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Long Game 2, Day 7: All Hope Fails


Aman was killed by Darkfriends! They were a Village Aiel-blooded

Day 7 will last 48 hours, ending at 2AM EST Thursday the 30th. Will actually try and not be late with this rollover, really sorry about that guys. The Creator's been busy fighting off the Dark One so Rand can keep kicking butt. :P

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Gamma bad at math
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I talked with Aman during the last turn and I believe the plan was for Jamie to redirect Rubiks to himself. As such, either Jamie is corrupted (if Rubiks is the Corrupted DF) or Joe redirected Jamie. So what did both of our Ta'veren supposedly do with their turns? If you redirected someone else, they should be able to confirm whether or not their action was moved. 

Either way, unless Stink was corrupted (which I doubt right now), Joe almost definitely has been so I see no reason not to lynch him next. 

Also, to continue to make sure that the mayorship stays in Villager hands, Meta

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I say we lynch Rubiks. As I've said before, it's a risk but it's one worth taking. If we take out the Corrupt's kill, we'd be able to analyze to our hearts content. Current corruption possibilities:

Joe, Rubiks, Jamie

Joe, Rubiks, Maill

Joe, Stink, Rubiks (Most unlikely, because it means Stink sold out his own teammate to clear himself, and his teammate has a much more useful role)


Edited by Bugsy6912
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I told both Aman and Mail that I was going to redirect Rubiks to himself, so if mail is corrupted he could have easily outed me to Joe. The only other possibility I can see is Rubiks is not the DF. I'm becoming more convinced Mail is corrupt, because I know where I stand. And if I was redirected then that's the only way he would have known to do so. 

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6 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

I say we lynch Rubiks. As I've said before, it's a risk but it's one worth taking. If we take out the Corrupt's kill, we'd be able to analyze to our hearts content. Current corruption possibilities:

Joe, Rubiks, Jamie

Joe, Rubiks, Maill

Joe, Stink, Rubiks (Most unlikely, because it means Stink sold out his own teammate to clear himself, and his teammate has a much more useful role)


I'd be fine with either Rubiks or Joe. Both of them are constants on all of your corruption possibilities, which I agree with as the most likely scenarios. So if more people would rather go for Rubiks, then I'll gladly switch my vote. 

Speaking of, I know it's still early, but remember what I said about complacency, everyone. We need at least 3 votes on one player and the Mayor to make sure that the Corrupted can't control the lynch. So please do vote for both!

4 hours ago, jaimeleecee said:

I told both Aman and Mail that I was going to redirect Rubiks to himself, so if mail is corrupted he could have easily outed me to Joe. The only other possibility I can see is Rubiks is not the DF. I'm becoming more convinced Mail is corrupt, because I know where I stand. And if I was redirected then that's the only way he would have known to do so. 

I'm curious as to why you'd tell Maill. When Aman and I talked, we specifically stated that we wanted to try to keep the plans as quiet as possible. I highly doubt that Aman wouldn't have shared that sentiment with you. Plus, you were already suspecting Maill of being Corrupted the other day, so why would you decide to reveal your actions to him of all people in the first place? It's like you were deliberately sabotaging yourself which makes no sense. 

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@Metacognition I wasn't really thinking about it, Aman messaged me asking me one thing, Mail another I told them both what the other asked and both what I decided to go with, Aman didn't say don't tell Mail... And to be perfectly honest I was on and off not really thinking about the game much more than putting in my orders.  After the fact I thought I probably shouldn't have said anything but I also thought, well if Mail is corrupt this might prove it.. 100% RL distractedness and after thoughts.

Edited by jaimeleecee
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Clearly, everyone is too busy with LG23 for discussion here haha

Okay I've been fairly out of touch recently for various reasons so here are some thoughts looking back on things:

Clearly the people who jumped on the vote for Mail bandwagon last time were corrupted (at least Joe and Aonar for sure), so chances are Mail is not, unless they were trying to cover for him or Stink is corrupt.

My issues with Mail not being corrupt remain: Joe was just targeted for corruption so I am doubtful he redirected mail to allow a villager to be killed. Unless he thought he was doing the right thing redirecting the save onto someone who he thought needed it, lied to me for lack of trust, and then decided to go with the lie after corruption to protect Aonar. Which is not a bad theory supporting Mail's innocence.

I know where I stand and my actions.  Rubiks did not kill himself, so either there is a hidden DF or I was outed by Mail. Joe is not a true threat right now if Bugsy does not kill, but a DF is a threat, if its not Rubiks they will keep killing us from the shadows regardless of anything else. Just sayin.

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24 minutes ago, jaimeleecee said:

My issues with Mail not being corrupt remain: Joe was just targeted for corruption so I am doubtful he redirected mail to allow a villager to be killed. Unless he thought he was doing the right thing redirecting the save onto someone who he thought needed it, lied to me for lack of trust, and then decided to go with the lie after corruption to protect Aonar. Which is not a bad theory supporting Mail's innocence.

Not sure what exactly what you mean by this. I don't know if you're trying to say Joe wasn't corrupted or Maill has been or that Maill isn't. Plus it seems to contradict you then stating that Maill must have outed you. 

But fair enough. If you're concerned about Stink possibly being Corrupted, then you should be even more willing to kill Joe. By killing Joe, we also get a chance to either clear Stink or find out he's corrupted. 

  • If Joe is Corrupted, then Stink was telling the truth
  • If Joe is not Corrupted, then Stink lied and is Corrupted. 

Either way, we have another Corrupted down. Right now, unless I'm missing something, it's 6-3. Then we can test you again the next night. If we just keep you redirecting Rubiks back on himself and there is still a DF kill (since Joe won't be around to redirect you), then either someone else is the DF or both you and Rubiks are in cahoots and we have found all of the Corrupted. Which we can find out by lynching Rubiks. 

So, IMO, the only two options for this lynch is either Joe or Rubiks. Joe clears or condemns Stink and Rubiks either mostly clears or condemns you. 

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I was showing you my line of thinking, why it is still up in the air. Because if Joe was just corrupted why would redirect Mail before being corrupted, unless like I said he thought he was doing the right thing and misleading me at the same time.  So in my mind either Mail is corrupt and lied about being redirected or Joe lied to cover his own corruption, but he did redirect mail for honest reasons thinking he was saving someone else that was going to be targeted? I don't know that's why I'm unsure. The only other possibility is that Joe was not targeted at all and Stink is corrupted and is misleading us like you said.  Maybe my wording was a little confusing but I'm trying to convey my thought process, how one scenario leads me to think of another that counters that previous one... 

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Long Game 22, Night 7: Web of Destiny



Joe was lynched, he was a Corrupted Ta'veren.

Night 7 will end at 11PM EST Friday, July 1st, so that will extend it ouy so it doesn't keep ending at 2AM. >.> Definitely trying to bust these write-ups out as soon as I can, >.>

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They're down to two now. We've got Fain (Aonar) and a Corrupted (Joe). But the work isn't done yet. 

Jamie, if you're not Corrupted, then redirect Rubiks to himself. If there's no kill then when Rubiks dies by his own hand, that will go a long way to clearing you. If there is a kill, then either you're both Corrupted (which I suggest we check on by lynching Rubiks) or the final DF is likely Lopen. 

I'm honestly surprised with how little has been going on the last few cycles. We're at the point where any mistake could cost us the game. THIS is where things are at their most exciting! The only reason I can think of is because we're on the right track. So this next night should be telling. 

Bugsy, I'd suggest not making an attack tonight, just to be on the safe side. We're up 6-2, but if a DF kill still goes through, then we're at 5-2 with quite a few people that seem to be losing interest at the worst possible time. If you make a kill and it's redirected, then we're at 4-2 with no guarantee that everyone will be around to vote the next day. I'd rather we play it safe. We've got this as long as we take our time. 

Stink is all but cleared at this point and if anyone has any lingering doubts about me, I suggest him for Mayor on the next turn. I highly doubt that after we were all set up to lynch Fain that they'd also reveal another one of their own, so either Stink is playing a very long game (one that doesn't really pay out as long as Elodin and myself keep putting our orders in) or he's not Corrupted. 

Personally, I think that Hael/Aonar Corrupted both of our Ta'veren on the idea that we'd keep using our roles in a manner that they could manipulate. The fact that we went back to old school and just use the lynch has thrown their plans into disarray, IMO. We'll be able to see that for certain tomorrow. 


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I agree I think people are comfortable right now and so they don't see a reason to.  Village is in a great position right now, but you are absolutely right, one slip up will give corrupted and or DF's to take over or create confusion.  So lets not let that happen.  In general I have been slightly more inactive due to RL stuff but I am trying to stay read up (in both games).  I am pretty sure LG23 is taking a lot of peoples attentions too :P


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9 hours ago, Metacognition said:

They're down to two now. We've got Fain (Aonar) and a Corrupted (Joe). But the work isn't done yet. 

1) Jamie, if you're not Corrupted, then redirect Rubiks to himself. If there's no kill then when Rubiks dies by his own hand, that will go a long way to clearing you. If there is a kill, then either you're both Corrupted (which I suggest we check on by lynching Rubiks) or the final DF is likely Lopen. 

2) I'm honestly surprised with how little has been going on the last few cycles. We're at the point where any mistake could cost us the game. THIS is where things are at their most exciting! The only reason I can think of is because we're on the right track. So this next night should be telling. 

3) Bugsy, I'd suggest not making an attack tonight, just to be on the safe side. We're up 6-2, but if a DF kill still goes through, then we're at 5-2 with quite a few people that seem to be losing interest at the worst possible time. If you make a kill and it's redirected, then we're at 4-2 with no guarantee that everyone will be around to vote the next day. I'd rather we play it safe. We've got this as long as we take our time. 

4) Stink is all but cleared at this point and if anyone has any lingering doubts about me, I suggest him for Mayor on the next turn. I highly doubt that after we were all set up to lynch Fain that they'd also reveal another one of their own, so either Stink is playing a very long game (one that doesn't really pay out as long as Elodin and myself keep putting our orders in) or he's not Corrupted. 

5) Personally, I think that Hael/Aonar Corrupted both of our Ta'veren on the idea that we'd keep using our roles in a manner that they could manipulate. The fact that we went back to old school and just use the lynch has thrown their plans into disarray, IMO. We'll be able to see that for certain tomorrow. 


1) @jaimeleecee, please acknowledge that you've heard Meta's idea so you can't later plead ignorance :P

2) Sorry about my relative inactivity. I just got back from Europe 4ish hours ago, so I'm feeling super jetlagged, but once I recover I should have way more time on my hands

3) Sounds good

4) Pretty confident that you're good anyways. ANd if Stink is good, Joe was corrupted last cycle, which means he wasn't lying about redirecting Fain to Rubiks a couple cycles ago, so Rubiks is pretty much confirmed bad

5) Sounds like it makes sense. Maill is still a possibility having saved Rubiks, but a very unlikely one at this point, and if it wasn't him it was Jaime.

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