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Sorry for that, Peng.


Full disclosure, all: A fair amount of the strategy behind the general "use Peng as a hub of absolute trust" was my idea. Peng got in touch with me on Day 1 and we hashed it out behind the scenes before his big reveal. So I'm partially to blame both for Peng's big workload (thanks for putting in so much work, btw :)) and for our current state of embuggerance  :(.




I agree with Porridge that muggles were more likely targets on Cessie's part.


Another full disclosure: I'm a muggle. Please don't lynch me.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Well, what snapped players do we have here? Please don't post it here if you've snapped, instead, PM Peng your role and the day/night you gained your power. That will give us a good clue of who might have been spiked and when.

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So I'm partially to blame both for Peng's big workload (thanks for putting in so much work, btw :)) and for our current state of embuggerance0 :(.

There is good that came from it. Cessie is dead. We probably wouldn't have found her this quickly otherwise.

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Drawing snd quartering was a messy art, Quillion thought, but one which Cessie wholeheartedly deserved. He watched the spectacle with a mix of duty and grim satisfaction. She had been targeting the crew from the beginning, playing everyone. She was responsible for the deaths of the crew, boths the ones she had attacked, and those the crew had killed in their paranoia.

She barely said two words to me, he thought to himself! as the horses tore her body apart. For some reason, a reason he didn't want to dwell upon, that made him immeasurably sad.

Her body was strewn across the street, blood mixing with the ash. Looking at her, even knowing what she was, it was difficult to focus on the spikes rather than how she had looked.

He took a moment, and pulled a bag of boiling so from his pocket. He walked to Gamon, pressed it the casanova's hands, and whispered, "Thank you."

He tried to make it sound jovial, but he failed. He didn't feel happy about this. Some of the others might have wanted to celebrate their victory. Maybe they wanted to pursue Cessies revenge.

Frankly, Quillion didn't much care. He threw up his hood, and marched into the night, towards the Canton of Orthodoxy.

The mists were especially heavy tonight. Good.

It would make murdering Lord Ollivier that much easier.


I ought to have out this in sooner, but you may have noticed I get a bit... over zealous with the role playing side of things and less on the actual gameplay.

Anyway... I agree with Kurkistan. If I was the Inquisitor, I'd go for the regular targets; if they get the spiked powers, great, if they don't they aren't any worse off than when they started.

So, like I did before, and like Kurk did above, I'm gonna out myself. I'm a regular villager, unsnapped, non-spiked.

Edited by Quiver
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Meta, does the Inq hear all in-coming PMs as well as out going? Do they know who the other participant is?

And basically, Peng is dead tonight. We have no lurcher, and even if he draws pewter or iron, they still have a Coinshot to overwhelm it. As such, I request an extension to the day in advance so he has time to sort through his PMs and figure out some sort of successor to his knowledge, as well as what he should reveal publicly.


The day will be extended for 24 hours rather than the typical 12. That way we can keep to the schedule easier. 


UberTin worked basically like flaring Tin would in the series (think Spook from book 3). PMs are basically like whispering things to each other from an RP stand point, so the Inquisitor would have been able to tell who said what. It's not like listening in on a phone call and only hearing half of a conversation (though near the end, I'll bet Spook would've been able to hear the other half of the conversation anyways), so the Inquisitor got both sides of a conversation. 

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Well. I can finally post on a decent computer. Using my phone is all well and good to keep up, but posting with Swype just sucks.

I knew UberTin was real. This is why I didn't want to send Peng my role initially. Well, that and I didn't trust him entirely, but that's beside the point.

I'll take a leaf out of Kurk's book and fully-disclose: I am also a muggle. Though I am jealous of all those people who have Snapped in the write-up. I'd had such high hopes. They have now been crushed. :/

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The Mists had once again cloaked the town or Urteau, an oppressive blanket of silence lay over the city just as thick as the swirling mists. The Crew had finally tracked down and killed the Inquisitor, Cessie. It really was a perfect cover, who ever would have suspected the quiet, proper noble lady?

But she was dead now, and Gamon was happy to believe she would stay dead. If she could survive being torn to pieces like that... well then this group was screwed no matter what. Not only that, Gamon also now happened to have a sack full of coins. He had actually managed to find somebody to buy the horses.... he just hoped not too many people asked Roban what the meat was in tonight's stew.

Gamon was just randomly roaming through the Mists, they felt a little bit safer now that Cessie was gone. But there was still an evil presence out there. The ones Cessie converted, Gamon reminded himself. Now we have to find out who they are. Back to square one.

Surprisingly, Dyring's bar was practically empty, besides the few people randomly stopping in to serve themselves a glass of the Antidote Water. The Inquisitor might have been dead, but everybody still had Modeft's cursed poison coursing through their veins. The job wasn't finished just yet.

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Day 8 (Revenge)


With the Inquisitor dead, the Crew breathed a little easier. They may not be out of the dark, but there seemed like there was a light at the end of the tunnel now. Perhaps that was why they let their guard down.


Ridge would always stand out. If not because of his “dashing good looks,” his “impeccable sense of fashion” would draw the eye. Even if it did tend to give people headaches from all the clashing colors. He knew that the women fawning all over Gamon were just trying to make him jealous, but he was a good sport and didn’t begrudge Gamon for it.


That’s why he had decided to take the poor orphan Mistborn under his wing. Peng had grown up on the streets and so the only fashion they had was Skaa trousers and ash. It was a sad story indeed and Ridge decided that Peng deserved some help with that after all he had done to help track down and kill the Inquisitor. And so they walked down the main thoroughfare in the Harrows with Ridge gesturing wildly and Peng wearing a frozen on smile.


“...And that is why mixing orange with any color will bring out the color in your skin!” Ridge declared.


Peng couldn’t hear much of anything over the rustling of Ridge’s clothing and the booming nasal of his voice, so he didn’t notice that the night had gotten unerringly quiet until it was too late.  While fashion might not be one of them, with a lifetime of instincts he had learned on the streets, he flared his metals and pushed Ridge to the side and dove the other way just as a hundred blue lines appeared out of the mists in front of them. The coins barely missed them.


Peng pointed at Ridge, who was still trying to get to his feet, a look of shock on his face. “Go! Run!”


Ridge didn’t need to be told twice. He was far too pretty to want to be caught in an actual battle. A scar or two might just make him even more handsome and he couldn’t subject the world to that. He quickly took off towards a darkened alleyway where he could save the world by saving himself.


Just as he reached the mouth of the alleyway, a dark figure stepped out of it as well. In one quick, fluid motion, they caught Ridge by the shoulder with one hand and forced him onto the dagger they held in their other hand, right into his gut. Ridge gasped in pain as his attacker twisted the dagger. “This is for my eyes,” his attacker whispered to him before letting Ridge fall back into the street while they slipped back into the shadows.


Peng had been too busy trying to find out where the coins had come from to notice what had happened to Ridge. It wasn’t until his tin enhanced hearing heard Ridge gasp that he realized something was wrong. He whipped his head around just in time to see Ridge start to fall to the ground. No, No, NO! Pent thought. He had promised himself he wouldn’t let anyone else die. “Ridge!” He yelled as he sprinted towards where he had fallen.  


Once Peng had been distracted with Ridge’s death, another volley of coins came at him from behind and he was so focused on Ridge that he didn’t notice in time. The coins dug into his back and one even shattered his kneecap, but even such a large barrage of coins couldn’t stop a determined Mistborn. Peng crawled across the ground towards the garishly dressed man.


Another series of coins hit him, some of them puncturing all the way through. It was enough. Peng continued to reach towards Ridge, still trying to protect him and everything faded to black around him.




Ridge and Peng never showed up to Roban’s Inn. It was his inn now, due to Dyring’s demise, though he didn’t show it the same level of care as Dyring did. As one example, the writings from the previous night had yet to be scrubbed off the walls and there were two new ones to add to the clutter.


The First one was:

























And the second one was:


Hello everybody! This is your good friend, Tineye number 2, and I'm here to tell you a story!


There are seven upon whom we set our sights

In our pain comes their delights

They seek to provoke an endless night

Ridge has fallen from the light

Vron too far gone, no longer right

Seran betrayed, his tricksy fight

Quillion's nothing, his proxy has might

Roban too, loves our plight

Wilson's lists just to spite

Aspren's gift of pain.


Of course, only four of these horrible individuals are actually the Spiked. But this is the list which tells us the truth. Let the gutters run with their rusted blood.



Day 8 begins! You have 48 hours now.


Ridge turned out to be a Seeker! Peng turned out to be the Mistborn!

Updated Player List

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Aspren, it's time to be done with this headache.


FOREVER!! :angry:  :D


EDIT: Clever girl. Changed color to black.
























Edited by bartbug
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To our 2nd Tineye, while you obviously aren't spiked, you're also not one of those that Peng gave information to. Promoting paranoia is not going to help anyone.


To our current "Informed Crew-member", I suggest that you get in contact with one of the Tineyes and have them relay information for you, so that you can be kept relatively safe. If you're certain of who the Tineyes are.

Edited by Aspren
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Um... So we have no intention of at least discussing suspects before we start voting? Did our mistborn happen to give a reason for the suspicion you can provide? I'm not arguing with you, Aspren has been on my suspect list for a while, but it seems to me, now that there are four spiked, a good strategy would be for them to all throw out votes for one person to get the ball rolling on someone that wasn't one of them.

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Kurk's target.

Unless you're talking About the Spiked, but I can't say anything other than the target is already there. One in six chance that any one dies each night. Deaths will only vindicate us, rallying the innocents to our cause.

By the way, Aspren, if you're clean, I'm sorry.

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Listmaker, listmaker, make me a list...


Can I call on one of our listmakers to please make a list of the major events that happened on each day/night, namely things like who died, what their roles were, when people were spiked, when people snapped, etc. 


If we can start figuring out who snapped into which powers on what days, it will give us clues as to which mistings might have been spiked at the same time.

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Outside the inn, the day is shadowed. The sun wears a veil of dark clouds and ash, mourning the dawn it has brought. The air lies unmoving, wrapped in the chill stillness of death. Only the dust breaks the peace, black tears falling slowly, dream-like, onto the waiting ground.

In this fell morn waiting are the dead. They watch as their comrades and enemies alike drop, one by one, into their embrace. They do not judge. They merely wait, with unending patience, for the arrival of their fellows. They will not have much more to wait.

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Herwynbe you should know that lists, that archaic format, are a thing of the past. They've become obsolete in the face of a far more effective format. And rightfully so. Why this new format is so efficient that it has long been kept a secret by Canton of Orthodoxy. Even the Lord Ruler himself feared the efficiency of this format, at how effectively it displayed information. He feared that once the Skaa learnt of this format they would overcome any administrative problems they had previously suffered. If you know your history you would know that administrative problems, resource requisitioning, indexing, cataloging and the like, were the reasons why every single Skaa uprising failed.


No more, I tell you! We now know. We now know better. This ingenious format is none other than The Table:



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Neither of the two main List-makers are online, so here we go.


Tables Aspren? What witchcraft is this? ;) I debated for a good long while (3 whole hours) about still bothering to post this, but Lists must reign supreme! (And you missed a couple little things)

Day/Night 1:
No one
No one
Weiry (Lurcher
Lam (Regular)
Fnord (Regular)
Day/Night 2:

Shimble (Coinshot)


One person






Day/Night 3:
Digits (Regular)
Lucy (Seeker)
Day/Night 4:
Eddy (Regular)
Cessie, survived due to Uber-Pewter
Day/Night 5:
Shiv (Lurcher)
Multiple (Dyring, Tineye)
-Maxil (Soother)
-Peng survived due to Pewter

Day/Night 6:
Cessie (Inquisitor) Survived due to Uber-Pewter
One person 
-Dyring (Lurcher)
-Peng was attacked, but survived due to Dyring's Lurching.
Day/Night 7:
Cessie (Inquisitor)
-Ridge (Seeker)
-Peng (Mistborn)


To Summarize: 


Converts: (4) Coinshot, Seeker, Lurcher, Soother 


Snapped: (4+) 2 Lurchers, Tineye


May the Lists rule forever! :P

Edited by AonarFaileas
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May the Lists rule forever! :P




In the absence of the High-List-Master Aether, I take it upon myself to extend a secondary apprenticeship to Aonar. He has clearly proven himself worthy of holding the title of List-Maker.


May Lists long outlive those cursed and forsaken Tables.



Also, Aspren. Let's see you call Lists archaic now.

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