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Mid-Range Game 2: Servants of Honor


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Where is Nahiar? 

He has yet to say anything this cycle, and said something about a defense for meta last cycle, but never elaborated... Suspicious much?

I mean, I don't wanna deter the conversation, but if you are able to explain, please do.

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Well I can confirm not sending that message to Binnut. I messaged Wurum last night. And sent a message to Meta the night before that, and no message Day 1, so anybody getting any messages from "me" or the "Trustwatcher" other than that are lies.

Also, one thing real quick about the Reverse Lashing that happened on Wurum. It could very well have been a Squire (aka Mailu), but also, looking at the order of actions in the Cycle, a Reverse Lashing goes through first before a Lynching, so it very well could have been Meta attempting one last trick before he died, since he knew his kill wouldn't have gone through regardless, so I wouldn't put it past him attempting to throw one last wrench in everybody's plans.

Just something to consider. I have nothing other than that to add right now. Lemme finish waking up. >.<

Oh, and Ashiok, for the sake of keeping clutter in these threads to a minimum, just edit your post to add anything new instead of double-posting, por favor. :D

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Hmm, and here I thought that we had a foolproof choice between me and another (I would have preferred not being involved,  but still)  =/ I was just going to check the order one last time before posting and voting... 


So Gamma, you are not confirming that Aladdin sent you a message? Because now when you brought up the order, we are down to counting messages again.


Edit: correcting bad english...

Edited by Binnut
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That's a very good point there, Gamma. Thanks for clarifying that before we made a terrible mistake. Okay, ignore my vote for Mailliw :P.


We do still need Gamma's confirmation on receiving a message from Ashiok (or not) though.

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Oh yeah, I did receive that Message from Ashiok. Forgot to clarify that as well. My bad.

Also, it's all good Ashiok, no big deal. The rule for editing posts is you're just not allowed to delete out stuff or change the nature or tone of your post with edits, but you're always allowed to just put new stuff at the bottom with an "Edit:". Obviously there are exceptions for double-posting being fine, when you make a huge, long post with one subject matter, but then you have something else to add that is also a lengthy post that's not really related to the first long post, that'd be okay, of course. And stuff like that.

I just know these threads get long enough as it is, so anything we can all do to reduce the length!


Edit: Huh. Went from an Honorspren to a Cryptic. O.o Nifty.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Mallaw looked at the silver Oak Leaf symbol that hung from a chain of iron. It was the symbol of his abilities as a full hunter. He knew now why he had been assigned. Being a Squire took valor. It took ethics. One had to be able to be bold. He knew now, with certainty, that the Skybreakers were awful. They were menaces to society. Practicing was when Mallaw thought best; if he ever needed to think hard, it was immediately. He let loose five arrows consecutively. All five hit their intended targets: logs. Practice had made Mallaw exceptionally good at archery. It was a rare occasion when he missed a shot. Thinking about the week's events so far, Mallaw thought hard. He Ended at the conclusion that Aladdin was acting very suspicious. Some others were as well. Messages were disappearing and some were forged.

Okay, so first things first. The only way I see a Reverse Lashing happening is, if you check the rules, that a RL happens before a lynch. So, Meta could've gotten in one last trolling moment by RL Wyrm just to have a chance of an important message not getting to him. I don't see any other likely scenario for that RL. Wyrm, did you FL your recruit last cycle or do you know if your fellow Windrunner did? I'm trying to sort out what happened with all the surges.

Binnut, that message definitely doesn't sound like Ash.

Edit: I wrote this and then saw that Gamma made the same point.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Okay, so first things first. The only way I see a Reverse Lashing happening is, if you check the rules, that a RL happens before a lynch. So, Meta could've gotten in one last trolling moment by RL Wyrm just to have a chance of an important message not getting to him. I don't see any other likely scenario for that RL. Wyrm, did you FL your recruit last cycle or do you know if your fellow Windrunner did? I'm trying to sort out what happened with all the surges.


I did not Full Lash last night, as I used it on Meta on Cycle 2. I don't know who my fellow Windrunner Full Lashed last night, annoyingly. Hopefully that information will be given to me by tomorrow morning, so we can clear someone else off our lists.


I'd still like to know why you voted for Metam despite thinking him innocent though.

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Because, at that point, I figured that with all the evidence that had come to light, Meta had to be guilty. There wasn't any other likely explanations.


But you said that you thought he was innocent. So why did you think him innocent despite the fact that he had to be guilty?

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I sent this to Wurum purely for fun.  Apparently Renegade thought it funny enough to include in write up, so thought I would share it with everyone.

Dear Sir,

Are you tired of running out of stormlight just when you need it most?  Does your spren complain about your lack of progress?

This is spam mail.  Its sole purpose is to be absorbed by a lashing.

Then do we have a deal for you!

However if you get even one smile from this then I recommend a green arrow to show your approval. :P

Increase your glow and surprise your spren with Naihars miracle stormlight.  Guaranteed to increase your glow by at least 10%.


Just for you we have a limited time offer.  Purchase three special infused spheres for the price of two.  But wait there's more.  Use the code Od1n during purchase and we will throw in a one of a kind spren hat for that special someone in your life.

Side effects may include but are not limited to: diarrhea, insomnia, voidbinding and/or death.


I haven't voted for the last two rounds as I have no suspicions on the first and with Metam outting himself and everyone piling on him there was no need on the second.


My defence of Metam was going to simply point out that no other suspects were up being voted for and that it was most likely going to turn into railroading an innocent.  Mostly it was to make everyone feel bad about killing an asset.  Thankfully Metam admitted his guilt before I posted and saved me from embarrassing myself and getting everyone eyes looking my way for next lynch.Hopefully


Before Metam exposed himself I was thinking that it was one of the first two that had been squired the first round.  Now however I have only a couple of weak suspicions.



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Nope, that's perfectly fine, thank you. I'm just glad I didn't reveal it fully so people could easily claim it. So mark twelth off the list, guys. I'll do so myself tomorrow when I am at my computer.

Also, Alvron, I did enjoy reading that. Wonderfully poetic, considering I've been sending spam messages to those I recruit :P

Edited by Wyrmhero
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But you said that you thought he was innocent. So why did you think him innocent despite the fact that he had to be guilty?

I didn't think he was guilty. Well, more like I felt that he was innocent, but the evidence was leading me in a different direction. I wasn't sure yet. The proof had me going one way, while my gut feeling,which must've been a darkfriend this time around, pulled me in another. Part of it was that I didn't want to lose a Squire with a Lashing if new as innocent, and wasn't quite sure if the risk was worth it. At that point, I decided the evidence was too condemning and hehad to be guilty or very unlucky.

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Serji and I launched the little fishing boat. He'd been rather quiet since yesterday, spending an unusual amount of time in his little lean-to shack, and I cast off my own silence to try and figure out why. He seemed almost startled by my bring up the matter.


"We're still out here fishing," He pointed at the boat for emphasis, "despite Reginar and his Skybreaker hunts. We've lives to live and livings to earn. Not to mention chores to do."


I filled him in on the unpleasant talk that had been going around. People had been getting suspicious of him not being active in helping address the problems.


Serji spent a few moments spreading the nets for casting before he replied. "I suppose that's a sensible stance to take, all considered. How can they tell what you're doing if you don't provide a reference to check?"


He really didn't sound like he was taking things seriously. Sure, Reginar's little mob had taken down two of those law-blinded killers, but sooner or later, things would get out of hand.


He gave a little half-smile as he looked at me. "At least your a caring fellow. Haven't even known me for two months and already you're set on keeping me out of trouble. I'll work on keeping things above board. That'll calm their talk. Maybe not quickly, but more thoroughly than anything else would."




Read back through everything to date, and still find myself hard pressed to attach any significant suspicions to anyone. Which I'm not surprised by; my record for voting in LG 6 was rather dismal while I was working alone despite how good my logic sounded. I suppose I'm over-compensating on caution this time.


I find myself curious who sent the odd message I received. Unless I missed the statement somewhere, no one has claimed it yet.


Going forward, I'll try to find something to vote for, if for no other reason than to allow Full Lashings to be visible when used on me. If I cannot find an option that I have good reason to suspect, I'll just pick by intuition among people who don't have votes to make the cancel obvious. Unless someone can explain why this would be a bad plan? I know one side effect is the timing of a skipped Division could make me look bad. But that could happen in any of a number of ways, and I doubt that the remaining SB is going to want to waste chances to hit the Good Radiants with the existing disadvantage, but it's a gambit that might be attempted.


And a short answer to the "Why haven't you been voting?" Lack of info (day 2), and inactivity (day 3).


Most of my tactical considerations have been thrown out the window with all that happened day 3. TW revealed, and he's in the squire doc, and two of the other squires made public as well. Easy to cross-communicate in this new environment. The slim amount of GM info gives tracking actions a steep learning curve.


I guess I'll vote for Jain for now, since he has been obsessively silent all game His only significant post is a bunch of data points with no conclusions. What interested you in that data? You must have had some purpose, since you took the time to write it up. What does that data mean to you?

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Voting for Twlv.  He has kept very quiet this game while in other games he is more active.  By posting just once of twice per cycle Twlv is easily flying under the radar.  I find it suspicious as it is a change in their normal posting cycle.

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So, I thought that it would be best if I did a small Vote tally for this cycle.


Aladdin (2) : Rulit, Gart

Naihar  (1):    Wurum, Aladdin

Mallaw  (1):    Wurum

Jain      (1):  Serji

Twlv      (2): Naihar

Edit: Kaladen(1):


I was actually surprised that there are two votes on Aladdin, since it was at the beginning of the circle. I'm not sure if I trust Aladdin per se, but I think he has answered both your questions. And I do find myself trusting him more because he pointed out that Metam's vote was not counted. Both Rulit and Gart has been pretty quiet, and not added much to the discussion, and now voted for Aladdin without removing it when he answered. I find that suspicious. 


I have to go now for a while, but I will be back soon and think some more on this.



I do agree that Jain has posted each cycle, but not contributing anything else than a Vote tally once, and a lot of RP. And that is suspicious, but also not really a great surprise.

Twlv has been online today, so he should have been able to pop in and say something, it is true as Naihar says that he has been a lot more active in earlier games.


We still have 8 persons who we haven't got a track of messages for yet, so tell us if you have received a message signed by someone. I think this is a good opportunity to find narrow the field on one of the eliminators. Although we should not focus only on that.


For the moment, Rulit, It seems to me that you have posted comments on writeup results, Vote tallies without commenting on them. It seems to me that you often post at a little too convenient time to be able to post without having to say much about the discussion. Or for example to Vote meta just after him confessing. Do you have any comments on this?

Edited by Binnut
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Noted, Mailliw. That doesn't matter too much though.


What was the nature of the strange message you received, Jerric? I note that you did not say if you sent a message or not.


Also important to note, I still don't know who my ally targeted last Cycle.


Those of you who are still voting for Ashiok, retract your votes. We know he's not the one who sent that strange message, so he can't be the Eliminator we're looking for. The current suspects for the one who sent that message are: Serji, Jain, Kaladen, Quismet, Rulit, Tunnib, Gart, Tahrin.


Of this list, Jain, Rulit and Gart voted once, for Meta, and Tunnib voted for Joe. So let's cross Tunnib off the list, considering it would also be too easy to turn this around on him. I think we might be able to basically declare Kaladen and Quismet as inactive (though it could be a cover, of course).


So, I want to hear who Serji, Jain, Rulit and Gart sent messages to. For the time being, I'll vote for Jain, since I have previously noted his protesting too much.

Edit: Retracting my vote for Jain, based on re-reading the message Binnut recieved. Anyone else think that it sounds like Serji?

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I sent Jerric his message. I thought it would be cool since it was a ketek. Anyways, other than that, I've only received one Hearthstone message, and I haven't sent out any others, mostly because college was being crazy. Anyways, I'll keep my vote on Aladdin for right now, mainly because a lynch will give us more information.

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Then assuming it was actually a Ketek, then we can cross you off the list (assuming you're not both Eliminators).


However, why keep your vote on Aladdin? That's just not helpful at this point. A lynch would give us information, yes, but we would get more over the next 12 hours by questioning instead of keeping things as they are, combined with that eventual lynch. And as I have said before, Aladdin can't be the guy we're looking for currently, since he messaged Gamma instead.


The Eliminators want to kill Aladdin off for some reason, so we shouldn't do their work for them.

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