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Posts posted by Sart

  1. Well, that's a claim and a half. Archer. Stick.

    28 minutes ago, Archer said:

    You're just gonna stay online for the rest of the round, huh, Sart. :P. Ironically, I actually think you think I'm the Insider and are trying to help me. 

    Annnyway. It’s claim time! I am the Contact. The names I received are Fae, Sart, in that order. (There’s a test we can pull off where the Informant sends me either a repeated name or their own, and I can declare which I got, but odds are it won’t matter because we’ll both be NKed in short order).

    If I die today and the game continues, Sart kills the Informant and we lose to the living Insider. 

    So please vote Sart.

    Sorry to have to do this. Actually no, it's your fault. :P. But seriously, I know this gives Sart the chance to NK me, but I need the Informant to corroborate and people to change votes, which means unideal timing. 


  2. 10 hours ago, Stick. said:


    That said: JNV


    I maintain that JNV is the least likely player to N1 Kas here but since the NK is decided through votes I don't know if that independetly should hold much stock 


    @Sart why did you vote faerie over me when your e read on me was considerably stronger?


    My vote was on you, Stick. The train wasn't going anywhere, so I switched off to protect myself. My gut is still leaning good on Archer, so I went to the only other person with votes Faerie. Considering they flipped red, I'm proud of that. Still have you as my highest suspicion. Like this post is just bad. You vote on JNV, but then immediately backpedal it. I don't understand this.

  3. Unfortunately, I've got my Pathfinder game in 15 minutes, so I'm not going to be here for rollover. In a naked attempt at self-preservation, I'm going to put a vote on Faerie Braids instead of Stick. I think my gut is leaning village on Archer, so I'm following his vote. Plus, Faerie is just barely active enough not to get hit by the filter, but not enough to actively contribute. @Faerie Braids I would love to hear more from you.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

    I can empathize with that take a lot.

    What're your thoughts on Drake, then? Might as well ask Raven and Neil too.

    • Drake feels village. His attacks are targeted and precise. His vote jumps around like crazy, but I think that's his normal play style.
    • Raven is a new player, right? Obviously I don't love the vote on me. Slight elim lean, although I would prefer voting out someone more experienced first. Would love to hear more from them.
    • Neil is rubbing me the wrong way, especially this cycle. I can't pinpoint why, but that's what my gut is saying. I won't vote on him today due to the whole dyslexia thing, but I'm leaning evil.

    Might as well do the rest of the players while I have time.

    • RoyalBeeMage is Village, and I would die on this hill. With poking and prodding, they give good insights, but aren't very engaged, so I highly doubt they are in a doc.
    • Amanuensis. I'm frantically doing war games in my head to see if your claim holds water. Null until I work that out.
    • Stick. I'm still reading them as evil, and my vote is still on them. They're interactions with Bee felt like pocketing.
    • Faerie Braids. Slipped under my radar, which gives me an evil lean on them until I hear more.
    • JNV. Mr. Quiet is quite quiet. I only voted on them in the first place because Aeoryi started rocketing up. Considering they voted for Neil, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Slight Village read.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

    Can I get all your Archer thoughts? Where is he for you reads wise, neglecting other player's opinions of him.

    I've flipped back and forth on them, but it kind of feels TWTBW at this point. I know you said to ignore other player's opinions on him, but that's what's really driving that for me. It seems like everyone and their mother has voted for him. Just reading his posts it's mostly null.

  6. 19 hours ago, neil the beguiled said:

    L + Ratio + hated comic sans + mean to me + sob and cry + im dyslecic + im sad and tired from mattress shopping + Sart



    plus stick is obvtown lol

    I need to address this. I was not trying to make fun of your disability. I thought this was some sort of gimmick, I didn't realize that this is something you have issues with. I apologize. We can take this Out of Game if necessary.

  7. I'm back.

    And I'm being voted out. Great.

    My activity hasn't been great, but that's because I have to work during the day. The last game was on the weekend, so I had a lot more time to devote to it. Plus, that was entirely mech based, which is where I get really excited. Pointing fingers at people has never been my strong suit.

    I'm still feeling Stick is evil. I really don't like couching Archer as probably the Insider. It feels too much like Stick knows the result would be a Villager, so they're pre-emptively using the Insider excuse. It reads off to me.

    Can I please have a vote count?

  8. 17 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

    oh and. i should probably not be a hypocrite @Faerie Braids hey can i see where your heads at? whats your reads looking like atm? whats your take of the c1 wagons and my interactions with you (esp after last game xD) and also sart  haiiiii ❤️


    edit: @RoyalBeeMage could you go look at and respond to it ^^

    My eyes twitch from your terrible grammar. I appreciate a good gimmick, but this hurts to read. I recognize this is play-style related, so it's not alignment indicative, but still.

    1 minute ago, neil the beguiled said:

    fwiw i think thats lame and will assume game was randed in all meaning bc otherwise thats reading into something not a part of the game. tyvm gn


    On this point we agree though. Distributions should be done fully randomly.

    I was going to point the finger at the people who rapidly shifted the vote to Archer, but with Aeoryi flipping Villager, I'm left at a bit of a loss. Stick Your last post on Day 1 felt more like posturing than anything.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Sart said:

    Hmmm... Self preservation doesn't always indicate alignment, but the thread hasn't been active, so this reads as off to me. My vote on Archer isn't doing much. Aeoryi

    And as I say that, the vote count completely shifts to Aeoryi, with several prolific posters now lurking. This feels off. Aeoryi sorry about that. JNV

  10. 2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

    ##Vote DrakeMarshall

    If we kill drake we have double the amount of cycles until lylo

    How so?

    • Cycle 2, we kill Drake. Therefore, the Insider has possession of the kill. Cycle 3, we must kill the Insider, or the Insider kills the Contact, leading to game loss. It's lylo in Cycle 3.
    • Cycle 2, we don't kill Drake, gambling that we won't hit the Contact. Cycle 3 we then kill Drake. We'd be at lylo on Cycle 4 in that scenario.

    Technically speaking, we might have already lost. Drake has a 1 in 8 chance of just randomly hitting the Contact, winning the game for himself. It's also possible that Neil was the Insider. Which would mean we would just win if we kill Drake.

    This sucks. I'm going to enjoy the delicious irony if it turns out Drake killed his own Insider. Drake

  11. This does not spark joy. Well, we're in do or die territory now. Unless an extreme long con is happening, the informant is dead. We have two paths to victory.

    Option One: We kill Drake now. That leaves us one Cycle to find the Insider and kill them, before they kill the Contact.
    Option Two: We kill someone besides Drake. Of course, that leaves Drake open to submit the night kill, and potentially hit the Contact. Plus, we run the risk of hitting the Contact ourselves. However, that gives us better odds of hitting the Insider. Basically, it's a push your luck tactic.

    These options also suppose that Neil was not the Insider. If Neil was the Insider, then all we have to do is kill Drake. We know Neil was not the Contact, otherwise the game would be over.

  12. 2 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

    because 1) i have a say in who the NK targets and 2) if you get down to F4 and the Insider is still alive then Team Evil has a say in who the exe targets (and meanwhile if the Insider is dead you can just execute me and win) so there's not much point in planning for a mechanically forced victory at F2

    and 3) im assuming the purpose of going out of your way to get down to Drake/Stick is that you aren't sure which of us to trust but im the evil one i mean im saying it right here

    The reason why I want to get this down to Drake vs Stick is simple. I don't want to guess when we've killed the Insider. I want to know for certain we've won.

    1 minute ago, neil the beguiled said:

    can u explain that like im 5

    To catch the criminal infiltrating the police department, we must kill the entire police department. It's the only way to ensure we've done our job properly.

  13. 2 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

    maybe i should just play mountainous (i hate mountainous). idk i feel like aman might have actually been the informant based on the actions that he took but also like. lol i dont know and this feels confuising

    yeah but also a kill outside could get the contact no>? thats always gonna favour the actual elim team rather than the informant


    If Aman truly was the informant, then we almost can't win. We would have to kill both Stick and Drake via the vote. That's two cycles of free potshots for them. Then, once both of them are dead, the Insider has the power of the kill, and can immediately kill the Contact. We'd only have 1 cycle to find the Insider and kill them.

    However, I highly doubt Aman was the Informant, he swung the vote to try and prevent this current scenario. By limiting them to shooting outside of the doc, we've created a scenario where they can't kill the informant, who I'm presuming is Stick. Even if the Contact dies, they can't win, because the Informant is still alive. Their night kill won't work, and barring the scenario of Contact vs Informant vs Normal Elim, they can't use the vote either.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    I dislike the bit where this plan basically asks us to go for a cointoss because if we literally vote agnostic to the Insider and kill all Villagers, since the Insider flips Village, we're stuck with the eventual coint—

    Jebiga then. You're right I think. TJ ruled that if the Informant and the last Elim kill each other, the Constable wins. Can anyone see a way this won't happen? Because Drake saying we had eight chances seems to imply he missed this aspect of the rules. It means if we go down to just Drake and Stick left, as long as Aman wasn't the Informant, we win.

    But I'm still vibing with you and dislike this on principle >>

    Drake is unfortunately right that we have an odd number of players. In the extremely rare case in which the Insider is the last person outside of the doc, then the Insider and Drake could vote out Stick, and then win the game. Hence, 8 chances. I will also note that since the Elim kill doesn't function on the Insider, we could use that as a scan. Of course, Drake would be submitting a different order than Stick, but it would narrow down the options to just 2 players if someone doesn't die.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Edited to add 2:

    I think the fact that there is no Insider claim beyond Drake and Alv (?) suggests that the Insider is either someone who hasn't been on yet, or, IMO, more plausibly believes that the Informant is still alive.

    My problem is that Sart's biggest tell for me is that he's usually Evil when he seems sane. This included the LG we three played where my immediate read was that Sart was Evil and I mistakenly walked it back.

    Of course, I'm not really looking for your input on this one, smhhhhhh corrupt murderpuppy 😔

    I mean... I've kind of become convinced that our best strategy is to kill all Villagers. Barring the case where Aman was the Informant, that guarantees a Village win. It would require all of us to give our lives, but it makes the question of who the Contact and Insider are completely irrelevant.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Alvron said:

    Except we do not know if we exe the Insider.  The only way for us to know would be to have the NK target the Insider and they not show up in the write up.
    So long as the kill is targeting outside the Doc there's a chance for the Insider to be revealed.

    Right. If Aman was the Informant, we are in a very awkward position. However, given his extremely odd vote maneuver at the end of the cycle, I doubt that is the case. If Stick is the Informant, as I suspect, our optimal strategy is to kill everyone besides Drake and Stick.

  17. 5 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

    alright well it looks like it's on me to see the next few steps in this crazy jig

    so here they are


    let's assume I can aim the NK at the Contact and then I win the coin toss and the Contact dies

    then what?


    sure at that point if I got exed I'd likely win, because the Insider can then go ahead and kill Stick with the NK

    but people aren't gonna exe me, and the NK is going to always hit outside the doc because ties always favor votes outside the doc

    so you'll just keep hitting people outside the doc with both the NK and the exe until the Insider is dead

    and then vote me up and the village wins

    and there's... not really much I can do about that!


    so yeah, if we'd won that coin toss and I got exed yesterday, or if we'd actually gotten Stick voted up Aman I'm still judging you so hard for v!reading me most of yesterday smhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, in either of those cases we'd very probably be winning

    but in this case, not so much

    I suppose you guys could still lose if you keep missing the Insider and it comes down to a 2v1 with me, Stick, and the Insider

    you now have 8 chances to swing and miss

    try not to mess it up :P

    Yep. That's the math as I see it. Well, time for a bloodbath.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Stick. said:

    yeah lol it's kinda funny

    sart, there is no paranoia inside the doc because im an outed village informant lol. theyre faking stories in the thread 

    aman and drake tried to convince me to go for a 3-way tie where we all die at c1 and the insider finishes the job c2. so yeah, i said no. because im village lol.


    That's the idea. If you're telling the truth, you've prevented this worst case scenario. All you have to do is vote outside of the doc from now on. Outside votes trump inside votes, so Drake can't kill you. I can't trust you fully, so I'm not voting for Drake. Switch your vote to Amanuensis. Faerie Braids. That way the kill never falls into the Insider's hands.

  19. 10 minutes ago, Stick. said:

    what? why would you want to KILL THE INFORMANT? I AM ON YOUR SIDE HELP


    that's not angry shouting btw just capitalising for emphasis lol

    when you vote someone like faerei braids you are risking hitting the contact!! :0 @Sart


    Sart, pick a side please lol. Rn your vote is doing nothing 😛 


    In my view, letting the Elim doc go to one member is a losing proposition for the Village. Letting the Elim doc have two members? Now that's a winning proposition. I can almost imagine the paranoia. Sure, Aman might have been the Informant. But what if you're wrong? The doc would just be Stick and Drake getting to unhealthy levels of suspicion. They couldn't kill themselves, because that would give the Informant complete control.

    Wait no. Tied votes kill both if it's inside the doc. Then the Informant gets the kill, and wins. This game always ends on Cycle 3. I'm mad at myself for approving this game, this doesn't seem fair.

  20. So, two of three elims have confirmed that Aman is dying tonight. If Aman does not die, he and Stick are confirmed to be lying, and thus must both be evil. Also Proving Drake is the Informant as well.

    Let's play out the scenario where Aman dies, and we kill Stick or Drake with our vote. In either scenario, we only have two shots to kill the Insider. Let me break it down:

    • 1/3 Chance: The Informant has not died. The Insider kills the Informant on Cycle 2, then the Contact on Cycle 3. We have two cycles to kill the Insider.
    • 2/3 Chance: The Informant has died. The last Elim kills themself. The Insider kills the Contact on Cycle 3. We have two cycles to kill the Insider.

    Conclusion: This scenario sucks for us. I propose we kill neither of the outed elims, in order to maximize our chances of killing the informant.

    Therefore: Faerie Braids

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