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Everything posted by Shardlet

  1. Close. According to the coppermind they are blue, green, and purple.
  2. It is a reasonable connection to make. But it seems unlikely to me. That would be a substantial journey for most people. The mountains around Shinovar are pretty substantial. I expect it would be a pretty arduous journey for most of the people we have heard about having gone to see the Nightwatcher (see Baxil's interlude).
  3. My gut feeling is that it would not work the way you laid out. It would be still useful though, since wherever you went on Sel you would have a power set that you could use.
  4. This is just a curmudgeonly nudge. The Valley of Truth is in Shinovar and is not associated with the Nightwatcher.
  5. This is more an observation coupled with a musing rather than a theory. In the Starfalls chapter, Taffa (the woman married to the man Dalinar is standing in for) makes the exclamation, "Three Gods!" Most of us have readily dismissed this as referring to Honor, Cultivation, and Odium. Truly this may be a proper original meaning to such an exclaimation. However, in my reread of WoK that I am about halfway done with now, I hit an interesting corrolary in Szeth's second interlude chapter. If you'll recall, this is where the crap hits the fan for Szeth as he now comes into the control of a new master who knows who he is, what he has, and what he can do. In any case, as he is travelling on the way to fulfill Makkek's final mission he makes the following observation: Now, it could simply be that the Shin believe that men are watched by the gods by the light of the sun and the three moons, especially since the Shin also refer to the three moons as the three sisters. But it could also be that the moons themselves are regarded either as the three gods or direct manifestations the three gods. Thoughts?
  6. On top of which, the iron in your body is in ionic form not metallic. Note that iron suppliments are iron sulfate. When you get iron in your food, it is also in ionic form (barring unusual circumstances). Regardless, stomach acid (HCl) can oxidize the iron in both metallic iron and steel (putting it in ionic form). So, lurchers and coinshots should have an abundance of iron needed for their biology since some of the iron and steel the consume for their allomancy would be leached by their stomch acid.
  7. Limelleth's post begs a question. Peter, will you be joining Brandon at any of the signings this tour other than the release party?
  8. I'm pretty sure it will be. It is hosted by the U bookstore and if I am not much mistaken, most of their signings take place there.
  9. I am pretty dang sure that this is Taln. My guess is he is thinking about dreams (nightmares) he is having.
  10. I think doing something as a group could be cool. But personally I'm not much for posters and #1 fan sort of stuff. But that is my preference. Wetlander would probably join in, but I think it would be amusing to see hoser as a gushing fanboy .
  11. While there is not a specific thread for WoR, most shipping discussions take place in the Cosmere OTP thread.
  12. Good point. I hadn't thought about that scene. Very pertinent.
  13. Well, some adjustments need to be made to this theory in view of some of the WoR chapters we have seen. Unfortunately, the adjustments must be in spoiler tags to protect the innocent. It will be interesting to see two surgebinders fight. Will they feed off of each other's leaking stormlight or must stormlight come from a container (like a gemstone) in order to be infused.
  14. I think a lot of it is to get people's attention back after so long. I would not be surprised if book three was less to an extent. I also expect that Tor is hyping it big because of the substantial investment they have made in it (i.e., embossed cover, new color endpages, max pages they can print, etc.). I suspect that there would still be a substantial number of pre-release chapters. Though, glimpses may be a one-book pony (unless they get great feedback on it, I suppose). I think the book will likely live up to the hype. We have seen what Brandon is capable of. I have confidence that it will be great. Our fervor here is likely at a higher tenor than it would be otherwise due the longer wait.
  15. In a nutshell, reputation points are awarded by the community members for posts that you make which they find to be insightful, clever, or funny. Everybody has their own criteria. The best way to get rep points is to participate in the forum discussions or games we have here. If you wish to award someone a rep point, simply click on the green up-arrow in the bottom right of the post you liked. You will also note that there is a red down-arrow. You must decide under what circumstances you will smack someone with a down-vote (a negative rep point). For me personally, I only down-vote posts that seem to me to be particularly offensive. I have given maybe three downvotes in my 9 months here (excluding those in the theFallGuy experiment).
  16. I also assume that her brothers do not know about the blade. Here is a scenario why selling the blade is a bad and dangerous idea. They market the blade in whatever way you would do such a thing. The rub is, what are the circumstances where someone would sell a blade? 1) They have at least one additional blade and they have obtained an extraneous blade via some form of legitimate combat. 2) They have substantial debts and are in such dire straits that they must sell such a precious object. In scenario 1) such actions and acquisitions would likely be well-known. Certainly the possession of the original blade would be known. In the absence of scenario one or substantial evidence of scenario one, I would expect that scenario 2) would be the conclusion that potential "purchasers" would leap to. And that is where the crap hits the fan. A purchase would not likely take place. More likely, interested parties would hire an assassin to kill the family and take the blade. It would be likely be assumed that the family was killed due to the circumstances of their financial woes. Not a good deal for the Davars.
  17. It is also unclear how (the source not just the act) the blade came into her possession. If the blade is of unknown or dubious provenance, it may be very difficult and dangerous to try to sell it. It would raise all sorts of questions and quite possibly put her family in more direct jeopardy.
  18. Seems that storing investiture in nicrosil would be simpler. Only one spike required and no compounding required since she can eat and eat to make stormlight and then store it quite safely and handily. No additional metals required. Especially if burning requires Scadrian metals.
  19. Yes, Ishikk expressly says (or rather think-speaks) that the Purelake drains into "pits and holes".
  20. If the entirety of the Shattered plains comprises an ancient city, then that city would be staggeringly large. Kaladin estimates that there are ~100,000 people living in the Alethi camps. If you look at the map of the Shattered Plains, the craters where the Alethi live make up a small portion of the limited section of the plains that is mapped. Such a city would house many millions of people, which is pretty incredible for any ancient city. I struggle with the idea that the entirety of the plains was an ancient city.
  21. It would probably be pretty inappropriate to post the screenshots (in any way) since this is unreleased material. I think Team Sanderson would frown on that. Especially since Ch. 7 was excluded (rather than simply not included) from any of the pre-release material.
  22. I think she makes sense. She waffles a bit more than I would prefer. But, she spent almost all of her life in a different life than the one she is living now. She is uncertain as to her role and her value. Not that she does not think that she has a role or value. But rather, she is concerned that her role is one-dimensional. Most of that seems to be resolved before the start of HoA. I was glad to see that in HoA she becomes much more comfortable and secure in her relationship with Elend. From my own experience, I am perfectly comfortable with my wife, but I truly believe that I have the better end of our marriage. I think I am beyond lucky to be married to her. I esteem her far higher than I esteem myself. Personally, I think that is a natural outgrowth of love. Being the world's greatest mistborn is great and all, but she recognizes that that is a tool. It doesn't make her a better person, it only makes her a more useful person. You don't feel you become worthy of someone's love because of your resume. Rather, because of who you are, your personality, your choices, your loves, your, hates, your fears, your strengths, your weaknesses and your perception of those facets in the one you love. If you have not yet noted the increased comfort and confidence that Vin has in her relationship with Elend, just wait. It's there.
  23. Well, keep in mind that the Purelake is a very big lake. We also have only a vague idea of how many thunderclasts turned up in a large battle. Add to that, we have little to go on to suggest that the vision is connected to a significant battle that would result in a substantial number (whatever that may be) of thunderclasts. It may simply be an isolated 'spren' that becomes a thunderclast because it was cornered.
  24. Well, her previous review was posted on Tor (albeit in the comments) and this more official one is also posted on Tor. There really was very little content in this review. There was more in the first one, but not much more. Since she was given the opportunity to do this more formal one after informally doing the first, I suspect that Tor is on-board.
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