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Araris Valerian

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  • Member Title
    Knight Ferrous
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  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Sanderson Elimination
    Video games (strategy, platformer, rpg)
    Long strategy board games
    Abstract math

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  1. Sounds good. If I don't hear from anyone else that can run something by Sunday I'll send my rules to committee then, and hopefully get signups posted shortly after.
  2. Okay, the list for the next LG is: @Experience @The Unknown Order @Kasimir(x3) @xinoehp512 @Fifth Scholar and myself, if all of the above are busy. I'd guess that TUO wants a break from GMing, and don't know about the availability of Fifth and Exp.
  3. Good game all! Kinda wish the engagement was a bit better from everyone (myself included), but at least on my end it's the start of the semester, so I can understand where that comes from. Special thanks to @CadCom for IMing and to everyone else for not killing me right away . Nice to see that my reads were decent, just wish I'd been able to muster enough support to get something done about them before it was too late.
  4. I'm going to be occupied much of tomorrow, so it's doubtful if I'll have a chance to change my vote. Whoever is village, please vote. Even if you vote badly, I'd rather not have us all die from not doing anything. If someone has a better idea for an elim team than Coffee/Lego or Coffee/Ash, I'm all ears. Both Coffee and Lego have been tunneling me for a while, so if both of them are village we are hosed anyways.
  5. It’s 2 things; you’re not a golem, and you immediately jumped on Aet after RBM flipped village (though you seem to have backed off on that for some reason). And now that my role has been proven, I don’t think you have a coherent suspicion of me, since that was based on my role-claim being fake. I’m betting on either Coffe/Lego or Coffee/Ash as the elim team. I suppose a WGG could have been pulled on Xino as well.
  6. Well, I don't have to swap my vote around anymore. Turns out I wasn't lying about being a golem after all. I'm still pretty confident in Coffee being an elim.
  7. Coffee. (note this vote retraction is temporary and doesn't in any way reflect my suspicion of Coffee). The problem with this logic is that it opens up Aet as the next exe. Logically, if at least one golem is elim, then anyone who claims to be a golem is placing themselves squarely in the POE. I think an argument can be made that even 2 village golems might be more than we'd expect, so e!Aet could just have voted on me for that reason without claiming to begin with. Also, the elims aren't going to NK the golems that survive the exe (most likely). They will leave those slots unresolved so that we have to waste a second exe on them. Especially if the POE of all golem claims contains an elim, like you are proposing it does. As an experienced elim, I can tell you that you never want to use the NK on someone who there is reasonable suspicion of (unless you can't avoid it due to a dangerous role or something similar).
  8. Coffee. Well, your suspicion seems based on my early claim C1, and the fact that there are 4 golem claims. The problem with that is I got RBM killed for being a golem. Why would an elim claim to have a role, then exe someone on the assumption that at least one of said role is elim? That's exactly why I think Aet (and you) are village. It's a terrible strategy, because if the plan is "exe all the golems until someone flips red", eventually I (and you and Aet) would be on the chopping block. My alternatives are Coffee/xino/Ash, like I said. I think all the golems are village (not inherently, but because all of them have tried to exe other golems based on there being too many) so that just leaves those three. I've been intermittently voting Coffee as a non-golem that keeps voting for golems. The reason I claimed C1 was so that I could justify randomly changing my votes every post. I was also hoping an elim might think I was faking the claim and take a shot at me. I'm worried that there could be a Librarian, and it's just been the case that thus far nobody has triggered 2/3 of the conditions to be a viable target.
  9. Coffee. If your logic is flawed, I would say that constitutes a reason to not be suspicious. But if you're just going to tunnel on me, I'll engage with the other players and hopefully make some progress solving the game. I'd wager the elims are in xino/Coffee/Ash, so I'm fairly happy to exe anywhere in there.
  10. Coffee. How do you know this for a fact? I certainly don't have any special insight into the role distribution. TUO could quite easily just be trolling us all. I played a blackout game a while back where every single villager had a kill and an extra life.
  11. Coffeecat. I said last cycle that it didn't make sense for Aeternum to be elim, and I stand by that. In particular, why would e!Aeternum claim golem last cycle while implying that at least one golem must be elim? I'm just guessing that there's an e!Librarian, and nobody has violated enough of the rules to actually get hit by the kill. That would balance out having a bunch of village golems. Could you remind me why this is a vote you feel strongly about? I don't recall you making a significant argument as to why I'm suspicious. And if you refuse to reconsider, who do you think might be my partner?
  12. Obligatory RBM to Coffee switch. Have to say this sounds really hedgy. You approve of the exe, but are suspicious of it. You don't think RBM is elim, but are willing to kill him anyway. C'mon, we can do better than that. And could you specify what you mean by "RBM dying today will give us a lot of information"? Either RBM is elim or village. What sort of info, in your opinion, do we stand to gain in either of these circumstances?
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