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Everything posted by Delightful

  1. Just got rejected from another job. This is tiring.
  2. Exactly. This is a rant zone. Feel free to come back whenever. Caring is a wonderful thing. It just opens you up to pain. I don't really have anything profound to say but I feel you man. And I'm sorry you're hurting. *hugs* Oy. That's no good. Hang in there, we all know that you're awesome. I relate. I've had issues before that were never properly diagnosed. Sometimes I wished they would just find something wrong so we could finally start treating it. *gentle hugs*
  3. Awesome And good to know! Its easy to think you'd feel pressured to give a positive review since this is the official fansite. Post-release, will you tell us what all the [REDACTED]'s were?
  4. Then you get into confusing spoiler territory.
  5. Hows everyone doing? I just hit 10,000 words! Im using Nano to get back into the writing habit so its not one continuous story, its bits and pieces of exercises and stream of consciousness and basically anything to make me sit down and put words on the page. Its working though!
  6. I feel like this is a repeat of your WoR no spoiler review just with more I PROMISE ITS AWESOMER THIS TIME. And you were right last time so I'm totally happy to be hyped. Brandon does not disappoint.
  7. Oh wow it's this time of year already? Hmph. Gotta start thinking.
  8. Eh, it gives me a good giggle.
  9. I AM SUCH A NERD. I was reminded of the term 'hapax legomenon' today and I happen to love that term. (Its when a word is only mentioned once in a body of work, and I learned the word in what was essentially biblical studies, in the context of a word no one's quiet sure what it means because its a hapax legomenon. Happy nerd here)
  10. *hug* the bus itself was ok. A guy had spread his stuff over an extra double seat but moved it as soon as I asked. I just spent a while trying to figure out if I could dress in a way that would make them leave me alone and then arguing with myself that that's classic victim blaming and I have no control over someone else and then figuring out what I actually wanted to wear and then dealing with the panic. Sigh.
  11. And today I'm having a panic attack because I need to take on of these buses again. chullholes.
  12. Specific books aren't digitally allowed in Iraq, or Audible in general is blocked?
  13. More like a hug soup kitchen. *huuugs*. There you go. Come back anytime. Are you Iraqi?
  14. At that tired point of procrastinating about going to bed for absolutely no reason. Gaaaah
  15. My mental health has been shaky but I have an action plan now. I think I'm gonna be ok.
  16. Usually you can call the cops on them after a certain time. And or knock on the door and ask politely? Leave passive aggressive notes taped to the door? Hire an alien army to kidnap them?
  17. None should be ok? But also racism is built into society and systematic, so sometimes just flipping the situation doesn't work. Kinda like #AllLivesMatter. Yes they do, but not all lives are in danger because of biases about their race. Trying to make things 'fair' can actually makes things worse for those already disadvantaged.
  18. Um. I thought Tiananmen Square happened in like the 80s or so? oh wait you said musical not movie. This is not my historical strong point. Miley Cyrus much?
  19. I remember a something something lamadingdong. What's the source?
  20. I believe in not blocking out emotion because once you block out the bad you block out the good too and thats unhealthy. But the way life is going right now, I'm hurting a lot, and I don't know how to deal with it. I have no job and nothing to do to distract me, I'm bored and lonely and alone most of the time. Or feeling helpless because Im having so much trouble finding a job. I'm not doing well right now.
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