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Everything posted by SirVarrock

  1. Challenge Accepted! I just got my replacement Kindle on Wednesday so it's remarkably convenient. Edit: Now I should get to bed so that I can actually read tomorrow instead of sleeping until noon.
  2. How exactly are pre-orders through Amazon and similar counted? Is it based on when the book ships, or is everything added to the total on the release date?
  3. I'll try my hand at this RP thing. I was going to be a farmer, but seeing as that's taken I'll be Selvar the Doctor. On a side note, I'll try to post as often as I can, but since my only source of internet is my phone, I might have issues sometimes.
  4. I agree with what Argent said. Generally I spend the day after a new book is released in a somewhat zombielike state.
  5. Doesn't one of Shallan's brothers like burning stuff? That was my first thought.
  6. My first thought when I read that was shard. The Syl idea sounds reasonable though, given that she is possibly a Splinter of Honour.
  7. I had a realization earlier today, and I just got my copy of WoK back so I could check it, Taln is mentioned as having brown eyes, and his gem is topaz, which can be brown. So, going off of the theory that honourblades change eye colour, Taln's natural eye colour might be different from what's mentioned.
  8. Cross border shipping gets insane. I only live about 15-20 minutes north of the border and can ship stuff to a small town not much further south, but then duty fees get annoying.
  9. I was always under the impression that Taln was too late to warn about the desolation. And how did he get leaves and wood in his beard?
  10. Call an ambulance! I just dropped my Stormlight Archive omnibus, and it feels like was hit by one!
  11. I don't know if anyone has ever asked this, but would a mistborn be able to burn the tears of edgli, and if yes, what would happen? I've been wondering this ever since I saw quotes saying that investiture leaking into the physical realm was the source of both atium and the tears of edgli. I know it's not a metal, but it is caused by investiture, so...
  12. I've managed to convert both my sister and on of my friends by letting them read TES. After that they were hooked. As for myself, I started with AoL, which wasn't exactly the best idea. I was confused about the magic system until I read Mistborn.
  13. I'm fairly certain that the size of a word is dependant on how much it is used.
  14. I pre-ordered the hardcover when I saw that it was only 21 dollars, and added a hardcover Way of Kings to get free shipping. For anyone interested, amazon.ca has hardcover first editions of The Way of Kings for $12.80. Edit: Upvotes for the Doctor Who references.
  15. Would Brandon ever come to Winnipeg? It might look pretty close to Toronto on a map, but the distance to Toronto is actually only a little bit less than the distance to Vancouver.
  16. Not being able to RAFO wouldn't stop him. He'd probably just give questions like that the silent treatment.
  17. My phone doesn't let me quote, but anyhow... @Shardlet, Post #95, Sure, it doesn't confirm the theory that each order had it's own stance, but it certainly makes it more likely. @JesseQ, Post #97, Even if they didn't recognize windstance, it's a reasonable assumption that the stances might have changed over the years. @Shardbearer, Post #109, I used to be a lurker, but then I took a ShardHunt to the (metaphorical) knee.
  18. Well, It seems that whichever theory it was that each order had it's own stance was correct.
  19. A few general feelings: 3: In my personal opinion, the -yn suffix feels like something that would be plural, and I think that according to the two examples we have it seems to denote plurality. 4: The same passage that mentioned the lanceryn seems to imply that gemhearts and greatshells go together. 5: I'm not so sure about the cousins idea, it might be, but It's probably more likely to be otherwise. 6: It sounds as if they would be too rare to make it worth their while to try and find one, and if someone did want to hunt a santhid, any sailor they would try to hire would probably refuse. I don't think the parshendi have gemhearts because as far as I know it is implied that only greatshells have them, and the parshendi aren't quite that size. I do think that it's an interesting idea, and brings some amusing ideas, such as people hanging their parshmen outside by the feet during a highstorm, and bringing them inside once they're all glowey and finished absorbing stormlight.
  20. Windows for me. I'm a bit of a Microsoft fan, but I occasionally dabble in linux, Ubuntu mostly. I also don't get what people have against Windows 8, I like it because the desktop environment got a lot of great improvements, and I much prefer the start screen because I can organize it much better than I ever could with the old start menu. As for my phone, I've got an ancient Samsung Focus with Windows Phone 7 (Blame 3 year contracts and bad timing on my part. I've still got nine months left before I can get a new contract with a phone that wasn't made in 2010.) If I was to buy a tablet, I'd want a Surface Pro, but since that's slightly out of my price range, I think I'd go with Lenovo's new 8 inch Windows tablet. I also have a Kindle Keyboard which I like a lot and will be using again once I get around to sending it in on warranty.
  21. When you constantly imagine yourself using allomancy.
  22. Thanks. I'd like to be an Elscaller, so I might as well take an icon because it's easier than trying to decide what else I want my avatar to be.
  23. I just want to read WoR. Whoever it was that mentioned Dalinar discovering Kaladin because he says an ideal, it's not only probable that he would think that Kaladin had just heard it somewhere, he would almost certainly be too distracted to think about it. Which makes me think of a Kaladin vs Szeth scene: Dalinar is entirely unaware of Kaladin's powers, and then as Szeth comes running in in full assassin mode, Kaladin speaks the third ideal and astounds everyone present with a huge shockwave of stormlight.
  24. Yeah, forgot about that. Could an argument be made for a possible similar system because technically all the shards would be on Yolen if Adonalsium was unshattered?
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