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Robot Aztec

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Everything posted by Robot Aztec

  1. aks what he would ask NIGHTMOTHEr for if he would get no curse from her
  2. —in this series, only two people have hit 100%—Vin and Elen[/rul] si where it says it
  3. brandon says in anotation vin = elend = 100% msitborn
  4. elend and vin was 100% msitborn! nobles are 50% allomansers &skaa are 20%/30%! vin is strong!!!
  5. saze is WITNESS but cant be called to stand the LAW should hqve RULEs for how to get evidense from witness that cant be called to stand it cant be the first itme saze shuild be in CONETMEPT OF COURT for obstructin of justice in diskworld even DEATH is witnes saze has not excuse does saze think beign STORNG means you dont need to obey teh LAW?
  6. some1 with 40% power can use ZERO allomancy so really if you combine 50% weak potential allomancer with even half power of another very weak potentail 50% you get some1 who has very strong allomancy from 2 ppl who are weak becaus so you can have much potentail and not even have any allomancy so is like 50+25-40=35 not 50-40=10 three times as strong!!!
  7. super strongtrh boens = dakkhor monks?? mon'kks?
  8. what if trelium spikes is nto one metal but more than one? rusted bits are one metal silver bits are the other that way all 1/2trelium spike can take one power but pure trellium is not same as atium to spike any metal?
  9. rmedember brandon is a nicest guy ever and you will do fine at signing have fun :)anyway can you please ask also if duraluminium hat is suepr easy to push emotions thru? it makes sense a opposite metal makes it super easy
  10. can you ask about waht the shadows form shadows for slilence would attack first?? 1] a returned from warbreaker 2] a noraml persaon 3] a drab? also can nihtblood eat learsium? would it make into a mistblade? how would he eat metals then???
  11. oooh can osmeone ask ask if Night Blood can eat larasium and if it would make him MIStBORN??? a msitborn sword would be super cool
  12. struck by lightening!!! zappp! end of book
  13. ask which if the shadows form shadows for silence would chase:: normal human, drab or returned if they had chance to chase only one? wwould all three trun into shadows?
  14. an you ask if shadows from shadoes of slience would eat normal human first or drab first or returned first if they foudn all three? would all three trun into shadows??
  15. are y ou going to be in time for crhistmas? it would be best fourm present EVER :)
  16. Acn you give a PErSON a command wiht breath and not just lifeless? like tell a drab 'stop smokeing' when you give him Breath and make him stop smokeign?
  17. hwo about if shadows wopuld perfer to eat a Reod before a noraml Elantran or a noraml eLantran before a boring human?
  18. dneth disgued himself as darb but still had sercet breath so yes you can have drab with Breath if breath is hidemn
  19. but brandon didnt say modern jsut mistborn right? if wok is just TINY bit befor alloy then ally fits in 10 yr gap no problems at all and it all makse sense
  20. stomrlight is before alloy so maybre the mistborn in between is alloy??
  21. yes they do vashe is stornger and faster and he si SUPPRESING returned powers even
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