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Everything posted by Kaladin_Stormblessed

  1. January 28th, 7pm, in Brookline, MA. http://www.brooklinebooksmith.com/events/mainevent.html
  2. Sorry about putting it in the wrong place. It was 3am and I was pretty exhausted.
  3. Hey everyone. Just wanted to drop by here and let you know that I got video of Brandon reading from book 2 of the Stormlight Archive here at World Fantasy Con. Enjoy!
  4. Argh, yeah. My editor put that up on there, I didn't even know. Anyone who commented on the facebook message or re-tweeted the... tweet? twitter? (leave me alone, I am old and not up on the twitter-lingo!) was entered into the contest, regardless of where they lived. Did you enter? I've drawn the names already, but it is possible that I might be able to help you if one of these people never gets back to me with their address...
  5. Is this "Inquisitor Santa" some sort of especially mischievous spren? Ah well, suppose I'll toss my spear into the pile too.
  6. Hey guys! Brandon set me up with 8 copies of the Alloy of Law broadsheet at his NYC signing to give away to people. If you didn't get a chance to see Brandon in person and want a shot at winning one of the broadsheets, follow the instructions on this blog post. No purchase necessary, just leave a facebook comment or re-tweet on twitter and you're in the running! I'll be drawing the winners out of Wayne's hat on Dec. 3rd... hopefully BEFORE he finds out I "borrowed" it.
  7. My pleasure! The magic system one had been asked so many times, but it's just so fascinating every time I hear him talk about it...
  8. Hey guys! My short interview with Brandon is up here. http://www.openthefridge.net/blog/2011/11/18/interview-author-brandon-sanderson.html (I plugged 17th Shard at the end, too!) If anyone's interested, I've got the audio recording of the interview on my computer. I'd be more than willing to email it to anyone who wanted to hear it from the kandra's mouth, as it were.
  9. I needed a new project for leatherworking class, so to practice my tooling, I decided to make these bracers! There's no metal on them, so they're safe for any noble mistborn to wear while steel-pushing and iron-pulling around the city. Bracers are constructed of belly leather. All tooling was completed with a swivel knife and background tool. Lacing around the edges is a very simple pattern, and two different dyes were used to produce the "silvered" effect; a black antiquing gel followed by a silver highlight into the tooled sections.
  10. Once I get some action shots I plan to submit them to the gallery. I haven't finished my vial-belt or glass knives yet, although the leather bracers are done. I could put up a picture of those... I think I will, actually!
  11. I find your thread title amusing, since you haven't read WoK yet. Once you do you might get a chuckle out of it, too. Welcome to the crew, just be glad it's not MY crew.
  12. Thanks!!! I do makeup work and acting for a haunted graveyard for the whole next month, so I am planning on... "borrowing" their facilities before they open for some cool shots in mist. Love your cloaks too, Hyde!
  13. 125 strips of fabric and many, many, many hours later.... I am proud to present my very own mistcloak! http://imgur.com/a/AuF6H I put all the images on imgur so as to save space here. Please forgive the last picture of myself, as it's pretty awful. >< Each strip of fabric was run through a serger and each hem was done individually. I decided to use a silver brocade for the edging along the hood and the "upper cloak" part, since these cloaks are owned by the lightey-- I mean, the nobility (heh), and I figured they'd prefer a more "elegant" look. I'll have more... "action-y" shots later, when I finish the rest of the costume. Until then, it's very entertaining to frolic about the house in this.
  14. Thanks everyone! KS would be fine, or just Kal, if you call the other Kaladin by his full name. I should have pics of the mistcloak up tonight, having to hem each one of these 125 strips is a major hassle...
  15. Every time I read your username over there I have to chuckle to myself. I imagine High Prince Saddeas saying it. I put up some pictures of the mistcloak and the leather bracers I am working on over there... The cloak might be done by the end of the week, providing 75 strips of fabric are enough and I don't have to cut and sew a bunch more. :\ Once I have some finished pics I'll definitely be putting them up here.
  16. Found your site through reddit, where I'm one of the mods for the Stormlight Archive subreddit. You're doing fantastic work here on compiling all the answers and theories of the cosmere, fascinating reading! I look forward to putting up some pics of my Mistborn cosplay once I finish it up, and to engaging in some fun conversations with the folks here.
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