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About Vianki

  • Birthday April 15

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  1. Memes lay in wait, ever ready to be resurrected again. And Riddick clips are ALWAYS welcome.
  2. Memes! you know what to do. I'll start us off!
  3. @Sorana Found her! Here's the Deviant Art post: https://www.deviantart.com/gerryarthur/art/Leaena-573272592 And the artist's page https://www.deviantart.com/gerryarthur Looks like it originally linked to the backstory of the character as well but that tumblr link is broken.
  4. So this got posted on reddit and let me tell you- I love it. I'm so glad that other artists are making fanart and always intrigued when I see the scenes that inspired me inspired others. All the cookies for u/solarpines and I hope they are here on the 17th shard somewhere b/c we need more fanart! EDIT!! Woot- I found them! Hey @Pines - Your work is amazing!
  5. thanks for the Ross comparison, that's a huge compliment! <3 <3 <3 I used his method for this. The blues/greens/blacks were put down wet and from there I (almost) only added white, wet on wet.
  6. Vianki

    Vianki's Fanart scenes

    As I paint them, I'll keep adding. This first is Syl fighting death spren on Kaladin's chest, from his perspective.
  7. Vianki


    A quick sketch of our favorite DESTROYER and musical mascot- the great Doomslug! (quickie sketch, just b/c she's so adorable.... for now.)
  8. A quick sketch of our favorite DESTROYER and musical mascot- the great Doomslug! 

    (quickie sketch, just b/c she's so adorable.... for now.) 


  9. my bad. Didn't notice the [OB] in the title. I tend (try) to hide all my spoilers even within a [--] topic, but now that I read the policy again that's just a me thing not a forum thing. Carry on! /scurries away.
  10. A few thoughts about that quote… 1) That the bow is “Amaram’s Shardbow” is an assumption made by Kaladin right after the heat of battle. It’s possible he’s incorrect. 2) “seemed to match” could mean that the size of the thing looked appropriate to Rock's size/stature/strength, since we know he's big, possibly big/strong enough to do this with only a little stormlight 3) “seemed to match” could mean that it was literally also glowing and brilliant, implying something else. These points together having me thinking it is definitely possible that the ‘shardbow’ isn’t actually Amaram’s, but Rock’s spren, manifesting as a living, capital-S, Shardbow.
  11. I had to look up the name, but that is an interesting suggestion! We haven't heard from those two adorable ardents in a while and it seems entirely plausible to me that one or the other would be of interest to true spren at least, if not the Sibling. But... how are they broken? And how do their goals and personality align with Bondsmith ideologies?
  12. OK I give. Clearly there are glyphs in the frame, but I'm at a loss. Anyone worked this out yet?
  13. It's also possible that Shallon genuinely doesn't realize she even HAS shardplate. She's gotten so used to her illusions that she might not have thought twice about what she had or hadn't drawn in the past, or that most of her illusions had little-to-no mass (with the exception of the 'army' she created for the battle, which could have been the mass of stormlight or a small amount of soulcasting, according to Jasnah.) My point is, even if Shallon states emphatically that she doesn't think she has shardplate we shouldn't trust her. She is far from the most reliable narrator, especially regarding her own self/past. Also, and I forgot this above, (back a bit to the op) she definitely attracted enough creation spren during the battle. Additionally, the theory about default shard-plate color seems solid. We have, in OB a Dalinar Vision where he sees a Stoneward, climbing, weaing shardplate. Stoneward's gems are Topaz, and Add this to Shallon's being Red/Garnet and we may have a coincidence. But then, in the Purelake vision.... It has been theorized (confirmed?) that this KR is a Dustbringer, and their stone is Ruby. 3rd time's a bit much to be a coincidence.
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