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Everything posted by ChocolateRob

  1. If anyone's interested I got bored enough to count up the score - WeiryWriter - 3 Cem - 3 Kurkistan - 1 Ete'ni - 2 Nicrosil - 2 AG Rooster - 1 Pinpoint - 7 (confessed wiki scanner) Iredomi - 4 Shardlet - 2 Cartith - 1 Mailliw - 5 Shardbearer - 8 Aether - 1 firstRainbowRose - 1 Takeshi - 1 bartbug - 2
  2. Shaor's the one. "Bring me fooood!" Only remains - one stained wig. You're up bartbug
  3. Well I'm a Chocolatier... called Robert... yup. The story about my profile picture in that thread has a wee bit more detail.
  4. You could start a thread on who has the coolest job here but it would be no contest - Mr Peter Ahlstrom for the win. No recipes I'm afraid, my focus is on decorating the outsides of cakes but if you're ever going to Manchester we do teach assorted courses in our school. Chocolatiering, baking, sugar figures, etc. Chocolate wedding cakes, essential skills, choc desserts, display pieces, funday workshop. From an afternoon to a week.You can take a peek at Slattery.co.uk. PS you keep whatever you make. Here's a fun tip. To create frills and ruffles out of chocolate you need three things - a bowl of melted chocolate (the good stuff), a (clean) wallpaper scraper, and a smooth marble slab (no gravestones). Put the marble in the freezer overnight to get it good and cold then use the scraper to scoop up some choc and spread it quickly over the surface. The frozen slab will instantly try to set the chocolate so spread it thinly and quickly within a few strokes then immediately scrape it up away from the surface. This will give you a flexible, wafer-thin leaf of chocolate to work with but beware- the heat of your fingers will start to melt it within seconds. You have a few seconds to twist it into the shape you want. The most basic is a ruffle or concertina as you would make a paper fan as a child, pinched at one end. Put your shape down on a piece of greaseproof paper (or cake) and leave it to set up properly. It is a very basic technique but by no means easy and requires a lot of practice. However chocolate is far more delicious in this not-properly-set state, It melts instantly in your mouth and is gooey fun to play with, best of all It is completely reusable, you add nothing to it so just melt it down and start again. Its good, messy, delicious fun. Our slabs are about 2cm thick and we get 10-15 mins of play out of them before they defrost too much to use. They told me when I started that I'd soon get sick of the taste of chocolate, well it's been 15 years and it's still not happened, my theory is that you just get used to higher quantities of chocolate in your blood. OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!
  5. Nope fraid not. Maybe I should say mysterious rather than messy, though both are true.
  6. I'm new here and just trying out the pic for now but brace yourselves for an overly long, rambling explanation anyway Well, I'm a chocolatier, hence the name, so I figured I needed something chocolatey to use so I took a few pictures from around the shop I work in (Slattery's in Manchester, U.K). Random stuff that I thought would show up well in a very small pic. I used a different one when I was setting up my Square Enix account for the new Nosgoth forums a few months ago but the profile pics are a little larger here so I went for a more detailed one The one I have here is from the prototype I made for my little sister's wedding cake last April. Her wedding had a steampunk theme and she decided to have a display of individual desserts rather than one big cake. So I had my brief of steampunk desserts on a stand. At first I didn't have a clue how to steampunk up the basic design so I looked through all the chocolate molds for anything that would serve. Luckily for me the display cakes all needed touching up so I asked if I could alter the basic dessert stand as a prototype for my sister's wedding. I developed it bit by bit with whatever steampunky bits I could assemble, When It was done I had what I needed and it looked deliberate even though I had no idea what else I could have done. The design is based on boilers and clockwork. On the left you can see one of the chocolate boilers with pipes of steam coming out of the top, this powers a shaft that drives the first big cog which starts the clockwork that winds its way to the top of the display. (except not, you know, cause its all chocolate...) The basic stand is made of polystyrene drums and cake boards stuck together into a kind of lego tree shape with a tall base for the main display (pictured) then layers of cake boards, to put the desserts on, all painted with chocolate. The desserts are just a hoop of chocolate layered with chocolate sponge and fudge filling topped with shards of chocolate. My steampunk alterations included piping rivets around all the hoops and brushing most with edible dust to give them various metallic finishes (like the bronze boiler in the pic), making choc curls into copper pipes (bottom of pic), choc cogs and screws instead of generic shards, the edges of the stand were given teeth so that they looked like stacked cogs meshing into the climbing clockwork, all the thin gold boards the desserts were stood on were cut out with pinking shears to turn them into cogs too and all the desserts with Baileys in them were identified with choc skulls with a metallic brushing. There was a lot of metallic brushing involved all said. Hmmm, powdered metals... copper, bronze, gold. What a very allomantic cake I made So yeah, all that. The actual cake had all the detail. I had no real cog molds for the prototype so I used fluted pastry tins (pictured) and a spikey flower as cog molds.
  7. Is this thing still going? It's been almost a full month. Can I restart it with a new question/statement - Whiney God, messy end.
  8. Sell. We'll see all eleven orders. There's always another secret. Upon completion of the Stormlight Archive Brandon will acheive Cognitive Transcendence and become as a God.
  9. Can we also imagine Lift gaining a Shard Healing-shiv. Seriously though I've always imagined Kaladin gaining some kind of Shardspear. It seems pretty likely to me.
  10. I pretty much agree with Postmaster Lipwig. I've always pictured Kaladin and Amaram having a formal dual. Specifically I see it happening as the arena being surrounded by a dozen or so forge hammers (heavy but not war hammer heavy), by staying on the move and throwing them at Amaram's feet he is able to damage his boots enough that he cannot stand with the weight of the Plate. Kaladin can now get in close enough to smash more important pieces leaving Amaram exposed and force him to confess to what he did for everyone to hear. Kaladin wins the Shards but immediately passes the Plate to the Unkalaki via Rock and the Blade to Moash, proving that he would not take them for himself. Amaram is stripped of his rank/authority and ends up as a humiliated tenner. Kaladin has a worthy revenge without the need to kill him. (I just figured the wisest course is to attack the feet, they are very important to the plate but far less obvious than areas protecting the vitals.)
  11. Hello all, new here. I want to see more of Kaladin's parents. As well Kaladin interacting with them I'd like to see them interacting with others. His mother would be a great companion for Navani especially as she is lacking attendants of her own, they'd make a great snarky terror for all the menfolk. His father would obviously be a great friend to Dalinar. That said, even if we hear from them in this book they'll probably not be at the shattered plains.
  12. ...is always nice isn't it? But anyway now that I have your attention I'll introduce myself in my usual rambling way. First of all I am a chocolatier so how I lured you in here wasn't a total lie, I work at a cake shop called Slattery's in Manchester. I mostly focus on finishing Chocolate Wedding and Birthday cakes but also do whatever other bits, pieces and bars are needed. I started reading Brandon's books when my sister gave me The Final Empire for Christmas, instantly hooked, all books devoured since. When he came to Manchester for The Alloy Of Law signing I was one of the few who had not read any of the Wheel of time books and knew him purely for his own work. That was November, I asked for the first few WoTs for Xmas that year then demolished the series in January foolishly thinking that the final one was only a few months away. I'd learned about the chapter annotations on his website fairly quickly (wow, it's like a directors commentary for books!!) so I've quite regularly checked his website to see what's new (Monday 20%, Tuesday 20%, Wednesday 20%, Thursday 24%. 4% more, WOO!!) I've likewise been aware of this forum and the coppermind Wiki for quite a while but only very rarely peeked in to either. I've been addicted to TV tropes for some years and done a bit of editing there on Brandon Sanderson pages (and others) every now and again. I've been reading articles on Tor.com since I learned about it through BS and tv tropes but have only registered there to add my own comments in the last year or so. Brandon Sanderson related topics aside for now - I have a youtube channel -ChocolatierRob - where I post (well, posted) Plot walkthroughs for video games. These are a niche area of walkthroughs that are more than just collections of cutscenes but only contain enough gameplay to flesh them out into something more cinematic . These include the Legacy of Kain series, the Prince of Persia trilogy and Vagrant Story (where my sig below is taken from... mostly). These games all have great stories and atmospheres so feel free to check them out. I made them at first just for my own enjoyment but started putting them on youtube just to see what happened then improved them when they gathered some interest. I included lots of extra background info in the notes below the videos and ended up joining the Eidos forums to get advice and opinions on the extra info for the LoK games. While I can occaisionally be found lurking online there, more recently I've shifted to the Nosgoth section of the Square Enix forums where I've also started a Legacy of Kain trivia quiz (based on a general Squeenix trivia quiz that was already there). Is there a similar quiz about BS related topics on this forum? The general rules were/are/would be that one person asks a question and the first person to post the correct answer gets to post the next question upon confirmation. It's fun but recommended for mods to administer I guess that's all of me for now but I'll just post a few BS related comments or edits from Tor.com or TVtropes I've made that you may have noticed. - Tor WoR preview - Mind too fogged over with a need for more... ...but how do you use a spanreed on a boat? Woo Hoo, we've foxed Mr Reread Archive Ardent. I'm all for listening to some really creative lies. How about that assassination attempt with the spandagger fabrial in chapter 26, there Kaladin was inspecting knives in the armory when one of them leapt off the rack straight for his eye. Luckily he was saved by a nearby (hidden) King's Wit who managed to steel push it off course, the assassin hidden at the back of the room getting yanked into the open by his conjoined weapon. TVtropes Alloy of law WMG- Bloodmakers can be killed with a single bullet to the heart All you would need is the correct metal to hemalurgically steal their ability to heal. It just depends on whether they need to be dead for the bullet/spike to steal the piece of their soul, it's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Perhaps it won't work until the bloodmaker runs out of healing anyway. * Word of God says that a single bullet 'could' kill by stealing the healing ability. He said that death is normally a prerequisite of stealing a power so a blood maker who is still healing should be immune, but the bullet will still damage the soul and interrupt the healing. Basically it could work by cheating. (I thought of this and asked him during the Alloy book tour, apparently he's given a more detailed answer recently) OK that's it. Did I mention my tendancy to ramble on?
  13. Don't forget a narrow escape from being a tax-man. (so um... you wouldn't know where I could get me a spot of splot would you?) Hey! Where's my pencil gone?
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