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Everything posted by Pineap-spider

  1. I boo nerdy and fool from the sidelines, and throw popcorn at them because they're interfering with the fight.
  2. Hands are the best. Always. I don't understand why I'm so weak, I do a lot of athletics!
  3. I arrive and start to cheer on strmblsd. I have my own popcorn.
  4. I got a 4 on that. I crammed the two days before the test, you should be fine (as long as you can write a good FRQ and at least kinda know the stuff) same, except with the cramming part. I really BS'ed my way through the test, you really only need to show up to class and not sleep through the entire class. it is better if you study though. don't follow my example.
  5. HAVE YOU NEVER PLAYED OCHO? tsk tsk tsk. It's actually really fun, if not a bit chaotic with flip. Again, I'm on team peace and Uno
  6. Granted. For an hour every day, time freezes and you can draw all you want for that hour. Too bad that hour comes at a completely random time of day I wish for a pencil that never dulls, breaks, runs out of eraser, or gets lost. (A super pencil)
  7. I've got AP Chem, and I'll be surprised if I pass.
  8. I launch my heat seeking mini-hydra-rockets, and blow up your tree, while also accidentally blowing up @The Stick's bunker. I dash toward the sandwich where you fell.
  9. So are we fighting the gingers or not because Brownies and Uno sounds like a party to me. Also, may I suggest that we play Ocho, a combination of Uno original, Dos, Uno Flip, Uno All Wilds, Uno Mario Kart, Uno Dare, and Uno Show Em' No Mercy?
  10. I don't even know what Saiyan names are TPBM has turned a large portion of their grade in 5 minutes before it locks
  11. *Quick google search* *Realizes I need a scholarship if I want to go to college* *Gets off the shard to do homework* do you prefer to eat the bat's wing or tail?
  12. I first point out that this isn't bold, and therefore isn't canon. I then steal Jerome and lock him in a zoo Finally I angry-birds-style slingshot myself at @WhyEverNot_8 and knock him off the cloud thing he's on. We grapple mid-air for the sandwich, neither of us with a parachute (It looks very dramatic in slow-mo)
  13. I instead start to play 3500 Hz and plug my ears. As Living Glass and Fool are in shock, I unbuckle, grab the sandwich, and dive into the water.
  14. I buckle up, and start to hook up my phone to the Bluetooth.
  15. I really have no proof for this, except that hoid helped shatter Ado in the first place, but his goal seems to be to keep all the shards separate, keeping as many of them intact and separate.
  16. I'm a lightweaver who disagrees with the basis of our oaths, and proud to be one. Do we really need to do anything?
  17. Granted. They are made from the skins of an extremely endangered animal, and you can't forget that fact when you wear them I wish I could always win games of rock/paper/scissors.
  18. Having never played Subnautica, and briefly googling images of the leviathans, I decide I need to get out of here. I jump through the window of The Ten Fool's car and change the radio station. I also take the sandwich.
  19. Well, for one, I've got glasses... Here's my model of the earth for Astrology class. Do you think i'll get a good grade?
  20. I wasn't looking what are the odds I end up with lung cancer after this? 10%?
  21. I eat cheese with a lot of things, although i prefer ranch with my pretzels TPBM has participated in one of Sanderson's crowdfunding campaign
  22. I see my name so an automatic 10/10. also, Texas is based. 11/10
  23. Granted. You can't stop talking, literally. eventually your voice wears out and everyone ignores you. I wish for glasses that didn't break and never got dirty
  24. It's too bad that I've already stole the moon I shrink you with my shrink ray as you approach and easily take the sandwich from your tiny hands. I then use my fart gun to propel myself deeper into space.
  25. I place a penny on the coaster track, completely derailing the thing (that's totally not an urban legend). as one of the ten fools goes flying, I use a grappling hook to grab the sandwich. Then the jersey devil appears out of the nearby forest, and I ride him into another alternate dimension.
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