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Through The Living Glass

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Status Replies posted by Through The Living Glass

  1. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

  2. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

  3. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Eddie how are you still in denial after this long

      You're on a site MADE for nerds, for heaven's sake! 😂


      then again it's very entertaining so if you want to keep being in denial it's cool with me lol


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  4. Okay!!!

    My overalls!!!!



    ^ Started with white acrylic paint and a Sharpie outline



    ^ Finished it and let it dry, used pearlescent acrylic paint and regular and let it dry

    :D :D :D :D 




    One Blood.


    ~ Stick

  5. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

  6. I used to have two good legs

    and then my kuh-nees decided to hate me so then I only had one good leg and it wasn't even that good

    and now I have no good leggies because I decided to be an idiot and now my left thigh has to be wrapped while I wear a brace on the other knee

    I don't feel like explaining what I did though

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Ohhh I'm so sorry!

      (i cannot currently walk because of my knees, so i feel you rn)

      Get better quickly!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

  8. Hey guys!!

    I'm back!!!!

    I had such an amazing time while I was gone and I learned so very many interesting things about my crush...like how he was raised in a manner that if he comes and asks to sit next to me during meals and starts talking a lot with me it comes across as very friendly and natural.

    Which is SO refreshing after all the stupidness I have to put up with in other situations.

    We're pretty good friends now! However I won't see him again for three months because of summer break :(

    I have so many fun, stupid, crazy, adorable stories to share. PM if you would like to hear some of them.

    In the meantime...



    It's nice to be back!!

    ~ Veil

  9. Okay!!!

    My overalls!!!!



    ^ Started with white acrylic paint and a Sharpie outline



    ^ Finished it and let it dry, used pearlescent acrylic paint and regular and let it dry

    :D :D :D :D 




    One Blood.


    ~ Stick

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Yeah, Eddie really seams like she's over all this.


      I love how you can only make like, three puns with overalls.


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Have you ever been so sunburned you couldn't walk?



    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Yes ma'am, Ms. Eddie.

      Well, I already put lots on, and I did the second thing by accident...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Have you ever been so sunburned you couldn't walk?



    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Ahh it's all good. I'm slowly getting better. *hobbles away*


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      NO, actually though.


      I started play Hogwarts: Legacy the other day and when my character was getting sorted into a house the sorting hat was like "I sense something in you" and you could choose between daring, curiosity, loyalty, and ambition.

      Soooooo subtle.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  13. image.png.288f2d2911a145b2ab85605136ea4b68.png

    Y'all, I don't want to look through all that. 😑😂

    Also I'm back now! My family decided to stay an extra day. (i currently have the worst sunburns I've ever had! 😬)

    Huzzah, magic powers!

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      yes, I did look through it all. *sigh*

  14. Y’all ever have a dream that was filled with so much purpose, that you wake up feeling residual emotions from the dream? Like really strong ones? Cause that’s what just happened to me. 

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I've had some dreams that make me absurdly scared of myself and some dreams that make me absurdly proud of myself.

      Most of the time though, I just have terrifying dreams. Not nightmares though, idk. 😂


    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  15. Okay!!!

    My overalls!!!!



    ^ Started with white acrylic paint and a Sharpie outline



    ^ Finished it and let it dry, used pearlescent acrylic paint and regular and let it dry

    :D :D :D :D 




    One Blood.


    ~ Stick

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      He's right. He'll never be over it all.


      Not my best,





    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hey guys!!

    I'm back!!!!

    I had such an amazing time while I was gone and I learned so very many interesting things about my crush...like how he was raised in a manner that if he comes and asks to sit next to me during meals and starts talking a lot with me it comes across as very friendly and natural.

    Which is SO refreshing after all the stupidness I have to put up with in other situations.

    We're pretty good friends now! However I won't see him again for three months because of summer break :(

    I have so many fun, stupid, crazy, adorable stories to share. PM if you would like to hear some of them.

    In the meantime...



    It's nice to be back!!

    ~ Veil

  17. Point #1: As Mistborn moves into Era 3 and 4, it'll be closer to our own modern culture.

    Point #2: Furry conventions are a part of modern culture.

    Point #3: Tensoon is a furry.

    Thinking real important thoughts tonight.

  18. why does the shard always put my last SU in this box when I literally already posted it

    anyway, @Dead and I were having a conversation about pants when he said tha tights are pants. so now we need to have a heated discussion about whether tights and leggings are the same thing (theyre not) and whether tights are a form of pants or not (theyre not)

  19. why does the shard always put my last SU in this box when I literally already posted it

    anyway, @Dead and I were having a conversation about pants when he said tha tights are pants. so now we need to have a heated discussion about whether tights and leggings are the same thing (theyre not) and whether tights are a form of pants or not (theyre not)

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Firstly, I hate wearing tights and leggings. *shudder*



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. holy frick

    holy frick

    holy frick


  21. woah hi guys!

    art timeeeee hehehehe



    I drew this a while ago but I finally got around to coloring it within these past two weeks



    same thing with this one! drew this in December last year but finally colored it last Sunday lol

    how are yall? I'm supposed to be going to girls camp- @InfiniteInsanity and @TheGreatSnail hype me up here guys- on the 18th and then i should be back by the 21st

    if i have wifi i will try to make an effort to check in with yall

    i miss my favorite redhead so much rn guys i need to hold someones hand but my bestie is ... not in the city that I currently reside in and my bf is- *cough* nonexistent in the physical form due to him having an actual life and an annoying twin brother. hi @Dead! I miss you!!!

    I got put on a bunch of new meds....

    and i haven't been eating as much as I used to

    those two things do not correlate, new meds are not the reasoning behind that lovely chunk of information lol

    pretty sure it's the other way around actualluy but what do I know I just work here haha

    yall nebraska is crazy

    I hate thunderstorms. I hate storms in general but the thunderstorm that happened earlier was crazy wild and our house shook 😭

    I have to work tomorrow at 10 in the morning but that's okay because I love my job and I get paid money and I like money because money means I get to go to that AJR concert in July that I've been fangirling about since like december

    oh yeah I think I forgot to tell you guys about that lol

    I'm gonna be in the third row, front and center

    I'm so excited!!!

    but I currently have a little over $300 in my savings since I put $150 in there on Wednesday

    yall do not buy the prepackaged Boba tea stuff from hyvee the Boba balls pop so sad and depressed

    on another note, the giant wall of art, pictures, and posters that I have in my room has grown by 7 pieces today

    also those oui Yoplait yogurt things in the glass jars are so good and the jars are so baby and cute I love them I made my mom save two of them while I was at her house and there's one in our dishwasher and my grandmother's right now lol

  22. current favorite artists:

    The Crane Wives

    The Arcadian Wild 


    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      That was meant to sound like I was screaming but her name is in caps anyway so... 😂

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. woah hi guys!

    art timeeeee hehehehe



    I drew this a while ago but I finally got around to coloring it within these past two weeks



    same thing with this one! drew this in December last year but finally colored it last Sunday lol

    how are yall? I'm supposed to be going to girls camp- @InfiniteInsanity and @TheGreatSnail hype me up here guys- on the 18th and then i should be back by the 21st

    if i have wifi i will try to make an effort to check in with yall

    i miss my favorite redhead so much rn guys i need to hold someones hand but my bestie is ... not in the city that I currently reside in and my bf is- *cough* nonexistent in the physical form due to him having an actual life and an annoying twin brother. hi @Dead! I miss you!!!

    I got put on a bunch of new meds....

    and i haven't been eating as much as I used to

    those two things do not correlate, new meds are not the reasoning behind that lovely chunk of information lol

    pretty sure it's the other way around actualluy but what do I know I just work here haha

    yall nebraska is crazy

    I hate thunderstorms. I hate storms in general but the thunderstorm that happened earlier was crazy wild and our house shook 😭

    I have to work tomorrow at 10 in the morning but that's okay because I love my job and I get paid money and I like money because money means I get to go to that AJR concert in July that I've been fangirling about since like december

    oh yeah I think I forgot to tell you guys about that lol

    I'm gonna be in the third row, front and center

    I'm so excited!!!

    but I currently have a little over $300 in my savings since I put $150 in there on Wednesday

    yall do not buy the prepackaged Boba tea stuff from hyvee the Boba balls pop so sad and depressed

    on another note, the giant wall of art, pictures, and posters that I have in my room has grown by 7 pieces today

    also those oui Yoplait yogurt things in the glass jars are so good and the jars are so baby and cute I love them I made my mom save two of them while I was at her house and there's one in our dishwasher and my grandmother's right now lol

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      I'm just going to one of the SLC ones 😂


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  24. *sighs*

    You know...

    This is the first day that I haven't called Veil in... like... months. 

    She's away for the next three days (ish)

    I woke up at 5:30 and walked over to say goodbye this morning.

    She'll have limited access to her phone, and therefore, to me.

    We're talking very limited.

    As in, I got to text her for twelve minutes before her phone was collected again.

    I have officially been awake and going for 16 hours and 30 minutes.

    I haven't really gotten anything done, including basic self-care, like eating and drinking.

    I had work to do this morning, but I, instead, flopped in the middle of the floor and lay there for an hour because I was too depressed to move.

    I missed guitar and uke practice, fricked up art, almost fell asleep during math, upset everyone, and got my phone taken for 8 hours this morning.

    I have forced down emotions and tears all day, and now I'm too numb to care.

    I have a headache, I'm dizzy, I have no appetite...

    Not thirsty... 

    I feel like a zombie.

    A really lonely and depressed one.

    I just want to curl up in someone's arms and cry...

    I think having physical touch as your primary love language is the worst one.

    I just... feel so alone...

    thanks for reading my emotional dump

    assuming at least 1 person did.


    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Oh, Stick... I feel you. I'm so sorry. *hugs*

      We're here for you. ❤️

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. woah hi guys!

    art timeeeee hehehehe



    I drew this a while ago but I finally got around to coloring it within these past two weeks



    same thing with this one! drew this in December last year but finally colored it last Sunday lol

    how are yall? I'm supposed to be going to girls camp- @InfiniteInsanity and @TheGreatSnail hype me up here guys- on the 18th and then i should be back by the 21st

    if i have wifi i will try to make an effort to check in with yall

    i miss my favorite redhead so much rn guys i need to hold someones hand but my bestie is ... not in the city that I currently reside in and my bf is- *cough* nonexistent in the physical form due to him having an actual life and an annoying twin brother. hi @Dead! I miss you!!!

    I got put on a bunch of new meds....

    and i haven't been eating as much as I used to

    those two things do not correlate, new meds are not the reasoning behind that lovely chunk of information lol

    pretty sure it's the other way around actualluy but what do I know I just work here haha

    yall nebraska is crazy

    I hate thunderstorms. I hate storms in general but the thunderstorm that happened earlier was crazy wild and our house shook 😭

    I have to work tomorrow at 10 in the morning but that's okay because I love my job and I get paid money and I like money because money means I get to go to that AJR concert in July that I've been fangirling about since like december

    oh yeah I think I forgot to tell you guys about that lol

    I'm gonna be in the third row, front and center

    I'm so excited!!!

    but I currently have a little over $300 in my savings since I put $150 in there on Wednesday

    yall do not buy the prepackaged Boba tea stuff from hyvee the Boba balls pop so sad and depressed

    on another note, the giant wall of art, pictures, and posters that I have in my room has grown by 7 pieces today

    also those oui Yoplait yogurt things in the glass jars are so good and the jars are so baby and cute I love them I made my mom save two of them while I was at her house and there's one in our dishwasher and my grandmother's right now lol

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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