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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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Night 6: Aan


What? You had to know I was going to use that sooner or later, it's a Nalthis game for colour's sake.

After being woken in the middle of the night by the foiled attack the patrons of the green potato had difficulty getting back to sleep. After tossing and turning through the night they were late to rise and when they finally did shamble down to the common room for a very late breakfast they sat quietly. Nobody knew who to accuse and some sat their struggling to find some evidence as to who might be Pahn Kahl. Others sat there wondering if with the Pahn Kahl numbers reduced so far the other nation would begin attacking them under guise of the Pahn Kahl, seeking an advantage in the negotiations. A small number wondered how in Colours they were to kill everyone else, and a few wondered only what was for breakfast and dreamed fondly of their beds.


Taking up Elo's lute Aodan proved himself a capable musician and his tune seemed to gradually wake people up. Finally, hesitantly, people started putting forward suspicions. “How about Cen?” Gamm asked quietly. “Hmm, could be.” Ben agreed. Cen then gave his breath to Dainard and suspicion slipped to other targets. Summon boldly challenged Ver. Then, as no further votes seemed to be coming Aodan voiced his own suspicion of Thomas. After a long pause Alan and Dainard agreed. With the sun setting and minimal opposition they dragged him out toward the gallows they had set up. “What?” he cried “No! I said investigate me! Not kill me! I'm innocent!” Ignoring his protests, and anxious to get back to bed, they strung him up. Only afterwoulds, when they searched his things for anything incriminating, did they realize that he might just have been an innocent wanderer who had the misfortune to come to the wrong place at the wrong time.


Thomas was a normal Idrian!


Thomas (the Gleeman) 3: Aodan, Alan, Dainard

Ver (Quiver) 1: Gammer, Summon

Cen (Macen) 1: Ben

Ben (Edgedancer) 1: Aili


Night 6 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Thursday.

Night actions must be in by 10:30 AEST / 00:30 GMT on Thursday.


Available bodies for lifeless.

Jeo, Fron, Elo, Swimim, Grim, Peng, Asgren.


Player List


  1. (The Only Joe) Jeo ~ Local Chef [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  2. (Alvron) Fron ~ Dye Worker [deceased-Idrian normal]
  3. (AonarFaileas) Aodan ~ Scholar [idrian Monk]
  4. (SirVarrock) Vard ~ Local Smith [deceased-Hallandren Agent]
  5. (Mailliw73) Aili ~ Minor cook at the Red Salmon [Returned]
  6. (GreyPilgrim) Grim ~ a Guard [deceased-Idrian normal]
  7. (Nepene) Alan ~ Librarian
  8. (Aspren) Asgren ~ Traveling Historian [deceased-Pahn Kahl]
  9. (Dyring) Dyrii ~ The Mad Hatter [deceased-Idrian normal]
  10. (Tulir) Tril ~ A Wanderer
  11. (Herowannabe) Rowan ~ Silent Hunter
  12. (Macen) Cen ~ Lore-craftsman
  13. (Sphinx) Sifa ~ a Brewer
  14. (Chid) Chide ~ The Paranoid
  15. (the Gleeman) Thomas ~ Meddling Wanderer [deceased-Idrian normal]


  1. (Gamma Fiend) Gammer ~ Old Woman
  2. (Bartbug) Bartholomew ~ Chedesh Remnant
  3. (Metacognition) Cog ~ Local Craftsman
  4. (el_warko) Elo ~ Short Bard [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]
  5. (Swimmingly) Swimim ~ Crazy Poet [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  6. (Awesomeness Summoned) Summon ~ Messenger
  7. (Wyrmhero) Wyrm ~ Scholar [deceased-Hallendren Returned]
  8. (PorridgeBrick) Rick ~ A Stick
  9. (little wilson) Wil’son ~ Fabric Merchant
  10. (Quiver) Ver ~ Inept World Hopper
  11. (Edgedancer) Ben ~ Non-denominational Priest guy.
  12. (a smart guy) Sart ~ an 'Artist'
  13. (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt ~ Dirt Salesman
  14. (Nard1993) Dainard ~ Stable Boy
  15. (JasonPenguin) Peng ~ a Thief [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]


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"Well," thought Sart as he walked to his room, "that was a good day."


No one had any real suspicions, but at least they knew some suspects to think about.


"Cen and Ver... Have they just been hiding, or are they hiding something?" he pondered as he watched the sunset.


That would be an interesting painting. The red and orange in the sky looked like blood, bleeding into the horizon.


Suddenly, he heard Thomas crying out.


"What? No! I said investigate me! Not kill me! I'm innocent!"


They were killing the wanderer. He couldn't be Pahn Kahl, could he? Thomas was the one person that Sart actually trusted in this madhouse! He wasn't sure of anything at this point, but still, the man had done nothing suspicious. He had to stop this.


"Stop!" he screamed, racing out of his room. "He's innocent!"


He was going to stop this. He had to stop this. Then fate played its hand. The would-be artist slipped on a loose piece of paper, and tumbled down the stairs.


"Ahhhh!" he roared, falling on the ground. He tried running to the door, but his right ankle was twisted, and all he could manage was a limp. The murderers heard him. Aodan, the monk without any holiness, Alan, the librarian without any books, and Dainard, the stable boy without any sense; they had come in for the night.


"You bastards!" Sart yelled, "He was the one person I trusted and you killed him! I.. I... I.." He started crying.


"We were supposed to be better than this. We were supposed to bring peace!" He pointed a finger at them. "Aodan, weren't you going to give Austere's blessing to us heathens? What would your God think of you now? And Alan, weren't you supposed to bring wisdom to these meetings? Instead you've lost your senses! And Dainard..." Sart paused. "Dainard... Were you trying to bring death? You've certainly accomplished that! I think you're one of them... Yes, I'm sure of it now, you're one of them, aren't you? Don't deny it, you've been after us all this time! Always following Aodan's hunches, knowing that we would all follow the good priest to our deaths if he had enough support. You're going to pay. You're going to pay..."


Sart stared at the boy, eyes blazing. He awkwardly got to his feet, and grimaced. "I'm going to bed now, but I want you to know," he proclaimed as he glowered at the hostler, "you're going to die. I don't care if it costs me my life, but you're going to die."


Sart turned and limped up the stairs. "Good night, murderers. I'll see you in the morning."


I'm so angry that I missed the vote against Thomas. While I had nothing conclusive, I was fairly convinced he wasn't Pahn Kahl. Dainard, I'm not sure if you're Pahn Kahl, but you sure as heck seem like one to me.  If you need to see my reasoning, I'll tell Aodan about it.

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Well, Sart, that sounds kinda Pahn Kahl to me. Not totally, but somewhat.
Aili had been busy all day at the Red Salmon, so many people wanted to get their last meal. No one ever knew if it was or not, though. Aili's new tall and curvaceous body was a bit of a hindrance in the kitchen, but she managed as well as she could. She had pulled some of her old clothes from when she had been Trueheart in Hallandren out of storage and begun wearing them. If I'm going to be a goddess, I might as well dress as one, she reasoned. The revealing garments would never be allowed in Idris and that was part of why she liked them.

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Shadrach was hopping along, shakedown complete.  He had been in possession of some celery and carrots; had being the operative word.  They were delicious.   He hopped through the town as the accusation had been flying thick and fast.  There was no humour in death.  Death accomplished nothing; if you killed someone they were no use to you.  It was a much better business model to keep people alive and bleed them.  On his way back to the orphanage he noticed an old lady sewing watching the horrors of the day unfold.  She looked nice. 


Shadrach hopped up to her and caught her eye.  She didn’t seem scared of him, most people were.  He inched closer, the old lady put down her sewing on a side table and beckoned.  Shadrach hopped up onto her lap and positioned himself where the old lady could scratch the back of his neck with her right hand.  Just below his Mohawk, just where he liked it.  Shadrach nuzzled the ladies wizened old left hand. Contentment.

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Death is actually a pretty kind and humble mistress. Not proud at all. Hey Joe, can non Pahn Kahl become bunnies too?

-final post


Each group has their own animal. Hallendrens become Catquisitors, Idrians llamas. I am all-knowing, so clearly everything I say is true.

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Gammer lamented the death of Thomas. She knew in her gut that he was just another unlucky innocent, caught up in the ceaseless bloodshed.
How much longer? Gammer solemnly thought to herself. She grimly stitched Thomas' name into her embroidery, the messy red blood spilling out from his name to indicate another mistaken lynching.

At this rate, there won't even be enough of us left to negotiate out a Treaty. She knew the Idrian and Halledren conflicts were still put on hold until the rest of the Pahn Kahl were rooted out, but she couldn't shake her feeling of uneasiness. She was about to get back to stitching her embroidery when she noticed something odd... one of those colour-blasted Rabbits that had been plaguing the town had hopped up to her and was staring her down. She admired it's fearlessness. And this one was a monstrosity, with botched patches of failed shavings and muddled pockets of colour blending together indistinguishably.

She hesitantly reached her hand out, deciding against using her long needle at the last second, and actually petted the rodent.

Maybe they're just misunderstood... Gammer began to reluctantly think....

OOC: Well, I don't want to be one to dispute any else's RP, (even if they are dead), so I'm just gonna roll with Gammer having a change of heart about the Returned Rabbits. ;)

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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I'm so angry that I missed the vote against Thomas. While I had nothing conclusive, I was fairly convinced he wasn't Pahn Kahl. Dainard, I'm not sure if you're Pahn Kahl, but you sure as heck seem like one to me.  If you need to see my reasoning, I'll tell Aodan about it.


I am a little confused as to why I seem like a Pahn Kahl, certainly interested to hear why though 

I doubt that Aodan feels I am suspicious either as I feel that I would have been taken out by now.


I can assure you I am not a Pahn Kahl.... don't know that you would believe me though :P

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The night was quiet. Aili awoke to talk of llamas and rabbits. How strange, she thought. Idrians turn into llamas? That's quite interesting. Trueheart demanded Justice. She had awakened on business this hour of the night. Most was still and all was dark. Before she had left, she had put her boots on and covered herself up a bit in a robe. Like her other clothing from when she had lived in the Court of the Gods, it left little to the imagination, but it covered her up better than what she slept in. The night was a bit chilly and she was glad for the extra protection from the chill.

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Aodan sat on the inn’s roof with Elo’s lute, his heavy, white monk’s robe warding against the chill. His nightly meetings were over; if the night went well, there would be only one murderer remaining. He couldn’t rest, however. Seven Ambassadors were dead, four of them his kinsmen. More would be joining them far too soon. Picking up the lute, he began to play again.


It was an old song that he played, composed during the darkest months of the Manywar. It was made up of rolling minor chords and an oft dissonant melody that hinted at sorrow and violence. In its quiet chords, there was a lament for those who had fallen and would fall, and a promise that they would not go without being avenged.


Well. This night should be interesting. Things are winding down though, and it's getting harder and harder to predict the Pahn Kahl's actions. As I've said, hopefully they'll be down to one tonight.

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Gammer slowly embroidered along to the solemn music floating in through the window, a melody perfectly setting the tone for the final stages of the embroidery. Gammer nodded contently, knowing it was almost complete, but still requiring the few, essential details.

Which way would this go from here? The imagery of a shroud of colours pouring from an Idrian church, flowing forth from the center of the image like a coiling rope. Was it holding the rest of the scene together, or was it squeezing it to death, draining the life and colour from it?

Only time would tell.

A plucked note brought her back from her contemplation, a note that was left ringing in juxtaposition to the sweet, soft melody of sad chords coming from Elo's lute, now handled by the Monk. Gammer shifted in her seat uncomfortably. That colour-blasted Spike that was now secured in her would take a little bit of time getting used to.

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Day 7: Ashe



I will keep posting clues in each writeup till people work it out =)

Now brace yourselves cos I went a liiiittle bit overboard.

Alan leaned against the wall near the door of the Green Potato. His books were all gone and he had nothing but the clothes on his back and here he was, guarding people again. Just like when he had started out. His skill as a mercenary had always seemed at odds with the joy he found in peaceful reading and it had been hard to choose one over the other. Eventually he had chosen the life of a mercenary for the excitement it offered and, he admitted to himself, the money it had provided. He still wasn't sure if he had made the right choice, but when he grew tired of the fighting and travelling the money he had earned helped him to rebuild the library and fill it with tomes from across Hallandren and Idris. The library that the Pahn Kahl just burnt down.


Alan tried to act normally, maintaining the personality of the scholarly librarian, but under the surface he was furious. Everything he had was gone, burnt to ash. Hundreds of rare books, some that he had spent years searching for, all gone in an instant. All he had left was his sword, he had pulled it from the still smoking ashes of his library last night, the handle and blade were scarred from the fire but the steel was of fine make and was still strong and with a little work Alan had restored the blade to its former sharpness. It now hung from his side, a comforting presence given recent events.


A figure emerged from the darkness, moving towards the front of the Potato and Alan smiled grimly and stepped forward drawing his sword with the slither of steel against steel. Here we go. The figure resolved itself into Tril the wanderer, he bore a short sword and a scowl. Alan didn't bother speaking, there was no point wasting time, he stepped forward and tried a swing. Tril dodged back, seeming surprised and rather annoyed that Alan was skipping straight to the fighting. It wouldn't be a proper murder without a dramatic conversation, “You cannot stop me!”, “Your madness ends here!” and so on. Tril was quite put out.


Tril tried to start a proper faceoff, “You cannot stop..OOP!” Tril broke off as he was forced to defend himself from Alan. Fine he thought. It was clear that Alan wasn't going to do the decent thing so Tril fought back. After a few brief exchanges however, it became clear that Alan was far more competent with a blade than Tril, he needed to change tactics.


Tril kicked Alan in the leg causing him to stumble and then ran past him towards the door. “No!” Alan gasped and ran after him, no-one was getting killed on his watch. As Alan leaped forward to stop Tril he left his guard down for a moment and in that moment Tril changed direction and lunged back at Alan, ramming his sword through Alan's chest. Alan staggered, his sword falling from his suddenly limp hand as he fell to his knees.


Tril adjusted his grip on his sword hilt, “Now let's try this again. Give me your breath.”

Storm off!” Alan gasped, (he had never seen a problem with using curses he read in books.) Tril shrugged, “No-one is going to save you this time.” He pulled the sword from Alan's chest and stabbed him again through the heart. “Fool.” Tril said as Alan's body slumped to the ground, “He never considered that he might be the real target.”


As Tril turned to go the door to the Green Potato swung open and a figure slipped out. In one hand they held a short sword in a sheath and they stepped forward confidently. Tril stumbled backwards, he knew what that was, “NO!” he shouted. The figure grasped the hilt and drew the blade in a smooth motion. Black liquid poured from the blade and dissolved into smoke before reaching ground. Tril stepped backwards again and tripped over Alan's corpse, crashing to the ground. He scrambled to his feet, desperately trying to bring his sword up in time to block the terrible weapon. But he was too slow and the black blade connected with his side. It wasn't at all like he had expected, the touch was gentle. “CUDDLES!” a voice boomed in his head and the liquid surged from the blade and covered him. Just for a moment he felt the warmest, most comforting embrace he had ever experienced. Then it ended.


The figure watched as Tril became a puff of black smoke that drifted away on the light breeze. They quickly sheathed the weapon and stopped for a moment to examine Alan's body. A voice sounded in their head, childlike and filled with excitement, “I cuddled him! Won't Peng be proud!” The figure grunted, then concealed cuddles beneath their cloak and stepped back into the Green Potato, closing the door behind them.



Cog stood before his completed diagram. It was a true masterpiece. True, nobody else would be able to make sense of it, but to him it showed everything. He had finally done it, every one of the Idrians, Hallandrens and Pahn Kahl were accounted for. Their every action, their every thought was right there in front of him. Tommorow he would bring this to the other ambassadors and they could finally end this madness, it was obvious in retrospect who the Pahn Kahl were, and Cog was angry at himself for not realising it sooner. There was no question about it, tonight Tril would slay Alan, and he in turn would be killed with that monstrosity of a blade. He tapped another spot, this was concerning, he would be attacked tonight by lifeless. He would have to whisper some words in the right ear to prevent that. So long as he did it before nightfall he would be fine. They would herald him as the hero of the village for this!


A heavy thump sounded on the door. What? Cog thought, the diagram didn't say anything about that. There was another thump, then the door crashed open, revealing a large man. His features were concealed by the darkness behind him....Wait! Darkness? Oh Colours! Cog thought, he had lost track of time as he worked, absorbed by the diagram and night had crept up on him. I'm too late!


Even knowing it was useless Cog couldn't just stand there and die, perhaps he was wrong, perhaps there was some way he could survive. He ran for the sword that leaned against the opposite wall as first Vard and then Dyrii stepped into the house and advanced on him. Vard swung and Cog barely deflected the blow. He's so strong! Frantic, Cog scrambled back and up the stairs through the second story and up the second flight of stairs to the flat roof of his house. Perhaps here he would stand a chance, the diagram expected him to die in the house, who knew what would happen now.


Vard climbed the stairs after him and Cog tried to attack him while he was at a disadvantage. But to no avail. Vard blocked Cog's attacks and forced him backwards, giving Dyrii space to climb out behind him. Cog backed away as the pair of lifeless advanced, faces expressionless as they brought his doom. His foot touched the shallow lip of the roof and he froze, there was no where left to go. Vard and Dyrii attacked and Cog somehow managed to dodge their blades and stuck his sword through Dyrii's calf. The lifeless couldn't feel pain but the blow crippled Dyrii's foot and he staggered sideways. With a desperate heave Cog shoved Dyrii and gave a shout of triumph as the lifeless toppled over the edge of the roof and plummeted to the street below.


Cog's shout ended in a gurgle as Vard's blade sprouted from his chest. Cog slumped to his kness, his hands scrabbling uselessly at the steel protruding from his chest. Then Vard drew his blade back out and with a sigh, Cog fell sideways off the roof to land in the street below.



Alan was an Idrian Mercenary!

Tril was a normal Pahn Kahl

Cog was a normal Hallandren


You know the drill:

Day 7 begins and will end at 22:30 AEST / 12:30 GMT on Saturday (though depending on what time my concert finishes the writeup could be a little late).



Player List


  1. (The Only Joe) Jeo ~ Local Chef [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  2. (Alvron) Fron ~ Dye Worker [deceased-Idrian normal]
  3. (AonarFaileas) Aodan ~ Scholar [idrian Monk]
  4. (SirVarrock) Vard ~ Local Smith [deceased-Hallandren Agent]
  5. (Mailliw73) Aili ~ Minor cook at the Red Salmon [Returned]
  6. (GreyPilgrim) Grim ~ a Guard [deceased-Idrian normal]
  7. (Nepene) Alan ~ Librarian [deceased-Idrian Mercenary]
  8. (Aspren) Asgren ~ Traveling Historian [deceased-Pahn Kahl]
  9. (Dyring) Dyrii ~ The Mad Hatter [deceased-Idrian normal]
  10. (Tulir) Tril ~ A Wanderer [deceased-Pahn Kahl normal]
  11. (Herowannabe) Rowan ~ Silent Hunter
  12. (Macen) Cen ~ Lore-craftsman
  13. (Sphinx) Sifa ~ a Brewer
  14. (Chid) Chide ~ The Paranoid
  15. (the Gleeman) Thomas ~ Meddling Wanderer [deceased-Idrian normal]


  1. (Gamma Fiend) Gammer ~ Old Woman
  2. (Bartbug) Bartholomew ~ Chedesh Remnant
  3. (Metacognition) Cog ~ Local Craftsman [deceased-Hallandren normal]
  4. (el_warko) Elo ~ Short Bard [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]
  5. (Swimmingly) Swimim ~ Crazy Poet [deceased-Hallandren Awakener]
  6. (Awesomeness Summoned) Summon ~ Messenger
  7. (Wyrmhero) Wyrm ~ Scholar [deceased-Hallendren Returned]
  8. (PorridgeBrick) Rick ~ A Stick
  9. (little wilson) Wil’son ~ Fabric Merchant
  10. (Quiver) Ver ~ Inept World Hopper
  11. (Edgedancer) Ben ~ Non-denominational Priest guy.
  12. (a smart guy) Sart ~ an 'Artist'
  13. (Adolin_Dustbringer) Jim Bob Dirt ~ Dirt Salesman
  14. (Nard1993) Dainard ~ Stable Boy
  15. (JasonPenguin) Peng ~ a Thief [deceased-Pahn Kahl Awakener]


Edit: All pms have been sent.

Edit: Changed Wyrm to Dyrii. It always should have been Dyrii as someone still has Wyrm, I just got mixed up when writing it. Apologies.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Summon laid in bed long after the morning light began to pour through his window. Every day he got more used to life as a drab but it was still difficult working up the courage to face the prospects of another, especially with the added gloom of a potential death from an angry mob of delegates or some fanatical Pahn Kahl.

He heard the expected patter and faint scratches that quickly moved across the floor leading from the cracked open window to his bedside. After six mornings, he was getting used to the routine and didn't want to break tradition so he chose to keep his eyes closed, feigning sleep. A very slight amount of weight, barely noticeable, climbed up his right thigh then quickly moved up his body ending at the center of his chest. Summon imagined the bundle of dead grass, molded to resemble human form, staring down at it's creator and trying to workout with its limited intelligence how to report it's information to someone who was asleep. After a few moments, Summon thought he heard a slight rustling sound that repeated. was it attempting to clap?. Then, the strawman began to jump rather vigorously on his chest. Summon was tempted to crack an eyelid to see the antics and was barely able to hold back a smile. Finally, the strawman's patience wore thin and he began to vigorously beat his little arms against Summon's nose.

"Okay, okay! I'm awake. What's your news?. Was Tril up to anything suspicious last night?"

Summon didn't have much hope of that being the case. The missions he sent the strawman on previous nights had been at Aodan's bidding and had mostly just confirmed people were doing what they were supposed to be doing. This evening though, Summon had been free to choose his own target. He initially planned to keep an eye on Ver in keeping with his accusations from the previous day but at the last minute decided to send his little helper after Tril. Ever since Dyrii's death, Summon just felt like there was something off about that man.

Typically, Summon found the strawman's pantomime attempts at explaining what it's target had been up to quite entertaining. Today, he was completely confused. Things started out great. It seemed he had chosen his target well and that Tril attempted to kill someone last night, meaning Summon had just identified an assassin. Apparently, Tril was then attacked himself and the next set of motions made absolutely no sense.

"Wait. What does that mean?"

The strawman repeated the actions he'd just made, wiggling his whole body while jumping into the air. Then he hid under the blanket. Summon scratched his head in thought.

"The attacker threw him out a window?" No.

"Tril didn't die from the attack but is hiding?" No.

"Okay, show me again what happened to Tril."

The strawman started pulling out bundles of grass and tossing them into the air.

"Stop! Stop!"

He was going to destroy himself if he kept that up. Summon wasn't sure what that would do to the stored breath. A thought occurred to him.

"Tril fell apart... Evaporated?" Yes.

The sword. He had a moment of joy that another Pahn Kahl was eliminated, even if it was through some very unsavory means. He then realized that meant his strawman had been wasted since Tril's culpability had already been known and he grew depressed again at being useless. He sent the strawman to its usual hiding place to await future instructions then laid his head back down and closed his eyes, no intentions of facing the day yet. His messages could wait till the afternoon.

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Well, to be frank, many of them have been PK so I wouldn't be too upset about it. Plus, there were an equal number on both sides killed by the good guys last night. The second Idrian was taken out by a PK. The biggest factor, though, is likely that the Idrian PK were easier to identify.


The numbers aren't nearly as skewed as your statistic indicates either. If you take into account the fact that Dirt is an Idrian agent, its only 9 to 7 which isn't too out of balance. All the Idrian PK are elliminated now as well so Hallandrens will likely be targeted more at night now. I imagine it will be back to fairly even numbers by the time we get the last PK.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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Depending on what Rick turns out to be, my day four suspect list has been at least 50% accurate:

Rick, Tril, Grim, Elo, Wyrm, Peng

I'm still rather suspicious of Ver though so haven't decided yet if I'm going to vote for him or Rick today.


Edit: on a side note... I think the fact that I had all three of those listed as suspects pretty much validates me as not being one of them.

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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I think that currently I'm most suspicious of Rick, Wil'son and Sart. Ver and Ben are borderline. Jeo's first vote was for Ver, which makes me less suspicious, although that could of course be all a PK ploy. I'll have to go back through and think about things.

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... It wasn't at all like he had expected, the touch was gentle. “CUDDLES!” a voice boomed in his head and the liquid surged from the blade and covered him. Just for a moment he felt the warmest, most comforting embrace he had ever experienced. Then it ended.


The figure watched as Tril became a puff of black smoke that drifted away on the light breeze. They quickly sheathed the weapon and stopped for a moment to examine Alan's body. A voice sounded in their head, childlike and filled with excitement, “I cuddled him! Won't Peng be proud!”

I'm so proud. *sniffle*

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