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Everything posted by paperstones

  1. Surgebinding is copied from the abilities granted by the Honorblades of the Heralds. So does this mean that the Voidbinders copied Surgebinders who copied the Heralds? I feel there has to be more than this.
  2. Showing Shallan through Jasnahs POV will help show us how unstable she is with her uncontrolled Lightweaving.
  3. I was thinking the same thing. With Surgebinding Oaths are involved and both parties essentially offer consent. I think with the Fused the void Spren more or less takes over and is in control.
  4. While we wait for Oathbringer I've been trying to figure out what we don't know. I think the Highstorms are straight up Adonalsium investiture or originally it was. I wonder if the Everstorm or the Desolations were the backlash from the Shattering. Honor could've used the Oathpact to hold back that "power" and Odium would highjack it to spread his influence. Probably wrong but I think a major curve ball is headed our way in regards to the mechanics of what is happening.
  5. This is why I'm asking actually. I wonder if the Desolations are an after effect of the Shattering.
  6. Do we know where Adonalsium originated? Was it from Yolen or do we assume that is just where the shattering happened.
  7. The symbolism is referred to as pagan which is pre vorinism. We need to look at them through those eyes. We know the Highstorms predate Honor and Cultivation arriving on Roshar. I actually wonder if the amount of investiture is one of the reasons they came here. We also know from WoB that the Heralds are Rosharan but he has he RAFO if they are from Roshar the planet. This means to me that they are from Ashyn. So we have 10 spren, 10 Heralds, and the three murals - Honor, Cultivation, and the cloud with energy and light is Adonalsiums investiture. This is showing how the power structure is set up. Honor and Cultivation highjacked the existing system of investiture as their own and invested in it themselves. The Spren were already here. They just added their own. This may even be how they set up the Oathpact. All three Shards using an existing system as their own and Honor was able to use Adonalsiums power to bind Odium here.
  8. I took it to be the figure was Honor, the tree woman as Cultivation, and the depiction of the Almighty is actually representative of Andonalsiums investiture since the Highstorms have always been there. This shows how much their faiths have been twisted.
  9. I agree, I also think the wrongness was Re-Shephir send its "power" through the system.
  10. I don't he would have needed to. It states it was "related to the very nature of the Heralds and their divine duties." I think this relates to the Oathpact and not their surges. This could've been a mini oathpact.
  11. Do we know if the moons were there before the Shards arrival? Or where they there prebreaking of Adonalsium?
  12. With the circle of gems and the stained glass matching what is the significance of the inner gems? There is small purple and green gems with a larger blue one. At first I thought it was related to their respective order but they both have the same colors.
  13. This. This! This deep in the Thrill, Dalinar is... what, seeing something of Neorgaul's power? Seeing a little bit into the Cognitive? I've been thinking about this red haze every since I read this chapter in Unfettered II, and I don't know what to make of it. It is obviously magical in nature, this is not just a metaphorical "seeing red", and it's tied to the Thrill, but beyond that I haven't been able to come up with anything good. And, I mean, there is also this: We know that red has a Cosmere wide significance. Taking this with the Kandra at the end of MBSH I think this shows manipulation or your cognitive self being controlled.
  14. I think it has everything to do with him being the Blackthorn and he associates her with his time as such. Him regaining the Blackthorn persona could also connect in with the Diagram and how it states Mr. T could ally with him and not the peacemaker.
  15. What's the crystal hanging from Ishars neck? Dawnshard?
  16. I keep thinking the picture on the left is the Circle of Memories, the Alethkar Oathgate. We see ten lamps and the eleventh could be behind the man.
  17. Well, the woman has her safe hand covered. I wonder if she is on another planet, Braise or Ashyn, with Roshar in the background.
  18. Has anyone asked if Rust is the extra piece of Ruin?
  19. Thanks for the info! I had it emailed to me but haven't read it yet.
  20. So...Khriss is referred to as a Darksider. This has me thinking about Trell and Nalt. i have no real basis for his theory but what if when Ati and Leras created Scadrial they imparted a religion from Yolen and this is what Trelagism is based off of?
  21. After reading about the Aimains I immediately thought of the Kandra.
  22. Also I don't know if this is common knowledge already but one of the other guys I talked to asked where Nightblood fits in chronologically. He said that it is closer to Warbreaker than it is to Way of Kings. A lot closer. I didn't hear the question myself, that is just what he told me he had asked and what the answer was.
  23. When I first asked if we saw a Highspren he smiled and I think he was going to say something but I ended up plowing through and asked if so does it look like a comet. I probably should have let he answer the first part.
  24. It's nice to finally start conversing instead of just lurking.
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