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Everything posted by Delightful

  1. Ive thought that Alethi sounds like Hebrew from the very beginning!
  2. Gentle persuasion is fine just make sure.youre not bullying her into wearing what you want her to wear.
  3. What happens when an unstoppable force meets and unmovable object? Why did the duck tin bill? Who is the banana king? Whats your favourite story/book/mythology?
  4. (Hi bleeder!) Why the Battle of the Tower? Is was a major turning point in book 1 but there will be five books of drama to choose from.
  5. @maxal i disagree with you about Shallan. A lot of the books/Radiance is about mental illness, and sometimes that means regression, not constantly exploding with light and fixing all your problems in an even progression of improvement. Its realistic this way. Plus it gave us those amazing scenes with Wit.
  6. Ive also seen an idea of Morena Baccarin for Jasnah, which I really like. Also Mary Kate Wiles for Shallan. She does trauma hauntingly well in Lizzie Bennet Diaries, as well as over-the-top silliness which is very Shallans style too .
  7. I basically agree with this. I don't have as strong feelings about him as I do the others; I love his protectiveness of Renarin and how healthy he is for Shallan. And in a world of powered people, it's refreshing to have a character who has to do things the hard way, who hates flying, who has to just deal with insanity going on around him all the time. I really like how talking to his sword ended up with Maya being somewhat aware of him. Thats sweet. I just kinda hope he doesnt become a Radiant too because I enjoy him not being one. As for the murder plot.....I don't mind how it played out. Everyone was much too busy dealing with the Fused and the singers and the impending doom of the whole planet to worry about one dead high prince the no one liked anyway.
  8. So its only WoB that she was specifically Shallan? Because here Kaladin just doesnt recognise her.
  9. Found at https://doitforthevinebud.tumblr.com/post/171971919356/meme-spren-tanoraqui-from-syls-point-of I related so hard because I devoured those horse books as a kid.
  10. Ok what the heck was going on with Amaram in Part 5? Aesudan and the spren but she didnt turn into a rock. Also one foot could soulcast and one foot could slide like an Edgedancer? The void binding orders seem to match the surgebinding ones, and soulcasting is lightweavers and elsecallers, neither of which pair with being awesome. (cohesion?)
  11. 1. Let's not just randomly bring Hitler into everything, ok? Ok. 2. I felt the first couple parts dragged a little, I did not enjoy Dalinars flashbacks until the middle of the book (and you're not *supposed* to like him. The point is that he was a monster then.). However, the book got progressively better and cooler, and the avalanche is *phenomenal*. If you can, I'd push through. You're supposed to hate flashback Dalinar, he's a terrible person, and just hang in there a bit and the book picks up.
  12. Thank you! This post was basically me talking myself into it.
  13. My only hesitation with that is that Brandon likes hopeful hero stories. Like I can see Kingkiller Chronicles ending in disaster but thats more Rothfuss's style and its foreshadowed. With Brandon Im not so sure that in line with the kind of stories he writes. But it would be awesome.
  14. There was a funny/relevant post going around FB in Hebrew. I translated it and posted it. Now someone has shared it from the original source, with my translation, without giving me credit. (They likely thought I was just sharing the translation?) Anyhow, now I'm pissed and trying to be mature about it. It's not like she's stealing profit from me. I don't want to kick up a fuss and look vain and self centred. *Deep breaths* Edit: Ok I just messaged her asking her to credit me feeling terrified hiiiiii Edit again she is totally fine with it *yay I stood up for myself*
  15. Or they could lose in the first half. Not sooo likely but it could happen. We already now have doubts about the morality of humans fighting since they were the original Voidbringers. Maybe Arc 1 ends with humanity leaving Roshar or something, or retreating into Shinovar, and the singers get their land back. And then the second half would have a lot of different directions to go in.
  16. I was reading it with my husband, so we could only read when we both had time. So it took a while. It was great though. By myself I would have swallowed it in about a week, he's more into savouring the experience. But it meant we could freak out and speculate together and that was awesome. And just....now I don't have to fear spoilers! finally!
  17. Ooh I didn't think of that.
  18. Thats basically the WoK cover though. There was room for Talns blade wasn't there? Doesn't....I've forgotten who the last Herald there was, but doesnt he glance at the place the Blade would have been and feel guilty about it?
  19. Syl also says to him something like ' you have to let other people save you sometimes' Nah, I don't think Ryshadium have anything to do with the ideals. They're their own independent horses.
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