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  • Member Title
    How much power could an invested dragon hold. I wonder…
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    Reading, Writing, Gaming (video games and card games), Chilling by the fire with a cup of cocoa. Fun Stuff

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  1. Take me Elantris! I want to use the Dor as much as possible and experiment with it to the max! I will then use the Dor to make a modern toilet, because that is a necessity.
  2. You see, as much as Moash is an absolute cremling I understand a part of where he came from. You have done things you regret and someone offers to remove all emotions and he crumbled beneath his shame. Also, I love to hate Moash, Sadeas wasn't fun to hate what so ever.
  3. I really liked Ati. His story line and how he manipulated Scandrial throughout the years was amazing. And when I first read the line about writing things in metal I got literal shivers.
  4. I really loved Yumi but at the same time Mistborn is what brought me into the cosmere and I really love era 2 as well. SA is also always an amazing read. The Dor might be up there with the best uses of investiture out there… Brandon is just to good of an author for me to decide.
  5. Granted, you have forgotten how to write AonDor. I wish to own Nightblood.
  6. As you fit in a pocket I take the sandwich from you and flick you out of the room.
  7. First off, I really enjoyed your writing style and Peter’s adventurous spirit is really well written. The bard and the mists are both mysterious. I am excited to see where this goes.
  8. YKYASFW when you instantly go search this up because you want this to be in your search history.
  9. I hire the Scarlet Witch and she makes you hand me the sandwich. I then walk away without you noticing.
  10. I transform into a swarm of bats Dracula style and snag the Sandwich.
  11. I finished YatNP after having only a little more then a day. It might be one of my favorite stand alone books ever. Not just by Brandon Sanderson. First we got to see Brandon build not just one but two worlds that seem as different as night and day (pun intended). I love the Japanese and Korean basis for which the worlds were built and found the little calls to cultural amazing. Second, Hoid. Any book narrated by Hoid is a win in my book. I love his random interjections and almost erratic narrating style, plus the fact that he was a coat rack made my day. Third, the interactions between Yumi and Painter were really well done for an author that doesn’t often write romance. The carnival scene especial felt really well done to me with it seeming like a twist on the classic carnival date. Last big point, the Stormlight references really were just the icing on the cake for this book. I am so excited to see how patterns attitude in this story compares to other spren in SA5. Overall, definitely one of my favorite Brandon Sanderson books.
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