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Yeah I don't see any reason to kill a independent who doesn't care about our win conditions. Phattemer hasn't even been on the shard for a couple days so I'd rather he die than an independent who can win alongside others.

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My apologies - the new thread and PM's will be a 2-3 hours late tonight. This cycle will still end at the regular time. Sorry for not informing you all earlier. (This should be the last time that something gets in the way of rollover... But then I said that last time before something new came up, so...)

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(RP to be written and posted the moment after I send out PM's...)

Phattemer was lynched! They were Rincewind of the Unseen University!

Vote Tally:

Phattemer (4): Luckat, Dalinar Kholin, Clanky, Aman
Aonar (2): Nyali, PK
Luckat (1): Araris
Araris (1): JUQ

Night 4 has begun, and will end in 42 hours!


Player List:
Seonid - 90
Nyali - Grandma Nyawax - 90
The_Lady_of_Chaos - 70
Paranoid King - 80
Burnt Spaghetti - 70
Pestis the Spider - 70
Aonar - 80
Dalinar - 70
JUQ - 70
Dankness Ascendant - 70
kiwi - 70
Amanuensis - 200
Clanky - 90
Elbereth - 90
Luckat - 200
Araris Valerian - 70

Quicklinks: To be added in a sec.

Edited by Metacognition
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The Monarch of Ankh-Morpork smiled from his perch atop the Thieves Guild hall, looking over the city that would soon be his. Everything was in place - the orangutan's death had inconvenienced him, but it was only a matter of 1, maybe 2 days before he would be sitting in the palace at the center of the city, trying to avoid death from assassins, dragons, and morbid obesity.

He smiled wistfully, looking up at the stars.

Speaking of assassins, the Assassins Guild had certainly been quiet lately. Well, quieter than usual. His informant in the Assassins Guild had been more silent than the usual. He wondered what that meant.


Then an assassin came up from behind, bleary-eyed from just having woken, and pushed the monarch off the roof. He waited as the scream trailed off into a splat - He was nothing if not professional. Yawning, the assassin went off to collect his dues, his work done for the night. His pillow called.


And Clanky lay on the cold hard ground beside his shattered body, giving Death a thoroughly exasperated expression.


“Darn.” he said.




He stood, brushing himself off.  “I thought assassins were only coming  after I was crowned.” He gazed wistfully at his corpse. “That bounty had better been a good one. Upwards of a hundred coins at least.”




“You don't have to rub it in,” He muttered.


Then he looked at Death. “Why are we still here?”


Death checked his hourglass.




The sound of footsteps, and a figure suddenly ran unto the scene, gasping at Clanky’s dead body.





The Monarch was dead.


Corporal Carrot of the Night’s Watch sat despondently besides Clanky’s corpse.


The Monarch was dead.


Months and months of scheming, of coming up with amazing passwords full of significant owls, caged whales and errant boys. Of dealing with sleeping, lazy members who did nothing. Of earnestly trying to fulfill his purpose amidst opposition and betrayal.


They had been close to accomplishing their goal, and now it was gone.


What does he do now? Continue working for the night’s watch? He supposed he still had his sense of duty towards the Watch...


Footsteps behind her.


“Y’know...I still have no bloody idea how this thing works.”


Carrot frowned. “You shouldn't swear so much, you know. Also, you should stop playing with that. I thought you were going to use it tonight?”


The figure he was facing waved something around carelessly. “I told you, last night was an accident, I still have no idea how to -”


"-Use it” He heard as if from afar. Detachedly, he watched his body crumple and fall to the ground, then shot the figure an accusing glare. The figure cursed from afar, then ran off into the night.




“Yes, yes it was…” He murmured. He turned, seeing Death watching her, Clanky by His side. Clanky waved sheepishly. He offered him a helpless shrug and a smile. “Looks like the Monarchists are doomed.”


Clanky gave a half-hearted shrug. “At least I still have my kingly bearing… Hey, do you think the Dead would let me rule them?”


As they disappeared into the darkness, their voices faced into the night.




“I didn't know anthropomorphic representations could do sarcasm...”


Light reflected off a skeletal grin, and then they were gone.


*this is in no way meant to reference Death’s spending habits. Though Mort, Ysabel and the occasional rare date might think so…

Clanky has been inhumed by the Assassins! He was the Lookout  of the Thieves Guild! He was also the Head of the Thieves Guild!! He was also the Monarch!!

Luckat has been killed! She was Corporal Carrot of the Night's Watch! She was also a Monarchist!

The following items are up for bidding!


Secret Wallet

Waste Paper Basket



Seonid - 90

Nyali - Grandma Nyawax - 90

The_Lady_of_Chaos - 70

Paranoid King - 80

Burnt Spaghetti - 70

Pestis the Spider - 70

Aonar - 80

Dalinar - 70

JUQ - 70

Dankness Ascendant - 70

Silverblade5 - 80

kiwi - 70

Amanuensis - 200

Elbereth - 90

Araris Valerian - 70

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Well, now I'm well and truly useless, aren't I? No point scanning for monarchists now they can't win. Even if they could I'll admit that I was robbed last night, and now couldn't scan even if I wanted to, and have no money with which to do anything. 


So see ya. There's not a lot of point in me following the game now that there's literally no way for me to win. If someone wants to be real nice and PM me a few times tonight, or donate me some money, I'll help you out in the ways I can, but otherwise, bye.

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