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Everything posted by askthepaperclip

  1. Not sure where to post this so I will say it here... Did anyone else find the ASOIAF story in Dangerous Women to be INCREDIBLY boring? I get that it was supposed to be in the style of a dry historical account (boy did it succeed) but man what a snooze. I was very disappointed that GRRM Put forth such a meager effort in his own anthology.
  2. Holy fast response time, Peter! Here is my question: does Peter have some sort of alert (read: bat signal) that informs him when someone mentions him here, or does he spend as much time here as the rest of us? ;-)
  3. I have mentioned this question a couple times elsewhere, but I figure I should post it here if I want to have a chance of someone asking it: In Dalinar's vision, why does Nohadon make a distinction between surgebinders and soulcasters?
  4. Wow, imagine my surprise this morning to find this thread active again! :-) Rade: I think you are on the right track about Hoid. I also suspect he is acting on some guilt as well; my guess is that he was closely involved in the original shattering, and is now trying to fix what he now sees as a mistake. Gamma: Thanks! Glad you like it :-) Pechvarry: I think the "anti Adonalsium" was the group that worked to shatter Adonalsium "with intent" (see my post from the NYC signing), of which Hoid may have been a part. How they did it, I have no idea. One interesting detail to add: Brandon has said that if Hoid were to be tempted by a shard, it would be Endowment. That fits in nicely with my theory that Hoid is trying to bring the power to the people, so to speak. :-D
  5. Aaarrgghhh Curse you and your "facts" and "sources"! Lol I still say something is amiss...
  6. I agree with Darnam. Upon reading, my impression was that she had already said the words, and was reminiscing about doing so.
  7. Not to be a buzzkill, but given that Wyndle himself (who may or may not be a splinter...lol) is confused by and cannot explain Lift's situation, I think it is safe to say that attempting to use Lift as an example to explain anything in the Cosmere is a fool's errand...this way lies madness! ;-)
  8. Is it possible that cryptics are not spren at all? Brandon did respond to "can Rock see cryptics?" with "good question, rafo" which probably means either Rock can only see certain types of spren, or cryptics are not, in fact, spren. This is also supported by the fact that every other type of spren we have seen has been called ___spren, but the canonical name "cryptics" breaks this pattern. Given Brandon's style, anything that doesn't fit a pattern deserves a closer look. I feel like a broken record for continuing to bring this up, but I cannot shake the feeling that Shallan, cryptics, and soulcasting (at least in certain forms) do not fit into the pat little surge table we think we have figured out so well, at least in the way we expect. ;-) There are just too many loose ends (wyndle calling out cryptics, nohadon calling out soulcasters, jasnah being surprised/confused by shallan's abilities, Brandon's early descriptions of the series), and I will eat my hat if we don't find out that soulcasting is somehow special/distinct from the other abilities we have seen. I don't remember if it is kurkistan or argent that keeps a list of such declarations, but you can add that one to it!
  9. Marianmi, I think you are getting caught up on the word "creating" regarding investiture. This is understandable if English is not your native language. I think you are trying to say that Lift is "converting" food into stormlight, rather than "creating" stormlight from food. Does that help? I think it is also possible that the term "stormlight" is confusing things. After a big meal, presumably Lift doesn't visibly glow as others holding a lot of stormlight do. I think she is converting food into whatever power stormlight holds/grants, rather than into stormlight itself, but the term "stormlight" is being used because that is the best in world descriptor.
  10. Man, I have to disagree with you on this one Chaos. I thought the little we have seen of Sixth was much more compelling and creepy. I really liked the juxtaposition of beautiful setting/crazy monsters that can track you by your thoughts (!), whereas Shadows seemed much more generic to me. Ghosts? Meh...
  11. Didn't Brandon say these stories were on insignificant Cosmere worlds? I don't think it could be insignificant if it had two shards. Also,I get the justice thing, but where did you get mercy as a shard? Just as a counter to justice?
  12. Here is one I didn't get it ask at the New York signing: In Dalinar's vision, why did Nohadon make a distinction between surgebinders and soulcasters?
  13. @ Darnam/Kurkistan: Lol yes, that would explain it. So, in that case, I stand by my original assessment!
  14. Just finished a reread of Elantris yesterday, and it seemed pretty clear that the reason they couldn't target themselves with AonDor was because of their "stasis" state due to the Reod. Although as I'm writing this I am now wondering why they were able to use transportation Aons on themselves but not illusion Aons...
  15. I don't know about this... Crem seems to follow a very natural (even for our world) cycle of erosion, dissolution, and deposition. If you have ever been through a hurricane, you know that big storms can and do carry sediment. I assume the highstorms pick of a lot of theirs from the shattered plains, since it was commented upon in the books that the chasms appear to have been eroded by years of highstorms. So that explains the silt at the bottom of all the rain buckets. As far as the "magical rock" that crem forms, this is the exact same mechanic by which stalactites are formed in caves: dissolved minerals in water precipitating out of solution to rock/crystal formations. Not really surprising. As for crem being good for plants/animals, come on guys, this is a rock based ecosystem. if you have crops growing directly out of the rocks, it makes perfect sense that they would be evolved to benefit from nice tasty helping of more rocks. And yes, I would imagine that having stalactites form on your back every time it rains would indeed make your shell stronger.
  16. yeah, I went back and rechecked MY OWN POST where I had transcribed Brandon saying that Sixth is the space travel one.... *headdesk* Am I allowed to downvote myself?
  17. I thought it was the Shadows for Silence world that is going to be aware of space travel...?
  18. Ooo fun!! I'm in! Happy Birthday, Peter! BTW, I figured this is a good opportunity to finally add an avatar to my profile...
  19. Ok glad it isn't just me confused! Thought I must have missed some epic joke, but apparently you did too?
  20. Air and pressure?? Now I think Brandon might just be messing with us...lol I assume the fancy physics stuff was about comparing the four "fundamental forces" of our world to the 10 surges of Roshar...?
  21. Ah, I forgot about the recreance vision. Yes, we know the Stonewards and windrunners were there, and we know they were glowing blue and Amber. Occam's razor would suggest that the associated gem matches the color of the glow. Interestingly, I hadn't made the connection before now that we see windrunners and stonewards hanging out together twice. I had previously thought that the skybreakers and windrunners would hang together as the first responder type shock troops, but maybe not...
  22. Ah, I forgot about the recreance vision. Yes, we know the Stonewards and windrunners were there, and we know they were glowing blue and Amber. Occam's razor would suggest that the associated gem matches the color of the glow. Interestingly, I hadn't made the connection before now that we see windrunners and stonewards hanging out together twice. I had previously thought that the skybreakers and windrunners would hang together as the first responder type shock troops, but maybe not...
  23. Madrand: Excellent analogy! Exactly what I was trying to explain, thank you. Upvote for you! I also think it is interesting that the device was described as two gems (topaz and heliodor) entwined together. This sounds more like a natural crystal formation than the cut stones we are used to seeing. The size is also impressive...each as big as her hand? Isn't that like two entire gem hearts? Maybe that is what it is...a strange double gem heart? I don't see how else gems could become entwined... Darnam: I don't think we have it confirmed, but it has been theorized based on the amber colored glow of her armour, linking her with topaz, and thus the 9th order, which we think is the stonewards (again, not confirmed I don't think, but probable)
  24. Lol Well said, Mac! "You want citations? How's about THESE citations?!" Why can I not upvote on mobile??
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