Chide then, so I could have easily voted for Chide to tie the vote up and hopefully save Jeo if I was Kahl. I didn't. Edited by PorridgeBrick
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Shadrach left the old womans lap. He had business to be about. He had fleas, he was desperate to share them with Aodan. He knew that at this hour he'd be asleep. He knew where where he slept. He knew oh oh oh he knew.

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Wil'son also seems to be around a lot more than posting, especially in comparison to previous games. Given that I'm a major lurker though, it'd be hypocritical to pursue that too far.

This is a valid point. I have been around a lot, but I haven't been posting much. At first, that was because of the different game mechanic. I had my lists, but it's been harder to keep up-to-date on them with breath moving around so much. I finally just gave up (I know. What kind of List Maker am I? :P). Because of that, I've only voted for people who I was certain were PK. Like Joe. And Elo. Everyone else I wasn't sure about. Hence my silence in the thread.

Keep in mind though that just because I've been silent in the thread doesn't mean I haven't been participating. I've had a strawman for a number of nights, and I've used him every night to check on whoever Aodan decides. I'm not about to say that he can certify my trustworthiness, because I'm not delusional enough to think that he would. But I have been helping.

So. With that in mind. Who do I suspect (or not suspect)? I'll just comment on the ones that have already been brought up, since my biggest suspicions are in this group.

Rick - He's not. With just my knowledge, I'd be about 75% certain he wasn't, but factoring in what I know from other people, I'm pretty much 99.9% certain he's clean.

Sart - Tied for my biggest suspect. He'd been off my radar, but after that last post, he jumped up. When I went to check the PM groups I've been in, I noticed that he wasn't included. So I have nothing to go off of but his posts in the thread.

Ver - The other tie. The fact that Joe voted for him means nothing. Joe voted for a few of his comrades in the last game, with very little provocation. Although he seems inactive(and I'm actually inclined to think he is) there's a fairly good chance that he's not.

Ben - Been pretty transparent. Unlikely.

Gammer - I've been communicating with her for the vast majority of this game. Highly unlikely, based on that and the transparency she's shown in the thread.

Dainard - No personal feelings either way, but, again, factoring in what I know from others, I seriously doubt he is.

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@Edgedancer: I honestly do not want to crawl through the posts to find the exact location. However, when I initially started the game, I was a Hallandren Awakener with 3 Breaths. I promptly gave those to Aonar. Given how much Breaths the Pahn Kahl would have needed in order to create an Awakened Sword, without using my 3 Breaths (which were given t, we deduced that it was extremely unlikely that Claincy gave the Pahn Kahl that many Breaths.


Of course, you guys haven't proved me innocent. Just mostly. Nice to see that I'm off people's radar.

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Sart. Aili didn't like the man. Before she had manifested herself as a Returned, the visions at night drove her just a bit crazy and she decided to play that up to keep up the disguise. At that time the illumination in the restaurant had always made Sart's boots seem quite ugly. Now that she had the fifth heightening, she could see the beauty in the boots. But the man was quick to anger and a suspect of the leader. Aili was going to vote to kill Sart.
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Gammer strolled through Cog's now abandoned house, the place was still a wreck from the skirmish last night, tables and chairs and all sorts of furniture was strewn about. She was absorbed in the Diagram Cog had left behind. It truly was a masterpiece. She traced one of the lines with a finger, following it's trail down wall until it's inevitable conclusion.

Gammer had much work to do, new information had to be added to the embroidery, that all encompassing story-teller. But before she added in last night's victims names, she wanted to make sure she added in her own touch as well.

Sart. She began to stitch his name into the embroidery. That was her next suspect. The man was quiet, and Gammer hadn't seen him add too much to any of the conversations. Maybe he knew the more he spoke, the higher chance of revealing something he shouldn't know? Gammer wasn't sure, but it was her best bet, so far. She prayed to the Iridescent*  Tones that she wasn't wrong again.

Edit: Thanks, Aili. Knew that looked wrong. XD

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Why are we killing off all the Idrians? :( Only 6 out of 15 left. Sounds like the Hallendrians are going to get the better of this peace talk. :(

If you actually take into account the PK and agents though, The amount of surviving Idrians and hallandrens are almost equal.

I agree that Sart is one of the best options to vote for at this point in time

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If you actually take into account the PK and agents though, The amount of surviving Idrians and hallandrens are almost equal.

I agree that Sart is one of the best options to vote for at this point in time

6 idrians 10 hallandrians.

Best chances are 1 idrian spy so 7v9 and 1 PK who is Hallandrian so 7v8. So, yeah, that is pretty close.

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On the Hill overlooking the town, stood a Rabbit. With that rabbit stood 19 others, the Owlsa. Behind those Rabbits, were thousands more. A Plague of Rabbits were Decending on D'Relin. Jeo, Elo, Pen and Asgren would have their vengeance. Half of his brethren were dead. But the town was in Chaos. And once ELo finished his mission, Aodan wouldn't be doing much.


"Jeorah, Blackavar is approaching from the Town. He bears a message from the warren you left in town."


"Good, send him up. We need updates." It had taken too long for Jeo to gather this Army. Hopefully some of his Brethren still lived. Blackavar, Peng would know. 


Jeo watched as Peng climbed up the hill. Had his fellow Pahn Kahl survived? Peng finally crested the Hill, and stood before the Owsla. "Jeo, They killed Tril, There's only 3 of us left."


"Hraka! Did Tril manage to kill the Mercenary before he died? And who killed him?" And did Elo manage to Give Aodan fleas yet?" He would need a Rabbit for Tril's spirit now.


"Uh, Yes, it was Alan, as we thought, and we don't know who killed him, but they used Cuddles to do it. And I don't know about Elo. What are we doing now?"


Jeo grinned a grin of dark Malevolence. "We're going to make the Rabbit of Caerbannog Proud. We're going to Invade."


EDIT: Why did I get a Downvote?

Edited by The Only Joe
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Quick Question to Claincy: If I give up my breath, does the stuff that I've invested go as well? That's kind of important to me right now.


Sart paled. People were accusing him of being PK, and it looked like he was to be killed. He needed to tell them the truth.


"Frankly put, I am a wealthy man. How else could I afford to have endless sheets of paper? I inherited my wealth, and 5 breaths, from my deceased father. I was always a disappointment to him, always trying to make myself something I wasn't. I came to this meeting to see if I had a talent for state-craft, since most other options have failed me. Apparently, I did poorly at that too. "


      "I made an awakened rope my first night here, but I never had a chance to use it. I told my role to two people only: Aodan and Thomas. Following Aodan's suggestion, I spied on people with my remaining breath. Eventually, I realized that the rope was useless, and that I could get a lifeless for the same amount of breath. 2 nights ago, I tried to get the 2 breaths back, but I couldn't find the rope! (Actually, I sent my night action in one hour too late for it to count, which sucked) I spent the next day looking for it, since no one appeared to be in any danger of dying. Unfortunately, Aodan had forgotten that Thomas had known about my role, and voted for him. (You can ask him about that) Dainard and the librarian joined in, and Thomas was executed."


     "I was devastated. I knew Aodan wasn't guilty since he was a priest, and Alan was clean since he had been attacked the night before. Therefore, I accused the stable boy for joining in on a late vote. That was a mistake. While I still think he may be guilty, apparently you trusted him, and thus turned against me. (Seriously, why is that? The only evidence I've found that he is innocent is that Jeo voted for him, but that was quickly retracted. If he doesn't have a secret role, I still suspect him.) Last night, I finally found the rope, and gained two breaths to use, hopefully for a lifeless."


     "I know this will probably be too late to change people's minds, but I must give my fortune away before it is too late. Aili, my breath to yours, my life become yours. I do this for two reasons. One, we have already killed three Idrian PK, so they are mostly in the clear. Secondly, and more importantly, my breath (if the one's in the straw man go to her) will give her the tenth heightening, thus proving what I say is true. I am sorry I could not have been of much help, and I wish you all the best of luck."


Sart sat down, "Even in this noble effort, I failed to make a masterpiece."

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i can tell you from experience, giving your breath will only pass what you still have unused. The awakened object remains and you can later retract those breaths if you need. If you want to give alli all your breath, you would need to get them back from the awakened objects first
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Clan. I'm so confused. Did we just kill people during the day and are voting at night? Day 7 is just beginning, right? The "Night 7 has begun" is really throwing me off.

Regardless, I'm voting Rowan, because - why not? I have my suspicions without much proof. I felt like I needed to vote at least ONCE this game though. I'll be out of town for the next two days :/

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If I manage to survive, I'd like to keep using the straw man if possible. Of course, now the PK know I have a straw man, so if I survive today, they'll probably kill me tonight. On the other hand, someone might protect me, but that's unlikely right now. Ah well, it was a good game.

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Quick Question to Claincy: If I give up my breath, does the stuff that I've invested go as well? That's kind of important to me right now.


i can tell you from experience, giving your breath will only pass what you still have unused. The awakened object remains and you can later retract those breaths if you need. If you want to give alli all your breath, you would need to get them back from the awakened objects first

This is correct, just to confirm :)


Clan. I'm so confused. Did we just kill people during the day and are voting at night? Day 7 is just beginning, right? The "Night 7 has begun" is really throwing me off.out of town for the next two days :/

That was me making a mistake, again. Fixed now.

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Well, Sart, I thank you for your Breath. It is a generous offer, and I change my vote from Sart to Ben. I don't believe in Sart's PK ness much anymore and I might as well be consistent.

After Sart had come and given her his Breath, she didn't think he had much chance of being PK anymore. She had thought multiple times that the Hallandren priest was suspicious though. So she decided to change her vote to him. "Sart, I would like to thank you for your gift. Here is a meal free of charge. And if you survive the day, you're welcome to stay the night as well."

Edited by Mailliw73
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Voting is now closed. Not that anyone seemed to be casting/changing votes now.

I'm back from my concert now and working on the writeup so it should hopefully be up in under an hour.


Sorry for the delay.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Night 7: Ene




As the days grew on and the number of Idirans, Hallandrens and Pahn Kahl alike dwindled they became less and less willing to accuse eachother, and less and less certain of their suspicions. The day passed with only limited discussion. After a period of silence Aili voiced her distaste and distrust of Sart and the idea was generally well received by the others. Fearing for his life Sart gave his breath to Aili, declaring his innocence. With nothing else left to say for himself Sart retreated to his room at the Green Potato to make one final attempt at creating something incredible.


Sart's action was enough to convince Cen, who declared Rowan to be more suspicious. It also convinced Aili who instead turned her considerable influence into calling for Ben's death. However it was too little, too late. The others sat around uncomfortably avoiding each-others gaze and watched as the day ended and Gammer, Bartholomew and Dainard trooped up to Sart's room to take him to his death.


The moment they opened the door Sart leaped at them, hoping perhaps to fight past them and escape his fate. Gammer stumbled back but Bartholomew was ready and stepped forward, catching Sart in the chest with his dagger. Sart staggered backwards, blood flowing from the wound. He tried to regain his balance, to make another attempt. But Bartholomew's aim was true and the wound was fatal. Sart's eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed backwards on to the floor of his room.


Only then did Bartholomew and Dainard notice the symbol that Sart had carved into the floor of his room. He lay in the centre of an intricate design the likes of which they had never seen before. Beneath Sart's feet was carved a single word "Thath".



Sart was a Hallendren Awakener

Fully half of you are now dead.


Night 7 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Monday

All night orders must be in by 10:30 AEST / 00:30 GMT on Monday



Available bodies for lifeless.

Jeo, Fron, Elo, Swimim, Grim, Peng, Asgren, Alan, Cog, Sart


Player List


  1. (The Only Joe) Jeo ~ Local Chef [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  2. (Alvron) Fron ~ Dye Worker [deceased-Idrian normal]
  3. (AonarFaileas) Aodan ~ Scholar [idrian Monk]
  4. (SirVarrock) Vard ~ Local Smith [deceased-Hallandren Agent]
  5. (Mailliw73) Aili ~ Minor cook at the Red Salmon [Returned]
  6. (GreyPilgrim) Grim ~ a Guard [deceased-Idrian normal]
  7. (Nepene) Alan ~ Librarian [deceased-Idrian Mercenary]
  8. (Aspren) Asgren ~ Traveling Historian [deceased-Pahn Kahl]
  9. (Dyring) Dyrii ~ The Mad Hatter [deceased-Idrian normal]
  10. (Tulir) Tril ~ A Wanderer [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  11. (Herowannabe) Rowan ~ Silent Hunter
  12. (Macen) Cen ~ Lore-craftsman
  13. (Sphinx) Sifa ~ a Brewer
  14. (Chid) Chide ~ The Paranoid
  15. (the Gleeman) Thomas ~ Meddling Wanderer [deceased-Idrian normal]


  1. (Gamma Fiend) Gammer ~ Old Woman
  2. (Bartbug) Bartholomew ~ Chedesh Remnant
  3. (Metacognition) Cog ~ Local Craftsman [deceased-Hallandren normal]
  4. (el_warko) Elo ~ Short Bard [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]
  5. (Swimmingly) Swimim ~ Crazy Poet [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  6. (Awesomeness Summoned) Summon ~ Messenger
  7. (Wyrmhero) Wyrm ~ Scholar [deceased-Hallendren Returned]
  8. (PorridgeBrick) Rick ~ A Stick
  9. (little wilson) Wil’son ~ Fabric Merchant
  10. (Quiver) Ver ~ Inept World Hopper
  11. (Edgedancer) Ben ~ Non-denominational Priest guy.
  12. (a smart guy) Sart ~ an 'Artist' [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  13. (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt ~ Dirt Salesman
  14. (Nard1993) Dainard ~ Stable Boy
  15. (JasonPenguin) Peng ~ a Thief [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]


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