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Everything posted by Anguished_One

  1. resolute 9/10 makes a 10/10 with the cool picture tho
  2. here's hoping it won't get awkward! I see him 2-3 times a week, so any awkwardness will SkYrOcKeT quickly!
  3. Oh! to get this back on topic! I'm planning to text that boy (i will refer to him as Bridgeboy from here on out) tomorrow! NGL, i'm FrEaKiNg out aLrEaDy *hides under table*
  4. Whiplash waited impatiently for the largo ahead of her to land.
  5. *yawns*

    *rubs eyes sleepily* 

    I'm going' to bed now, guys.

    See talk to y'all tomorrow 

    ♥️ :P 

  6. *steals everyones popcorn and waits eagerly* *thinks its taking too long* @SmilingPanda19 We Wanths A tory!
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