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Everything posted by XaliaStormblessed

  1. Hello and welcome!! Your video is cool! Do you have a favorite Cosmere character?
  2. Interesting! I loved Warbreaker too, but Stormlight is definitely my favorite.
  3. Lift is so great!! I'm excited to see more of her in future books. Do you have a favorite of Brandon's books?
  4. Welcome! Do you have a favorite character?
  5. Hello and welcome! Have you read any other of Brandon's books besides Mistborn?
  6. Welcome! Who is your favorite character?
  7. Hi! Definitely read Mistborn, and Warbreaker was really good as well!
  8. Never gonna let you down...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Star-shadows Shine

      Star-shadows Shine

      Because I love the song and rickrolling people it's fun

      Omggg I totally recommend seeing Coraline!

    3. XaliaStormblessed


      So I must have lived under a rock most of my life. Only after I asked you that question did I find out what rickrolling was 😂 and I think it's brilliant and hilarious 

    4. Star-shadows Shine

      Star-shadows Shine

      omggg welcome to the wonderful world of rickrolling 😂 it really is

  9. Hi there, welcome! I'm a Kaladin fan also The Stormlight Archive is pretty awesome!!
  10. Hi! These are amazing!! I really like the Urithiru one!
  11. That totally makes sense! I get why you would choose to do that; I would have loved it to be longer though, more Kaladin for me to read about You're right, I hadn't thought about his mental health being a factor for the differences in your stories. Such a good point that you incorporated! And aww that's such a cute story of you and your husband, you sound like you're really happy together! My husband and I have been married nearly four years now.
  12. @BethG I read your other fanfic and I really enjoyed it! I honestly don't know which one I liked more. Like I said before I think you have a really good handle on Kaladin's personality; I feel like the longer version depicts him a bit more in line with how I personally think he would act in that situation, with denying his feelings, coming up with reasons why they wouldn't work (denying himself the right to be happy). The complicatedness of it made it rather exciting to read:) I also liked that it gave more time for their relationship to develop. However I do think it would have been more profound if Elebet could have accepted first that she was still worthy of love even if she couldn't have children, before magic just solved the problem without her believing that. Maybe Kal could have convinced her and shown her- before they knew the Stormlight healed her. Either way, it was beautiful and I really enjoyed reading it, well done!
  13. Feel free to engage me in conversation, I would probably love to talk to you. About anything really, but particularly if it is regarding Kaladin Stormblessed and his dreamy, intense eyes. If it's not about that, I still may enjoy the opportunity. Most likely. Even though you're probably an airsick lowlander. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XaliaStormblessed


      @IheartKaladin4eva Thank you, I agree! And YES he IS the best- the most badass, incredible character in the Cosmere. What do want to see happen for him in Stormlight book 5?

    3. IheartKaladin4eva
    4. XaliaStormblessed
  14. I'm new here and still trying to figure out how everything works in this forum. I haven't seen orange arrows next to any posts. Is that a feature that changed recently? Is upvoting the same as tapping the heart icon? Hopefully this isn't a dumb question. What are reputation titles?
  15. Right? It was really good, and yeah I grew to really like Navani as a character and am actually disappointed that we won't see any more of Raboniel in Stormlight 5. I loved Kaladin's story arc in Rhythm of War too, even though apparently some people thought it was too dark
  16. I loved Words of Radiance, it's probably my favorite in the Stormlight Archive, for the reasons you mentioned. When Kaladin says the third ideal, it's pretty epic, but one of my favorite scenes is when he jumps into the arena with Adolin during the brutally unfair duel with the other Shardbearers. And yeah, I was laughing out loud at the interactions between Kaladin and Shallan and loved the scenes with them after they fall into the chasm. There were so many great moments in my opinion.
  17. My favorite was Words of Radiance, it has some of my favorite scenes and quotes- but I'd only put it slightly above Way of Kings and Rhythm of War, which I liked about equally. Oathbringer was great, but I found it very frustrating, mainly because of Shallan.
  18. I LOVE THIS. Your art is so beautiful!! I love Kaladin, he's my favorite
  19. Yes, I agree he needs someone sweet like her! And absolutely deserves to be happy more than any other character. Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever read another character I liked better either, I just love him so much!! And yes, I saw your other story in this discussion and can't wait to read it!
  20. I know this is an older discussion and who knows if you'll even see this, but I just joined the Shard and found your fanfic and I absolutely LOVED it!! I am also obsessed with Kaladin- he's basically the man of my dreams (I'm married but pretty sure my husband would understand lol) and I've been disappointed with the lack of romance in his story arc! I was reading this and thinking the whole time, "I so wish this was real!" I felt that you captured Kaladin's personality really well, and loved how you developed the story. Elebet is lovely. Overall I thought your writing and storytelling were fantastic! I just need more of Kaladin to last me this coming year before Stormlight book 5- fingers crossed he gets the happy ending he deserves!!
  21. I actually haven't read any novellas except for Edgedancer. I loved it though and plan on reading the others!
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