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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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Night 7: The End of Days

The end is near.  I can sense it.  I can feel it, like a whisper in my ear.  The ancient god is upon the eve of his ascension.  Destruction will come to us all.


Straw stood beside a mound of corpses inside the walls of Luthadel, fires burning around him, contemplating the end of days.

He’d had a good run, as a soldier in Ashweather Cett’s faction.  With some help from the servants of Ruin and the other factions, they’d managed to completely obliterate Straff Venture’s forces, and they had now breached Luthadel’s walls, allowing them to raze a small portion of the Ashwarrens to the ground.  However, many of his good friends had died in the process, and Ruin’s servants were still at large.

Straw put a hand to his head, dropping his sword to the ground.  How could they possibly win?  Even if they captured Luthadel, Ruin would only grow stronger.  There could be no stopping him.  No stopping the inevitable.

One of Straw’s men walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.  “Is everything alright, Commander?”

“Kill me,” Straw wept.

The man took a step back.  “Sir, I don’t think I can do that.”

“That’s an order!” Straw yelled.

“But… on the verge of our victory?  We still have a considerable force of men, and we’re the first to take the city.  We’re going to win!  We’ll--”

“I… don’t… care,” Straw said, his voice quivering with every word.  “We can do nothing to stop the inevitable.”

“Sir, what are you talking about?”

Straw just shook his head, then slumped to the ground.  “Nothing.”  Straw took a shuddering breath, then rolled onto his side.

“Sir, get up, there are still some archers around here.  You’re in danger.”

“That’s the idea.”

“Sir, I have to… I can’t just…”

“Leave me.”


Leave me.”

The man frowned, then sighed, leaving Straw to his fate.

- - - - -

Straw (Straw) was lynched!  He was a non-Allomancer from Cett.

Vote Tally

Straw (3): Alvron, Araris Valerian, Conquestor

Nyali (1): zas678

Night 7 begins now and will end in 47 hours and 34 minutes.  Good luck!

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1 hour ago, Conquestor said:

Why didn't anyone from Staw's faction protect him and why didn't he protect himself? Also, anyone else have any ideas who spiked could be?

I was gone the last cycle. Also, I think that Nyali is spiked. She seems to be focusing on the faction game the most among Cett, and there are other reasons in the doc that I have listed (kind of).

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17 hours ago, cloudjumper said:

I was gone the last cycle. Also, I think that Nyali is spiked. She seems to be focusing on the faction game the most among Cett, and there are other reasons in the doc that I have listed (kind of).

How should we kill her then? Tonight or lynch?

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1 hour ago, Conquestor said:

Your right, so, my faction will use Koloss to clear her out.

Uhh, that's kinda imprecise. Seems like you're just looking for an excuse to use your Koloss aggressively 

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Day 8: Sleeping Giant

There was once hope left in me, a shining glimmer of hope that I may see the world anew.  I had a dream, that the world was covered in a brilliant shade of green, and that the sky was blue, rather than being clouded with ash.  But that dream is gone, and in its place lies only a fear for what is to inevitably come.


Mottel Musgreave had been asleep for weeks, it seemed.  He had the uncanny ability to hibernate for seemingly endless amounts of time. As such, nobody was surprised when he was found dead after a koloss horde had trampled his encampment.

- - - - -

Mottel Musgreave (Mckeedee123) was killed by a koloss horde!  He was an unspiked Tineye.

Day 8 begins now and will end in 47 hours.  Good luck!

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Wait, what? Care to explain?


EDIT: To explain the situation to the non-Cett in the room:

We in Cett have been using a PM because Straw was unable to use the doc. The PM is mostly silent, and my messages have been repeatedly ignored. Both Cloud and Bugsy were away the last few days when Straw was being voted on (I didn't vote because I had no idea what to do with the rest of Cett not responding and the only votes being on me and Straw, who I had been somewhat suspicious of anyway for stated reasons). I have been a little worried about Cloud because he failed to use his metals several times when it could have helped us. Bugsy too, but to a much lesser extent. Their silence combined by that made me mention in my last PM that I'm starting to be worried I'm the only unspiked left in Cett.

They both responded to that message by apologizing for being away, but saying nothing else. And then Cloud votes for me here with no explanation or reasoning, despite the fact that there are more people in Penrod than both other houses combined. If someone in Cett dies today, it's guaranteed that either the Spiked or Penrod wins. If Cloud's going after me, well, the Spiked must have it pretty much in the bag to give up all pretense of trying to fight the faction war. That makes me think that Bugsy is clear and the Spiked in Cett is Cloud. Cloud has been juust active enough to send in orders and post, but just inactive enough to conveniently "forget" to send in orders when it really matters. He didn't burn his metal at times when it mattered, but did burn it when it didn't to prove he was telling the truth about what he could do. That leads me to think he was getting other vials some nights, which is why he couldn't use his claimed role more.

I really don't want to do this, since it basically means I can't win, but I don't really have much of a choice at this point: [ Cloudjumper ] Maybe I can at least see if I can help take out a Spiked before we lose?

Edited by Nyali
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Well Nyali, if it makes you feel any better, then know that Penrod only has 3 players that can vote right now, since Zas is traveling and Phatt has been gone all game. So there are still plenty of chances for you guys to beat us. But I was actually thinking the same thing about Cloud's vote. I forgot that you had a third player on your team, so I justified that if you have 2 players, one is pretty sure to be spiked and it would make sense to target your own faction in that case. But with 3 people you are less certain and are probably better off killing a meme beer of another faction.

I'm going to hold off on voting for a while until I hear from Cloud, since you guys basically did the same thing, Nyali just took the time to explain. And Nyali, you have been mentioned a few times now as the most suspicious player in Cett, by players within Cett.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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I think you're spiked because that's the logical choice. It's likely that two people are spiked in our faction, because we were the probably the most powerful faction before the Inquisitor died. Further, you are probably the most influential player in our faction, which would give the Inquisitor another reason to spike you.

I also have a few reasons in the PM. However, I don't really want to reveal the roles of two of the people in Cett by posting it in here, so you can look at it in the PM. 

2 hours ago, Nyali said:

Cloud has been juust active enough to send in orders and post, but just inactive enough to conveniently "forget" to send in orders when it really matters.

The last two cycles I have been gone. And before that there was at least one time where I came home after the cycle ended.

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Night 8: Third Degree Burns

The death continued.  Day after day, night after night, death pounded on Luthadel’s gates -- and in Luthadel’s gates as well.  We knew that we were in a fight we couldn’t hope to win.


Kelron didn’t even really know what he was doing here.  He should’ve been on Roshar right now, but he’d ended up recruited by Ashweather Cett, in the middle of this Doloken-forsaken place.  And now he’d found himself in the middle of some sort of riot.

“Down with Cett!” a man in tattered and singed clothes shouted.  “Ashweather is nothing but a coward!”

“Relax, sule!” Kelron shouted.  “I am not in league with this Cett, kolo?”

“He lies!” the man in the crowd shouted.  “He lies!”

“What do you even mean?  I speak the truth.  I am not even from here.”

Several other men and women, all looking ragged and weary from the days and days of fighting, glared at Kelron.  “Burn him at the stake!” someone shouted, pointing to the giant makeshift pole they had erected recently for that precise purpose.

“You are all acting too rashly,” Kelron spoke, keeping the fear from his voice.  “Let’s take a step back for a second…” Kelron burned a bit of brass, Soothing away the mob’s anger and distrust.  The mob seemed to relax for a second, the yelling dying down a bit, but it by no means seemed to stop them.  The mob advanced upon Kelron, hatred filling their eyes.

“I thought you all said that you hated Penrod!” Kelron blurted, his patience snapping.  He enhanced his brass, trying to Soothe away all of the crowd’s emotions, but it was no use.  There were far too many people to Soothe, and he was only one person.

The crowd charged up at Kelron, and Kelron dashed away, only to be apprehended by a pair of somewhat muscular men.  The two men, cheered on by the dozens of people in the mob surrounding them, marched towards the wooden stake.

“Burn!” they shouted.  “Burn!”

If I can access shadesmar when they tie me up against the pole, I might be able to escape.  I’ll just have to be fast.  Very fast.  Kelron breathed out as the two men tied him up to the stake.  This will not be safe.

One of the two men lit the large pile of firewood gathered at the base of the stake, and the mob surrounding him cheered, their shouts piercing the evening din.  Kelron closed his eyes from the pain of growing flames, and tried to concentrate.  Shadesmar, he thought.  Shadesmar.

The flames grew, reaching higher and higher, and soon Kelron found himself engulfed in the inferno.  Even if he escaped at this point, he’d sustain some very serious burns.  He’d have to hurry.

When the flames eventually died down, the crowd was shocked to find no evidence of Kelron.  He was gone.

- - - - -

Kelron (cloudjumper) was lynched!  He was a Soother from Cett.


Vote Tally

cloudjumper (3): Alvron, Araris Valerian, Nyali

Nyali (1): cloudjumper


Due to the small number of remaining players, Night 8 will end in 23 hours, rather than 47.  Good luck!

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