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Posts posted by Mistdork

  1. If you call it Nightblood: Inter-species Romance, you could probably convince them that it is a vampire romance.


    You might need the interlude to give Nightblood some character development in SA, after all, Nightblood will be set a fairly long time before SA and people cannot be expected to read every single cosmere novel.


    Just call it Nightlight...I mean...nevermind. *makes bad Twilight pun*


    NB's character development (if we can call it that...) could be done through conversations with others (Szeth). Perspective isn't the only way to develop characters. Syl is a developing character despite that we never see her perspective, and so arguable are all bonding spren, they change and develop because of the bond, obtaining more personhood through it. I'm not really ditching the whole NB interlude though, since, even though NB can't worldhop himself, he's probably been...around the cosmere a bit so it could still be valuable in an intercosmeric sense! :P

  2. So...this is what happens when I go and be responsible and things...


    I swear, this whole forum has erupted into a mad shipping ship. Soon, we'll be shipping everything under the sun until it explodes into a radiant, valentine fest! Even Jasstick or...whatever...*sigh*


    Anyway, do we even know if Cognitive Entities can fall in love like that even when brought to the physical realm? I mean...sense you know they don't have certain...parts...and whatnot...?

  3. This topic...it's just...seriously, you had to go there, huh?

    It's like having sexual relations with a corpse. That's exactly what it is, and sense such things happen in real life, someone probably did do it. Though, I would expect the demand for...sex with...Lifeless would be quite low, considering you can't make a profit, it would probably only happen on a person-to-person basis. Since you can't profit off it, that means that the Lifeless...sex slave business would be a terrible one to enter into, meaning it probably doesn't exist even with the fact that Lifeless are cheap, other things (like a place to hide it) might cost a bit too much considering how hard it would be for the slaver to make money.

    And I can't believe I...bah. -.-

  4. I think Brandon decided against having a second Kaladin book, but I'm not sure who the fifth character is.


    It's Stick, of course. Who else could it be but Stick and his stickiness!

    Anyway, if I recall it's Jasnah, Renerin, Lift, Taln, and some unnamed Herald (which may also mean that this last one is likely still a little up in the air, as of yet)...

  5. Heh, I suppose I could thank you for the tact you had in not calling me out by name, though I think we all know who you're talking about. And you were very respectful about it, so I can't really be upset. I mean, I know I'm irrational about Renarin. I don't even come close to trying to be rational about Renarin. If he were a real person, I would definitely not treat him the way that I do now. You're right, it'd be completely unhealthy to have someone fawning over him and sheltering him from every possible thing that could hurt or even mildly discomfort him. 


    (Whoops, this turned into an essay. Sorry about that. Y'all are saints for putting up with me and my craziness, I swear.)


    You're not the only one I was calling out, Feather. There are some people who don't think that he has ASD at all, there are others who think that this is just something used to "excuse" his actions. My argument is that they should respect him and his action while acknowledging that they are related to ASD as it relates to his characterization. I'm a little crazy, I tried to kill a dozen bird and it really didn't work. So, I apologize...and for not responding to your post for so long. Have you ever graded 200 exams? It's rather taxing.


    Anyway, I really don't mind your fan-ism...that much. It's just that I used to be like you. I've been overprotective of my siblings, (though not to the same extent that you are with Renarin), but you want to be published, right? It's fine to be a fangirl, I'm a fangirl of certain things and even certain characters in the Cosmere (whom will not be named), but admitting a character is dynamic, especially a character that you love, makes you understand him even more. Be overprotective of Renarin all you want, but I think that if you let yourself admit he doesn't need coddled and fawn, and can stand on his own two feet, you might end up loving and respecting his character even more (if that is possible, who knows). I also think that if you do so, it will help you make more dynamic characters, since the worst thing an author can do is be over protective, that stops their characters from developing in a believable way. I'm not claiming to be a better or more experience writer than you (in this area). However, it's somewhat similar to a history student writing their (first) thesis. They fall head over heels in love with it, gush about it for months, but the only way that it will bloom is if they realize that they can't baby it and keep all the bad parts of the their story out. Nurture it, yes, but sometimes loving a creative endeavor means realizing that those kind of things create a better story, character, et al. In the end, you'll love it anymore. The best pieces are always dynamic, changing, cultivating. No, Renarin isn't your character, but I think that applying this idea would be good for you, and I'm sorry that my first post sounded so personal. But I like Renarin...I like him because he's dynamic.

  6. Good Breath?  Guess he chews orbit!





    Could this be related to worldhopping? No? Okay, I'll stop making myself look like a fool.


    Anyway, I have my doubts. Returned are more like Elantrians (and, probably, Heralds), all three of these beings are some kind of living splinter that are also human-beings. Even Lerasium Mistborn are almost splinters. What, do you expect Elend to bond to himself if he were on Roshar so he could use Stormlight for Allomancy (much like the Mists, which are invested to the hilt, too, I guess). The splinters you're talking about Tempus are splinters of a certain kind and work a certain way. They're Cognitive Entities and are thus more cognitively based, by bonding on Roshar, they receive something from the Nahel bond. In the Spren's case, this is sentience (and whatever else), for Nightblood it might be something different. He might become...more spren-like.


    In the case of the Return, they lack this kind of benefit. Yes, they can absorb Stormlight, and no, we don't know how they would hijack the system, but absorbing Investiture is what Returned too. It's similar to what Nightblood does when pulled, but at a slower rate because they're both Splinters of Endowment... I think it would be way harder for someone like Vasher to Awaken with Stormlight, but not necessarily absorb it. Awakening probably takes some extra...hijacking, it's one thing to hack into a bank account held by someone's grandma, it's another to hack Fort Knox. And yes, that's a horrible analogy, I'm sorry. :P

  7. I do a lot of non-fiction writing in my field of study (it's history/economics), so...I use fanfiction and short story writing to break up the pace. Otherwise, everything gets stale. The stuff I wrote has never been that good. I'm not a gifted (or even good) creative writer, but this only hit me after taking a Creative Writing course in college. It was kind of like that kid that thinks he's a great artist because they're little tribe of friends told them so (because they didn't want them to feel bad), but then he goes to a real art gallery and realizes that he had no idea about proportions, perspective, or prospects. Still, dabbling in art, like dabbling in creative writing, is a hard habit to break, it also relieves stress, especially if it's not your job.


    So, I support it...to an extent. Fanfiction can be a great teaching tool. It can teach people how to write characters in character, it can teach people how to plot stories and what works and what doesn't work, but it can also teach people bad writing habits, like poor grammar and sentence structure. It's not that fanfiction is immoral, but...it can bring real harm too, since writing is used in most fields, even if that is just writing a good resume...Fanfiction writing is fun and it can help, but I'm just weary about promoting.

  8. If you were at the 8th Height as Shashara was, and you Awakened a Lifeless using 10,000 breath, Like Nightblood was, Could you make a new Person?


    Nightblood took a thousand Breaths to create, not 10,000 (I think, I'll look this up later). I honestly don't know, though. Can you make a person out of Investiture like that if you're not a Shard if you have enough?

  9. Crap, that embarrassing moment you swear you were posting in one topic and...err...

    *Sigh* Time to save face. I think that Vin is only the champion in the sense that she is so attuned to the power and in away is attune to Preservation's intent (thanks to having more of its Investiture as a Mistborn and her other things...abilities). What we don't have at this point is a good definition of what Champion means in the Cosmere, if it's a Cosmeric term or if it's just a term used for the Shard's "chosen" in the Roshar system for the pact between the Three...

  10. If it doesn't have magic, I don't consider it fantasy. It's alternate-world historical fiction. It's still speculative fiction, but I just can't call it fantasy.


    What about a world with other (non-magical) races sit in the past of that world? Would that be historical Science Fiction? Or would people consider it lone-end fantasy just because it's medieval with aliens? And in such a setting, even things that are more or less scientific could seem fantastic because it's hard to explain genetics, biology, etc in that sitting, thus making it appear magical to the characters and, in turn, the readers despite that is not. What would you call that?

  11. We have received WoB that Endowment is alone on Nalthis. It's the second question. :)




    Thank you, Link, that was most helpful!  However, the mystery becomes even more enigmatic.  If it only takes one Shard to create a world, then they can be distributed any which way without any sort of pattern.  The only "rule" we've seen on it is that it depends on the nature of the Shards involved, like how Ruin and Preservation, neither having a creative power of its own, had to work together to create.


    I think that this is easy to explain...Endowment's intent, to endow something (life) on others means that it's easier for Endowment to create life by itself. One could probably say the same about another Shard, Cultivation. Cultivation's intent is pretty obvious, it drives her to cultivate life, so if she did create anything on Roshar, she could do so, as it fits her intent...


    However, with Preservation and Ruin there's a problem. Preservation wants to preserve life at all costs, this is why the life it created wouldn't have been sentient (this was the problem, that Preservation could create life...just not sentient life).From what I understand, sentient life of the type that Preservation wanted (human/persons) understands how to make "good"/preserving and "bad"/ruinous choices. With Ruin involved, they could do this, but with only Preservation, that life would only want to preserve. It would exist, but it would have no actual comprehension, therefore, that life would only be a bad copy of life that Preservation had known. They would not have personhood like the humans on Yolen, that is, they could not know/preserve against ruin...

  12. Could you take some of a Shard(holder)'s power using this method? If I recall correctly, there's a way to spike people without killing them (though we haven't seen it yet), meaning if you wanted to forcibly cause a Shard to lose/give up some of its power to make a battle more (or less fair) this could be one method to do so. Though I still think it's unlikely to work...

  13. The biggest problem here is supply, there's so much of it and I wouldn't be surprised if making ash soap (etc) were a thing taught to young (mostly non-skaa) women. In some locals, at least. Though if I were an Industrialist, I'd just make a factory and use street skaa to make these products for cheap, and since there's a lot skaa I don't need to care about losing them, I can just get more (no, I don't really think this is wise nor do I believe it's the best way to run a business...) But ash as a resource for goods requires human capital, or...skaa...

  14. Ruled and reign also have different meanings. These words are only partial synonyms. The term ruled is more of an active governance, meaning that those who ruled Roshar (the Three Shards) ruled it more actively. "Reigns" on the other hand, points to a more passive governance, meaning this latter period is an era where the Shard is unable to take on active rule, or isn't interested in actively ruling Roshar. 


    Honor fits the first possibility. Since Honor is a Splintered Shard, he could be seen as Broken (as you pointed out), but since reigning is a passive activity, one could say that Honor's splinters reign, thus the Broken One (that is Honor) reigns...in the form of his Spren and the Stormfather. These are broken off parts of Honor could be seen as reigning, since Honor's spren (plural) are not necessarily active in their governance of Roshar.


    On the other point, Cultivation isn't interested in the humans of Roshar, but I'm not sure I would consider her broken, and you've already explained Odium. Just that he could easily reign from Braize, one could easily say that his governance of Roshar isn't active in this era, but passive. This reigning is part of the long-term game he's playing with Roshar..., to make them think he's not interested and that kind of thing.


    And yeah, sorry if this didn't make any sense, it's rather early here...

  15. I'd rather have them be witty and sarcastic though (to some extent) then have them be mean and arrogant (I have no idea what series I might be talking about, though! Why would I think poorly of characters from one of my favorite series?). The thing is, though, that just because wittiness is a favorite trait of Sandorson's females, it isn't their only trait (everyone's discussed this in depth already, so I won't). And really, witty-sarcasm isn't just a trait of these characters, it's a frequent trait in a lot of his protagonist regardless of gender. That said though, a lot of people have that kind of humor, it's really not that unusual, 

  16. Sneaky Scadrial worldhoppers indeed. I think this is supported by a certain WoB:

    http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7051-philadelphia-wor-signing-reports/page-4?hl=%2Bworldhop+%2Bscadrial#entry117576 24:38(Rhandric): Q. How many worldhoppers have we seen?

    A. Oh, I haven’t kept track, you’ve seen quite a few. There’s one from Mistborn, did you catch him? I don’t think people have really picked out the Terriswoman yet, who makes her way into them, but they’re mostly not supposed to be noticeable yet, until you get to know them as characters and you look back and be like “oh that was that person.”

    I think that this was perhaps about Felt (since we knew about the Terriswoman already), anyway, good catch...
  17. You all have played right into my plans of starting a destructive forum-wide war! 




    ...I just realized I am not actually Bluefingers. Dang.



    Nope, you're just a forgotten piece of land at the edge of Hallendren. Little, unimportant, that kind of thing... 

  18. The archers, perhaps. The arrows are not Stickbinders, they are greater than that. They are Sticks. Swords, too, for they are but pointy metal Sticks, and spears, for they are but long Sticks with metal upon them. Even Shardplate is but flat sticks bent and layered together.


    So, does that make Kaladin's men all...stickmen? So they are all really members of the Church of the Stick and only want the true stickiness too...And that makes Kaladin a Knight of the Stick, then, because lashings stick you... ;)


    Also, obviously that picture of Shallan is just her worshiping the Prime Stick and her great love of the Stick! See, they ship it (ShallanXStick; OTP forever)! :)

  19. I figure Hoid the same way I figure the Lord Ruler: a well-intentioned extremist. It's something that is very prevalent in Brandon's books, probably because of the previously mentioned optimism.I suspect Hoid's statement to Dalinar is because he's been in the situation before, where someone did count on him and his own goals made it end poorly. I think this is the same reason Kelsier and Hoid wouldn't get along... and it makes me suspect that Vasher and Hoid would also not be the best of friends.


    I always figured that the reason Kelsier and Hoid wouldn't get along is that they're too similar, both will do anything for their goals (if they perceive them as good according to their idea of morality), even if that means bad things happen, they believe that even worse things would happen as a result. Their moralities could be considered even...egocentric...in the sense that it focuses on their experiences and what they (and not society) thinks is wrong. This doesn't mean that Hoid's sense of morality doesn't align to a more...normal sense of morality, but we have to admit that at the very least, it's a little screwed up compared to everyone else's. Vasher though...probably just sees Hoid as an annoying pest, that really isn't all that different to how he sees people in general though...


    I think that Rayse shattered Adonalsium. He had a spiteful, even hate-filled personality before he took Odium, so purposefully shattering, or being the cause of its shattering doesn't seem outside of his character. Even if he somehow forced Hoid to do it, Rayse seems like a better candidate for the "Who-Shattered-Adonalsium" position than Hoid. One thing we do know is Hoid wants revenge on Rayse for personal reasons along with his more...heroic? aim (this is according to the Letters in both books or something like that). It probably isn't exactly the best reason, but whatever his reasons are, they're more varied than being just another well-intentioned extremist...

  20. This makes me question.. 


    We are pretty confident that Zahel is Vasher, and he came to Roshar so he could live off Stormlight rather than Breaths, as Stormlight is much easier to obtain. But I doubt he would give up scholarship just for the purpose of living forever on an easier to obtain source of Investiture. So can he use Stormlight to Awaken in place of Breaths?


    If it is possible that would have absolutely insane possibilities. He could find a way to safely be out in a Highstorm and have near limitless Stormlight and possibly create another Nightblood, or something similar.  


    Pfft. Perhaps while he's on Roshar he's studying its Investiture in a general sense while searching for his sword and figuring this out. Scholars don't stop being scholars just because they can't use the local Investiture system...:P


    I think that some combination of one and two could be another possibility. The thing is that you're not the original Radiant and so the Nahel bond wasn't originally yours, so fixing the bond (replacing the Ideals with a life that reflects the spren's mini-intent and by swearing the oaths) might not be enough. So, perhaps they would have to say the Ideals but also (for example) say the Command while conceiving the Nahel bond as healed and using X number of Breaths to do so. This would probably take some considerable knowledge of the Cognitive Realm, though...


    It might also be possible to use something like Regrowth on the bond or some other Investiture that could be used for healing or making something be conceived as fixed...Maybe.


    Also, do we know if the gems in the blades are linked with specific blade types (for the dead-spren blades)? Is this possible? Perhaps if this is true, they could figure out which blade goes with which order...that would make things easier, at least.

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