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I just want to collect everyones thoughts on this: We have a lot fewer players by now than when we started with, and many of those that remain are inactive, so 48 hour turns are becoming a bit empty. Beginning Day 7 (we're in Day 6 now), I'm considering making turns 24 hours, instead of 48.

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Meh. I could, but I. Don't. Care. 

At this point, I'm perfectly happy accepting death and defeat. If you want to promise to help me out, send lots of PMs at night to make my win feasible, I might consider it. Otherwise no.

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You weren't actually expecting any RP on time, were you? :P

Aonar Faileas was lynched! They were the Post Officer of Ankh-Morpork. They were also a Monarchist!

Aonar Faileas (4): Nyali, Aonar, Kiwi, Araris

Lady of Chaos (3): Aman, Dalinar, JUQ

The following items are up for Auction:

Singing and Dancing Sword

Secret Wallet


Night 6 has begun, and will end in 47 hours! (Note: This is the last 48 hour turn. After Night 6, 24 hour turns will be in place.)


Player list:

Nyali - Grandma Nyawax - 90
The_Lady_of_Chaos - 70
Burnt Spaghetti - 70
Pestis the Spider - 70
Dalinar - 70
JUQ - 70
Dankness Ascendant - 70
Silverblade5 - 80
kiwi - 70
Amanuensis - 200
Elbereth - 90
Araris Valerian - 70


Day 1 - Storm on the Horizon
Night 1 - Death's Death?

Day Two - One of these Days...
Night 2: Rest, or the lack thereof.
Day 3: Rough night?
Night 3
Day 4. Death of a Giant.
Night 4 - Fall of the University
Day 5. Dusk of the Monarchists
Night 5: The Banker's Last Laugh
Day 6: Unplanned Incidents

Edited by The Young Bard
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Just now, Amanuensis said:


Keeping the turns at 48 hours?


15 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

(Note: This is the last 48 hour turn. After Night 6, 24 hour turns will be in place.)

(This is just a bit more convenient for me to not have rollover tonight. Sorry. :/

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It had been a good day for Grandma Nyawax. Finally, finally, that darned upstart Post Master Aonar had died, and the Clacks stood superior and unrivaled once more. She stood proud and alone atop the Clacks tower in Ankh Morpork, reveling in the satisfaction of being the only way people could send messages once more. Monopoly once more, she could afford to relax a little.


The new Patrician was a pushover anyways.


She descended from the tower, intending to head home. Then, walking past a dark alley, she caught wind of a small argument going on.


“Do you even know how to use the bloody thing? You killed Carrot, and could’ve bloody well killed me last night!”


A grumbled protest.


The first voice started yelling again. “Just give me back the bloody thing, please?”


Again, silence. A curse, then the sounds of a scuffle.


Curiosity getting the better of her, she peered into the alley. There was a sound.


The next thing she knew, Death was leaning beside her, looking warily into the alley. She looked down at her body incredulously, then gave an exasperated sigh. “You have got to be kidding me!”


Death gave a small shrug, taking another look back into the alley.




Dalinar Kholin looked out over his city. [yadda yadda…] [Insert pretentious Patrician babble way more smug than Nyawax's here]


A soft humming began to emerge from his drawer. Dalinar looked up from his scrolls, mildly preturbed. He walked over, opened it quickly, and saw a torch, slowly beginning to smoke. Ah. He’d forgotten about that. Annoying, how little mistakes like having explosives in your drawer might get you killed. Quickly, he picked it up, flung it out towards the open window -


And the torch exploded with a flash that put the Alchemist’s Guild to shame. Somewhere in Ankh Morpork, Bloody Stupid Johnson looked up, having the strangest sense that someone was cursing his name. A gush of orange flame, and it was all over. Nothing was left in the room but a charred husk, a mess of slowly burning fires as everything Dalinar worked for slowly crumbled into ashes and a smell of cooked bacon.


HELLO. A voice said. Dalinar looked up. “Oh. You. No chance of delaying our appointment, is there?”




Dalinar sighed. “Ah well, worth a try…”


And thus, Dalinar Kholin’s flame was finally extinguished.*


As the morning came, the good citizens of Ankh Morpork had only this to say. Dalinar Kholin may not have been the most active, or the most politically savvy of the Patricians they had known...But he certainly had gone out with a bang…*


*Literally and metaphorically

*Doc does not apologize. At all. He is on fire with puns today.

Dalinar Kholin has died! He was the Patrician

Nyali has been killed! She was the Master of the Clacks.


The following items are out for auction

Secret Wallet


Player list:

The_Lady_of_Chaos - 70
Burnt Spaghetti - 70
Pestis the Spider - 70
JUQ - 70
Dankness Ascendant - 70
Silverblade5 - 80
kiwi - 70
Amanuensis - 200
Elbereth - 90
Araris Valerian - 70


Day 1 - Storm on the Horizon
Night 1 - Death's Death?

Day Two - One of these Days...
Night 2: Rest, or the lack thereof.
Day 3: Rough night?
Night 3
Day 4. Death of a Giant.
Night 4 - Fall of the University
Day 5. Dusk of the Monarchists
Night 5: The Banker's Last Laugh
Day 6: Unplanned Incidents

Night 6: The Post Master's Folly



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I'm doing my best to get rollover ready early (for once), so can you please send actions in as early as possible, and possibly inform me in the GM PM if you intend to vote at the last minute? Thanks in advance. There's just over 90 minutes left in rollover.

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The unconscious figure of Pestis lay on the ground, confronted by a fearsome mob of one.*

"He's sleeping on the job! Let's lynch him!"

The street ignored him.

"Hey, everyone! Where are you! This person needs to die."

The cobblestones declined to answer.

Finally, another player walked around the corner. "What's all the shouting about?"

"We need to kill Pestis!"

Kiwi looked down at the comatose Pestis. "Why?"

"Because they're not doing anything!"

Kiwi shifted uncomfortably. "All right then. It's not as though I have anything better to do."

Darkness looked over. "Really? That's it? No bravados? No dramatics?"

"Do you want my help or not?"

Darkness sighs. "All right then."

"Pestis!" Darkness shouts. "Defend yourself!"

Pestis continued to snore.

"He didn't say anything! A clear sign of guilt!"

"What of, exactly?" Kiwi asked?

"That's... er... um... Never mind. Let's just get on with this."

And with that, Dankness and Kiwi stabbed Pestis, before returning back to their own beds.


Pestis responded with a long snore.

Death sighed. WHY MUST THE SOULS OF THE DEAD BE SO HEAVY? he asked, dragging Pestis's spirit along behind him as he headed off into the distance.

*There is some debate about whether or not a single person can be a mob on their own. Darkness said they could, everyone else said they couldn't. Darkness threatened to start a mob on the nay-sayers if they didn't agree with him, and in their consideration, he went back to his mob and led the charge while bringing up the rear.

Pestis the Spider was lynched! They were Angua of the Night's Watch.

Time until end of the Turn:


The following items are out for auction

Secret Wallet


Conscience (this should have been in the auction last turn as well, but there was a GM error. Sorry.)

Player list:

The_Lady_of_Chaos - 70
Burnt Spaghetti - 70
JUQ - 70
Dankness Ascendant - 70
kiwi - 70
Amanuensis - 200
Elbereth - 90
Araris Valerian - 70


Day 1 - Storm on the Horizon
Night 1 - Death's Death?

Day Two - One of these Days...
Night 2: Rest, or the lack thereof.
Day 3: Rough night?
Night 3
Day 4. Death of a Giant.
Night 4 - Fall of the University
Day 5. Dusk of the Monarchists
Night 5: The Banker's Last Laugh
Day 6: Unplanned Incidents

Night 6: The Post Master's Folly
Day 7: Communications Blackout + Explosions!

Edited by The Young Bard
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Ummm... You just showed up two GM errors in one hit. Silverblade shouldn't be on the list, he died a couple Cycles back. 

Due to the inactivity and lack of impetus left in this game, I've talked it over with the impartial mod, and I'm considering calling the game. At this point, I'd consider it a tie between the Watch and the Thieves Guild. If anyone has an objection to this, then please say so in the GM PM, and I might change my mind. Otherwise, the game will end tonight. (Sorry for the late notice.)

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